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Posts posted by Hashberry.4510

  1. > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > @"Daharahj.1325" said:

    > > > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > > > @"Daharahj.1325" said:

    > > > > While it would be a good gesture, it's probably going to come off as taking advantage of pride for profit, unless they made it free. The anti-corp "woke" types already have enough to get paranoid after.

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > > > > > Imagine having to wear your sexual identity for everyone to see at all times.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I never have to be screaming to people "IM STRAIGHT, HEY LOOK AT ME!"

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'll probably get banned for posting this, but I don't care. It doesn't change anything within me.

    > > > >

    > > > > Be grateful that you don't have to instead of being a dirtbag to people who could not always freely express their sexuality like you did.

    > > >

    > > > It's perhaps the only time I somewhat agree with @"Razor.6392" here. I thought the ultimate goal of these fights for equality and gay rights is that sexual orientation no longer matters at all in the grand scheme of things, no discrimination and all, no longer a big deal, people just like so many others, and it's a success. Why try to make sexual orientation a big deal now?

    > >

    > > Because there's still discrimination? Crazy thought.

    > >

    > > You do know GW2 has more reach than just California correct?


    > I do know, after all, I'm in France.


    > And here we are. Discrimination. Here's a personal thing: I was put in a certain community by people because of my heritage, yet said community deemed me too "white" for their tastes, the common thing these judging people have is that they're idiots, and I clearly didn't need them anyways. What you call discrimination I call it idiocy and we will always deal with idiots, and honestly screaming "oppression" when dealing with idiots is just petty, I categorically refuse to do so.


    > Minorities (on the LGBTQ side) are already widely accepted, the few stuck up stragglers who may not simply don't have the means to "oppress" unless it's on a very small scale, and if so, they're beyond unimportant. Hunting and (ironically) oppressing every last one of these idiots until they acknowledge and validate and cheer your flamboyancy will only lead to the reverse since you're doing the exact thing you don't want people do to to you. You know, liberty and all that.


    > Lastly, sexuality isn't personality, it's personal. I'm not showing it alongside of what I do for a living and my major points of interest, strangers don't deserve it, it'll come up in certain discussions that are closely related to it among friends and that's it, if someone is bothered by my sexuality RIGHT at this time, chances are he/she will still have me around because of everything else that I am, and if not, well, probably not worth having around me, so far the latter is very rare.


    Excellent points.

  2. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > I use crude kits for fines and commons. I use copper-fed for masterworks. I use runecrafters for rares. I use Black Lion for exotics. I only use silver-fed for salvaging ectos into dust.


    My understanding is the crude kits are the same cost as copper fed per salvage. Since you have the copper fed already, isn't it easier to just salvage all below rare quality with that?



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