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Posts posted by Darknicrofia.2604

  1. > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

    > > @"rockshock.6378" said:

    > > So, You belive racism against white doesnt exist? Cause it does. Just saying. Maybe you havent experienced it, but it's a thing. Just like men being kitten which is a taboo and high in hidden numbers cause so few report it. White men are in fact abused also if you research into the facts of this world rather than going by an idelogy that uses made up words and other tactics to further their agenda.


    > This is absolutely going off-topic, nothing is to be gained from discussing this here. But no, it does not exist.



    Its about as on topic as you saying Deroir was exhibiting "covert sexism" to JP based on nothing other than the fact that he was a man talking to a woman.

  2. > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

    > > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

    > > Covering your personal twitter with your company's name, acting as a representative of that company via your personal twitter, and then using your personal twitter to make derogatory statements towards people based on protected classes like gender, race, nationality or religion (oh, and also celebrating a cancer victim's death) is not going to end well for anyone.

    > >

    > > Saying, after the fact, "it's my personal twitter!" is the corporate equivalent of "I'm not touching you!"


    > All she did was not being complacent in the face of covert sexism, which is something she should be applauded for, not fired.


    > And the only thing I saw her tweet about TBs death was being glad that an abusive person has no longer the opportunity to be abusive, which I'm absolutely fine with.



    Having a slight disagreement: Over the line sexism.


    Celebrating a cancer patient losing the good fight and leaving behind a family: Absolutely fine.



  3. > @"DaShi.1368" said:

    > > @"Shoyoko.7309" said:

    > > > @"DaShi.1368" said:

    > > > > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

    > > > > > @"DaShi.1368" said:

    > > > > > All I'm seeing through searches about this is a bunch of white men defending other white men. Can someone please help me find some articles and comments from women on this topic?

    > > > >

    > > > > So you don't know how to search or just read what you want?

    > > > > Not in this particular thread but one of the many others:

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Dreamwolf.7423" said:

    > > > > > I've seen posts defending her actions and I was to ask this:

    > > > > > If it had been a man saying those things to a female player, would you be defending their actions then?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > As a female player, I can say that I was ashamed of her interactions with the community. Her language toward them was insulting and rude, and completely uncalled for. If she didn't want to have a discussion about work stuff on her day off on her "personal" account, then she shouldn't have opened the floor by posting what she did. If it was addressed in the AMA that should have been the end of it. But it seems to me that she went out of her way to further discussion about a game related topic and then lost her mind when someone stepped up with opposing ideas and suggestions.

    > > > > And...

    > > > > >@Shoyoko.7309 said:

    > > > > >The definition of sexism:

    > > > > >prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

    > > > > >Now please tell me, where did Deroir imply that his comment was influenced by her gender. Even as a woman, I can see that it was clear that if anything, she could have taken it as a personal slight workwise at most but there was never any indication that his comment was negative due to her gender anywhere. What Jessica Price did was verbally one of harshest thing you could to someone which was implying Deroir a sexist.

    > > >

    > > > Or maybe I didn't read every post here and asked for help. Also, I've already stated where I disagree with Shoyoko, whose post is ridiculous.

    > >

    > > But it is harsh and one of the worst labels to call someone, a sexist.


    > No, there are far worse things to call someone than sexist. It's just men don't often get called them. Being called sexist isn't even an insult. It's just calling out bad behavior and asking someone to do better.


    Ok you racist.

  4. > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > >To be honest you shouldn't feel so bad you still have tons of other viable options that perform just as well at several different areas in the game

    > > > The problem is that people like you don't want that. You get upset that you are not good enough to beat a Mesmer in PvP and you want it nerfed so it can no longer play any mode.

    > > >

    > > Not specifically. I dont only lock myself into pvp like some do. Ideally though mesmers realistically do have far too much damage in pvp for all the escape and damage avoidance tools they have. In pve this hardly matters that much because you dont run those safety tools anyways. (insert causal shrug here)

    > >

    > > We both know mesmer will be relevant in this game to its very end at this point there is no denying that. That was made assured the moment alacrity became a thing which to this day is still mostly locked to the mesmer profession and sprinkled here and there on others.

    > >

    > > I mean lets consider a few things here, before you start jumping the gun and saying **"You get upset that you are not good enough to beat a Mesmer in PvP and you want it nerfed so it can no longer play any mode."**

    > >

    > > 1.Even if it was nerfed in pvp that has nothing to do with the other modes so your claim makes no sense.

    > >

    > > 2.

    > > **Can I beat mesmers in pvp?**

    > > - Occasionally yes. I can. Depends on if I can make the right move and figure out what they are doing. But usually its only if they over commit and I survive a good 2-4 burst attempts.

    > > **Is it easy?**

    > > - Nope..... Odds are I die on burst attempt 2 or 3 before they make a mistake i can actually punish. Or they use escape tools like stealth or ports to go out of combat.

    > > **Are mesmers fun to fight.**

    > > - This is debatable to to each person but maybe against another mesmer.

    > > - To me?, Absolutely not. Not in anyway, shape, or spec.

    > > - Its hard to have fun against something specifically when its carries super hard via busted mechanics. (that said im not saying everyone gets carried by it either)

    > >

    > > People like us dont fall into playing something they dont enjoy playing just to win the game. But if you love mesmer and its your go to profession sense launch power to you! :D

    > > People like us are not stupid enough to play a profession and not see that its has very unfair mechanics then pretend that we are the best ever because we can abuse those mechanics to no end.

    > >

    > > To be frank with you I just want to enjoy the game. In pvp specifically mesmers completely ruin any kind of fun its better for me to avoid fighting them If I can because I dont like playing video games just to be frustrated by them and having broken mechanics used against you is very frustrating.

    > > Yet at the same time you could say "Then just play a mesmer."

    > > But guess what I have and its not my cup of tea. Best thing I can say i like about mesmer are its sound effects and some of the specific animations it has unique to it only. ITs got some of the best if not the best sound effects in the game.


    > You didn't answer the main point. Why should Mesmer be nerfed in PvE because you can't beat it in PvP.


    Why should Mesmers beat other similar skilled or even more skilled players in PvP simply because they play Mesmer?

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