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Blockhead Magee.3092

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Posts posted by Blockhead Magee.3092

  1. Mounts in the beta were not interesting at all. I would rather they not be in the game. Fortunately they don't look like they'll be part of PvP or WvW (at least anytime soon) so I can avoid them for the most part. Won't quit the game because of them, but I still say that Anet has become more vanilla with adding them. Also, add more waypoint - stop forcing players to incorporate things we don't like (see removal of GOB from wvw vendors).

  2. WvW feels like its always lagging way behind in getting any Anet love. IMO its an unfortunate decision to not put more resources into it..

    Decision about how the stories are written.... its low the quality, but, I've learned to live with how convoluted and weak it is.

    Lastly on the negative side, I have serious trepidation over the new item id methodology coming our way. I'll leave the final review once PoF goes live. I don't know why this decision was made beyond forcing everyone to do something that will only benefit people who hoard or have poor inventory management skills. Make it optional!!


    On the plus side whomever decided to implement the wardrobe change and expanded storage were right on the money - I hope they earned a bonus!

    I do appreciate more lands to explore in PVE which the living stories gave. Big thumbs up for those!

    The cadence of living story releases feels right to me. Props for that.


  3. I'm disappointed that this is being done to intentionally manipulate market prices. Its making the assumption that people who can't deposit the item(s) will list them on the TP. I'm sure some will, but in my small circle, new things are going into storage until we decide what we want to make out of it.

  4. I normally don't sit on the fence (its pointy and it hurts) but I what I am seeing are the people who used DPS meters demanding how other should play and I'm seeing those who hate DPS meters telling those folks they shouldn't be allowed to play with them. Essentially, both groups are telling the other what they should or shouldn't do.


    Others have said the same thing, but the real solution is to be specific when using LFG for what you want. Find folks who like to play the way you do. Read the LFG so you can tell what you're getting into. Lastly, use the block feature when you find someone from the other side of the spectrum you can abide.

  5. Repairing some walls (a paper SMC outer walls as an example) may not be the optimal use for the supplies, but its not inherently bad. At least the supplies are going to something marginally useful. If someone is repairing because they think they should, someone should explain to them why its not a good idea. Someone who is doing it just to keep participation is going to find something to do. Might as well fix a wall vs finding someone to trade camp captures with.

  6. The removal of a vendor was a bad idea. It wasn't the worst mistake Anet has ever made, but it surely is one. Let the folks who don't want or can't wvw get out of the way of those who do. Find some other way to entice new players into the best game mode in GW than forcing them to do a reward track for a shiny trinket.

  7. > @Doam.8305 said:

    > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > > I think mounts are a bad idea. GW2 is becoming less unique by this move. The WP system is far superior and watering it down with the addition of screen clutter is disheartening. I wish they had used their development time for something else - anything else.


    > The WP system is akin to flying mounts in other games as your basically going from point A to point B completely skipping all the other players you would have seen on your travels.


    > With ground mounts when going from point A to point B you'll see all the players inhabiting the space between and they'll see you while your traveling the playerbase actually seeing people traveling the roads is great for immersion. It also allows for greater player interaction because if I'm traveling from the southern to the northern part of the map after PoF is released then that will be on foot instead of WP and if I see a player in need along the way I will most definitely interact with them.


    > Just look at HoT a map could have a decent amount of people on it but you won't see them because one half is WP'n around and the other half is either gliding above your head or traveling through tunnels below your feet meaning you won't see them. PoF and mounts will add a community level this game has been lacking since its locking people into situations to interact and see one another.


    I don't want to waste time running between points. I want to get to where the 'fun' is. Seeing other people on the way is not 'fun' (to me).


    The only player interaction I want is on the WvW or PvP battlefields. In PVE, I just want to go where I want without having to see/talk or interact with anyone. Mounts are a waste of my time. Keep them in the game and let everyone who wants to gallop (or whatever verb you want) around, but also have the WP system so those of us who are not into wasting time moving around can get to where we want to be.

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