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Posts posted by MrPhantasia.5924

  1. The problem is less the runes and more that the game's PvE doesn't incentivise anything other than straight damage if you're dps or concentration if you're support. Raids will occassionally push you to want healing power and toughness.


    You're never going to encounter mobs in the open world that primarily attack through cobdition damage enough where Sunless or Hoelbrak runes might be worth running. Or stun you frequently enough for you to want Meladru runes. Or heal enough for you to consider sigils of doom. And challenging and threatening enough for you to want to use every possible edge you can get.


    In SPvP and WvW there are tons of unused runes and sigils as well but it is waaaaaaay healthier than it is in PvE. Because those are threats you need to be concerned about.


    I would love if PvE offered that kind of complexity and variety in the chalkenges it offered, and that more content actually was challenging. But if Arenanet did that a massive portion of the population would rebel like they did at the start of Heart of Thorns when the jungle was genuinely challenging.



  2. > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > > > To those who argue that because it's a world full of magic, we should have even more revealing armor: I offer this counterargument:

    > > > I'm a female who deals with imagery of sexualized women in real life every day, in every place. From burger advertising to cars and so on, sex sells. And near-naked female bodies that have been photo-altered to impossible perfection sell best.

    > > > As a woman, that is SO discouraging.

    > > > When I go into a fantasy world full of magic, I want to escape the things that hurt me in real life. Other people can play whatever they choose--because escape and fantasy are different for everyone. And if other people choose revealing armor, that is fine with me.

    > > > But I wish there were more female body and clothing options for MY escape--that is, options that are totally NON-sexual in every way. Options that let me forget the pressures of being a woman in real life--and instead be a bad-kitten hero for a while.

    > > > Charr females are great, and I play them almost exclusively to get my escape. But I wish I could have a human female whose body shape and armor design are similar--where sexuality is not the point. I want a human female who looks like a normal woman like me, not an airbrushed model with poreless skin and anime body.

    > >

    > > Don't you understand how empowering it is to be a boob ninja? /s


    > Stop using the 'as a woman' argument.


    I never did. I never claimed to be a woman, because I'm not. This account name is literally Mr Phantasia. If you're going to resort outright lying about what I've said I don't see a point in talking to you further, liar.

  3. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > > Nothing is ever immune to nerfs, looking at its current state, it never recovered from half of the nerfs the community has already cried about.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Not many classes have and they are still nerfed. I doubt engi will be immune to it. As that will set a very dangerous standard for Anet showing blatant favouritism to one class and nerfing core traits continually on others.

    > > > >

    > > > > Except we've presented multiple ways to nerf holo, but some people insist on nerfing core instead, almost like they have a vendetta.

    > > >

    > > > Because no other class main has presented sensible nerfs to an issue to watch the community continue to have a vendetta and want core parts of the class nerfed. Get the core parts nerfed. Then come back to the forum and scream for more.

    > >

    > > I'm genuinely confused by what you're saying here -- sounds like bitterness about something, so you want to hurt somebody else so they feel it too? I'm assuming you mean mesmer, but I guess you could mean other classes too. Still, there is [help out there](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/forgiveness/art-20047692 "help out there") on the internet if you need it.

    > >

    > > As for your proposition... we already had turrets nerfed so hard they never really came back. I'd rather not repeat the event.


    > Except healing turret, and thumper turret on prot builds. But at least 3/5 of them are unviable. Look at guard concecrations, Ele weapons, engineer gadgets, necro minions. All of these would've made for a better argument.


    Mesmer glamors too

  4. > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > To those who argue that because it's a world full of magic, we should have even more revealing armor: I offer this counterargument:

    > I'm a female who deals with imagery of sexualized women in real life every day, in every place. From burger advertising to cars and so on, sex sells. And near-naked female bodies that have been photo-altered to impossible perfection sell best.

    > As a woman, that is SO discouraging.

