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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. > @"kurfu.5623" said:



    > Oh, I remember this guy... I'd prefer not having him stink up the place.


    > Notice that he disabled comments on this video... not a good sign.


    It's a video from more than two years ago. He made another video after that, though still around two years ago, which does still have comments on it. The latest video is more about how he enjoys the game for the first time, and he even mentions a few reasons why he was unable to really get into the game, one being combat, which was difficult for me at first as well. It wasn't until the action camera was introduced that I was able to really enjoy the combat, and it could be the same for him. If ANet didn't want to bring in more players, possibly ones that tried the game prior and didn't like it, they wouldn't be adding new things, just more of the same.


    > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:


    > > Yeah I guess getting good press from a Youtuber with 400,000 subscribers couldn't benefit this game at all, even in the short term; exposure is a good thing even if it's from an MMO Tourist because that tourist has 400,000 subscribers.



    > He also mentioned how he has uninstalled the game 15 times, probably won't be long before that reaches 16...



    That just tells me he really wanted to like the game, but couldn't find what he was looking for.

  2. I was playing WoW yesterday. Started fighting an elite (boss) for a world quest, then a paladin came up to help me finish him off. I died. The paladin mounted up, rode over to me, started to rez, but stopped the cast, mounted back up, and rode away. I said "Thanks for the rez." His response was "Your (you're) not my concern." Seriously? He was five seconds into the cast, just to cancel it. I logged out and came back here, to a game that encourages community.


    I find WoW to be fun, but that attitude, which more prevalent than a helpful one, is enough to keep me from treating that game like anything but a single player game. I guess I shouldn't have expected any kind of help, ever. I blame GW2 players for being so nice, I always get a rez when I need it. It's your fault, guys, you ruined other games for me with your help, and good attitudes.

  3. Depending on the last thing you played, I would say there have been many changes for the better. With HoT, you gain gliding, and with PoF, you get mounts, each with a useful ability for traversing the world. If jumping puzzles were your problem, the mounts will help diminish that throughout the core world and some much of HoT. They were made for PoF, so they went help you skip anything.


    I have just come back from a longer break, and am enjoying leveling my silvari revenant, but I also already have the mounts (minus the gryphon, dont make enough gold to buy one) and gliding. There isn't much in the core world i cant get to at this point. If I see it on the map, I can get there.


    The. We elite specs (two new specs per class) have a huge impact on your characters, so much so, they are almost new classes themselves. I would say give it a try, and at least think about PoF, then HoT if you decide to stick around. They make the game so much better.

  4. > @"Elspereth.1280" said:

    > In my opinion mandatory open world pvp would cause the player population to plummet.


    I would quit. I have to walk away from my computer often, and I would prefer to not be dead every time I come back from that. Just like with BDO, the population isn't as high as it could be due to mandatory PvP. I would be fine with a few. We zones being OW PvP, but everywhere is too much, and not what I wanted when starting this game.


    People don't seem to understand you can't just change the core of the game six years later. I PvP when I want, and not because others want me to. Some people play this game to kick back, and alienating them is bad business.

  5. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > > Brahmm has thoroughly annoyed some players with his immaturity.

    > >

    > > As a way to potentially bring him back into the story; Why not have him publicly challenge the Commander? This is a typically Norn way of resolving "who is the alpha" type conflicts. Giving him a good kitten whupping would give the players some recompense ... and Norn that he is, Brahmm would have to respect/fall into line with the Commander who bested him.

    > >

    > > This would be a way of re-inserting Eir's son into the storyline.


    > Seems most of you don’t understand this character, or how the back story and recent events made a shift in attitude. It’s one dimensional to look at this as “my character is the cool commander, and only my character matters, so everyone else must “fall in line” and behave how I want them to behave because it’s all about me”.


    > Spend some time reading the story of the character, because there is a lot more to him than a character designed to be your obedient servant in the story.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham


    > Edit- and to convey an important point...


    > The devs didn’t aim to create a team dynamic where we are like Darth Vader and our group is made up of obedient stormtroopers that “fall in line”. This story is more like we are Captain America, and our team is made up of unique characters that have their own background and personality. The Avengers team doesn’t always agree, or even get along, but their individuality is actually one of their greatests strengths when working together as a team. It’s about strength through diversity, not strength through assimilation.


    > Also, any story would be completely boring if all surrounding characters were just loyal subjects, and all of their dialogs revolved around some version of “yes my lord”.


    Did they aim to make an annoying crybaby that runs away when things get tough, like world destruction, and when something goes wrong, he blames you? Because if that was the goal, great job. I think you are misunderstanding that the character gets under people's skin, and they don't like him because he sucks.

