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Posts posted by MrPhantasia.5924

  1. I'm fine with ranked just being warriors, engineers, and revs. Less toxic this way.


    Gw2 Pvp should rebrand and go on a marketing blitz, Warriors vs Engineers and hard ban all other classes. I honestly think the game could at least be revitalized to Overwatch tier in player population if they did that.

  2. > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:


    > > Dude there were threads about how unfair _20g_ for the _Jackle_ was. You will complain about anything that isn't instant gratification. That's always been true for the bulk of the community.


    > That's the Jackal, not the Skyscale. I don't care who complained about what in the past, it's not at all relevant to this situation.


    > If people want to complain about that, they're more than welcome to, I personally don't care even if I don't agree with that. But this is a separate situation, and overlooking every legitimate criticism from this just because someone complained about something else once is completely ridiculous.


    The only real criticism of the Skyscale is that the acquisition isn't more similar to Aurora in acquisition. Something that required a lot more dedication and effort. That breathes new life into the LWS4 maps forever. That has prestige showing exactly what content the player _had_ to do to be able to get this item. That everyone can see someone riding it in the open world and think "Oh that means this person 100% compeleted Living World Season 4."


    And if we got that, you lot would have been even _more_ pissed.


    And instead we basically have something that does kind of please no one where you aside from a five minutes of your time every day once you get the collections done very little is asked of you. And so players who actually are competent at the game are kind of left with this game play that's just "Go here and press F" and all the whiners in this thread are unhappy that they can't press F on all the things _NOW_.

  3. > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:


    > >...Everything needs to be both faceroll easy and **instant gratification**...


    > It's amazing how just one phrase can immediately prove someone hasn't bothered to actually read legitimate complaints.


    > My guy, no one wants the mount instantly. Collection 1 is a 3x map circle, Collections 2, 4, and 5 actually have you go out into the world and play. The main one people were criticizing was Collection 3, because of the Quartz. Cutting a time-gate from 22+ days down to just 4 is an _improvement_, but it's not instant whatsoever.


    > At the current point, the main issue people are taking is the lack of transparency from ANet, since the time-gates denied us of any info of the later collections, and thus people are unprepared for what they entail. If you're going to bring legendaries into this, at least understand that when someone starts on a legendary, they know exactly what they need to do and can manage their time properly. They _don't_ find out what they need to do 7 days later, like we did for this.


    > Also, word of advice, stop assuming that every criticism is a slippery slope that leads to people wanting to remove any effort from the game at all. That's just unnecessary hyperbole and derailing actual constructive comments.


    > And, despite the fact I've not even seen a single person asking for that, if someone _is_ asking for ArenaNet to do all that, then myself [and a _big_ majority of the 1.7k comments in this thread, I'd imagine] completely disagree with them.


    > We don't want that. We just want to voice our opinions.



    Dude there were threads about how unfair _20g_ for the _Jackle_ was. The community will complain about anything that isn't instant gratification. That's always been true for the bulk of the community. This is just one more, the super ultra achievement for doing a lot of things for Living World Season 4 is going to be invalidated. Why not just give everyone Aurora for free too whether they did it or not? Why not?

  4. This thread is once again shines one of the most repeatedly and consistently disappointing aspects of the Guild Wars 2 community. In many ways this community is amazing. But in this regard it is one of the worst most frustrating online game communities I have ever seen.


    Any time there is EVER anything to accomplish in this game, or work towards, or look forward too, the community cannot emotionally handle it. When Ascended gear first came into the game people had complete meltdowns. They had meltdown over them being available for Laurels.


    I remember a friend pointing it out to me and telling me to save up my laurels and that after a while I'd save up enough to buy ascended trinkets. And that got me excited. It was nice knowing I had something to look forward to. And then I got my trinkets and it felt great. I got even more of them after that.


    When 500 Ascended Crafting came out people had another meltdown again. How dare Arenanet have daily crafting cooldown on (Tradable) materials. How dare they. Went people couldn't handle the skill required for Season 2 story missions, for heart of thorns story missions, for LWS3 and Path of Fire story missions, ect. They have complete meltdowns. When optional content like the Queen's Gauntlet and Liadri of the Concealing Dark (One of the coolest things ever added to PvE) came out people could not emotionally handle the idea that one tiny aspect of the patch not being build with the same impossible to fail easy face roll philosophy most other aspects of Guild Wars 2's PvE ended up, even though often times it was unintentional like with Dungeons which were always intended to be hard content.


