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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. I would suggest DH, or renegade, not because they fit what you stated, but because they are really fun to play. I play bow/GS DH, and I love it. Traps are fun, the bow is fun, and GS is never boring. I made a few changes to the meta build, picked up the talent that gives more health, and I take an extra tap, changing it for the situation, but I have very little problems in OW or LW.


    Renegade is very fun, too. It's awesome watching things melt when you get big groups clustered together. The short bow is pretty cool as well, though kala is lacking a bit with the destroyable AoE utility.


    If you are looking for a solo best, I would also look into necro and either of its elites. I love GS, so I'm mostly reaper, but scourge is really fun, too.

  2. > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > > > I'd prefer Togo + Scepter. Ritualist.

    > > >

    > > > For one, we are desperately lacking a ranged 1h weapon. And we are also lacking a good Power dps spec. (Since Renegade is Condi/Support and Herald is Defense.)

    > > >

    > > > Something with powerful mists magic, lightning strikes, and of course, spirits!

    > > >

    > > > Yeah, I know what people are thinking. "Isn't renegade already a ritualist?" Only partially. Renegade embraces a support ritualist. Master Togo could embrace spirits more as turrets we could teleport. I'm pointing to the "Spirit Spammer" SoS rit from GW1

    > >

    > > We are also in desperate need of a melee 2h, something that is nonexistent.


    > Necromancer was also “in desperate need of a melee 2h” and look how GS reaper turned out :P


    > But on a more serious note I don’t think we _need_ a melee 2h as we already have a melee Power options. And we also have a 1200 range power option. So both niches are filled meaning it could go in either direction. Scepter + Focus could be great and I’m really hoping it goes in that direction instead of GS.


    The same can be said about scepter/focus, we have ranged power option, and a 1h power option. We don't need anything, but what a lot of people want, myself included (since I read about revenant), is a 2h melee option. That didn't come with hammer, so we are hoping for GS. I'm not against scepter/focus, but I don't see any class getting two new weapons at once, so I'm looking to GS.

  3. > @"Ceit.7619" said:

    > Kinda disagree, primarily because Revenant already has 2 more weapons to them than an Engineer does anyways. Revenant is currently equal in number of weapons with Thief, which means that while they are toward the bottom, they are not unnaturally low in the department of weapon options. Not to mention that whole, you get two sets of utilities to play with on top of having the same number of weapons as a thief.


    Engineer also has kits that function as weapons. You also dont get to pick and choose what utilities you have on your bar. There is also the problem of using upkeep skills, or using anything else on your bars.

  4. > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > I'd prefer Togo + Scepter. Ritualist.


    > For one, we are desperately lacking a ranged 1h weapon. And we are also lacking a good Power dps spec. (Since Renegade is Condi/Support and Herald is Defense.)


    > Something with powerful mists magic, lightning strikes, and of course, spirits!


    > Yeah, I know what people are thinking. "Isn't renegade already a ritualist?" Only partially. Renegade embraces a support ritualist. Master Togo could embrace spirits more as turrets we could teleport. I'm pointing to the "Spirit Spammer" SoS rit from GW1


    We are also in desperate need of a melee 2h, something that is nonexistent.

  5. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > To me, the biggest failure of PoF is the event structure. That was one thing that HoT handled brilliantly - better than any MMO I've ever seen!


    > HoT divided its maps up into zones, with each locality featuring an event chain. They then added map markers and event progress bars to the UI to make it easy for players to figure out where the action is. The event chains themselves all tell a story of what's going in that locality and ties in to the overall story of the entire map, which then culminates in a big map-wide boss event! It's engaging, rewarding, easily accessible, and keeps players coming back for more.


    > Unfortunately, PoF rejected all of that and returned to the core Tyria-style of random one-off events and hearts. This would have been fine if they had also included the type of event structure HoT pioneered. But they simply tossed it out. The result: Big, empty maps with little action or replay value.


    > Having said that, there were some things they handled better than HoT.


    > Hero Point Challenges. Players complained that they couldn't easily unlock their elite specs on their own in HoT. But many players also enjoyed the champions-on-demand that HoT HP challenges offered. So, rather than toss the whole system out, ANet smartly decided to throw a bone to all of us by downgrading HP challenges in PoF to veterans while also introducing the bounty system for champions-on-demand! Well done!


