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Posts posted by Darknicrofia.2604

  1. > @"Shacka Hacka.7068" said:

    > So it takes them 5 years to fix a bug? it's always been that way with the traps on DH and lets face it we need all the help we can get atm.


    Its a response to template loading abuse in raiding, like having DHs spam 40 traps before swapping to a condi build.

  2. Thief play in general is about doing what annoys opponents the most.


    If they're focused on killing you, avoid them and go for decaps. If they're defending caps and not trying to fight you, snipe them in team fights or gank them in +1s

  3. > @"Monkey See.1498" said:

    > > @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

    > > Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win the monthly.


    > This is patently ridiculous on its face. Rev spent close to an entirely year through Path of Fire being largely abandoned by high end players because it wasn't considered good in the face of PoF power creep.


    > Then it received a plethora of buffs to its offhand sword as well as benefiting from nerfs to the over performing specs. At which point once it became one of the best builds in the gameas balance patches rolled in and _that's_ when players looking to perform as good as possible swapped to it. The best players will flock to the highest performing specs, not the other way around.


    Rev, or more specifically power herald had always been a high skill cap spec, leaving it untouched and you had situations like Toker swapping from thief to rev main and constantly winning 1v2s, but nerfing it too much to make it "balanced" at the high end leave it unviable as a spec to the average player that can't pull off the damage spike combos consistently.

  4. > @"Zephoid.4263" said:

    > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

    > > almost no cc?

    > >

    > > what?

    > >

    > > best condi cleanse build in the game? double what?

    > >

    > >

    > > meditations self heal?

    > >

    > > ok now I know you have absolutely never played the build.


    > If you read rather than inferring, i was talking about guard, which is the better dps class by far. However, the fb still has many of the same talking points.


    > You have shield 5 and f1 3. I guess you can play axe for more cc but i find scepter and sword the better combination of primaries. Almost every class in this game has 2 stun breaks or stab, meaning your cc isn't enough to be effective.

    > Who has better condi cleanse? Your F2 is straight the best condi cleanse ability in the game by an absurd margin. Depending on your utilities, you can also slot contemplation of purity vs any condi heavy team.

    > fb exchange medi self heal for team support. I played mender fb for 4 seasons and got sick of being unable to carry teams in plat despite infinite heals and condi cleanses. You have less durability than bunker weaver or scrapper at the benefit of team support. Your damage is nothing to write home about and most of the fights you win are to them standing in your symbols as you f2. If they just... you know... walk out of your symbols you really have nothing. Once your F2 is done you don't have much sustain.

    > I'm pretty sure if you had stats on it, menders fb is solidly average in win rate, especially after scourge got massacred.


    Are you talking about bunker FB or symbol FB? or core guard? or meditrapper? don't be all over the place when you're talking about a build's strength/weakness.


    your post started off talking about symbol FB then went on a tangent with traits from bunker FB and even meditrapper, which is it?

  5. lol at DH "high sustain", it has F3 for 3 seconds of block, F2 to leap and heal and that's it. If you're dying to a meme 5 trap build, that's a you problem.


    Yes it can do burst with traps, but that means you have nothing to sustain with, and if you use your elite slot for RF then you don't have the elite trap to burst, aka the spec is entirely too fair. DH is the epitome of blowing all cooldowns in 5 secs, after which its a free kill.

  6. > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > I think a better change to Rampage would be to remove the stability granted whilst using it so there is some counterplay, I think nerfing the damage to that extent makes it pretty useless - maybe I'm wrong and it'll have a place in team fights.


    Rampage can still hit hard, it just won't be able to hit hard while hard cc'ing at the same time.

  7. > @"Ajaxx.3157" said:

    > Nerfing Rampage into the ground is fine ( even if its way to much imo ), but it still going to be the ONLY elite to take.

    > When is elite signet getting looked at? its SOOOO dated and worse by a long long way compared to any of the other signets that aren't elite.



    An elite signet that's outdated and useless?


    Guardian mains say "hold my beer"

  8. > @"syszery.1592" said:

    > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > It didn't matter if I won all of my 1vs1 duels. It didn't matter if I made tons of damage and support and got many of the top stats every fight. I tried to the best of my ability to get back at gold, but no matter what I ALWAYS lost the last fight needed to climb up. So my win/lose looked a lot like this:


    > Just winning a 1v1 somewhere doesn't necessarily benefit your team enough to make an edge.


    hell, sometimes its more beneficial to simply stall the 1v1 than win it.

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