    Heck people got furiously upset over how hard _optional_ challenge achievements for content was, like Migraine or the LS2+3 achievements were. Not even the main story missions, the OPTIONAL stuff there to CHALLENGE players. The griffon was a aggressively yelled about. Too secretive. Too expensive. Too time consuming.


    This community largely cannot handle any kind of adversity. Of any kind. Whether it requires skill, or dedication, or cooperation, or planning. Every time something remotely interesting like Raiding comes out the community cannot handle it and aggressively backlashes and whines about it until it's ruined. This is exactly why 99% of the things you can get in this game, are either from the gem store or available for straight gold. Because if people can't bust out the credit card and get it you better expect a shit show.


    Like for Mount Skins Arenanet could have added a bonus content pack like Mountster Rancher to the gem store, where you over the course of a week raise a new mount and gain a new skin. But if we had actual content on that rewarded skins through some investment people would freak the hell out. So instead of a bonus content we can buy, with content and an experience like other games get, and rewards we get lootboxes. Because this community can't handle the idea of actually playing the game. So we just get loot boxes.


    It is a good and valuable thing for there to be things that you personally have not finished yet. It is a good and valuable thing for there to be things for players to work toward. It is a good and valuable for there to be things to look forward to. I think about how I didn't just complete the story, map completion, and all the achievements and skins in the span of a handful of hours. How I still have goals to achieve. And that makes me happy. I look forward to getting my Scalescale after dedication and how meaningful it will be to me once I finally get it. Heck it'll be more personally valuable than almost all my legendaries just because of the time invented into it rather than how easily I can farm the gold for a Legendary.


    But we can't have that. We can't have nice things. Everything needs to be both faceroll easy and instant gratification. And then everyone is sitting around wondering why they don't have content anymore while they wait months for the next Living World release. Heck we can't even have a hard mode for Living World because people would be angry that there's an _optional_ mode designed to be challenging in solo and not allowing player assistance.


    Anything remotely cool or interesting gets complained about until it's both faceroll easy and instant gratification. It makes me lose hope in the community and game to ever introduce good content that actually engages the player outside of raids. It's why the big amazing fight against Kralkatorrik during All or Nothing was really just players attacking a static structure that doesn't fight back, or why the only two story missions this last patch it's practically impossible to take damage and die. Because the developers inadvertently conditioned the player base to never expect anything more, and to not be capable of handling more.


    And yes, the people will never stop complaining. After this they'll want cheaper legendaries, and to not have to spend points or earn experience for masteries, or to just unlock all skins and dyes in the game instantly. And complain and complain and complain nonstop until eventually Arenanet literally just gives people everything. Because why not? Why not just unlock all skins, dyes, masteries, achievements? At the end of the day that's what these people are asking for. And if you let them they'll complain for more and more and more instant gratification until there's literally nothing left in the game left to do ergo there is no game anymore and everyone mass quits. Games are excercises in simulated adversity. And when you make everything so free and effortless it practically plays itself you literally aren't left with a game anymore.

  5. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > unrivaled mobility.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > lol......LOL.......

    > > > > > # LOL

    > > > >

    > > > > Objectively true. If you look at weapon kits, Shortbow 5 easily outclasses every other professions weapon 5 skill in terms of just how much it swings games. It is objectively the strongest weapon skill in the game in terms of game impact. It's like old mesmer portal in terms of how OP Portal is over other utilities but in terms of weapon scale. I think once Shortbow 5 is addressed, maybe limiting it to 450 units, we can see thieves moved into a more fair role where they can be more consistent 1v1ers and team damage dealers.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > SB 5 is strong for sure and effective in a game mode like conquest but it's not OP in any way and suffers from drawbacks like 6 ini cost and no line of sight bugs and becomes less important in pve with mounts. SB skills 1-4 are objectively worse than other bow skills,sure thiefs learned to make best with what they got ie choking gas on downed opponents,pre cast clusters with steal(not with swipe lol) and cluster in fields etc all inch uses except maybe a low dps way to tag enemies and kilm clones due to auto ricochet lol. Sb as a whole is not a reason a class is OP or needs to be underpowered in the slightest.

    > >

    > > This is PVP MY DUDE who cares about mounts.

    > >

    > > If you put all the weapon skills side by side it is not possible to argue that Infiltrator's Arrow hasnt singlehandedly won more conquest matches on it's own than any other weapon skill. That is objectively overpowered conpared to every other class weapon skill.

    > >

    > > Portal got rebalanced for being heads and shoulders above all other utilty skills and singlehandedly winning more games than any of them. It's time to give Infiltrator's Arrow the same treatment.


    > Portal could take whole teams, or allow the mes to "drop off" revs far away, or be in 2 places almost at one time.


