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Posts posted by Tycura.1982

  1. I'd swap FGJ for frenzy, EP, or stomp.

    I'd swap intel and battle onto GS and use courage( or revocation, cleansing),energy for axe. I get what it's trying to do but outside of getting higher evicerates there's no benefit to saving your adrenaline for tier 3 bursts and would be better off using Arcing.


    All in all you're better off playing SBR but if you're F2P I get it. The build will suffice.


    Don't use rampage it's nearly useless now. Rage will give you more bursts and activation has better synergy with the build.


    The build seems to focus on axe but doesn't use axe mastery for some reason. Also it regards your axe 3 as niche which is way far from the truth. Spam axe 3 like it's a game of hot potato especially after bursting to take advantage of it's execute.


    Never open with bulls charge nothing screams "I don't know what I'm doing" like that. Bulls is best used when the enemy is out of dodges or you use it as an evade/parry. EG: Enemy warrior uses shield bash, I use bulls charge. He gets interrupted and CC'd while I evade his CC.

    Same goes for GS3


    Always use GS4 after GS3 unless you're going to hurt yourself doing it. EG: Hitting another war's Full Counter.


    Stick to sides and don't get too invested in team fights. If you get outnumbered on a side node kite around and drag out the fight. Any time you're 1v2 and surviving you're giving your team value even if you lose your cap. Try and kill the ganker if they chase you solo.


    If you lose your cap in a 1v2 gank and the ganker leaves make sure it's a winnable 1v1 after that or at the very least a stall on a decap. Never fight a prolonged fight on a capped node especially vs bunkers and decap builds. DH is meta atm and the build you're running is bad vs blocks. It's winnable but slow just cleanse the burning before it racks up DPS.


    Don't be afraid to blow your skills. All of wars weapon skills have relatively low cool downs. Blow - Swap - Blow - Swap but put a modicum of thought into it. Swapping is sustain and dps.


    War has a flow to chaining skills and can lock down people into heavy bursts. Just keep track of their stunbreaks and dodges.


    FGJ for Frenzy, EP, Stomp because you're better off with a second stunbreak instead of trying to facetank damage and heal it off. One stack of poison and you're looking at seriously decreased value. Frenzy gives you burst options, EP has great mitigation, Stomp is a 24 second stunbreak/cc/stab and combos well into GS5.


    Support War is for the birds.

  2. Core Stance Warrior


    GS with hydromancy


    Heal Siggie

    Endure Pain

    Balanced Stance

    Zerker Stance


    Anything with Berserker Spec that wasnt a meme

    Anything with RR

    Anything with Heal Siggie

    Anything with CC damage


    Thanks Anet


    There's a decent balance to Str Spellbreaker atm. Inb4 it gets nerfed to unplayability the patch before next xpac.



  3. It's alright for me. Glad they buffed MMR. Support needed some nerfing in pvp. With holo and renegade getting hit warrior is getting a better deal for sides now.


    I'd like to see Berserker and Arms and stance traits reworked next.

  4. Patch notes were pretty reasonable if you ask me. It was the right call not to buff war very much after nerfing Holo and Jalis Renegade. The Winds revert is also okay. For us anyway. F WvW. Would rather have seen an initiative nerf to heartseeker than infiltrate arrow as mobility is what makes thief unique and useful. All in all I'd say you did okay. Something something right twice a day. I'd like see some buffs to underplayed classes next there's been enough nerfs.

  5. "Moving forward with competitive balance, we want to make smaller adjustments more often. The specific cadence for balance will always depend on our overall release schedule, but ideally it will be closer to every 4-6 weeks, while still having the opportunity to make minor tweaks outside of the regular balance update. The goal here is to have better flexibility to fix problems in a timely manner." - CMC 01/31/2020



  6. I feel the exact opposite OP. There should be more ICDs. For example instead of gutting mirage they should've put an ICD on sharper images. Flashbang should have an ICD. Once you nerf traits enough you should start focusing on buffs to weapons and utilities that benefit a class as a whole to make all versions of it varying degrees of viable with especs being a flavorful sidegrade.

  7. Breaching Strike is your best friend in this match up.


    Go in and get out with damage just skirmish and don't stand on symbols and you will out sustain them and eventually get the kill.


    They cap/decap the node though. So if you've got a better rotation option take it.


    If burns are killing you try Intel/Battle on GS and Energy/Cleansing on Dag/Shield.


    But generally speaking Dag F1, Dag 2 in. They pop focus 5? GS 3 breaks all block stacks. You're looking to burst between their aegis windows because they don't have a lot of HP. Enough pressure and they will drop over time.


    If you think that's unfair that Anet allows absentee gameplay builds to be relevant well hey I do too! I'm convinced CMC was hired to make SPvP worse.


    Oh and if you're looking for a different take on the standard SB build try Stomp in place of Frenzy and S&M in place of LA.


    Symbols are free FC bait. Use it to set up burst.

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