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Posts posted by Virdo.1540

  1. > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

    > If shield 4 will work properly, then I'm ok with shield 5 as it is right now. But this is just briliant idea. Whole Glint concept is around buffing your teamates. So I dont get it why shield is so luckluster, both skills. And this one is so selfish. We all know that. Everything that will happend to the shield, will be good. Every change can be only better.

    > Keep animation of buble and just increase it. Make it like a Dome in Retri line. Whatever. and it cost 20 energy. Temporal Rift and frigid blitz are 20 combined.


    > Overkill would be giving allies glint heal for 1sec or per hit(4 pulses= 4hits converted to the heals). So total 4 stack. And make it that they work only while casting Shield5.

    > Would it be OP? probably yes. Would it be game breaking? Hell not. Give it a visual so opposing players can react. Or Even make a trait for it.

    > its 25second CD but on revenant and cost is 20Energy. Mabye we can get out of staff slavery. Rev as caster doesnt get that heal as others thru temporary infuse light.

    > WvW-Blob? useful

    > PvP-i can see a teamfighter, it cannot push FB out, but that's it's not purpose here

    > PvE-Raid/dung/FoTM- Well there it is not that good, as healer Renegade is more popular here, and Ventari si just a must, and Staff is right now top i dare to say. But still you can use it here


    > Open World- everything work here




    > Off Topic:Still think Shield 4 could be "strike from above" instead of orb projectile(is it lore referance?), just splash of light maybe some "crystals in it" on the area. Bum. No need to tuch numbers, they are fine. Instantly 100% better off hand. No orb disappearing in the mist while on the way to heal :lol: just like symbols work(scepter for example)



    esp with the "Every change can be only better"

  2. How about tweaking skills like Maul from Ranger or GS f1 from warriors? Cuz just being invisible/immune ,while spamming all CCs until they get a hit on someone with +300Toughness+Protection, which results in an +20k Damage hit is pretty screwed up. (+ almost 0 cooldown on this One-hit skills)

  3. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > > > O dmg at all, stop using bunker amulets then

    > > > >

    > > > > well then u obviously count marauder as bunker lol

    > > >

    > > > May be equip a weapon or something then lol. Revs have been nerfed (like all in the past) but saying it has 0 dmg is complete nonsense.

    > >

    > > If its just compared to classes with immunities ,like warr or ranger etc, Then its doing damage-&movement-wise pretty low.

    > > We dont have +20k dmg skills that have an extremely low cd or so


    > Point is, no class should be doing that at all.


    thats something im agreeing with u.

    Sniper, War GS, Maul from ranger are too strong,with too low cd and thats why im confused everyone calling rev so great. For example Warriors can run way quicker from A to B and just spam their CC until they kill someone with their F1. Same goes for the tactics of the other ones

  4. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > O dmg at all, stop using bunker amulets then

    > >

    > > well then u obviously count marauder as bunker lol


    > May be equip a weapon or something then lol. Revs have been nerfed (like all in the past) but saying it has 0 dmg is complete nonsense.


    If its just compared to classes with immunities ,like warr or ranger etc, Then its doing damage-&movement-wise pretty low.

    We dont have +20k dmg skills that have an extremely low cd or so

  5. > @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

    > This entire post is a joke. Rev has had the strongest spike, sustained pressure, chase potential, and mobility for the past 6+ months and out does every other roamer. It knocked thief out of competitive meta and in the right hands can kill anything with ease. Sure holo is a decent pugstomper when farming lower rated players in ranked who can't react, but when you watch high lvl players face off the only roamer you will consistently see is rev because nothing can stick on a target and spike it down the way rev can. Thief lacks dmg and is terrible in teamfights, holo is easily baited by terrain,reflects, and port jukes because it lacks chase potential. The only builds that can out spike a rev are niche one shot specs like deadeye, sic em ranger, berserker mantra mesmer etc. Due to the nature of those builds they can only do 1 thing(the spike) and have no sustain, or sustained pressure especially when being focused unlike rev. Rev has insane sustain and the ability to simply reset and jump right back with a deathstrike or shiro port when favorable. Its spike and sustain still need nerfs especially with the changes coming to necro next patch.


    > But haHA rev no spike xd


    "It knocked thief out of competitive meta"

    Didnt knew rev is meta.. Oh wait, its not.

    But thief is

  6. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > but u have to think about that u would drain everything of ur energy supply for that 4sec dmg reduction ,which will have a pretty long cd


    > You didn't mention this would drain energy until now...

    > So would it drain energy every time you reduce an allies damage? With a base energy drain of -4?


    nope i was talking about ur max-dmg reduction thing. All energy on glint goes into protection, all energy on dwarf to the Rite of Dwarf + the standard (high) energy cost of activating shield5

  7. Love the changes of the necros incoming <3

    btw have u maybe thought about nerfing maul from the Rangers?

    Cuz being Stealth, Invuln and doing +20k on a loooow cooldown while being supportive,tanky ,having a massive range and a pet is kinda too much. Maul is too strong for the low cd

  8. > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > Good changes overall (from my playstyle's point of view). But I strongly concur with my engineer colleagues.


    > 1. Function Gyro has too little health, and is effectively useless at any function at all, whether it be reviving, or finishing. The abysmal range does not help it either.

    > 2. Turrets are still completely and utterly unusable, for the same Reason function gyro is unusable : they dont have enough health or they dont have enough damage mitigation. For static summon (a Marked disatvantage), they need to be tanky enough to not be trivial. As it stands, people can either Simply go around them, or topple them with a small push (the equivalent of attacking it for -3-hits for a veteran monster. Imagine a player).

