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Everything posted by Darkbeefy.5729

  1. rofl: seriously, in alternative to whine like pre school kids, test your theories prior to complaining. Shroud.. those trebs in spawn for which you linked- the can be removed with a balli faster than the trebs can fire, also the balli is safe from the trebs as the min range is effected by their alleviation. Mag clouding ebg. Very very simple counter.. the two whom are opposing simply take half Mags BL each and tier them and to rub salt into the wound siege out one backline tower and the keep (EWP in each) and simply hold for tier3. As many have mentioned.. 3 exits in every spawn. No point in whinning that your getting farmed when you dont seek out the counters. In RL and as with games, there is normally a counter so all you need do is use a little IQ
  2. It may not be your connection. You will find the same complaint by a vast majority of players now. Some pve maps are so laggy they are unplayable. It started off with only a few, and now the few has grown. My ping in DSM's shows 246-260rtt, if I immediately go to a lagg pve map (wait 15min) the ping averages 970+. If I go directly to WvW from a DSM my ping goes from av 246rtt to at a minimum 1.4-1.7k rtt and will top before a dc at around 4k av then 0. Also getting login error popups while playing. 3 days ago ago, those login errors popped (no lie) EVERY 60s like clockwork (only in wvw however)
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