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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > pretty much every class already some form of minions

    > Ranger - Pets

    > Necros - Undeads

    > Mesmer - Illusions

    > Elementalist - Elementals

    > Guardian - Spirit Weapons

    > Thief - Thief Guild

    > Engineer - Turrets

    > Revenant - Spirit Charrs

    > Warrior - One man army


    > you may well just go play GW1, plenty of human pets


    That is a far stretch on the revenant. It's not as if those things do anything more than a single attack on use. This is nothing like necro pets, or even guardian "pets".

  2. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > Eh, all that ai to incorporate... If you haven't noticed, gw2 ai is not the brightest. A good ai foundation from the get go is what made heros a realistic addition in gw1.


    > It's actually pretty amazing how "smart" gw1 ai is. Some hero roles are actually even competitive with human players because the ai is "all-seeing".

    > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Foe_behavior

    > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hero_behavior


    Yeah, I have had too many situations where the NPCs in your group during story content are just standing there, watching you do everything. The most recent was yesterday, replaying the PoF story on a new character, I was reviving people after fighting Balthazar's herald for the second time, and all of the NPCs in my group just stood there. I know they can help heal, because they all jumped in on the last person. It's not a big deal, but it shows how bad the AI would be with the hero system in place.

  3. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > There are keybind slots for each mount separately. I have them bound to a set of non-letter keys at the right-hand end of my main keyboard.


    No shit, I had no idea. I literally just posted in another thread about how tedious it is to swap between the griffon and whatever other mount I need to use for functionality. This is going to make things so much easier.

  4. > @"IIIxVxIII.2135" said:

    > as others said spvp is the best way to get them. i have 450 of them that i dont know what to do with that i got with spvp. I use them pretty often. i probably used about 30 of them last week and im still gaining more than i can spend.


    I'm not a huge fan of pvp in this game for the most part, but that gives me a reason to go in there more than I do now. It would be nice to change the appearance of my ascended gear when swapping between characters.

  5. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > I kinda like the “charging up” foot tapping springer thing for the big jump. It adds character to the mount. When I need vertical on the move I use the griffin.


    I do too, but its cumbersome to constantly swap back and forth. I usually wait until I either need a different mount, or until I dismount for some reason. Going from the griffon, to the Springer because the griffon can't jump high enough, back to the griffon etc becomes tedious.

  6. It is a bit annoying, but I've learned to stop running and hit space quickly at this point. If there was a delay between hitting and holding it would be ok, but sometimes I just want to jump over something, and not be rooted to do so. If they could implement it properly, I would totally be on board.

  7. What I focus on when leveling is uncovering all of the map I'm in, and picking up all the HPs, and WPs while doing so. On my second revenant I just got to 80, I had just under 60 extra point to use on my first elite spec. I've found map completion to be much easier when coming back later, too.

  8. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > >

    > > > Quality of LS maps. Lol?! LS 3 1-3 maps are top tier compared to LS4 garbage (except sand swept isles).

    > >

    > > I find it absolutely impossible to believe you can compare the quality of BloodStone Fen, Ember Bay and Bitterfrost Frontier and say they are even close to what the first three maps of s4 are.

    > > Bloodstone Fen is easily the worst map we have seen in the game, Core Tyria included. The only things that keep people going there is the Blood Ruby farm for Aurora (and some who like the stat swappable trinkets) and the Maguuma Lily/Freshwater Pearl hunting. It's clealy unfinished, there are very few actual stories in the open world, The mobs are poorly tuned, and the meta event is a tedious grind. Ember Bay is not much better. BFF is just two farms.

    > > This isn't just opinion. The new maps are **objectively** better in every way.

    > >

    > > >Value of mounts vs glides. Glides created new ways to traverse. Mounts did not. We already had waypoints for a reason.

    > > Now I know you are just being contrary to somehow enhance your point.

    > > If you actually think mounts are not a new way to traverse, then you are not using them properly.