  6. > @"Stephen.1207" said:

    > why are you nerfing every thing that's got to do with healing I am getting tired of not being able to play my way its play condi or zerk nothing els and toughness is already useless do to the DMG output you get hit with sure you can evade but only 2 times 3 if a theif but the fights keep getting put in smaller area's that get covered in AOE if you out of evade your dead 1 shot maybe 2 if you are lucky. I do not care how good you are at timing skills they also go in recharge this is getting morbid


    I could only read this as if you were seven, and throwing a tantrum. That is one long sentence, followed by a normal one.

  7. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > I wasn’t offended, but if there’s a free Legendary being handed out for the sin of ANet not releasing them on my schedule then I think I can rustle up a little outrage.

    > >

    > > I like the way you think.

    > >

    > >

    > > Rabbble, rabble, rabble.

    > >

    > > Wanna borrow a pitchfork?


    > I’ve got [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Peasant%27s_Solution.jpg), thanks. Once we’ve decided that we are going to be offended I thought all of us could go to LA and swim around in the water with that weapon spamming skill 1 (to look properly determined and menacing, you know). Then we could roleplay walk through the city carrying a torch. If that doesn’t get our point across there’s always forum complaints and threats to never spend another dime on the game.


    Not everyone knows how to use a torch.

  8. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

    > > > > > @"WARIORSCHARGEING.2637" said:

    > > > > > never ever had a problem with any class at all in pve . not sure what op is even talking about pvp in pve forums for we all know pvp is a failed and dead game mode much like wvw .

    > > > > > what does pvp have at all to do with pve forums ???

    > > > > > because pve does not care about pvp nor wants to hear about pvp at all

    > > > > > this is a video game and people always forget that idea community means noting at all never has and never will mean any thing :-1:

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Oh man, apparently I'm looking at the wrong forum here. I mistakenly thought this was the "Guild Wars 2 Discussion" forum. I also mistakenly though the OP was discussing "Guild Wars 2" issues. Somehow I also missed the PVE only tag on this forum. I only wish we had a forum called "Fractals, Dungeons & Raids" to talk PVE stuff. Maybe someday ....

    > > >

    > > > Fractals, dungeons and raids are not covering whole PvE. I dare to say, it's still a minor part of PvE content.

    > >

    > > That's kind of my point. This forum covers a lot of general GW2 discussions, such as the original post. It wasn't me declaring this to be the PVE only forum.


    > Then, I guess, we are in agreement :+1:



  9. He is a bit of a rude dicks.


    "You let them take taimi?!?!?!"


    I didn't let anyone do anything, where the fuck were you? He acts like a 12 year old, and I'm pretty sure he's at least mid 20s.


    He doesn't add anything but annoyance to the story. He runs away, then seems pissed at you for doing the same thing he is doing, then gets mad one of his friends he abandoned gets taken by some evil god while helping you.


    Looking forward to his demise

  10. > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"juhani.5361" said:

    > > > Combat is one of the best parts of this game :) I've never been a fan of channeled skills in any game, so GW2 has been refreshing for me. I can't see how adding channeled abilities to any class would make the game more fun. If anything, you'd end up a sitting duck in pretty much every combat situation.

    > >

    > > Action combat games seem to have come up with a great change for channeled skills. Guardian whirling blades, warrior thousand blades, ESO templar jabs are all good examples of a channeled ability that doesn't seem so. You are locked into an animation with a damage over time aspect, but no cast/channel bar. I am a fan of the direction.


    > There is a cast bar, it just looks different.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/M8wuyVb.jpg "")


    > I think an interesting feature in the game that is underutilized that could be used more is the "held" channeled skills. The only one I can think of is Guardian's Staff Skill, Empower, where you hold the key to keep channeling it and releasing the key stops the channel. Had more skills used this type of activation, perhaps we could make these channels more powerful and lengthen the channel to make them more punishing if not interrupted but still get at least part of the effect if you are. Like if Churning Earth got its effect after a short channel but if held longer and longer before releasing, the effect would get a wider range and affect more foes.


    > EDIT: I stand corrected. Empower activates just like any normal channel. Not sure if it's always been that way or if I was remembering it how it once was...regardless, I think it could be an interesting feature for many of the channeled skills to have varying strength depending on how long one wishes to channel it.


    ESO heavy attacks work like that. I guess I never played attention to the channelled bar, lol.

  11. > @"juhani.5361" said:

    > Combat is one of the best parts of this game :) I've never been a fan of channeled skills in any game, so GW2 has been refreshing for me. I can't see how adding channeled abilities to any class would make the game more fun. If anything, you'd end up a sitting duck in pretty much every combat situation.


    Action combat games seem to have come up with a great change for channeled skills. Guardian whirling blades, warrior thousand blades, ESO templar jabs are all good examples of a channeled ability that doesn't seem so. You are locked into an animation with a damage over time aspect, but no cast/channel bar. I am a fan of the direction.

