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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > > > Oh come on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. People and pc today, they act like it personally affects their lives if some1 has their own opinion. She never POINTED anyone specific out. Some people are just way to sensitive. It doesn't affect the players game time in anyway, so everyone keep chiving on and playing the game as you normally do.

    > >

    > > I think she did. She literally quoted some guy's tweet with a caption of something like "A day in the life of a female game developer: someone telling me how to do my job" or some such.


    > Guess I skimmed over that bit. And that persons' life is just gonna be changed forever now I suppose (for the worst). OH THE HORRORS......smh


    Honestly, in a time where the leader of a country is constantly on Twitter, there is no need to diminish what that could do to someone and their credibility. Imagine that person tries to do anything the requires public perception, like politics, television, or even just a twitch streamer. Since twitter is now how most of the country communicates (for some stupid reason) that person has been labelled a sexist, and painted in a negative light, which, in turn, is seen by a huge portion of the country. Just because its social media doesn't mean it doesn't have ramifications, in fact, I would argue quite the opposite.

  2. After going through the ESO forums for a few minutes, I really thought the title was sarcastic, focused on something that was nerfed because of PvE. I am constantly thrown off by this community's positivity. Glad to hear you had a good experience.

  3. > @"mathion.8549" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > You should try out the action cam. Clicking is a very subpar way of playing. It's really easy to get used to. I set my keys up as so:

    > >

    > > 1-LMB, 2-Q, 3-E, 4-R, 5-F, heal-T, utility are 1 through 3, elite-4, F1-Z, F2-X, F3-C, F4-B (I don't play a class that needs more F keys than that), rolls is set to MB4 and weapon swap on MB5 (if you have the buttons).

    > >

    > > It may be strange to get used to at first, but it didn't take me long. You will see how much better you are using the action cam.


    > That's YOUR thing. It works for YOU. Your post, however, seems to say that no one else can have any other way to play, or have preferences that aren't involving keybinds. Granted, keybinds are simple to implement, but most folks who care about their gameplay want to just play the game howsoever the controls allow. The controls allow on-click. So some folks play on-click.


    > The problem is that playing on-click means having that horrible skill description obscuring what you're doing most of the time. And sometimes, in the heat of battle, you lose your position sense and need to click skills (or something else) and your mouse rolls over things that pop-up in your way.


    > Even if you don't click on skills to play, the skill descriptions will pop up in the middle of things if your mouse happens to go over them. So sticking to keybinds isn't a solution. The problem persists regardless of what style/preference one has.


    > We shouldn't have to keep those skill descriptions active "on hover" all the time. A right-click on them is really all one needs, or an option to make it pop up only on right-click (making that the default) with no description on hover. Just change the event from on-hover to on-right-click in the code and call the same pop-up function. Make the left/right click on the arrow above the skill what you use to change the skill slot in the 6-10 slots, with a right-click on the skill itself providing the description that disappears on click or when you right-click on another skill. Then you don't need to go changing anything in the options UI at all.


    > And while we're discussing clicking and cursors, I'd prefer if there was an option to keep the cursor visible at all times, because I tend to lose track of where it went when moving the camera/character. The mouse moves, but the cursor hides while the movement is happening and reappears where it disappeared, not where the thing would have been after moving the camera/character. This means I'm always losing the cursor because I can't see it when it disappears. If it stayed visible the entire time, even if it didn't move, it'd be easier to notice. I had to add Yolo Mouse to help see the thing, which makes it better, but it shouldn't be a problem in the first place.


    > The cursor should never disappear (except when playing with no UI).


    > If that's a suggestion for another place, I'll go toss it there, too.


    Wow man, I meant no offense to anyone, and I never implied everyone should do this. It is a fact that everyone that plays in the big tournaments for huge cash prizes don't click abilities. It is slower, it if that's your thing, do it up, I'm not here to tell anyone how to play. I simply offered up a very easy method of action play that requires very little movement over the keyboard. Also, I wrote that six and a half months ago, so I'm not sure why you are attacking me now.

  4. One thing I would like to see, along with another elite spec, is being able to use more than one elite spec, be it a fourth talent tree option, or the removal of restriction on using only one. I would love to see what kind of builds come out of something like that. I'm sure it would be a nightmare to balance, and core specs would need a buff, but the most fun aspect of this game is the different builds available to a single class, imo anyway.

  5. > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > > > > The game is in a very stale state. Expansion or not, they better announce big things.

    > > > >

    > > > > What do you consider a stale state?

    > > >

    > > > Perhaps a state where the game can't be played 24/7 without running out of content.

    > >

    > > Lol, let's burn the candle at both ends, then hang it over a roaring fire, and expect it to last forever. If you play any game 24/7, you will get burned out.


    > What? Who plays 24/7 a 6 years old game? There are no challenging gameplay for 3h worth of playtime, let alone anything more.


    I'm guessing you didn't read what I quoted. It is a reference to not being able to be entertained in this game 24/7. I simply gave a metaphor of what happens.> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > > > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > > > > > > The game is in a very stale state. Expansion or not, they better announce big things.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > What do you consider a stale state?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Perhaps a state where the game can't be played 24/7 without running out of content.