    > Different views I guess. Though most of the threads involving best/worst maps put blood fen and bitter frost on the high end. The feedback regarding LS4 episode 3 specifically had Domain of Kourna map as the low point. I consider Istan to be the worst map in the game and it was not strongly received either.


    > As for mounts, there is not much to them more than fast movement speed. You run around you see a mob you wanna attack then you pounce on it. There were a couple of interesting puzzles involving the jackal, but they are few and far in between.


    > Trying to say that your opinion of the maps is consensus, in contrary of most feedback is funny though.


    I think you're forgetting about the vertical aspect of mounts. If you don't think it is a new way to traverse the land, just look at how much easier vistas are to get to in core Tyria. If you don't think being able to jump to the top of a mountain is a new way to get around, you are being purposely oblivious to prove your point.

  9. > @"Zahld.4956" said:

    > Take it easy on the devs and their posts you public posters. The devs aren't that bad, sort of hehe. You guys/gals are blowing things way out of proportion and are over reacting about certain dev posts. I understand that people aren't always nice but give them a break, maybe they had a bad day or something. Sometimes a little recourse is needed but take it easy with it.


    A bad day doesn't excuse that kind of behavior. You don't just throw around words like racism, or sexism. If you're going to call someone out for something they are not, or at least not acting like at the time, be prepared for backlash. People are quick to throw out hate words when someone disagrees, but maybe it has nothing to do with that, and the person accused of that hate just thinks you're stupid, or wrong, and has absolutely nothing to do with race, gender, orientation, IQ, etc. The thought process of instantly pulling out the race, or gender card is in, and of itself racist or sexist if nothing is ever hinted at the fact. Always thinking people that disagree with you are sexist because they are men, is sexist.

  10. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > Stat combinations and gliding are the biggest ones. THere are a few really good stat combos in HoT and while mounts are nice, gliding is extremely good sometimes. Being able to jump off a cliff even in combat or to just have that general convenience even without a griffon are pretty huge. We have to keep in mind that the griffon is still 250g after all and not everybody is going to have access to it, especially newer players.

    > >

    > > The griffon really is nice. It is better than gliding for sure, but it also looks awesome. I honestly feel the combination of HoT and PoF makes for the best experience.


    > Definitely agree. I **forced** my friends to play through HoT with me first and they were glad they did :D


    The only thing I didn't really enjoy was trying to read the map, and figuring out a route. The maps were a nightmare at first, but once you traverse them a few times, and remember where to go, they aren't that bad. Those stupid archer frogs are still annoying as hell, though.

  11. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Stat combinations and gliding are the biggest ones. THere are a few really good stat combos in HoT and while mounts are nice, gliding is extremely good sometimes. Being able to jump off a cliff even in combat or to just have that general convenience even without a griffon are pretty huge. We have to keep in mind that the griffon is still 250g after all and not everybody is going to have access to it, especially newer players.


    The griffon really is nice. It is better than gliding for sure, but it also looks awesome. I honestly feel the combination of HoT and PoF makes for the best experience.

  12. > @"DijitalKiD.2154" said:

    > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > > @"DijitalKiD.2154" said:

    > > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > > > And you couldn't have added this to one of the other numerous threads because . . . ?

    > > >

    > > > No other thread is highlighting the disgusting racism. Are you attempting erasure of a POC voice?

    > >

    > > 1. I don't think you read her post correctly, if you're trying to say that it is calling POC inferior. Might want to read it again.

    > > 2. Every other thread about her is still about her. It could have still gone there.


    > The other threads are asking about sexism at Anet. This thread is asking about racism at Anet.


    There is no need to separate hate and stupidity when the focus and goal are the same. Who cares if you post something about this bigot also being racist on top of sexist in the same thread. You're splitting hairs than need no seperation.

