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The Fear.3865

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Posts posted by The Fear.3865

  1. I used **GWAMM** at the beginning when titles were bad and meant nothing, now there's plenty of good titles so :


    **Duke of the arena**, cause it's the title I struggled the most to get, it's uncommon, and it's badass (much better than the old legend list imo).


    **Kegmaster** too, probably one of the most hard-core title to get in the game, even if you exploit. I always loved events and festivals, and in GW, I was one of the crazy peeps who farmed gamer points for skillz titles, Kegmaster reminds me that grind.

    BEST title list of all time : https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gamer


    **Veteran of the mists**, cause now it's an old title, rare and classy and the only cool wvw title I have.


    I came from GW, so imo, titles exist to show some achievements, and it shouldnt be a black or white thing, like you got nothing or the title with an easily/impossible goal.

    That was cool to see some 80% cantha explorer and a 100% tyria on Lion's arch, now it's 100% or nothing.

    I never liked the title system in gw2, I think they really missed something. That was so good and motivating with steps to grind. Good old days...

  2. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:


    > My main issue with using ToK based run time is that those take time to get as well and 79 ToK is potentially worth around 79g


    > Also only need 78 ToKs if you are using a human character


    This is more about QoL. I'm not just farming ToK's, I'm playin wvw as a main pvp player, grinding ranks, farming AT/soloq/douq, + ofc gold farm, and eventually havin some fun :3


    I can't even imagine spending 3h on a single key when ToK's are free items for me, every wvw and PvP players usually delete their ToK's when they got more than 1 stack, or they stack like 5+ piles for nothing, I just decided to use mine.

  3. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > It is also possible do the run in much less time than 6 hours if you are doing things that gives you Tomes of Knowledge or other similar things.

    > The 6 hours is just from my own experience of getting ~10 levels per hour when not using things like ToKs.


    I hard farm BL Keys for like one year now, I can easily make 10 keys/week, about 1 key/h, you just need a free slot and 79 ToK's per week.

    5 BL Keys within the story + 5 BL Keys on fast cleansing 15 zones. Then I delete and recreate my char and repeat the farm every week.

    I'm a PvP/WvW player with perma wintersday and birthday boost, farming ToK's is really fast in WvW (dragonfalls path really good choice).


    When I got tired and the chest isn't so great, I make 5 keys/week and delete my char every two weeks.


    This allows me to get every special uncommon items this year, it takes around 40 keys to get the 3 specials items, and allows me to complete every BL collections thanks to the free tickets + extra bonus (dyes, 12h food, free wardrobe items etc...).


    It's more chill and fun to farm this way, farming gold and convert to BL Key feels like you are literaly gambling your time and money, and honestly I just hate that feeling.

  4. > @"Spellhunter.9675" said:

    > > @"The Fear.3865" said:

    > > The only build actually fun to play must be the holo nades cause this is not about facerollin the keyboard and probably the only build requires to react, and that deals dps without spaming aoe on a node with pure bunker build.


    > Thats funny.


    Tell me.

  5. > @"Aihao.5824" said:

    > hugely dissapointed with a meta that feb patch brought to us. Pvp became so dumb that ppl startet to be carried by thair class. Quality of plat 1 is on the level of old g1-2, just because meta. Pvp situation is hugely forgiving for bunkers - u just cant punish them for mistakes, so u cant see difference between good/bad condi revs, renegades, necros, rangers, enjis. Dont understand what kind of drugs devs taken to release this kind of patch. U cant catch node afker on a mistake and kill him quickly, facetanking is a skill now, according to supporters of feb patch. The game is just about meeting with enemy at mid and have endless fight. Influence of feb patch especially feeled at kyhlo or skyhammer, where games ended by the timer, but not by the winner



    Agree, I almost stopped PvP for now. Plat league and soloQ grinding is such a torture.


    The only build actually fun to play must be the holo nades cause this is not about facerollin the keyboard and probably the only build requires to react, and that deals dps without spaming aoe on a node with pure bunker build.


    And still people wants to hard nerf the only thing pvp still has, anyway when ur facing 95% bunker revs, cc spam tempest, dumb necs, invincible rangers and guard, for real wtf with this block spam in this current meta, they dont want ele 10k Hp to spam dodge but guard 10k heavy armor spam block is ok.


    Dont even want to talk about the MEME ele, warriors, mesm and scrapper...


    I thought this balanced patch would changed everything cause the previous OS build oriented meta became extreme, but they just have no idea how to balance bunker builds and they refuse to give any deepss to any class for some reasons.


    I mean, even playing bunker builds during the hard dps meta was fun and could be really high values to your team, now there is no diversity at all, come on devs where are you ?


    Let's go qadim, at least he's no bunkerway.

  6. I really liked Living world season 1 for several reasons, the story was the worst imo, I hated scarlet so hard, this villain was poor designed and it took forever to end the plot, but some concepts developped at this moment were really cool and completly abandoned.


    - Massive events trying to revive some old areas, like the giants battles against scarlet's army, the tower of nightmare, the puppet, and best of all the epic aetherblade event inside the wvw jumping puzzle which brings the entiere community in this place trying to reach the final chest. That was definitly the funniest experience I had on 8 years of gw2. They never did something like that again, never.


    - The 3 new dungeons : Flame and frost, Aetherblade with Mai Trin and the Aetherpath. I keep thinking that was the best instances they ever put on gw2, the boss fights introduce raids with their tricky mechanics jumping puzzle based but they had more than just cool bosses fight, the fact they were real instances with some adds and events to deal with in order to get to the boss, with some cool uniques items available on TP as rewards (jetpack, great minis, expansive armor pieces and weapons...). These elites zones took about 1 hour to clear and this was a investment to group for it. Raids are cool but thats not the same, and fractals are so boring, keep farming 5 mins of the same dungeons again and again, oof... They cut these contents on 4 differents fracs to allow us to farm them faster, bad idea IMO, but yea, that was the only way to recycle this content...


    - Temporary content, I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think by adding content that disappear after some times they make the community exciting about doing it when it's there. I also liked how they transformed the world, I get it's time wasted to build something and then delete it to add something new, instead of just create and adding something new, but that makes the world moving, and that was for this idea that I initially bought gw2, and this main concept is lost and burried right now.



    HoT is now the best open world content, unfortunatly I had stopped the game when it was released, I complete PoF and HoT at the same time when I came back and I think if I played the game when HoT just got released I would loved that period.

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