    > Simply put, the strength of shortbow 5 is the lack of the foes situational awareness and defense.


    > A small application of these two factors can put 6-12 initiative into oblivion.


    > In games now, thief is reliant on team knowing how to play with thief.


    > None are happy with two. If one shortbow 5 can win the game, 2 shortbow 5's is a guaranteed victory.....


    Do Guardian collective use of Line of Warding win whole games the way the collective use of Shortbow 5 carries thief? Does Ranger's collective use of any of its weapon skills win entire games the way shortbow 5 carries thief? It's time to nerf Infiltrators arrow. Besides this will actually be a buff for Daredevil as the actual speed increases with Unhindered Combatant matter plus DP daredevil being able to use heartseeker for mobility will put it back in the meta.

  6. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > unrivaled mobility.

    > > >

    > > > lol......LOL.......

    > > > # LOL

    > >

    > > Objectively true. If you look at weapon kits, Shortbow 5 easily outclasses every other professions weapon 5 skill in terms of just how much it swings games. It is objectively the strongest weapon skill in the game in terms of game impact. It's like old mesmer portal in terms of how OP Portal is over other utilities but in terms of weapon scale. I think once Shortbow 5 is addressed, maybe limiting it to 450 units, we can see thieves moved into a more fair role where they can be more consistent 1v1ers and team damage dealers.

    > >


    > SB 5 is strong for sure and effective in a game mode like conquest but it's not OP in any way and suffers from drawbacks like 6 ini cost and no line of sight bugs and becomes less important in pve with mounts. SB skills 1-4 are objectively worse than other bow skills,sure thiefs learned to make best with what they got ie choking gas on downed opponents,pre cast clusters with steal(not with swipe lol) and cluster in fields etc all inch uses except maybe a low dps way to tag enemies and kilm clones due to auto ricochet lol. Sb as a whole is not a reason a class is OP or needs to be underpowered in the slightest.


    This is PVP MY DUDE who cares about mounts.


    If you put all the weapon skills side by side it is not possible to argue that Infiltrator's Arrow hasnt singlehandedly won more conquest matches on it's own than any other weapon skill. That is objectively overpowered conpared to every other class weapon skill.


    Portal got rebalanced for being heads and shoulders above all other utilty skills and singlehandedly winning more games than any of them. It's time to give Infiltrator's Arrow the same treatment.

  7. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > unrivaled mobility.


    > lol......LOL.......

    > # LOL


    Objectively true. If you look at weapon kits, Shortbow 5 easily outclasses every other professions weapon 5 skill in terms of just how much it swings games. It is objectively the strongest weapon skill in the game in terms of game impact. It's like old mesmer portal in terms of how OP Portal is over other utilities but in terms of weapon scale. I think once Shortbow 5 is addressed, maybe limiting it to 450 units, we can see thieves moved into a more fair role where they can be more consistent 1v1ers and team damage dealers.


  8. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > This is what I hear from OP's post...


    > They were touched inappropriately by a Mirage, doesnt feel like adapting or learning from it and in a hissy fit of rage, they came to QQ on the forum.


    > Sorry kid, no one can take you seriously and looking at other "I hate mirage" posts you made, only supports my theory. If you rather QQ instead of actually do what smart MMO players, thats up to you. If you wanna be a normal/smart MMO'er, learn, adapt and overcome. If you are NA I can help you by sparring with you on my Mirage.


    Local mirage thinks class is balanced, news at 11.

  9. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > @TC, considering you posted THIS in a different thread yesterday:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > >

    > > Both Holosmith and Spellbreaker are the most balanced, high risk high reward, highest skill cap builds to have ever existed in entire history of Guild Wars 2 which is why Anet left them completely untouched this upcoming balance patch.


    > Not sure how we can help you get out of bronze rank when you still can't deal with Mirage. There is a point where one just has to accept that the competitive part of this game just doesn't work for them. Good luck to you and give us a shout once you reach silver.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/8XvAd22.png "")


    I'm not the best but I do ok, and I certainly don't see you on the leaderboard in NA or EU which means you aren't even 1450+ at the moment.

  10. > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > > That would be so utterly insane I cannot take this post seriously. A profession cannot lose the ability to dodge. The entirety of the content is build with that as one of the pillars. It's the greatest survival tool with no comparison.

    > >

    > > Damage can be it's own survival skill. Mirage already has the condition damage output of a god and just being near one is dangerous. Losing evade on dodge would bring it inline with other meta builds and would be healthy for the game. Mirage doesn't need you white knighting them.