    > > > >

    > > > > Lol, let's burn the candle at both ends, then hang it over a roaring fire, and expect it to last forever. If you play any game 24/7, you will get burned out.

    > > >

    > > > What? Who plays 24/7 a 6 years old game? There are no challenging gameplay for 3h worth of playtime, let alone anything more.

    > >

    > > You sound burned out. I just made a year and still have a ton of goals IG

    > >


    > But burned out on what, tho? The only thing i could think off of is the Fractals, something is stopped doing completely back in 2014. Can't really be burned out on anything else because there's nothing else. The raids are not for me because you get absolutely nothing from them, they're pointless, can't even make money by playing them. Old dungeon are long gone and forgotten. Wvw is stale but fun enough when active. Open world maps isn't content. Grinding achievements is not content. GW2 doesn't even have enough content to be burned out on.


    I think you answered your own question. You are burned out on all aspects of the game. You are, at very least, burned out on fractals. The game has more than enough to entertain people, if you aren't burned out on it.

  6. > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > > The game is in a very stale state. Expansion or not, they better announce big things.

    > >

    > > What do you consider a stale state?


    > Perhaps a state where the game can't be played 24/7 without running out of content.


    Lol, let's burn the candle at both ends, then hang it over a roaring fire, and expect it to last forever. If you play any game 24/7, you will get burned out.

  7. > @"Zeefa.3915" said:

    > But undead/awakened is not a race... it is a condition... of sorts. When you say they look human it is because they ARE human... undead for sure, but still. Also the wakened isn't just humans. At least not anymore. There is asura too... and some charr (Olmakan) out on the frontlines in Kourna.

    > So as I see it the undead, be it risen or awakened is not a coherent race. I don't really see the appeal personally either... especially with tengu not being playable (yet?)


    I've always thought the same about WoW. The undead race only has human figures, but literally anyone who dies can become undead. Where are the undead elves and orc etc? Anyway, the awakened would be too strange to make a playable race in GW2. If we do get some new race, it needs to be something unlike other games, like the charr, sylvari, and Asura are very different from anything in other games, even if they have some of the same background.

  8. > @"Carighan.6758" said:

    > > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

    > > I'm very much concerned for content in general. I was floored when, at the release of PoF, they announced that they were segmenting the game. This meant that EVERYTHING added in HoT and LS3, from gliding to lavatubes to grappling vines, can NEVER EVER be reused. No new map can EVER make use of these elements ever again. This represents a HUGE waste of ideas and resources. Instead of truly expanding the game, it turns it into a bunch of mini-sequels.

    > >

    > > I'm very concerned that this is going to continue into the next expansion, with all mount content being abandoned in favor of whatever the new mechanic is then. We just got the beetle and it's not even clear if we are going to keep seeing content for it going forward. Are the breakable walls in Kourna the only breakable walls that will ever exist? We just don't know.


    > But that constant cycle of Tabula Rasa -> new stuff -> repeat is the core of MMORPG expansion strategy. And has been since forever. The only difference in GW2 is that without a rising player level, our power increases have to come from elsewhere (new and slightly more optimal gear stat combos, elite specs, etc), but mechanically speaking making the old maps "outdated" is just as much an important part of it as it was for any other MMORPG.


    > Sure, they're still there. Just as in all other MMOs. But you're supposed to interact with the new stuff, where the new and actively supported mechanics are!


    > The reason this is done is usually to save on development costs: As MMOs age, they accrue more and more and more mechanics and elements. Supporting all or even many of these would be **far** too taxing a task for any dev team. To alleviate it, you constantly cut out existing content "after it's done", making room for new things.


    > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > Arenanet have gone full circle, the new maps feel like old maps, as they are the same type of one shot throw away content you breeze through while levelling to 80.


    > Or rather, it's the same type of throwaway as the LS3 maps. Though to be fair, not *quite* as bad as Ember Bay or Lake Doric, but those maps were an achievement of their own...


    If that is true, then why did they make the rewards for the new map so much worse than something like DS? HoT metas still provide more reward than anything from PoF, outside of maybe istan. This game isn't like other MMOs, and shouldn't be compared to things it doesn't try to mimic. GW2 is a game of replayability, which is why not all new maps have stat selectable accessories, and going back to LS3 is still a good choice for gearing.

  9. If we get a new race, I'd like to see those bird people from the original story added. They are in the early sylvari story (maybe others too), and they have a presence in Orr as well. They could slip right into the ranks easily. I'm honestly not sure what happened to them in the rest of the story, they just kinda disappear. I had forgotten about them until I started leveling a new sylvari revenant, and playing through the main story from the beginning.

  10. I would add the best thing to do is start collecting ascended accessories. Those coupled with exotic gear isn't that far behind a full set of ascended gear, and accessories can be passed around all of your characters. Other than weapons, accessories are the most useful to an account. You can get trinkets, rings, etc from a mix of LS3 maps, farming their currencies, and using laurels you obtain naturally through daily logins.