    > 3. Holographic wave being reduced is fine, but the range is Completely halved. Couldn't that have been handled differently ? Have various ranges : Immediately near the Holo = Knockdown, Half range = Daze, Damage reduced ?

    > 4. If Necromancer minions can use necromancer stats, I move that turrets be allowed to use atleast a portion of engineer stats. If engineer is built around tankiness, make turrets a hindrance by being resilient. If engineer is built around glass cannon techniques, make them strong enough to pose a threat, but as easily counterable. Engineer is the Only profession to have a full skill line obsolete through complete lack of adapted stats.


    > I hope at the very least point 1, 2 and 4 get a read, and some proper love. It's high time turrets make a return. Give core engineers Something.



  9. What about the thing of the Heralds Gaze of darkness doing damage? I think it would be a neat thing, but just adding something like an 2sec Chill instead wouldnt be horrible thing too.

    But tbh its lovely to see that the dwarf actually gets some love ^^ An faster chain-fly animation wouldnt be bad too


    The rest of this balancing is imo fine.

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > I dont play Holosmith my own but the Holographic Shockwave from 600 to 300 sound pretty extreme to me. Holosmith isnt a thing that really needs any nerfs.

    > > > > > > If it has to be, then a 480 range would be more enough of a nerf.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In PvP it needs a nerf, but not in PvE.

    > > > >

    > > > > i meant in pvp. a 300range is almost nothing

    > > >

    > > > It says range for some reason but it's actually a radius. And 300 radius is not that small. Yes, it's way smaller than 600 and exponentially so, but if you compare it to similar skills of other professions 300 is way more fair than 600. 480 would still be quite a bit more than what other professions get for pbAoEs that make you stay still for the cast.

    > >

    > > imo holo isnt a class that really needs any nerf. It can be good..."can".

    > > other classes could need a nerf slightly more then the holo

    > > and its not like hes doing abnormal things with that skill

    > The AoE range *is* abnormal. It's one of the largest player AoEs in the game, I only know of banners having that range - and they dont do any damage and have 80-180s cd. Holographic shockwave is a weapon skill on 15s cd.


    > Other "large" AoEs as examples:

    > Meteor shower, 360 radius.

    > Healing rains, 480 radius.

    > Barrage, 360 radius.

    > Arrowcart (traited), 540 radius


    > Holo shockwave is as large as a treb cow shot. Look at one the next time you see it and realize *just how fricking large that AoE is with a player in the center*.


    > TL;DR holo shockwave should never had that AoE to begin with. Because it's absolutely ridiculous.


    just to say, besides that shockwave they arent that big of a deal anyway

  11. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > I can imagine that happening, while rooting and healing affected allies would have a condi cleanse per your pulse and crystal Huber nation would reduce damage to affected alies inside dome, anet would have to increase some size in the animation I think.


    not inside the dome, just a "aoe" around it

  12. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > > A Diviner Herald stacking Protection beforehand, then using Rite of the Great Dwarf and then channeling this could make his entire party 100% damage resistant for its duration. Sounds a bit overpowered. Cool idea but needs some work.

    > >

    > > u know damage reductions wouldnt really stack that well, ye?

    > > and tbh, it would be still too less for that energy-cost. but maybe people would think of actually using a shield.

    > > The most people use shiro before dwarf anyway


    > It would still be a 87% damage reduction if calculated multiplicatively. Add Scrapper runes and Frost Aura, and you get even lower.


    but u have to think about that u would drain everything of ur energy supply for that 4sec dmg reduction ,which will have a pretty long cd

  13. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > A Diviner Herald stacking Protection beforehand, then using Rite of the Great Dwarf and then channeling this could make his entire party 100% damage resistant for its duration. Sounds a bit overpowered. Cool idea but needs some work.


    u know damage reductions wouldnt really stack that well, ye? If my calculations r right, it would be with all of those + the shield idea around 65-70%dmg reduction.


    And tbh, it (shield5) would be still too weak for that energy-cost, but maybe people would think of actually using a shield.

    The most people use shiro before dwarf anyway

  14. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > I dont play Holosmith my own but the Holographic Shockwave from 600 to 300 sound pretty extreme to me. Holosmith isnt a thing that really needs any nerfs.

    > > > > If it has to be, then a 480 range would be more enough of a nerf.

    > > >

    > > > In PvP it needs a nerf, but not in PvE.

    > >

    > > i meant in pvp. a 300range is almost nothing


    > It says range for some reason but it's actually a radius. And 300 radius is not that small. Yes, it's way smaller than 600 and exponentially so, but if you compare it to similar skills of other professions 300 is way more fair than 600. 480 would still be quite a bit more than what other professions get for pbAoEs that make you stay still for the cast.


    imo holo isnt a class that really needs any nerf. It can be good..."can".

    other classes could need a nerf slightly more then the holo

    and its not like hes doing abnormal things with that skill

  15. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > Just like the others, i dont agree with OP. Rev dmg and overall position is fine. Number of "thumbs up" on OP also shows how things are.

    > If thats not a troll, might be l2p issue.


    not l2p if the herald has compared to other classes even lower movement, sustain and damage (for example ranger, warrior, mesmer, ele)

  16. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > what are you talking about, rev damage need shave, sword 5 alone does like 4.5k damage

    > >

    > > and maul does +20k


    > one of them is not like the other.


    just wanted to mention that the 4,5k dmg from sword5 isnt much compared to every other class, which have +20k dmg skills

  17. How about leaving it how it is now, but only with a little buff.

    Since the renegade can make an extra 50%condi-dmg reduction just with his healing, how about making the Shield 5 being able to give:

    - to 5 allies

    - in a 360 Range

    - an 40% Physical damage reduction

    while the skill being channeled.


    Just bringing up an idea. Its kinda less being discussed in the rev section^^

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