  12. There is no need for a sequel yet, unless they have some groundbreaking ideas not seen in other games. Something like WoW 2 could run on a much better engine, and have action based combat. As of now, there aren't any ideas I can think of GW2 could implement, other than a better engine, which doesn't seem worth it for the small upgrade.

  13. > @"Sombra.3246" said:

    > > @"costepj.5120" said:

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/351/how-to-report-cheaters-or-exploiters


    > Lol, I know how to report, my question was what happens to the reports? How do players know that they have seen the report or have dealt with it in any way? These are questions i think need to be addressed, I was just wondering if more players agreed with me.


    They don't, and they shouldn't. You did your part by reporting, Anet will do what they think is best. No matter what, you have no right to know a private matter between the company and their customer. If you continue to see the same player, and they continue to cause reports, then there is reason to worry, but I expect that doesn't happen very much.

  14. > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > Example:


    > **PoF xpac** - 30 euros. Pretty darn good deal for a good price. No complaints there.


    > **Total Makeover kit** - change any aspect of your character's looks save race. around 5 euros. Great deal for great price, customization is major part of GW2.


    > **Perma harvesting tool** - 12.5 EUROS (vinil record screech) - **what**? Better yet - what if you already have another perma tool of given type and the convinience part is out of the equasion? Then you're asked to shell out 25 euros for just a minor animation...

    > Similar story with musical instruments...


    > If you want sales up, and player's happy, you should rebalance the prices of stuff in there. Not to mention the very high price in rl money for gems.

    > As things are on more then one occasion i chose to grind for ingame gold and exchange it for gems, rather then throw a few $ at you, because of the high prices and low real money:gem ratio...



    It doesn't matter that you are buying it for the skin, they are still selli g it for convenience on top of that. I find some things too much to spend on a game, but others don't, and I don't wish to take that money from ANet. If you don't want to pay the price, move on.

  15. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > > That is CYA legalish boilerplate put on every game, whether it is needed or not. I think even sims has it but I would need to check. The epilepsy community ignores those warnings because they are so overused.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Choosing to ignore a warning because "it doesn't happen often enough" isn't an excuse for you to act like its absolutely absurd when it finally does happen. There's a warning, you choose to ignore it and then when it happens you don't get to act like its everyone else's fault that you chose to do something you knew could potentially have consequences. So now we have to either tone down video games or waste resources on a super special "slider" for the minute fraction of people who shouldn't be looking at flashing lights to begin with. Next it will be that people with severe motor control disabilities can't respond to on screen action fast enough, so we'll have to dumb the game down again or spend resources on a "slider" again for that 1%. Repeat ad nauseam for every indivudal's personal "I can't do this because of x" until we're all just playing a game where you press space bar every 5 seconds to watch a black and white "you win" screen (with audio cues for the blind who also suddenly have a need to be catered to in complex mmos).


    > Actually, it is good design for things like warnings. If you overuse them people WILL ignore them.


    > Say you had a walk light on a road cars never used. How long do you think it would take until people were jaywalking? One day some car goes down the road for some reason and hits someone. Yes, I can see the driver's lawyers saying there was a 'do not walk' sign but that does not excuse the fact that it was a de-facto pedestrian area there.


    You can ignore traffic signs all day long, but if you slam into the back of a car, it's your fault. Ignorance due to overuse is not a legitimate excuse. It wouldn't hold up in court, because a warning is in place.


    And yes, if it is bad enough that people are doing damage to themselves, they should stop playing games. People know the risks, and it is up to them how much abuse they would inflict on themselves, but it is no one's fault but their own.

  16. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @Haishao.6851 said:

    > > They have warning about seizure, like every video games.

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/t5pjlTd.jpg "")

    > >


    > That is CYA legalish boilerplate put on every game, whether it is needed or not. I think even sims has it but I would need to check. The epilepsy community ignores those warnings because they are so overused.


    > I specialize in accessibility on web sites. I wonder why we even bother to HAVE 508, WCAG, and associated technologies? I mean, I can just slap a disclaimer on the site, right? Yeah, that is equal accessibility there .... games do not get a free pass. It is one thing if we are talking a key mechanic (like if the ONLY way to do something was because the player, and not someone else, heard something) but all the things listed would not suffer one jot if they did not trigger photosensitivity.


    > As someone with epilepsy I know seizures caused by flashing lights are rare. Still though, I avoid flashing lights when I can because, well, why take the chance? Plus with this large a player population it will affect SOMEONE and I tend not to play russian roulette.



    I agree there should be a slider, but it is no one's fault but their own if people choose to ignore warnings. Overused or not, a warning is there to provide protection to absolutely anyone that may be affected.

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