    > Mastery System. HoT's mastery system had too many arbitrary time gates (e.g. Itzel Poison lore? Stealth mastery?) that added little or nothing to the game, but made it more time-consuming, confusing, and annoying to play. PoF, on the other hand, has a much more streamlined system that guides you rather than gating you. Also, the mounts they give you are brilliantly designed! I can't say enough about how good they are! And given how negative opinions were on mounts prior to their actual introduction into the game, the fact that you can hardly find anyone who has anything bad to say about them now is telling. Again, extremely well done! A+!


    > I would say the storyline is the same. Both HoT and PoF are much better than the story elements that came before them, and LS3 and LS4 are vastly superior to LS2 as well. The decision to release on a schedule and add new maps with plenty of attractive rewards to keep players coming back was a good one, in my opinion. I really like the way they've handled this since HoT and PoF continues down the same road (thankfully!).


    > Elite specs. They've created some balance issues with these, but overall I think elite specs are largely a positive. They change the way each class plays dramatically, which adds a ton of much-needed replay value to the game. HoT and PoF both have this feature and I think, despite those balance issues, it was very much a positive addition.




    I agree with a bit of disappointment in the events in PoF. I was hoping for something like DS in at least one zone. The HPs are way better, too. I'm leveling a sylvari revenant (my second rev) to replay the story (I actually like the little cutscenes from core) and LS2 and 3, but I plan on going through PoF first to level up both of my elite specs before heading into the jungle. I can't say enough how awesome mounts are in this game, and the mastery system tied to them is so much easier to level.

  6. I really hope not. The griffon was a tedious process (for me anyway) that I dont want to repeat for a mount whose functionality isn't the different from the other ground mounts. I don't mean the mount skulls, just the mobility aspect of it. I'm late to the game, getting the griffon only a few weeks ago, so I'm still low on funds (just over 50g). I want the mount, but it's going to take me a bit to get back up to 250g, let alone 500. I'm really hoping it is just part of the quest in the new zone. It almost seems like a pivotal part of the new LS episode, but that is just speculation from my guild mates and me.

  7. PoF feels a lot easier than HoT was, imo. The enemies don't have periods of invulnerability like some of them in HoT, like the frog archers that would evade, jump into the air becoming unhittable, then evade again, all while doing high damage. PoF still has some harder enemies, but they feel more straight forward than HoT.


    The maps always have people in them, I think Sylent has bad luck. I haven't been to a map that didn't have people running around, especially near the waypoints. HoT still has popular meats, but PoF gets more than its share of players, particularly at prime time.


    The new elite specs are fun, just as with HoT, and if you don't like HP hunting in the multi-tiered zones of the jungle, you can get what you need for both elite specs in the desert. The HPs are far easier to get, and solo.


    The mounts are awesome. This is the best implementation of mounts in any game I've ever played. I would suggest looking up the griffon guide to see what items you need from the heart vendors, so you can pick those up along the way, as opposed to going back and redoing all of those hearts. There are ten items at 25g a piece, but the mount is so worth it, imo.


    The story is really good, and the LS3 flows right into it, if you have done it already. It also felt like you had more bearing of the direction of the story through choices you make, as well. I would also like to point out the final boss fight doesn't have any bugs that keep you from completing it, like HoT did. I still haven't finished that fight, because I just got bored with failing to a bug.


    You will definitely have more fun in PoF, and the way this game works, it is never to late to join in. Gear doesn't change, only stats, and old builds tend to hold their power, regardless of elite specs that may trump them. You will never become weaker. Hope this helps, enjoy the mounts.

  8. I dont think this community understands how bad this game could be. ESO is a perfect example of everything horrible this game could have.


    Their cash shop is the focus over big fixes and balance.


    Their open world content is so so much easier than GW2, while endgame group content is just as hard, if not more difficult, creating an even bigger gap in difficulty than what GW2 has.


    The community is one of the most toxic I've ever dealt with.


    The combat is twitchy, and based around an animation cancelling bug they can't get rid of, so they just go with it.


    Build diversity doesn't even exist because of how their skill system is set up; all classes using the same weapon use 90% the same skills from the weapon skill line, not the class ability skill line.


    The lag in the PvP zone that only gets worse with every DLC they release, with no fix in sight, because of their focus on the cash shop.


    I compare GW2 and ESO because they are very similar at their core. They both have reactionary action combat. They both have large open maps with great story telling. Finally, both have a strong emphasis on customizing through appearance.


    For all the complaints I see on these forums, ESO does it so much worse. If you want to see problems with a game, try jumping on there during a free weekend, whenever that may be next. GW2 may not explain the game well, but it is still leaps and bounds ahead of ESO.

