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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. > @"Arkantos.7460" said:



    You seem somewhat angry, and quite against more new content for some reason. Just because. Nothing has been announced, doesn't mean people can't talk about what they would like to see. It also doesn't mean there won't ever be a new expansion again.

  2. Two classes I suggest for beginners are warrior, and necromancer. Both have very high health, their class mechanics are very easy to use, and they are both very fun to play, imo. I recently switched from my guardian, which I've played about 75% of my time since I stated (mostly dragon hunter at HoT launch), to my reaper necro. Reaper is great for solo play, and is pretty fun in WvW, and unranked PvP (my experience is limited in both, though).


    Another good starter class is ranger. Good health, very short CD heal, pets, long range with longbow, and very good damage with greatsword.

  3. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > Look at which weapons are under-used and the ones that don't have an elite yet and take out the underwater (spear, trident, harpoon gun).

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weapon#Weapon_usability_by_professions


    > I would really like the pistol elite, but my Predator is just too cool not to vote for rifle.



    Lack of use doesn't suggest new especs, and the fewer classes using said weapon only opens up the pool wider for someone else to possibly get it. Rifle doesn't fit the class at all. I would imagine mesmer, or ranger getting it before rev. Thematically, GS, MH axe, a dagger for either or both hands, or warhorn make the most sense, followed closely by scepter, and focus.

  4. > @"Brad.9730" said:

    > I'm loving the Soul Eater rework for open world PvE. This trait provides so much self sustain without having to attribute stat points into Healing Power.


    > But, why is this trait healing me while I'm in reaper shroud when it isn't a life leech? Parasitic Contagion doesn't heal in shroud, and it's another trait that heals the user based on a percentage of damage. This inconsistency bugs me.


    > Also, why do the new life siphon weapon skills (warhorn 5 and focus 4) not heal while in shroud? If these life siphons are going to have inconsistent interactions, then they should at least have the Parasitic Contagion description, "Healing will not occur while life force replaces health."


    It just says "striking foes within the threshold," it doesn't say anything about only working outside of reaper.

  5. > @"SehferViega.8725" said:

    > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > Not that I play deadeye anymore but seriously. I know it's a fantasy game but in any world how does a bullet have a shorter range than a bow? With silent scope nerfed. Surely we can have a higher ranger when not kneeling. It's abit ridiculous when a guy with a bow can out range a guy with a rifle.

    > >


    > In this game longbow is synonymous of machine gun. ArenaNet only gave it a "wrong look". XD


    Yeah, ranger LB2 is a perfect exsmple.

  6. > @"Ensign.2189" said:

    > Firearms had a relatively poor effective range until fairly recently; it wasn't until the mid-19th century that the bullets from rifles were more lethal than their bayonets. Even fairly sophisticated modern weaponry only goes do far - while a high caliber rifle can hit a target a mile away in the hands of an expert marksman, your mainstream 0.223 AR-15 starts to lose effective range after 500m or so. Long range firearm combat is a pretty recent invention.


    > On the other hand, back when longbowmen were premiere soldiers on the field they would regularly fire at targets over 300m away. People underestimate how accurate an experienced archer is - a modern compound bow is a much more accurate weapon than a pistol, for instance. It's really only the last hundred years of precision manufacturing of firearms as weapons of war that has matched the range and lethality of the marksmen of old.




    True that may be, but this is a world where people go invisible, fire rains from the sky, dead people can be bandaged back to 100%, and dragons exist. We aren't playing in a reality earthlings know, so it only makes sense with the technology to be able to physically teleport people across the world, limitations of firearms don't exist as they did for real people 200 years ago. Once technology beyond the real world comes into play, old limitations go out the window.

  7. I have to agree, though I would like to see others buffed, and ot have this one nerfed. I just started playing my thief because I like the idea of DD, like a monk in other games, and the rest seem much less useful as I'm leveling (at 50 now). I'm sure it's just the fact that my focus is just damage at this point, but I always go back to it.

  8. > @"Assic.2746" said:

    > Why are you guys so excited about the **alternative virtues**?! We already have alternative ones for Dragonhunter and same for Firebrand. Don't you want something fresh? You want 3rd elite spec which does the same thing - replaces core virtues with alternative ones? C'mon


    Lol, because that changes the way the class is played. It's not as if they are getting the warrior treatment, literally just adding a different attack. They are very different from the core virtues, and we are interested to see how the class will play with new ones. I fail to see how change is the same as always

  9. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > I just want one thing, a trait that reduce bow skills recharge, why not? Seriously, almost all other weapons have a trait that reduce the recharge:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recharge

    > (Greatsword, Sword, Torch, Focus, Shield, Mace and Staff)

    > (PS, which profession have the smallest number of recharge reducing traits? Yeah you found it! Engie! 1!)


