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Posts posted by Yoci.2481

  1. > @"Salt Mode.3780" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


    > > Not just that, wvw covers cmirage faults.

    > > Trailblazer to cover for low protection and no toughness that pvp mesmer gets.

    > > Energy sigil and energy food to cover for 1 dodge and nerfed vigor uptimes.

    > > And tormenting runes for healing to cover the fact that mirage has one of the worst healings in the game.


    > Actually no energy sigil over caps the endurance bar so no it doesn't cover it, dodge recharge bar is still 8 seconds even with vigor and energy food.

    > Torment runes are neglectable in terms of heal because now you only have one dodge you either dodge for dmg or you dodge to avoid dmg there is no doing both.

    > The only thing that is correct is yes trailblazer covers the defensive part of it. Other then that condi mirage in WvW is ignorable and avoidable.

    > Fact that our dodge bar requires 8 seconds to recharge while weapon swap is 10 seconds and sigil of cleansing is 3 condi remove (torment, burn, confusion) condi mirage does no damage.

    > That is unless you decide to 1 v 1 a condi mirage then yea maybe it could beat you after 20+ min of fighting.


    It is true that most builds can ignore a condi mirage as condi Mirage has little chase potential and low burst. A solo roamer that fights for an objective like a camp doesn't have that option, though. Many builds have a hard time against such a condi Mirage, especially in competent hands. It can be pretty oppressive in those cases. And that are the moments most people think about when they hear calls for giving Mirage the second dodge back.

  2. Condi Mirage can be very annoying in WvW but that is mostly because of dire and trailblazer stats that give extreme survivability while having almost maximum condition damage. The condition damage itself isn't the issue, but the strong defense combined with stealth and detargets make it unfun to play against.

  3. The I Dont Want To Die GS Power Chrono:





    Surprisingly effective against some builds. Lots of quickness and superspeeding clones. Wear down your enemies. Can still almost one shot certain glass builds. Get out of dangerous situations easy peasy. Now _you _ can troll the thief! At least until they get used to your build. Arcane Thievery is optional, use whatever you want. Mirror Images, Decoy or Mimic are good alternatives.

  4. What if it worked like this: Your clones aren't invulnerable and can be targeted and killed, but they will immediatly respawn until you shatter them, or if you get out of combat. That way we have a resource mechanic that can't be messed with, just like other classes.

  5. The funny thing is while almost every Mesmer build (especially power) got nuked to ashes the annoying trailblazer staff condi Mirage that is oppressive and very annoying to play against 1v1 still works rather well, even though it was the thing that ultimately caused this 3 year period of Mesmer nerfs.

  6. Phantasms should be invulnerable, switch targets when their original target dies or uses a detarget and always turn into a clone quickly. They should never just despawn and do nothing.


    Clones might need a small HP buff. Killing a clone that wants to shatter should trigger that shatter effect at the position of the dead clone as if the clone had successfully shattered. I think a trait that gives clones superspeed should be more accessable. With those changes in mind Protected Phantasms should give aegis to clones instead of phantasms, together with a few seconds of protection and and retaliation.


    I think these changes would help shatter builds in blob fights.

  7. Mirage Cloak's Speed of Sand does not cover more ground than a dodge. A dodge covers 300 units. Speed of Sand grants 66% movement speed for 0.75 seconds. Base movement speed in combat is 210 units per second.

    210u/s * 1.66 * 0.75s = 261.45 units. That's a lot less than the 300 units from a normal dodge. Speed of Sand is also affected by movement impairing conditions like chill or cripple. In that case it covers even less ground. And it only works in the forward direction, not sideways or backwards.


    All of that combines into a pretty reasonable trade-off.


    edit: And you can't dodge jump.

  8. All of Mesmer, not just Mirage, has been nerfed to the ground. They must bring the other classes down to our level or undo at least some of the nerfs and rework some traits and weapons. We have compiled long lists of changes we want in the past. You could fill a small book with them. They get consistently ignored. At least from the perspective of WvW roaming and I guess PvP.

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