  13. > @"pareth.3847" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > I'm confused why the "sexist" card was pulled. Did someone say something about females, or simply about her. I could understand if the post contained negativity about women in general, but I loathe when people use the "you're not like me, so you obviously hate everyone that is" arguement. That thinking just perpetuates the hate they are calling out.


    > It was because she's a female and the guy who offered his opinion (politely!!!!) was a man. That's all. If I called every man sexist who gave me recommendations or feedback on how things could be differently, I would never have improved in my own job.


    > And to all who say she can do what she want on her private Twitter: she makes her tweets visible to all. She could protect them, too, and only connect with people she likes and trust. Then no gamers could see her tweets. But she posts publicly as a representative of Anet. I work for a charity. Do you think they would like it if I proudly mentioned that in my profile and then was disrespectful towards our clients? I'd lose my job. Simple as that. That's why you keep private profiles and profiles related to your job SEPARATE. She also complained a lot more about people, and not nicely. She felt hassled because it was a holiday in the US. If she had a company twitter, she could just NOT see that on days off. And her truly private Twitter profile would be free of people she doesn't want to communicate with. Simple.


    That's what I was getting from the posts. I dont have a twitter account, and don't feel like learning anything about it to read about someone like that. I can't stand when people create problems that aren't there to try to invalidate someone else. I've had a similar arguement brought against me in the past. It has to be frustrating for him, I'm just glad this community has rallied to fight this stupidity, and bigotry.

  14. I'm confused why the "sexist" card was pulled. Did someone say something about females, or simply about her. I could understand if the post contained negativity about women in general, but I loathe when people use the "you're not like me, so you obviously hate everyone that is" arguement. That thinking just perpetuates the hate they are calling out.

  15. > @"Zedek.8932" said:

    > I think I've read somewhere that Arcane Studios - or whoever made DISHONORED 2 - was spending so much money into the game that it could not get enough revenue in return. A financial flop. Dishonored 2 is a beautiful, great game and probably one of my life's best games. But it was expensive as heck. Studios die and did die because gamers nowadays are so greedy and cheapskates. In our local store, there are the cheap 1.09€ bananas the kilogram. They are, of course, sold out quickly due to high demand. But nobody buys the 1.79€ bananas of higher quality. The customers expectations to quality and their will to spend accordingly is totally out of relation.


    > In another thread of today, the "Would you by a 3rd expansion", I had an encounter with exactly this mindset. "I buy it when in sale".

    > It's that stance that is the reason why companies lower their efforts. It's a death spiral and should be obvious to everyone.


    > PoF was 30€. That is, for me right now, before my wage raises in October, 2.7 hours of work after taxes. I start at 6:00 AM and at 8:70 AM, I could have already afforded the game already that gives me months of fun. aNet is huge. They have to pay for staff, for power, for computers. When someone uses the soap dispenser in the staff restrooms, this has to be paid. And then people do not want to shell out €30 or want it for €15 and still complain about not having a scenery that takes so incredibly long to make? The assets have to be made, it has to be placed. Everyone who tried out a map editor knows how long it takes to get one single map done and looking decently. But that is only lo-fi, easy peasy content-making. Imagine you start from scratch. You have writers that are sitting in front of an empty piece of paper, or the designer just know the vague direction. The sound guys need to start doing their jobs. The composers, too.

    > Then we have - at least in German - an outstanding voice-over. (I still love that the male Asura is voiced by the same guy that voiced the German Samwise Gamgee. Hearing Hobbits talk while playing an Asura is kinda funky!) All that is time and money. And yet so many people would not buy anything with a pricetag over €10.


    > We get a lot and a high quality game. When Deadeye has been ~~screwed~~ changed I quitted for 2 months. Went back to my Lalafell Blackmage, saw what FF14 suffers from (check the forums if you wish, it's all over the place) and I still saw how slow and sluggish Neowizz is with their already-done content. My Mascu ranger is now on stand-by due to that. I wish the players of today would finally start appreciating video games again. As art. As culture. Not something to consume while playing Netflix movies or reading Dulfy guides all over. Maybe then your content also lasts longer.