    > Damage can be a *deterrent*, but it won't save anyone from the countless deadly attacks used by bosses all over PvE and ganky builds in WvW.

    > Evade is too fundamental to remove it. It can be changed, but never removed.


    Mesmers have more than enough evade without a dodge roll. You just sound like you lack conviction. I don't know why you're defending Mirage or Mesmer. They do not deserve to exist in competitive mode.


    > > > But for an actual decent trade-off, it should be something that core has but elite specializations do not,

    > >

    > > Which is what my change would create; core mesmer can dodge and evade attacks while Mirage wouldn't be able to. Lord knows they have enough evades, invulns, blocks, stuns, and blinks on their class mechanics, weapon skills and utilities. I am 100% convinced a top tier PvP player could earn God of PvP without ever pressing their dodge button. Heck, it might actually make it an interesting challenge.


    > Are you planning on removing dodges from Chronomancer too? And from any future elite specs? A proper profession mechanic tradeoff has to be something no elite specialization gets, like the new F2 skill Core Reveanant is getting. Otherwise any change you do to it to improve core mesmer would also go to the elite specs that also have it.


    I'd remove all their F Skills in exchange for Continuum Split. All of them.


    > > > * A new shatter that causes a bit of Slow.

    > > > * A skill that creates a clone that wields the alternate weapon set instead your current one.

    > > > * A skill that updates the weapons of your clones to that of your current weapon set.

    > > > * A skill that makes the next Phantasm you create be destroyed instantly and take +15s to recharge, but temporarily gain their weapon for a few seconds in exchange.

    > >

    > > Mesmer does not need any buffs, ever again.


    > Chronomancer and Mirage may not. But core mesmer may need them sometimes to compete with elite specs. Without a trade-off no elite spect will get, you cannot do such improvements to core alone.


    > Core mesmer does need something that will be traded off to go Elite, but the dodge **definitely** is **not** it.


    Nah. Everyone knows Guild Wars 2 PvP gets better for everyone the less mesmers there are. I'd nerf more of core mesmer too. It's still too strong, simply overshadowed by how OP Chronomancer and Mirage are.

  11. > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > That would be so utterly insane I cannot take this post seriously. A profession cannot lose the ability to dodge. The entirety of the content is build with that as one of the pillars. It's the greatest survival tool with no comparison.


    Damage can be it's own survival skill. Mirage already has the condition damage output of a god and just being near one is dangerous. Losing evade on dodge would bring it inline with other meta builds and would be healthy for the game. Mirage doesn't need you white knighting them.


    > But for an actual decent trade-off, it should be something that core has but elite specializations do not,


    Which is what my change would create; core mesmer can dodge and evade attacks while Mirage wouldn't be able to. Lord knows they have enough evades, invulns, blocks, stuns, and blinks on their class mechanics, weapon skills and utilities. I am 100% convinced a top tier PvP player could earn God of PvP without ever pressing their dodge button. Heck, it might actually make it an interesting challenge.


    > * A new shatter that causes a bit of Slow.

    > * A skill that creates a clone that wields the alternate weapon set instead your current one.

    > * A skill that updates the weapons of your clones to that of your current weapon set.

    > * A skill that makes the next Phantasm you create be destroyed instantly and take +15s to recharge, but temporarily gain their weapon for a few seconds in exchange.


    Mesmer does not need any buffs, ever again.

  12. Mirage is one of the elite specializations that doesn't have a trade off. They get a super dodge and ambush attacks and they don't give up any of their Shatter skills. I think the trade off for specing Mirage should be the removal of all evade frames from the dodge skill, that way spending an endurance bar _just_ opens up your ambush attack windowns. That way there would be a fair trade off, gain ambush attacks but you lose all defensive value from your dodge roll. This will actually bring mirage in line with the rest of the meta.


    This will also help balance other morage traits such as Infinite Horizon, making clones capable of being cleaved down.

  13. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > @"hugeboss.5432" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > Repeater: Initiative cost of this skill has been reduced from 4 to 2 in all game modes.

    > > >

    > > > Someone in the balance department keeps trolling XD

    > > >

    > >

    > > I'm going to admit it... I was running round Tyria with a single pistol on my thief getting specific numbers to calculate efficiencies for a build I was making early this year. So I had to laugh abit when I saw the Repeater buff patch notes just a few months after I had done this. (If the devs saw a sudden increase in the number of Repeater skill activations in Tyria earlier this year, it was prolly me... but I don't really use a single pistol & I dont think anybody does or should.. but perhaps I will re-run my evaluations again when this patch goes live "for fun" lol).