    Because engineer has kits to swap to, reducing the need to camp a single weapon, and effectively giving them the most weapon swaps in the game.

  10. > @"soltanmasoud.2097" said:

    > Necro (Reaper) and Warrior Best class for solo.


    I'd add that this healing/condi/minion scourge build I've been running in OW does very well. So much support for your minions, and with epidemic, large groups are a breeze.

  11. > @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > And somehow, we pulled out all of the stops in order to kill Kralk, and he ended up removing our most powerful weapon from future combat, with only the (temporary?) loss of an eye. Its all a difference of opinion, no one is right or wrong.


    > Not really, if we had Glory of Tyria or Glint's spear Kralkatorrik would have been done as well.


    If we had the power of 1000 gods, we could have destroyed him easily as well, but we didn't. If we had all three dragons still alive, we could have won with no problem. It's a moot point bringing up things that could have happened with nonexistent things. We fought him with all we had, and we lost.

  12. > @"Slowpokeking.8720" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > Firstly, we cannot properly separate where the risen's tactics end, and Zhaitan's tactics begin (and we do know there's a difference as Mordremoth is said to be the only Elder Dragon to micromanage minions). We also know that Zhaitan was not literally "staring at people" through Whiting and other minions because that's literally why Eyes of Zhaitan exist - to be direct and real-time visual surveillance for Zhaitan. Zhaitan's being "behind the eyes" of the risen was more a metaphor to represent that there was a force empowering them.

    > >

    > > Sure, Zhaitan caused the huge tsunami and turned many people into risen, but Kralkatorrik created the Dragonbrand and corrupted as good a number of people - all on par to Mordremoth's initial vine spreading or Jormag shattering the Far Shiverpeaks. They're all on par there. They all have a moment of activity.

    > >

    > > And it'd be debatable just how "almost got killed" Kralkatorrik was, since the group focused on a one-shot kill tactic. But as you noted, it's right after his awakening, when he was at his literal weakest. And Balthazar did put a lot of effort, he waged war across the entire Crystal Desert and northern Elona, had to find his exact weakness, and march an army to Kralkatorrik's stronghold. Balthazar basically did the exact same things that the Pact did against Zhaitan. It doesn't seem like much, because we spent more time fighting Forged who had already killed so many branded, rather than fighting the branded ourselves. Balthazar, the Warbeast, and the Forged were to Kralkatorrik as the Commander, Glory of Tyria, and the Pact were to Zhaitan. Both groups did about equal amount of battle and effort. Balthazar had cleared the path off-screen, and we marched through the aftermath.


    > It's Zhaitan's army, of course it's his command.


    > Not really, he surely could know stuff through his champion, just the Eyes do it better. He can see through his champions if he want, just usually not doing so.


    > Zhaitan took a megaship and super laser while the fight was easy in the game. Mordremoth took an army outside and a group inside his mind, Kralkatorrik was not really deal compare to them, and remember when Balthazar was taking on him, he already absorbed both Zhaitan and Mordremoth' strength, yet he couldn't do much to help himself.



    And somehow, we pulled out all of the stops in order to kill Kralk, and he ended up removing our most powerful weapon from future combat, with only the (temporary?) loss of an eye. Its all a difference of opinion, no one is right or wrong.

  13. > @"Zephire.8049" said:

    > Nope. It would make balancing an issue and one of the reasons why skills were locked to weapons in the first place was to cut down on balance issues. Weapons are also one of the selling points of elite specs and synergizes with their new function skills and trait line, as well as having different lore reasons explaining why not all in a broad profession can use certain weapons.


    > To use your example of firebrand, firebrands study the past and are magic users who fight close combat and also use their skills and knowledge to protect allies. Dragonhunters, on the other hand, came about as a profession due to the dragon menace and they're essentially a magical huntsman who uses bows. It makes no sense for someone used to books to know how to use a longbow, nor for a hunter to know how to conjure magic from books.


    > The Commander is skilled at many things but being a prodigy that can learn all is not one of them.