    > When I go into a fantasy world full of magic, I want to escape the things that hurt me in real life. Other people can play whatever they choose--because escape and fantasy are different for everyone. And if other people choose revealing armor, that is fine with me.

    > But I wish there were more female body and clothing options for MY escape--that is, options that are totally NON-sexual in every way. Options that let me forget the pressures of being a woman in real life--and instead be a bad-kitten hero for a while.

    > Charr females are great, and I play them almost exclusively to get my escape. But I wish I could have a human female whose body shape and armor design are similar--where sexuality is not the point. I want a human female who looks like a normal woman like me, not an airbrushed model with poreless skin and anime body.


    Don't you understand how empowering it is to be a boob ninja? /s

  5. > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > the pull is a bit ridiculous but its only use is in wvw so its not that bad.

    > >

    > > The best mirage build in cinquest, Zeromis GS mirage, uses it. Its the only mirage build thats won an MAT since the portal nerf.

    > Which is a dead weight in EU.

    > This cmirage main that won monthly as scrapper is 0 on any power variation. Which is confirms that condi mirage carry bad players. How he won monthly thats a huge mistery to me. I mean I seen him in ranked, he died like potato to chronos 24/7...

    > Not to mention any mesmer build being shut down by a thief ,easly


    Sorry im not following

  6. > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > Getting pedantic about naming compared to specific skins only existing for male characters while female characters get this awful looking mini skirt boobwindow thing that shares zero characteristics with the male armor is deliberately trying to derail and bog down the conversation. Perfected Envoy armor is neither perfect, nor does it have anything to do with Envoys, either.

    > >

    > > And besides, you can very easily get the appearance of a hoplite without the use of one specific set already.

    > >


    > So as of right now, my point still stands. Why doesn't the Phalanx male set look like a Phalanx like female? You literally just went and dodged the point because there was an armour that came to the same description as an actual Phalanx armour. That still doesn't justify the fact that a male armour called a Phalanx armour is still not a Phalanx Armour but the female one is. If you're gonna go tell me I'm going pedantic, try actually looking at your argument because you're argument is literally "This armour is this for male, therefore female should be the same because this is the design that is made".


    > > This has more to do with how the skeleton rigs for both genders of Asura and Charr use largely the same animations. Human, norn, and sylvari all have a lot of different animations for all sorts of tasks like how they hold a weapon while they stand, run, or walk, and it's not different for fanservice's sake.

    > >

    > > Your argument that "If there isn't underboob, cleavage, platemale bikinis and boobplates then why have women characters at all!?" basically defeats itself.


    > That has nothing to do with animation, what are you on about? Animations of a race doesn't affect their armour aesthetics, armour aesthetics are affected by appearance of a character.

    > Charr and Asura have differing characteristics in male and female, even if their animations are the same. They can definitely make male and female Asura and Charr characters look aesthetically unique between male and female and it won't do anything to the animation.


    Because I play a lot of PvP with standard enemy models and with classes like necro or guardian which run some of the few armor sets with minimal aethetic difference its very easy to tell even at a glance which are male and female characters just at a glance because of build, postire, and animation.




    > And already you misinterpreted my argument. I never stated anything about boobs like you did. My argument was that male and female armours should look unique to one another. You were the one who focused on boobs after I pointed out how your example was completely wrong.


    "I'm not saying all female armor needs to skimpy. I'm just pointing towards to heavy plated low cut top armor set as an example of how to do armor skins on female characters the right way right instead of making them all just look like mans."

  7. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > the pull is a bit ridiculous but its only use is in wvw so its not that bad.


    The best mirage build in cinquest, Zeromis GS mirage, uses it. Its the only mirage build thats won an MAT since the portal nerf.

  8. > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > Getting pedantic about naming compared to specific skins only existing for male characters while female characters get this awful looking mini skirt boobwindow thing that shares zero characteristics with the male armor is deliberately trying to derail and bog down the conversation. Perfected Envoy armor is neither perfect, nor does it have anything to do with Envoys, either.

