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Posts posted by Trinnitty.8256

  1. raptor for short sprints and attack to gather mobs up.

    jackal for uphill movement and portals.

    griffon for high up places to glide across distances

    beetle for long range land travel.

    skimmer water and hover

    springer for fast vertical climbing and a strong break bar cc

    sky scale for hovering and some tricky travel and climbing and run through volitale magic to stay in air longer

    warclaw just use in wvw

  2. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Trinnitty.8256" said:

    > > Is it me or is it a bit frustrating that most events you do to help the meta progress, the mobs don't count towards slayer achievements (1000 kills). I find myself just ignoring big events and killing random mobs to get credit for kills. Is there best way of completing this that i'm missing?


    > Nope, to get this AP apparently you're not supposed to be participating in events to support the Pact and its allies assault on Kralk and Co, rather you should be mindlessly slaughtering random creatures / anything you see as you trample through the landscape. Best done on a Charr character for RP purposes.


    haha yeah i'm pretty much ignoring meta events let the sheep do it for me and I join in when kralk is ready.


  3. Is it me or is it a bit frustrating that most events you do to help the meta progress, the mobs don't count towards slayer achievements (1000 kills). I find myself just ignoring big events and killing random mobs to get credit for kills. Is there best way of completing this that i'm missing?


    How many people enjoy getting +5 stats/9 AR? Its bad design. If you want a condi, healing, power, concentration infusion its a real chore. Then to pay to remove them off your armor just to juggle them between your heavy, medium and light ascended armors is icing on top. Balance patches and new metas can swing the direction desirable stats.


    Now if you just buy AR only without the stats then its much less of headache. Then those players complain about people not using food, hey your missing your plus +5 stat infusions gtfo lol

  5. > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > The true punishment for defending is now that it’s not rewarding at all. U barely get anything for defending. It’s almost u hurt ur self when u defend since u could just let enemies take the tower so u can recap it after that


    Yes but defending is on a timer that gives you a little bit of rewards and participation upkeep. If attackers fail for an hour no rewards for that hour. Both sides have potential for bags.

  6. Ok so we now know build templates are being developed by anet. We know that build templates were discouraged from wvw so that people aren't able to flip a build once out of combat and quickly return to battle and counter someone aka Roamers. Ok, I get that and can under stand how it would be abused somewhat. But I think we should be allowed to atleast have build templates work in our spawn areas so we can organize and do things quickly. Whether it be there be a giant square to stand in or just inside spawn as long as you have that invulnerable buff, please allow wvw players to use build templates. Just want it to be done right when it gets released someday and not have to wait for an outcry for wvw community and wait another year :)

  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Trinnitty.8256" said:

    > > If every expansion gets included for paying a monthly fee with the perks to subbing then maybe. If I pay a sub and still have to pay for expansions then no.


    > The issue with what you’d prefer is that players would sub for a month, exhaust the content, and then un-sub.


    yes that is true. The work around would be to have a subscription based on having to pay x months to get credit for an expansion. Or to sell subs at 1 month, 6 months, 1 year. Offer perks within a durational sub. :)

  8. Basically you can have a wvw hero panel that has every stat/rune/sigil/food available like we have now in game. Every piece of gear would have selectable stat like legendary has now but special wvw menu. Let players select what they want like that instead of having to go after gear to have perfect meta builds. (I'm almost done with 4th wvw legendary armor set) and I would still be happy if everyone in wvw game mode could have instant access to all stat combos. It doesn't have to be a copy and paste spvp amulet system.

  9. Its for when you get hit and slowed down in combat everyone's buddies can catch you and slaughter you for a bag. Otherwise in a 1v1 scenario why would slow down in combat matter? Your both then going the same speed. I'd rather only skills be used to slow players down tbh. Ouch he hit me and is trying to kill me I think i will run slower! :)

  10. remember when they introduced the 25 ap repeatable achievements and they said don't worry they will be back in coming years. I think anet under estimated players who would grind them all out the first year. So they had to rethink it and add a plain jane 50 ap reward for years to come. Otherwise why would they have the 25 ap repeatable and add thev same thing to do in annual repeatable. Its a UI cluster eye soar.

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