    > But again, leaving all lore reasons aside, it would be an utter nightmare to balance and certain weapons would have to get modified skills because they add/use resources that only the elite spec has access to. Either they have to be changed/buff to work without, say, malice, or nothing is changed so they're not worth using outside of roleplaying (and then you can just switch your third trait as needed).


    > Guild Wars 1 had 1319 skills that could all interact with each other and it was an utter nightmare to balance. What you're asking for isn't so large, but it's still 80 skills that were only supposed to interact with 2 non-elite traits at a time.


    I agree mostly (gave a helpful on this one), but it doesn't really make sense that your character forgets how to use things. My guardian learned both books/axe and LB. How does he forget how to use thses things based on using something else? It makes sense in lore, until you think about the same person learning multiple things in their lifetime. Again, I'm not for the change suggested by the OP, but your reasoning is a little off.

  14. > @"Psaro.6178" said:

    > Once you try out scourge on Necro you can't come back.


    So real. I started a necro in 2013, stopped because I liked my guardian more. I really liked the concept of reaper, but I didn't feel like leveling him up, and HPs were hard to get in early HoT (for me). I used tomes to level him up over time, but didn't understand the class at all, having only played to level four. I was on and off with my DH, and breaks got longer and more frequent. The last time I decided to play again, I forced myself to play necro, going through his story to learn. After the level 30 quest, I knew enough to go out and get the GS, and after that, I was hooked. I farmed enough points to finish the spec, and made him my main.

  15. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > It might be a sorry excuse for such deficiencies but the necromancer's defense turn around health point (large health pool and shroud/barrier), damage reduction (protection/weakness) and soft CC (chill/blind in the case of reaper). You can also add to this boon corruption.


    Yes. People underestimate chill. If the enemy is attacking less, you are taking less damage.

  16. > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > > > A weapon-less ele. Like, the whole body is the weapon, you generate everything. This would solve the melee/range issue with ele given the lack of swapping weapons, and even with a weapon swap, the weapons will still feel clunky as they weren't designed for that purpose. Make skills a mix of melee and range.

    > > >

    > > > However, since e-specs are not designed to limit weapon versatility, this will hardly ever exist.

    > >

    > > Could be dual focus build, if a weapon is necessary for game mechanics.


    > Focus is probably not my go-to weapon, it's really bad on ele, and I don't have much trust (I'm sorry), on how having it on main hand would change that, as the skills are not quite fun to use. Maybe a two-handed weapon that has been melee and range for some professions.


    It was a joke, based on your weaponless build idea.

  17. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > has highest HP in game(well war has same but that is it),

    > has life force bar that works as second HP bar if traited right?


    A second combat rechargeable health bar. I find I'm downed much less, and die much less than I do on my DH, because the defense is passive. DH has more active defense, but one of the lowest health pools in the game, so when I start to take heavy damage, I have to go into defense mode, which usually stops my damage output. As a necro, my health bar keeps me from needing to go into defense mode more often than not, and when I do, I'm still doing good damage, eliminating the threat to my health.

  18. > @"Zeviru.2795" said:

    > Thank you all for your answers to this threat, it has been really interesting and insightful as I am totally new to this game and in general is the first mmo I am diving in since ragnarok online.


    > Regarding the necromancer I have never really been that connected to the theme of the class, all the using dead and that.


    > From the other classes I have tried the mesmer and for now really like it, like the mind control, space time magician thing and the fluidity of the gameplay as long with the utility it can bring with teleports or boons as long as having nice dps builds.


    > The elementalist I have tried just a bit and as much as I like the classic elemental magician theme I haven't been that in love with the class, at least the base one, haven't tried any specialization as I am not that advanced.


    > For the guardian the theme of the firebrand seems really nice, guardian is not that complicated of a class but the firebrand which I need to try seems really good.


    > The only other class that call for my attention are the druid which I believe is ranger specialization.


    > Thanks a lot and will be checking this post regularly


    Necro doesn't really have to be about death. If you go minion free, it's really just black and green spells. Warrior and necro are always my go to for new player suggestions. They have high health pools, are good dps, warrior, and scourge once you get it, are good support, warrior has a very short CD heal, and necro has a second, high DPS health bar that recharges in battle.


    Always play what you like, though. Otherwise, you'll end up leaving from boredom, or frustration.

  19. > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > A weapon-less ele. Like, the whole body is the weapon, you generate everything. This would solve the melee/range issue with ele given the lack of swapping weapons, and even with a weapon swap, the weapons will still feel clunky as they weren't designed for that purpose. Make skills a mix of melee and range.