    > >

    > > And besides, you can very easily get the appearance of a hoplite without the use of one specific set already.

    > >


    > So as of right now, my point still stands. Why doesn't the Phalanx male set look like a Phalanx like female? You literally just went and dodged the point because there was an armour that came to the same description as an actual Phalanx armour. That still doesn't justify the fact that a male armour called a Phalanx armour is still not a Phalanx Armour but the female one is. If you're gonna go tell me I'm going pedantic, try actually looking at your argument because you're argument is literally "This armour is this for male, therefore female should be the same because this is the design that is made".


    > > This has more to do with how the skeleton rigs for both genders of Asura and Charr use largely the same animations. Human, norn, and sylvari all have a lot of different animations for all sorts of tasks like how they hold a weapon while they stand, run, or walk, and it's not different for fanservice's sake.

    > >

    > > Your argument that "If there isn't underboob, cleavage, platemale bikinis and boobplates then why have women characters at all!?" basically defeats itself.


    > That has nothing to do with animation, what are you on about? Animations of a race doesn't affect their armour aesthetics, armour aesthetics are affected by appearance of a character. Charr and Asura have differing characteristics in male and female, even if their animations are the same. They can definitely make male and female Asura and Charr characters look aesthetically unique between male and female and it won't do anything to the animation.


    > And already you misinterpreted my argument. I never stated anything about boobs like you did. My argument was that male and female armours should look unique to one another. You were the one who focused on boobs after I pointed out how your example was completely wrong.


    This is like getting genuinely annoyed Guild Wars 2 doesn't completely revolve around guild wars when the name is Guild Wars 2. "It's not that I want female characters dressed in revealing outfits and that I keep defending the miniskirt armor, **it's about ethics in video game armor set naming conventions.**"

  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > Believe what you want ... if you think Anet doesn't have a plan they are implementing based on what they want to do, then you don't really know much to begin with.

    > >

    > > Chromomancer was designed to be a defensively orientated support spec. Mirage was designed to be a dps condition damage spec. DPS Chronomancer massively out performs Mirage in dps on 75% of the raid bosses and in 95% of other PvE situations. Power GS Chronomancer is also far more deadly and lethal than mirage variants in PvP as well. That probably wasn't planned.

    > >

    > > Anet clearly has some overall philosophical goals. Like spellbreakers should be a top 1v1 spec. Necros and guardians of all stripes should excel in team fights. But if you don't think wackamole the over performing spec and community feedback has a driving factor in balance you don't know what you're talking about. Just look at how impactful the Jawgeous rant was. That video literally single handedly commit to reworking all traits that improve shatters to only improve one shatter which means heavily nerfed effectiveness overall like we see with the new Blinding Dissipation.

    > >

    > > Edit: My post was originally made on a phone at work and was edited to be more clear in it's wording and intent.


    > This is where I think you go a little off ... Nothing suggests that SB's being a top 1 vs. 1 spec is an overall philosophical goal Anet has ...


    If you want to get technical Spellbreaker is explicitly designed to be an elite specialization that's both less offensive and more defensively orientated compared to standard warriors as well as extremely disruptive by canceling other profession's strengths such as eliminating their boons, conditions, stealth, projectiles, even their mobility, and is packing a a solid amount of interrupts. Which if you're going to emphasize A-Net's "vision" paints them as even bigger failures as all meta spellbreaker is at this point in Conquest is a 1vX build that ramps 25 might and chucks 10k crits out while having top tier mobility. The utilities and traits designed to cancel out other profession's strengths never lived up to their potential. Sometimes stuff like this pans out well design wise, sometimes it misses it's mark.


    When Spellbreaker is perhaps the purest example of a 1vX duelist and has been for almost 2 years straight now. And when arenanet in their reasoning for class changes explicitly mention being happy with spellbreakers and how they're performing, it's pretty safe to say they want them largely 1vXing.