    > Excelsior.


    This may be true to an extent, but look at the new God of War. That game is the best single player game I've played in a very long time, it has a very high quality to it, and it sold very well at full price. The problem people have with games is a lack of creativity in sequels. That game did better than a lot of the othe sequels because it is like playing a different game in terms of the camera, combat, story line and progression, but still holds the name. People want innovation, not more of the same thing with a new engine.


    MMOs can't really do that, since it's just a continuation of the existing story, and a complete overhaul of the game isn't really feasible, but it is still something that will eventually lead to people leaving, and coming back, just to leave again. Luckily, GW2 seams suited for this eradic style.

  16. > @"slayerking.3581" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

    > > > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > > I'm just confused why someone thought a bird that turned into a dino was referencing a beetle.

    > > >

    > > > It's not that the bird was referencing a beetle, it was that the beetle's name was an Easter egg about the comedy scifi series "Red Dwarf" (which although it wasn't a US creation, I loved it! Thank you UK!)

    > > >

    > > > I am with the above posters, though, in that I think it's more of a Pete Best reference, a la "5th Beatle (Beetle)"

    > > >

    > > > Cheers for that, ANet!

    > >

    > > The OP says the first thing he thought about was a bird named Pete, that was turned into a dinosaur. I'm confused why this would be a reference to this mount. I'm not seeing any connection at all. I understand the whole Beatles thing, I'm just wondering why the OP was even a thought at all.


    > Because the guy had a PET named PETEY that's why


    Oh lol, that's a bit of a far reach. The first thing I thought of was American Pie where Jim was pretending to be a "special" band geek named Petey, but I didn't assume it was a reference to that.

  17. This gets asked for about once a quarter. It hasn't happened for the six years I've played this game, and I doubt it ever does. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > It would be great if outfits were made into separate armor pieces,


    > Sure, even ANet agrees that would be great. The problem is that it takes something like 9 times as long. Outfits don't have to match with any other skins except itself; armor pieces have to be compatible with _every possible_ piece in the five other slots. That's not just clipping, but physics and design. And both outfits and armor have to work within the existing mechanics, that include how it flows when characters run (or walk), use swords (or shields), swim (or mounted).


    > Outfits are more efficient economically, by far. They help fund the game, including ANet's ability to release additional armor sets (i.e. pieces of armor).


    > So we're never going to see all outfits converted to pieces. And given that, I personally would rather see armor sets that look nothing like existing outfits, so that there's more variety.


    > In the long run, the most useful thing we can tell ANet is what sorts of armor sets (or outfits) we'd like to see, since the ratio of outfits:armor-sets is unlikely to change any time soon.

  18. > @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > I'm just confused why someone thought a bird that turned into a dino was referencing a beetle.


    > It's not that the bird was referencing a beetle, it was that the beetle's name was an Easter egg about the comedy scifi series "Red Dwarf" (which although it wasn't a US creation, I loved it! Thank you UK!)


    > I am with the above posters, though, in that I think it's more of a Pete Best reference, a la "5th Beatle (Beetle)"


    > Cheers for that, ANet!


    The OP says the first thing he thought about was a bird named Pete, that was turned into a dinosaur. I'm confused why this would be a reference to this mount. I'm not seeing any connection at all. I understand the whole Beatles thing, I'm just wondering why the OP was even a thought at all.

  19. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > Could always just do what i do with my alts and hold of on looks until they are fully leveled. its not the best solution but doing so just..allowed me to build up a hoarde of transmutation stones.


    That's what I've always done as well. 1-79 is outfits, 80 gets all exotic gear they need changed, and all shareable gear never uses cultural skins (anymore). With the amount of gear changing you do as you level, it just seemed like a waste to use the wardrobe system outside of back items. I tend to flip flop between power and condi builds a lot while leveling, just to keep it interesting.

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