    > However, since e-specs are not designed to limit weapon versatility, this will hardly ever exist.


    Could be dual focus build, if a weapon is necessary for game mechanics.

  20. I started off as a guardian, moving into a dragon hunter with HoT. I still enjoy that class, but after trying many classes (years after choosing guardian), I decided I wanted something with more passive defense. That left me with warrior and necro, and to a lesser extent, revenant and ranger (based on health pools). I also wanted to use a greatsword, so most filled that role. Pets were a plus. The second health bar of necro was the final factor.


    I opened the reaper line, and found a build on metabattle. In reaper shroud, I have permanent quickness, 600 extra ferocity, and 33% extra crit chance, and 25 stacks of vulnerability in about five seconds. With pets (mainly just the elite pet), and axe/warhorn, I have some range burst, and breakbar damage (GS5, WH4, elite pet, shroud 3 and 5). I am almost always top damage in fractals, and dungeons. It is a selfish build, mostly, but is very good at what it does.


    I would get bored playing on my guardian. It was just not a fun playstyle all of the time after a while. I started taking more, and more breaks, and they started getting longer. The class revolves a lot out of active defense, which, honestly, I'm not the best at, so I would die more than I liked. Since changing over to reaper, I have been enjoying myself much more, and haven't taken any extended breaks yet. The point is, definitely play a class/spec you enjoy, and you will spend more time ingame. After a while, the classes just become different mechanics, and you'll be able to swap between them far more easily than you could starting out, then alts become a real option.

  21. > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

    > > I would like to see them removed altogether, as it seems we partly have to pay for armor twice -- once when you buy it and once when you want to wear it again. Can you imagine going to your real life closet every morning and paying to wear what you already bought? (ETA: I'm not whining because I don't have enough transmutation charges; I have plenty. It's the idea of them that I find annoying.)


    > Not exactly.


    > Do you go to your real life closet, put on something to wear, go outside and the article of clothing gets dirty or ripped so you just...put on another one of them? Or do have to pay for that article of clothing to get cleaned, fixed or buy a new one?


    > Also, when you go to your closet and go through your clothes with a friend (who is a completely different build/height from yourself), can your friend wear all those clothes too?


    This doesn't make any sense. Armor is damaged, and doesn't change appearance. If I want a look, I wear the thing I bought. I can wash it, and wear it multiple times. Damage rarely happens to clothing of an adult, so that point is moot. If I want the same look multiple times, I wear the thing I paid for once. I dont have to pay for it every time i wear it. Also, just about all of my friends are my size, just like all of my characters are about the same size.

  22. The last time I had problems with a boss was Cadecus in LS3, but that was easy enough to power through, and still be half clothed. I was actually disappointed with the fight against kralk, way easier than I thought. If I'm not yelling at my screen, it's too easy, lol.


    The only time I ever run into problems 99% of the time, is when I tunnel, and don't pay attention to where I'm supposed to be going, or what I should be doing.

  23. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > I think skins bought in the gem store shouldn't cost additional charges.

    > Anything else is fine


    I do agree with this. Spending real money seems like it should come with a benefit, even if you only get a handful of charges on the item, or on the side. Not full sets of armor, but the individual pieces you can purchase.


    I also feel like if there were more free-to-change items, with an exclusion on certain pieces (like no legs or chest), people would be willing to use transmutation charges on what they don't get for free, while leveling.

  24. > I am confused tbh.. if MF needed to be nerfed to make it fair for all when opening up loot.. then why have it in the first place. MF is a stat that players get to put time and effort into increasing to max at their own pace.. every player, new or old has the same ability to do so and it works the same for all. The system was not unfair just because player A has max MF accumulated over 5yrs of playing but player B only has some MF after 1 yr of playing.

    > To nerf it because MF offered a richer return for one over another is ludicrous.. nah imo this change had nothing to do with that it was merely a nerf to take away wealth from the game as a whole. It is another change of this ilk that has been common place for a while now, certainly since the Jahai update and the requiem/sigils malarkey and very much in line with what we now know has come to pass internally .. it's about revenue and I see no reason to not be upfront about instead of passing this off as another "QoL"


    The unidentified gear was double dipping. MF was affecting what unidentified gear you were getting (which it still does), then again when you identified the gear (which is what was removed). MF is still useful for getting better unidentified gear, but there is now a set % for getting upgraded items from the identifications.

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