    Or take mesmers. Since the beginning of the game mesmers have been defined by Portal in conquest. It was a staple of almost every meta since the start of the game for five years straight. Then during December when anger at Mirage reached a fevor pitch Arenanet finally truly hard hard nerfed Portal to the point of forcing mesmers to stop running it.


    Maybe it really was a sudden change in philosophy about what mesmer PvP should be about. Or maybe the massive amount of feedback on the topic changed Arenanet's stance on the matter.


    > same goes for what you said about Necros, Guardians, etc... It's when you impose you own ideas on what Anet is doing when you go wrong with your conclusions about why they did this or that.


    "Guardians gain powerful personal enhancements from their virtues, which they can briefly expend to aid friends or damage foes. Formidable on their own, **guardians shine brightest in the company of allies**."


    "Necromancers of Tyria are monsters on the **battlefield**, draining life force from their enemies and entering a death shroud that temporarily grants them powerful abilities and protects them from harm."


    "Mesmers are magical **duelists** who wield deception as a weapon. Using powerful illusions, clones, and phantasmal magic to confuse and distract their foes, mesmers make sure every fight is balanced in their favor and their opponents can’t believe their eyes."


    "Engineers are **jacks-of-all-trades** and, with enough time, masters of many. Able to bring dozens of abilities and toolbelt skills to a fight, their art is in choosing the right one to utilize at the perfect time."


    Literally the first thing you see in character creation about the class when you make a new character. It's literally the thesis statement is how they intend for the classes to operate. Arenanet is very upfront about what they intend the professions to focus on and be capable of.


    > As i said, when the community complains this much, they are bound to get it right once in a while. That's all you're seeing here. If Anet is so dedicated to changing the game because of players complaints ... how do you explain the current state of the game? You're telling me that in the last 7 years that even though Anet is focused on addressing players complaints, they just can't do it? What does that tell you about the value of using players complaints as a guideline for changing the game?


    It tells me that, in their own words, "[balance is a moving target](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/429915/#Comment_429915 "balance is a moving target")" and that they know they have more work to do.


    It's not 100% feedback or 100% developer vision with no player input what so ever. I mean Ben P literally hangs out in discords to get feedback directly from specific groups in the community. I don't think any amount of complaining will ever get Arenanet to hard nerf thief mobility and high evasion uptime ever. It's literally the defining point of the class as a whole. Arenanet clearly have a philosphical perspective on thieves being fragile but also having mobility, agility, evasion and stealth to disrupt and take down foes and no amount of player complaining is going to make Arenanet turn Thieves into the most survivable bunkers ever made, nor will you see them halve the range of Shadowstep and Infiltrator's Arrow. But player feedback might get something like Infiltrator's Strike looked at and it's range reduced to 600 potentially, which is something a number of members of the community have talked about since SD Thief became meta.

  10. > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > There is plenty of armor in the game that look *exactly* like in your pic.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Why do you call it juvenile though? If your high end armorers had the capability of basicly making wearable Chobham armor 0.2 inches thick along with literal magical forcefields protecting any "bare midriff" and absorbing kinetic energy would not warriors **want** something as skintight and mobile as possible? Its like... Level 10 blue is Iron Man 1 level of armor. Level 80 Exotic and higher is Infinity War Iron Man.

    > > > >

    > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/iN9Mssw.png "")

    > > > >

    > > > > This kitten here is unforgivable.

    > > >

    > > > It's unforgivable alright. Where's my bare thigh male phalanxes with mohawk styled helmets?

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/giqxfrh.png "")

    > > >

    > > > Oh right, it's the female that has that exact armour description...

    > >

    > > You're missing the point in that because of the gender differences between the armor sets means that female characters can never use skins that look like the male phalanx skin set. At least stuff like Elonian Elementalist armor has the decency to be consistent between both genders.

