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Posts posted by acdspydar.8920

  1. > @"Rod.6581" said:

    > I feel ashamed now. I will tell of my great shame to my grandchildren while they continue awaiting for any update on this.


    There should be a WvW game mode funeral where all servers siege cap EBG with golems, free open stonemist, and a three-way server truce per match up. Everyone in all matchups who get into EBG jump off the top floor.


    For greater participation, jump off the highest point in home Garrison if EBG has a queue.


    That way, we can all mourn the death of the game mode together.



    this would never happen, but it'd be pretty funny if everyone did and it was captured in a video montage


  2. You should gain access to a new pip chest according to your server tier.


    Can only be gained if you moved to that tier with the server (example if you transferred to T1 Server from T2, T3, T4, of T5 (EU Only) for T1 chest you're disqualified from ever getting it.)


    It might deter a few ppl from trying to tank, but server stacking would be a huge problem. I don't think the game mode can ever be fixed as is. Restructuring is definitely far off due to the amount that has to be taken into consideration, and of course, there are the 1000s who will say "no pls I dun like chaaaange QQ" after it drops.

  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > Caveat: If ANet does consider this, there should a posting online and an in game email sent to the player base to please visit the forums for a poll to vote on it. Again the forum goers are a vocal group but I am sure we are a minority of the player base and changes like this should cover the majority of players versus us playing Forum Wars 2.

    > No they should just flip EB map for EoTM map one reset without any kind of warning.


    > That's about as reasonable as people demanding that the warclaw is to be removed, but so many seems fine with that so tbh it makes sense. The forums are always right after all.



    The salt factory would be delightful.

  4. I had a similar idea years ago, called Commander Mastery, that would basically give your squad, siege, NPCs a slight buff depending on if you were outnumbered, as well as other things. Turns out the best thing to do when you're outnumbered is to sit on an arrow cart until the gate opens then you die with the Lord. At least you tried.

  5. > @"escoces.4870" said:

    > I can see why it's being done; the 3 unlinked German servers regularly filling the bottom tier, the odd number of French & German servers and Baruch being the only Spanish one. It's either this or the removal of some servers which would be a sore point for many. I think this is the only interim option until Alliances roll out. Alliances will ofc mean the end of all servers in WvW.


    > I don't have any language skills but I have scouted on BB and one of the French servers. It wasn't too hard to learn enough names and terms to call out threats or to say things were fine. Commanding when you don't speak the same language as half the map won't be so easy though.


    > If anyone gets linked with Baruch, will they be wondering where all those Mexican Nightcappers got to? Probably not.


    > edit for typos


    As an American, it has been a rough ride since the start of my EU playing experience. That being said, I have spent a great deal of time on German servers (usually bc they lacked a NA primetime lead for obvious reasons). Without too much experience in German, it was a bit difficult communicating, but it didn't stop me or my guild (also mostly English speaking Americans, British, and Canadians) from working with our servers.


    I think the issue that actually stems from language based servers, is not actually the language, but rather the culture. Breaking the barrier between international and national servers most likely will result in niche groups clinging to each other.


    While I have the thought here, I think with prepping for the Restructuring that most players are actually more scared of having to play alone and losing their communities/cliques. And of course, that is why they won't support the restructuring or something that leads to it, such as opened linking.


    *Edit: I quoted bc I really like the thought that was provided*

  6. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"acdspydar.8920" said:

    > > > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

    > > > You have to let it go...

    > > >

    > > > Ain't nobody ever working on that map again. What is the point? To draw people away from WvW when everyone was complaining that eotm was taking players out of WvW? You can still exploit into towers with certain professions, the items sold by vendors are archaic and abuse LoS, let alone a couple objectives basically being permanent wall destroyer(s). That would require an awful lot of attention to rework... may as well just make an entire new map and do we really want DBL 2.0? Can we trust them?

    > > >

    > > > eotm will stay as it is since it's tied to AP + serves as an overflow map for when WvW has it's queues. I just don't see any point "reworking" something that has long been a debate.. let it rest in it's grave already.

    > >

    > > With that logic, shouldn't we all just give up on WvW in general? Every point you made can be applied to any of the current maps (archaic vendors, abuse of LoS, and exploits for tower and keeps). Of course "do we really want DBL 2.0" suggests there's a massive problem with DBL in the first place. DBL requires skill to play on. Should it be Red server's home bl? Lol, no make it green's. Still, every time there's something that "probably requires too much work," the default excuse is "well, ANet wont fix it, so I guess to hell with it." Which brings me to my main point, with that attitude, why not just give up on the game?