    > >


    > FYI this is also a flip skill on the P/D set. It isn’t just for single Pistol users (of which there are none).


    Thieves before level 6 when they unlock their off hand set if they try pistol.

  14. > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > @"coro.3176" said:

    > > I don't agree that these are trade-offs in any meaningful sense.


    > My literal words were: I can see the argument for not enough trade off: Obviously I KNOW that it's a favorable trade-off, look at how much better Holosmith is than core. It has trade-offs, facts, your opinion saying they're not meaningful, I somewhat agree, somewhat disagree as well because I've seen Holosmiths in gold/unranked Overheat 5 times in a match.


    Holosmith is shackled with a unfair double trade off. Not only does it lose it's precious elite toolbelt skill, gets double nerfed with abusively restrictive heat mechanic. Holosmith should only sacrifice it's F5. That's trade off enough.



  15. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > It has always been the case that people whined the most about Mesmer - so it gets the most nerfs, and it gets the nerfs first. Bunker Chrono will see a decline in popularity, people will realize that other classes were just as strong, complain about them and we'll see them get nerfed in the next patches.


    > One can only hope. Though I have noticed a gradual uptick in complaints about the other meta builds lately. They're even getting their own complaint threads, though not nearly to the extent mesmer has. It's like people are finally seeing the elephant in the room with this upcoming patch where Soulbeast, Scrapper, Holo, and Spellbreaker are completely untouched as far as nerfs, while Mesmer's year of nerfs continues.


    Soulbeast, Scrapper, Holo, and Spellbreaker are all some of the most balanced, highest risk high reward, highest skill cap builds to have ever existed in the history of this game.


    Mirage deserved all the nerfs it got and then some. Even what they've done isn't enough to fuck mirage and fuck mesmer as a whole.

  16. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

    > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > > > After some overperforming builds from the last meta were nerfed, Spellbreaker is back in full force and there is already a lot of complaints about there. I think a lot of the issues with it could be resolved by tuning down rampage. It would hit Holo aswell, but it would definitely keep being viable (I play pretty much exclusively without Elixir X on a high level).

    > > > >

    > > > > The general mechanic of Rampage however is overstacked with benefits and promotes lazy gameplay. First of all there is the extremely high dps potential on every single skill, that gets boosted even further by several dmg modifiers on warrior. In addition to that you gain 2 very useful movement skills - sometimes leading high lvl warriors to use Rampage just to disengage. On top of that you have very strong potential, (4 CCS) and a ranged cc with high dps. That in itself is already a very strong combination. However, to make things worse, you also get permanent pulsing stability AND a very strong defense (dmg reduction and increased hp pool). If you tether your enemy before activating it you can also additionally get extra might and reveal, negating another possible counterplay (strength). So basically there is almost no counterplay except extremely high corrupt/boonrip pressure on the stability paired with cc. That is unlikely to ever work in a 1v1 situation, where you are usually busy avoiding the big hits (aka all of them).

    > > > >

    > > > > So, in my opinion, at least 2 aspects of this bundle (damage, CC, movement, stability, defense) have to go. I'm personally In favour of removing the stability and defensive bonuses, making it a high risk high reward play, with still very strong combination of damage, CC and mobility but the possibility of being punished by counter CC with no available stunbreak and no increased defense to just facetank through it. As of now it's a very high reward play with close to zero risks.

    > > >

    > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > a holo complaining about warrior

    > > > >

    > > > > holo, which is the most broken (with boonbeast) out there

    > > > > mobility, stealth, sustain, burst, boons, you name it, ranged pressure, melee pressure, cc

    > > > >

    > > > > oh and id i forget the broken forge skilsl? i love when forge 5 hits me through a freaking wall.

    > > > >

    > > > > if only holos would also have access to rampage, oh wait they do albeit it on a 50% chance...

    > > > >

    > > > > can't have it all right

    > > >

    > > > Both Holosmith and Spellbreaker are the most balanced, **high risk high reward**, highest skill cap builds to have ever existed in entire history of Guild Wars 2 which is why Anet left them completely untouched this upcoming balance patch.

    > >

    > > hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaha high risk?! what game you were playing ...


    > These have to be troll posts lmao


    Mirage main spotted.

  17. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > >

    > > they should give holo the same warrior berserker threatment

    > > -300 toughness when entering forge


    > So, running the risk of overheating and losing elite toolbelt skill is not enough of a trade-off?


    Heat is actually too crippling of a mechanic and shouldn't exist. It should just be losing the elite toolbelt skill, but Anet hates engineers so we get double screwed.

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