    > >

    > > Guild wars 2 should approach it's armor like the Dark Souls and Bloodborne series do.

    > >


    > I didn't miss the point. Your point was wrong to begin with because you're trying to make it sound like the female armour was ridiculous when it was following the theme of a Phalanx on point when the male armour was nowhere near it.

    > And in terms of the whole "why can't female look like male", that's a question that goes both ways as per my example; Why does the female Phalanx armour look like a Phalanx but the male armour doesn't? Male armour is literally anything BUT Phalanx.


    The female phalanx doesn't look close to a hoplite.


    Getting pedantic about naming compared to specific skins only existing for male characters while female characters get this awful looking mini skirt boobwindow thing that shares zero characteristics with the male armor is deliberately trying to derail and bog down the conversation. Perfected Envoy armor is neither perfect, nor does it have anything to do with Envoys, either.


    And besides, you can very easily get the appearance of a hoplite without the use of one specific set already.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/RHWezO6.jpg "")


    > As for your current point, they already did that with Charr and Asura and to be honest, I think it's terrible. It just kills uniqueness. Charr Male and Female look exactly the same when wearing the same armourset and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference at first glance. Same goes for Asura. At least Human, Norn and Sylvari actually feel unique when you choose male or female armour.


    This has more to do with how the skeleton rigs for both genders of Asura and Charr use largely the same animations. Human, norn, and sylvari all have a lot of different animations for all sorts of tasks like how they hold a weapon while they stand, run, or walk, and it's not different for fanservice's sake.


    Your argument that "If there isn't underboob, cleavage, platemale bikinis and boobplates then why have women characters at all!?" basically defeats itself.

  11. > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > Believe what you want ... if you think Anet doesn't have a plan they are implementing based on what they want to do, then you don't really know much to begin with.

    > > >

    > > > Chromomancer was designed to be a defensively orientated support spec. Mirage was designed to be a dps condition damage spec. Chronomancer massively out performs Mirage in dps on 75% of the raid bosses and in 95% of other PvE situations. Power GS Chronomancer is also far more deadly and lethal than mirage varients. That probably wasn't planned.

    > > >

    > > > Anet clearly has some overall philosophical goals. Like spellbreakers should be a top 1v1 spec. Necros and guardianss should team fight. But if you don't think wackamole and community feedback has a driving factor in balance you don't know what you're talking about. Just look at how impactful the Jawgeous rant was.

    > >

    > > You guys are in here venting and expressing ur opinions and ideas on the recent mesmer changes etc and being told what ur being told (not rehashing)but go to warrior section and see same person doing the same thing basically that u guys are with the class they play, but it's ok cuz they stated that its different cuz they kno how to give real feedback. Gues u guys dont so it's not ok lmao

    > I cant understand anything from this... Also you cant see much of threads "this change is nonsense blablabla" because mesmer playerbase either dead or just given up(because "knowledgable community" always crying, they manage to cry about focus offhand....somehow....)


    Having a hard time parcing it myself as well.


    But I can tell you that the Rampage thread in the warrior section is leaded with tons of "Rampage is fine" and "Warrior is ONLY decent because of rampage" vs "Okay something is going to get hit on spellbreaker and we need to make sure it's the right nerfs that don't hurt the build but we won't really actually propose anything just any nerf suggestions people just are never 'the right way to nerf'"

  12. > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > There is plenty of armor in the game that look *exactly* like in your pic.

    > > >

    > > > Why do you call it juvenile though? If your high end armorers had the capability of basicly making wearable Chobham armor 0.2 inches thick along with literal magical forcefields protecting any "bare midriff" and absorbing kinetic energy would not warriors **want** something as skintight and mobile as possible? Its like... Level 10 blue is Iron Man 1 level of armor. Level 80 Exotic and higher is Infinity War Iron Man.