    > It's called managing your expectations. Some of us have played wvw since day one and been on the forums since day one. The veterans know how anet operates in the wvw section of the game and forums, how long it takes for development and fixes. It took them like a year to develop eotm and probably another year to develop desert back when they had more staff on hand, imagine today when they've trimmed the staff down especially the wvw section, how long would it take to rework eotm? even desert could still use some extra development, four years later, heck I'm sure people are still exploiting into the keeps still.


    > This suggestion to convert eotm into a regular wvw map is also not the first time it's been brought up, it's probably been a dozen times by now, with just about the same conclusions in the end, anet is not going to pour time into this, they might as well make a new one, but the two new ones they made were the least liked wvw maps.

    > Also playing on DBL doesn't require skill, it just more patience for it's annoying terrain.



    I haven't been a solid forum warrior, but I have been around WvW since day one. I don't expect them to listen, or even care. However, I will voice my opinion (as will most everyone) in hopes maybe one day someone will get an inspiration to create something potentially fantastic. Though, I agree they won't do anything with EotM, which will sit in desolation (and it is a shame). I hope they do something radical though to change it (it being the state of WvW) sooner rather than too much later, like it's not already too late... The population who plays WvW becomes thinner every week it seems.


    Here's hoping to ....something

  7. > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

    > You have to let it go...


    > Ain't nobody ever working on that map again. What is the point? To draw people away from WvW when everyone was complaining that eotm was taking players out of WvW? You can still exploit into towers with certain professions, the items sold by vendors are archaic and abuse LoS, let alone a couple objectives basically being permanent wall destroyer(s). That would require an awful lot of attention to rework... may as well just make an entire new map and do we really want DBL 2.0? Can we trust them?


    > eotm will stay as it is since it's tied to AP + serves as an overflow map for when WvW has it's queues. I just don't see any point "reworking" something that has long been a debate.. let it rest in it's grave already.


    With that logic, shouldn't we all just give up on WvW in general? Every point you made can be applied to any of the current maps (archaic vendors, abuse of LoS, and exploits for tower and keeps). Of course "do we really want DBL 2.0" suggests there's a massive problem with DBL in the first place. DBL requires skill to play on. Should it be Red server's home bl? Lol, no make it green's. Still, every time there's something that "probably requires too much work," the default excuse is "well, ANet wont fix it, so I guess to hell with it." Which brings me to my main point, with that attitude, why not just give up on the game?

  8. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > You guys realize there's a big difference between eotm and borderland maps and even ebg right? You can't just plug eotm in, it would require a lot of rework, work they might as well put to another new map instead.



    Of course it would need tons of rework, but at least the frame is there.

    Personally, I'd be happy with any drastic change that involved adding a new map (even revamping EotM).

  9. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > I agree with the above.

    > People kept saying they used eotm to level in, so I would suggest some other changes to accommodate.


    > 1. Make a separate version for 1-79 (everyone is still scaled to 80), free to play account restrictions still apply.

    > 2. Also keep an 80's version since we don't know if overflows would be needed after the alliance revamp in 2026.




    Lol "2026" I think you're being optimistic. XD


    On a serious note, I do agree with


    > @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

    > It's a HUGE shame that the map is empty, simply dead. Nobody plays eotm anymore. Would you be happy if they turn it into a new border map?


    > (fill the empty spaces of the map, include camps, allow mounts / gliders, rework the keeps, etc)


    It wouldn't be any more or less as bad as the Desert bl. Sure, it'd take some reprocessing, but it could be fun. (It might actually have strategic value if it generated supply to Desert and Alpine map spawns too)

  10. Late to the party, but as an answer to lopsided fights,(like 15v40+) why not offer a commander bonus (improved with wvw ranks) that acts as a "outnumbered" bonus only triggered when in combat, LoS, or Casting range of the larger group?


    Obviously, this idea would need plenty of limits and proper scaling (imagine how pissed off a group of 50 would be if they got destroyed by a 15 man in seconds...) Balance would be needed.


    That still doesn't mean you shouldn't be denied a distinct bonus you can choose for starting up a squad for wvw in am effort to be able to balance a severe number disadvantage. Maybe, it's stupid, but I feel like adding some commanding strategy to a rank would be fun.

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