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Posts posted by acdspydar.8920

  1. I'm going to get clowned so hard for this, but...


    _I think total health should see a proportional increase across the board for all classes_ I'd love to see an end to the one-push, one-shot, condi-one-tick metas by any means necessary...even total damage reduction to all classes, all skills.

    Condi damage should see the nerf, which would affect necro corruption. **Don't reduce corruption application availability** People who suck at boon management will always complain.

    Regeneration should become a stackable boon, raising intensity. It could counter issues with the above point.

    **_Stability should get another group-wide availability comparable to guardian in at least 1 other class_** Also should counter corruption destruction.

    I think the reduction from 10 to 5 is acceptable, but Small changes, slow and steady.


  2. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > @"acdspydar.8920" said:

    > > There's alot that can go wrong with that, but I do think it's ridiculous that a solo player can walk into any objective and capture it assuming no skilled players show up to contest.


    > People keep saying a lot can go wrong. But like what? Anything can have bugs, raids can have bugs, that dont stop them from being added to the game. Bugs can be fixed. We talking about design of gameplay here. What can go wrong in that aspect?


    > Better AI NPCs can play better defense of structures adding another level of gameplay to the game. Few people stick around for defense now days. Having NPC allies that can use sieges to attack enemies make them anothet threat that enemy factions have to deal with.


    So it's more than just bugs. We're talking straight up mechanics. Can the NPC take siege? What if the NPC decides to stay on siege instead of contesting the objective? What if they contest too soon and die? What if NPC makes the wrong choice? Then it becomes "ANet!! Why are my NPCs kitten?!?" Not to mention, can they kick you off of siege/can you kick them off? There's plenty of variables I could spend all night listing, but in conclusion, where will the limits be set? They're already susceptible to player damage to point of being solo'd. So if they operate siege, maybe they'll be a bit stronger against a player that can't reach them on that arrow cart. So, player builds counter siege. The problem goes back to either "with no player to defend it's lost" or "NPCs can build siege spontaneously". Option 2 can lead to madness... Siege capped bc the NPC notices there's room for Arrow Carts on the wall -siege capped- and then "ANet, your bots!!!!" Meanwhile, they've spent how much time on NPC buffs when they could add defense event chests that give out things like memories of battle/badges of honor/heroics/currency/reward track potions/literally kitten anything useful to persuade more defensive initiative. Sure buffing the NPCs stats (levels, attributes, and reflex) would be nice, but I think that's as far as it goes.

  3. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > > > > > Removing 3 conditions in 10 seconds is broken?

    > > > > > > I'll tell you whats broken. Applying 20+ conditions in 10 seconds is whats broken

    > > > > >

    > > > > > A warrior cries about condies. Something their class completely shuts down with resistance spam. Oh, the times.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well, as much as I would like to disagree with Hitman, he's right about this. Amount of flying conditions in current state of game is far too much. Even more that current condies are mostly burst and you can easily stack over 10 of burn/bleed/poison/confusion etc within few seconds and on top of that tanky trailblazer or dire + defensive boons. It's too much, so sigil of cleansing removing 3 condis is barely keeping up with that...

    > > >

    > > > Use antitoxin runes, condi dur reduction food. But I forgot, warriors are meant to use only strength runes or something similar, along with pure dps stats, right?

    > >

    > > Anti toxin runes barely add an extra condi clear and condi reduction food is mostly pointless these days given that condi builds run with 70%-100% condi duration with trailblazer and similar gear, in wvw condi builds can applies up to 10 condis in the blink of an eye and from safe distance ....**the sigil of cleansing was a valid addition**


    > What does "barely one" condition mean? Each condicleanse removes one extra condi, period. And i agree with the sigil, yet people arent satisfied with it, apparently.


    Antitoxin runes are not a top pick for warrior unless you're running a condi/hybrid spec. Personally I'd go with strength over antitoxin, lol. There was another one tho that was great for condis, I can't think of it rn, but the point is... Condis only really suck when you get bursted and target is max distance cast range. Catching up with 10 stacks of torment is a huge disadvantage if you get that resistance stripped, and God forbid if you get chill, poison, burning, bleed, torment, and blind... That weapon swap gets 4 (if you use brawler's recovery) if you play your cards right you can survive that burst with cleansing at 3 condis removed... Until the next burst. At that point, we can play the "let's theory craft builds" to figure out counter builds to counter builds.

  4. > @"zinkz.7045" said:

    > > @"Korgov.7645" said:

    > > WvW used to be competitive.


    > WvW has never been competitive.


    > Servers used to tick for 500+ at various off-peak times because they had more players on than the other two servers combined (go see Vizunah right back at the start of the game for example), playing when your opponents are asleep, at work / school does not make for a competitive game.




    I want the competitive fights to come back to WvW, but coverage/stacking did nullify any reason to try if it was horribly unbalanced. Idk how that will ever be achieved with players being able to manipulate key variables in matchup results (transferring and tanking into tiers for example). I'd like to think there is a way to bring back the competition and still including new content (like event based maps... Never would happen, but it'd be a massive shake up). I could think of 1000 things that could potentially make the game mode far more enjoyable, but that's where you truly see how far the game mode has fallen... I'd like to think maybe we could have a bit of both, but I'm greedy.