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/iN9Mssw.png "")

    > >

    > > This kitten here is unforgivable.


    > It's unforgivable alright. Where's my bare thigh male phalanxes with mohawk styled helmets?

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/giqxfrh.png "")


    > Oh right, it's the female that has that exact armour description...


    You're missing the point in that because of the gender differences between the armor sets means that female characters can never use skins that look like the male phalanx skin set. At least stuff like Elonian Elementalist armor has the decency to be consistent between both genders.


    Guild wars 2 should approach it's armor like the Dark Souls and Bloodborne series do.


    If an armor set looks like this on male characters:


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/5AApExe.png "")


    Then it should look like this on female characters.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/t0lTUWC.png "")


    And if you're going to make armor sets that look like this on female characters:


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/sy2xXlI.jpg "")


    Then male characters should get this treatment.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/XwOzfFD.jpg "")


    There are are only a few armor sets in the entire series that break from this.

  13. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > >

    > > What do you mean "how many?" i made 21 of them and did the collection and it consumed them all.


    > Yeah, there was someone else who didn't realize they were optional. The treats were so you could skip over doing the boss or JP by calling the skyscale to you--if you could find the skyscale on your own, you didn't need a treat.


    But every time I talked to the skyscale it ate the treat just automatically. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?

  14. > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > I will give the OP credit: they asked for a more equal implementation so that either gender can wear either armor look.


    > It's a wide step from asking for female armor sets to have more coverage and more cleavage and more practicality and more decorative all at the same time...I mean, at what point do these people feel we've reached equality?


    What do you mean by *these people*

  15. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > Again .. you have choices if you want either approach, so the complain is not really sensible. It's not like there is only a dozen armor sets in this game. To think THIS game is somehow exceptional as far as these armor designs go ... I don't think that's accurate. Yes, there are skins that show skin ... if you don't like them don't use them. This isn't a question of if there are armor skins that offend you. It's a question of choice ... and you have it. I honestly don't understand what the OP is complaining about .. he posted some example of 'good' armor looks ... many of those looks can be built from many of the choices easily available to all players; the core armor sets in the game are actually VERY tame.


    There are literally 3 heavy armor chest pieces that both are not revealing or have hideous looking boobplates to make sure you know oh boy there are definitely boobs here.


    Hunnan T3 cultural, counsel guard, and legendary. Thats it. Three choices out of close to 70 skins. So much choice. And none of it keeps up the pretense of stuff like the Elonian elementalist outfit of at least being similarly revealing for bith genders.

  16. > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > There is plenty of armor in the game that look *exactly* like in your pic.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Why do you call it juvenile though? If your high end armorers had the capability of basicly making wearable Chobham armor 0.2 inches thick along with literal magical forcefields protecting any "bare midriff" and absorbing kinetic energy would not warriors **want** something as skintight and mobile as possible? Its like... Level 10 blue is Iron Man 1 level of armor. Level 80 Exotic and higher is Infinity War Iron Man.

    > > > >

    > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/iN9Mssw.png "")

    > > > >

    > > > > This kitten here is unforgivable.

    > > >

    > > > That makes no sense ... it's not the only heavy armor skin for female characters. If you don't want to look like that you have dozens of options to choose from. Frankly, the complaint is ridiculous because their are more than enough choices if your preference is to not show skin or be 'form fitted'.

    > > >

    > > > I might be singular on this but my main complain about the armor sets is that far too many are too adorned and extravagant. They have little bits and bobs stick out from them. I struggle to get a 'simple' look if that's the route I want.

    > >

    > > It's not this one set. Its just the one that pisses me off the most. At least 75% of heavy armors hhave this kind of disparity.

    > >

    > > Besides this this type of juvenile fan service makes your game a laughing stock outside of the 13 year old furiously abusing themselves on the family computer while their parents are out demographic.


    > Went too far with that one. Insulting people for liking certain things is NOT okay. If you cannot add to the discussion in a mature, responsible way - do not post.