  9. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"deadsyeren.9583" said:

    > > Hunting with a gun is a bit different than say, archery. Most people I know may use tshirts in that, but they wouldnt use a long or big bulky outfit. Im not saying it has to be skin tight.. but when it comes to an assassin, moving around quickly, they couldnt in the larger clothing. Same goes for fighting, whats generally one of the first things people do before getting in a fight? They remove their jackets, more mobility. It makes sense for engineers to have it, but not archers/assassins that move around a lot.


    > And just as often they do not remove their jackets when hunting with bows. Ive seen both people removing and not removing heavy winter jackets while hunting, both with bows and rifles, just depends on the person.


    > I dunno about you but a trained person can move quickly *and* quietly in decently heavy clothing, it may be hot for them to do it, but they can.


    > another side to people in fights is that alot of the people who do remove their clothes are the ones who are more rash, and from what ive seen on the web, they get knocked out pretty quick(obviously clothing doesnt mean anything here.). And when it comes to trained martial artists, ghees(spelling i know) are loose fitting and kinda baggy to allow for freedom of movement.



    You don't necessarily want loose clothing, you want forgiving clothing. Yoga, a form of exercise centered around movement and stretching, uses tight fit, stretchy clothing. Hunting gear from cabela's or bass pro is fitted with extra give.


    All that said, this game is not based around reality. There isn't a need to compare magic to reality, or look for logic in whimsy.

  10. Even if players don't pay attention to the environments, they still notice them. Not everyone takes time to explore every bit of scenery in detail, but if it looks horrible, people notice. It is in the best interest of all game designers to make a beautiful world, no matter how ignored it is, because everyone remembers the bad things that happen, but good is so prevalent, its passively ignored.

  11. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > Just give us Revenants scepter+focus

    > Heck warriors gets dual daggers as a spellbreaker.


    > Greatsword is overrated by all the twilight fetishists.


    Not really, I just want a melee 2h weapon, and you only have two choices. I dont even like that skin.


    > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > Rev needs a baseline legend for underwater first, like a naga or largos legend.

    > As for an elite legend, I’m thinking Mhenlo would be nice, or Jadoth, yea.. Jadoth’ be cool


    I feel like ANet is setting us up for an underwater expansion with the update to underwater combat. I could definitely see us getting something like that if so.


  12. There would need to be a reason for doing so. Just because isn't good enough. The graphics would need to be so far behind that ANet actually starts to lose money on the game. I dont see any other reason to continue the story in a different game. The world they have created is huge, and beautiful, and there are fewer bugs than many of the games like GW2 that are out right now. This game will last for a bit longer, so don't hold your breath for a sequel.

  13. > @"camden.3490" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"camden.3490" said:

    > > > Hmmm, this seems like a really weird thing that the makers of this game are ignoring if it is happening to lots of people who just want to get the rewards after a battle.

    > >

    > > All games have an "activate/use/open" button, and it's always the same for all of the actions, you just need to make sure you're about to do what you are wanting to do, i.e. open a chest instead of porting into the sky. There isn't much the devs can do besides punishing griefers, or maybe make the "hitbox" for chests much, much bigger, to the point of being impossible to cover the entire thing with activation items.

    > >

    > > It is annoying to work for something and not get it. You will be trolled a lot more with school being out in America, and teenage trolls at an all time high. Like I said earlier, just be cautious about what your activation message says before opening chests. You could also be extremely proactive, and watch the chest right after the boss dies to see if you can see anyone trying to do crap like this, and report them for griefing. That would actually help all of us out, lol.


    > But I just want to play the game and get my reward... why do I need to do all this proactive stuff? I pay money to play a game, not work to open a reward chest.


    You aren't playing a single player game. I'm not sure what answer you are expecting to get, other than people suck, and there will always be someone out there looking to mess with people for absolutely no reason. I'm going to assume this is your first online gaming experience, because this kind of stuff happens in every game to ever have online gameplay, all the way back to Doom in the early 90s.

  14. > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

    > Yeah, i can't understand why making the rewards so bad at these events.

    > It's obviously intentional, since they can track what people do and, at this point would already have increased the rewards if it was what they want.


    Maybe a generic way to keep people in other maps as well. I still have more fun doing HoT metas, but I didn't burn myself out on them when they were current. I will say I saw more people doing the DS meta than I have seen doing any of the PoF metas. I will say, I feel like I might like the PoF meta more with more people around and/or better rewards.