  5. > @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:

    > Obviously, they need to reduce the Tiers and servers, otherwise some servers will be unlinked, so it wouldn't be 'fair'.

    > Besides, the linking system is pretty much creating imbalance, especially with Server populations being off the mark in some cases.

    > I wonder where players will bandwagon next, even if Blacktide is 'dead' and certain link Servers becomes viable again.


    This proposes a dreadfully wonderful idea... What would happen if say 500 players, just to forsake the system, transferred to a dead lowtier server and for 2 months just obliterated everyone

  6. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"acdspydar.8920" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > @"acdspydar.8920" said:

    > > > > Cry on the forums. Usually gets the job done, amirite!?

    > > >

    > > > Found the guy who cant read! Hehe

    > > >

    > > > Good for you OP aswell.. normally I just troll the rager into raging more.

    > >

    > > Or maybe just doesn't care.


    > Nah you clearly posted before reading


    >The effort of someone who doesnt care.






  7. > @"Burn.5021" said:

    > > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > > * The difference in play hours between the largest and smallest link **has decreased by 37%** from last linking.

    > > * The standard deviation on play hours between links **has decreased by 39%** from the last linking. This means that on average, links are much closer in play hours than before.

    > You have actually just acknowledged that players are quitting the game. This is not very encouraging to those who still remain. Players want to see an active game or they will simply migrate to the next option.


    > Also, _"active playhours"_ is a highly flawed metric to base populations on as it does not account for activity. You can easily afk for 1000 hours on 10 alt accounts using multiboxing to completely throw off your comparisons that only contributes more unbalance.


    > It is also common sense that relinking is meaningless when players are allowed to transfer directly after just to cause unbalance again.


    It's time to server stack with alts. All servers to become Full

  8. > @"shiri.4257" said:

    > > @"acdspydar.8920" said:

    > > Let's talk BG is like saying "let's talk about why everyone's kitten in WvW". We all know good players like to be surrounded by good players, and all the elitist players who can back their kitten up went to T1 and T2 (before the linking days). You can't join guilds if you're not worth your salt in these tiers either. Just like if you're a kitten guild, you get boo'd out for getting carried. It's true, no one likes carrying dead guilds and bad players, but that's what makes any of those servers good. Their communities and guilds don't take kitten and only welcome the best. Want to be top tier? Don't be kitten. Plain and simple.




    Lol. In all seriousness, I never understood why top tier fights were a thing. It really comes down to who can blob your ass down the fastest. After all, isn't that why it's always been low tier guilds had that 10 or 15 (ya know, like when tournaments were a thing), and they were considered dangerous in bronze tier, but let a massive server tank into silver and undoubtedly crush everyone with numbers alone.


    Mechanics even backup that after a certain number of players you just can't do anymore damage to a player. Literally... 10 auto attacks at 3k each, assuming you don't get hit by anything else... But that's boring, why does that matter? It kinda doesn't bc blob group doesn't always equate to skill. So, why do players stack servers/tiers?


    The world may never know why so many players are so insecure without their perfect GvG comp, lol.


    Thanks for playing along

  9. Let's talk BG is like saying "let's talk about why everyone's shit in WvW". We all know good players like to be surrounded by good players, and all the elitist players who can back their shit up went to T1 and T2 (before the linking days). You can't join guilds if you're not worth your salt in these tiers either. Just like if you're a shit guild, you get boo'd out for getting carried. It's true, no one likes carrying dead guilds and bad players, but that's what makes any of those servers good. Their communities and guilds don't take shit and only welcome the best. Want to be top tier? Don't be shit. Plain and simple.

  10. > @"grouchybhaal.4275" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > I'd rather a 3rd new borderland added.

    > >

    > > Jungle BL or something.


    > No


    > No




    Actually, green BL being a jungle map multi-layered would be the greatest power move flex on WvW players ANet could ever do. I would enjoy every second of it, especially salt from shit players, lol.

  11. Lol @matchup_thread

    Just get good. Majority of gameplay mechanic complaints come from players who just aren't that good and get schooled by someone who can do it better.

    Change strategy, organize, and overcome.


    *Edit: not even directed at just solo players, this goes for servers and guilds too.*

  12. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

    > > I cant tell you how many times people have asked for a text translator.

    > Presumably because they're asking in foreign languages.


    > But granted, if Anet implemented bad translator into the game that would be great. I'd love to see "chickens under invasion, great mass haircut pillar!" In teamchat.



    10/10 WvW would be fun again lol

  13. > @"szshou.2193" said:

    > > @"acdspydar.8920" said:

    > > > @"Rod.6581" said:

    > > > I feel ashamed now. I will tell of my great shame to my grandchildren while they continue awaiting for any update on this.

    > >

    > > There should be a WvW game mode funeral where all servers siege cap EBG with golems, free open stonemist, and a three-way server truce per match up. Everyone in all matchups who get into EBG jump off the top floor.

    > >

    > > For greater participation, jump off the highest point in home Garrison if EBG has a queue.

    > >

    > > That way, we can all mourn the death of the game mode together.

    > >

    > >

    this would never happen, but it'd be pretty funny if everyone did and it was captured in a video montage



    > There actually was a bug one reset years ago where every server was friendly to each other and all spawned at the citadel waypoint, wvw got shut down pretty quickly and it was fixed but it was quite funny.


    I remember that, we were like "wayment..."

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