    Doing this will allow you a lot of leeway with builds, since buying exotics is fairly cheap. The only thing you wouldn't be able to do is higher fractals (until you obtain ascended armor for agony resistance). I would still follow Blood's path for gearing. Go for berserker first, then condi, though viper's accessories aren't available through laurels.

  11. > @"Carighan.6758" said:

    > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > I don't understand arenanets direction in making beautiful looking maps but with nothing to do in them, this constant cycle of throw away maps does not do it for me, I loved HoT maps with their interesting map wide meta's, everything since with the exception of Istan has felt like filler. Arenanet need to give us maps with better meta events, so that those maps can live and breath, because the maps they have been making for some time now are basically dead on their feet out of the gate.


    > Fully agreed. That's been the problem with all LS maps in season 3 and so far season 4, they feel **soooo** "throwaway". They're the utmost designed-for-temporary-consumption theme park rides of GW2. They're forgettable through and through. You can really feel how much they need to rush creating these :angry:


    > It's just so meh. I'd rather have the content devs work on new WvW maps to rotate in ,work 3-4 releases on slowly permanently transforming a single giant LS map, or - even better - do the in-map-transformations of living story season 1 and 2 again, where we had an actual living story. As in, it went on even if I am not there.


    My Hope's for this season, after playing the main PoF story and seeing the maps, was a few huge maps, not coming with every episode, but making each last for a few episodes, be it back to back, or coming back at a certain point, while adding to each map every time we go back. We don't need a new map with every episode, and I would actually prefer to not get one every time. If we got nine episodes, and three maps, that would be great. Farming three currencies as opposed to nine is a much better setup.

  12. > @"Lars.3780" said:

    > Just leveld today to 80 and I'm confused what armor I need to buy and where I can get it.


    > Hope someone can help thank you


    The first thing you should do is pick a spec. That will determine what gear you are going to buy. You have power builds (direct damage), condition builds (damage over time), and support builds (bluffs, debuffs, defense). I would start with a power damage build to start out with. The trading post is pretty easy to filter out for gear you are looking for, and you can get a full set for a few gold. The best way to figure out your build is to check on metabattle.com and check out the new open world section of whatever class you want.


    If you are having problems with survival, you can change out some of your gear for more defensive pieces. If you can't survive with berserker gear, you can look into keeping berserker weapons and accessories, and change out your armor for soldiers, valkyrie or something along those lines.

  13. > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

    > > @"Azoqu.8917" said:

    > > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

    > > > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

    > > > > The HoT trapper DH was absolutely gutted (alongside LB) due to silver tier players getting farmed by meme players running 6 traps on their skill bar.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > how can you run 6 traps at the same time?

    > >

    > > Just the same as how Guardians were OP before the trait rework because they were able to run mnk30/30/30/30/30.


    > you didn't answer me

    > you have 3 slots +1 elite +1 healing

    > how can you run SIX TRAPS at the same time ??


    I don't think it's about using all of the traps at once, but a general complaint crom people about all of the traps that exist for DH.

  14. It would seem as if the sharpening stone isn't as useful as others you could use. As far as I see, you have very little condition damage, and absolutely no expertise. You are also using weapons oriented toward condition damage with no strength into it.


    I've used a power/support FB build before that was pretty fun in T1/2 fractals. I went with a few more mantras, especially in the heal and elite skill. I also used hammer/Scepter-focus, using harrier stats.

  15. > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

    > Thanks for the replies!!


    > I will try generate some numbers and see how much worse it is. The issue is that while it can be used in open world, why would I bother if sceptre is better dps and I am mostly jumping in with my Greatsword anyway and swapping to ranged when needed or for better damage on my rotation.


    I like the utility of LB better. I also love the concept of my character carrying around a big ass sword and a LB. That, with a few fire spells was my setup in Skyrim before I ever really started playing GW2. I was ecstatic when I found out about DH.

  16. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > Herald is sadly very underperforming in PvE. Renegade condi is doing better there.


    > I prefer power damage myself and is sticking with Revenant yet, just on low power until third proffession. Surely we get a better powerproffession there that isnt a feeble boon bot like glint.


    I'm hoping for that too, but there is a chance we get something to couple with our healing legend, just to try to "spread the wealth" as far as meta support classes goes. Although, to be fair, if they go that route, there will end up being so many classes getting something similar. I can think of guardian and warrior who both got power and condi specs. I would imagine a support spec for rev would be appreciated, since so many people are wanting scepter for the next new weapon. I'm personally hoping for a new manpower spec and GS.

  17. The staff is a support weapon for revs. It is tied to our support legend, two of the abilities are support abilities, and one is tied to being attacked. I have tried to like it BECAUSE it is almost 2h melee, but it isn't fun.


    As for scepter/focus, what would the collection be for? Are they going to give out only one of the weapons for the ascended collection, or are you going to be forced to do two, completely separate collections? Either way, it isn't going to be fair.


    People did care when warrior got dagger for their main hand and off hand. I saw people from all classes complaining about spellbreaker getting two weapons, especially from the soulbeast players that only got an off hand weapon.

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