  15. > @"camden.3490" said:

    > Hmmm, this seems like a really weird thing that the makers of this game are ignoring if it is happening to lots of people who just want to get the rewards after a battle.


    All games have an "activate/use/open" button, and it's always the same for all of the actions, you just need to make sure you're about to do what you are wanting to do, i.e. open a chest instead of porting into the sky. There isn't much the devs can do besides punishing griefers, or maybe make the "hitbox" for chests much, much bigger, to the point of being impossible to cover the entire thing with activation items.


    It is annoying to work for something and not get it. You will be trolled a lot more with school being out in America, and teenage trolls at an all time high. Like I said earlier, just be cautious about what your activation message says before opening chests. You could also be extremely proactive, and watch the chest right after the boss dies to see if you can see anyone trying to do crap like this, and report them for griefing. That would actually help all of us out, lol.

  16. > @"camden.3490" said:

    > Hi. I killed Legendary Chak Gerent and waited for the wall to be blown away. After it is blasted I ran to chest and a portal was on it that dropped me into the middle of the sky and I died. Why was I killed when trying to get my reward? This has happened many times and I don't understand??


    Lol, why don't you open your glider? I think Zephyr is correct, I've never had that problem after killing anything.

  17. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > I am using the term Dungeons in the context of the MMO term not literal meaning here.


    > But some people may remember back in Vanilla World of Warcraft a place called Stromgarde Keep. It has elites and all that stuff, and when leveling up we had to ask to form teams to traverse the keep like some sort of Open World Dungeon. There was another one of these, it was a Troll Temple called Jintha'Alor with lots of Elite NPC. Back then Elites were more dangerous, But thats my point. I would like something like that in GW2 in the open world. A place that is a no mount area, and has lots of NPC that cant be soloed and must group up to traverse to the end. You can team up with as many people as you can find or as little if you have the skill to make up for it. Similar to Ingame dungeons currently, but Open World instead of instanced. I would like a few of these. maybe 2 or 3 total all over the game world. Dont need to be many. Vanilla WoW had both these and traditional instanced dungeons, so I know this concept can coexist. I think older MMOs like Everquest also had this if I am not mistaken. This not to replace Instances. That I want to make clear. This just another element of gameplay in the open world, like metas and bounties.


    I got my first trinket from that.

  18. PoF is so much easier than HoT was. You may need to change up your build a little bit to make yourself more sustainable. You can definitely solo this quest, I soloed the entire story, and continue to solo everything but obvious group content (fractals, raids, meta events). I am really not trying to say "git gud" but you may need to hone your skills a bit.


    What part are you having trouble with? There may be some tips we here on the forums can give. I will say this is so much more difficult than core tyria, so if you are newer to the game, you will find challenge in the expansions. You will need to adopt a more defensive tactic, you can't face tank enemies in the expansion content.


    > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

    > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > You can definitely do it solo. Did it solo on both my ranger(who was running a very sub otptimal build at the time) and my Ele(Who yes was running a DPS build).

    > >

    > > Instead of blaming the game perhaps you should look at what you are doing wrong.

    > > What build are you running? What skills are you running? What equipment are you using?


    > How do I link my build here? In-game and trying to ask for help while explaining the situation. The community is more toxic then I last rememeber. Another reason why I recall leaving the game.


    Don't judge us based on toxicity in game. School is out in America, and toxicity goes up in all games when that happens, what with kids learning new bad words, or feeling way too entitled. This community is the best one I've ever come across in an MMO. You will see more trolls during off hours now.

  19. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > Already can with LS3 ones as well as the newer fractal ones.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I’m fully aware of which ones can change stats. That doesn’t address all trinkets available in game for purchase.

    > > > >

    > > > > It gives an incentive to play the LS maps and they already have a template to use. Either that or change the items to affect all ascended trinkets.

    > > >

    > > > I’m talking about all ascended trinkets....

    > >

    > > Well its clearly not done since the rate you gain diffrent resources aint equal so the thing you buy for them arent equal either.

    > > So buy the harder to accouire stat swap trinkets or dont get it mate.


    > That doesn't address all the trinkets that you can't stat change. Trust me, I'm fully aware of what trinkets you can and cannot stat change.


    What you are suggesting is making so many items in the game meaningless. There are avenues (easily accessible avenues) to obtain what you want. I really dont think every trinket in the games needs swappable stats. What we have in game is good.

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