    Pointing out how other people look and talk about the game outside of its established userbase is not insulting anyone unless you're going out of your way to feel insulted.

  17. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > Believe what you want ... if you think Anet doesn't have a plan they are implementing based on what they want to do, then you don't really know much to begin with.


    Chromomancer was designed to be a defensively orientated support spec. Mirage was designed to be a dps condition damage spec. DPS Chronomancer massively out performs Mirage in dps on 75% of the raid bosses and in 95% of other PvE situations. Power GS Chronomancer is also far more deadly and lethal than mirage variants in PvP as well. That probably wasn't planned.


    Anet clearly has some overall philosophical goals. Like spellbreakers should be a top 1v1 spec. Necros and guardians of all stripes should excel in team fights. But if you don't think wackamole the over performing spec and community feedback has a driving factor in balance you don't know what you're talking about. Just look at how impactful the Jawgeous rant was. That video literally single handedly commit to reworking all traits that improve shatters to only improve one shatter which means heavily nerfed effectiveness overall like we see with the new Blinding Dissipation.


    Edit: My post was originally made on a phone at work and was edited to be more clear in it's wording and intent.

  18. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > if holo is so strong why don't I see it in ATs?

    > protip

    > its not


    Holo won the April EU MAT.


    So underpowered. Please buff. I'm so upset about Holo unviability I'm shoving onion rings into my mouth. I can't stop. I think I'm dying.

  19. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > There is plenty of armor in the game that look *exactly* like in your pic.


    > Why do you call it juvenile though? If your high end armorers had the capability of basicly making wearable Chobham armor 0.2 inches thick along with literal magical forcefields protecting any "bare midriff" and absorbing kinetic energy would not warriors **want** something as skintight and mobile as possible? Its like... Level 10 blue is Iron Man 1 level of armor. Level 80 Exotic and higher is Infinity War Iron Man.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/iN9Mssw.png "")


    This shit here is unforgivable.

  20. Forum suggestions will not 1:1 drive all balance changes. But they DO factor into it at least in terms of general direction. Look at how Mesmer and mirage kept getting nerfed even after representation started lagging behind engineer and warrior and rev representation in both high rated ranked and MATS including winning teams.


    Like you seriously don't think stuff like the Jawgeous rant don't impact dev decisions? They're literally making direct changes based on his suggestions like gutting Blinding Dissipation.

  21. > @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

    > Something had been niggling at me since finishing Episode 6, and I think I figured it out.


    > Aurene is Trahearne 2.0.


    > To elaborate: through the original Guild Wars 2 story, players were given an unconventional role, one of the all-powerful dragon-slaying sidekick to floppy Trahearne. Regardless of the trials of strength and guile the player character conquered, it was Trahearne that was written as the main protagonist. As I recall, this oddity didn't go over so well, not especially with how the ending encounter in Arah turned out.


    > And now we have Aurene, the child of prophecy, the god-being, the Scion, whereas the commander gets to play the familiar role: the Elder Dragon-slaying, God-killing sidekick. The episode is really about Aurene ascension. While our player character is there to... help. I mean, it certainly was better than pushing buttons and flipping levers during the Zhaitan fight, but still, we're more plot device than conquering hero, just like with Trahearne.


    > Yet... I'm not as perturbed as with Trahearne. Still not sure why.


    Unless you're sylvari Trahearne is introduced out of nowhere as this massively important character. That's the main problem with him.


    Lets say the personal story was designed so that after you meet your mentor and have your introductory arc you had two arcs worth of missions directly dealingvwith Zhaitan's minions and your order partners you with trahearne as an outside advisor and exert on the topic and you three have form a bit of a powerful trio together. I think Trahearne vwould have been received much better if that were the case.


    Aurene had 4 years of build up and we got to see here from when she was a defenseless egg and hatchling and gradually grow into an elder dragon god.

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