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Posts posted by Kerivek.5740

  1. I like how you make a new post every week or so calling roamers bullies and trolls. Roaming has always been part of WvW and despite your complaints it does play an actual role. Also I hope you know that real trolls thrive on this stuff. Posts like this are like a wet dream for anyone who is actually trying to troll you for a reaction. Although at this point I am legitimately wondering if you are a troll yourself just making these posts for reactions.

  2. I don't see mainhand shield on this poll. I demand a recount!

    I wouldn't mind seeing offhand mace though. I just like it aesthetically. I only hope they never give us guns. In all reality I would like to see new weapon types rather than just rotating the same ones through all the classes. Polearms would be great as a new 2h option. I'd also love to see fist weapons so they can give me the holy warrior/monk class I've always wanted.

  3. > @Kuulpb.5412 said:

    > > @Daishi.6027 said:

    > > Appeal to popularity and tradition are fallacies, but you are asking for people to change the very concept of in game archetypes that we've had for a billion years, and has been there for virtually **_EVERY OTHER GAME IN EXISTENCE_**.

    > >

    > > Realistically people aren't going to change to fit A-net's hipster, hoity toity, "_to distinguish us from the rest of the rabble MMOs_", style.


    > class is the incorrect term. end.


    nobody cares though. end?

  4. > @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

    > I'm pretty sure most of the mounts have the skeletons/models of other ingame creatures. Jackal might have Fern hound or any basic wolf-like creature, and raptor has bonebreaker/stonehead. Granted, I dunno very well how this works, but couldn't they just put the outer graphics of these into the animated skeletons of the mounts? I mean, Stonehead/Bonebreaker would've been perfect for raptor mount, and I can see Teragriff and Gryphon being compatible.


    > Raptor reskin could be: Stonehead, Bonebreaker, Rolling devil, maybe even Moas, mounts from mordrem guards, etc.

    > Gryphon: Teragriff, juvenile drakes from HoT, Awakened abom, etc.

    > Jackal: Sylvan hounds, regular wolves (Dire wolf mount would be AMAZING), mordrem wolves.

    > Skimmer: Wind rider (this one is pretty unique), probably even toys like broom and carpet.

    > Springer: No idea.


    > These are just the first mount skins released since PoF launch, so I'm hoping next ones are fat better than simply giving us 3 more dye channels.


    This is exactly the sort of thing I am hoping for going forward. These mount skins are just fun Halloween themed alternatives for our current mounts. What excites me even more is that this shows that they have opened the door for mount skins. I expect that in the future we will see very interesting mount skins that completely change the appearance of the mount we are on.

  5. > @huehuehueh.5106 said:

    > hey anet, what in the bill cosby is this kitten?

    > https://i.imgur.com/1zuGTOl.jpg


    > 26,252 + 8,507 +14,461 + 8,507 + 14,461 =

    > Instantly blasted with 72,188 damage FROM A PET. My health pool is 23k...


    > Also no downstate lmao!


    This has already been explained countless times, but that damage wasn't instant and no downstate is clearly not the case. Again people, this bug needs to be fixed but stop claiming that the damage is instant and doesn't have anything to do with downstate. It does nobody any good to spread misinformation.

  6. > @Turk.5460 said:


    > I think they can fix the bug regardless of whatever else you think needs looking at. This is game-breaking enough as is, nothing should bypass the downed mechanic in the way this does. If it wasn't a problem, there wouldn't be so many threads about it.


    Haha I wish this was the case. People were still making daily threads whining about DH right up until PoF. People complain about stuff that isn't OP alll the time. Especially once it become THE thing to complain about. Then everyone jumps on board to use it as a reason to justify their lack of success. Also, this is not me saying that this bug doesn't need to be fixed, because it does...but the amount of complaint threads has very little relevance to what actually is/isn't OP.

  7. I think the main reason that all of these things are being added now is to make the game more accessible to new players. There is so much exploration and collecting to be done in this game, it is a pretty daunting task for someone just coming into the game and wanting to be able to join in with friends / guildies. It also makes playing an alt a much better experience in my opinion.

  8. Agreed. I actually love using the axe but I pretty much only use Axe2 when I have quickness, or I am engaging with it by precasting + JI. Otherwise it just feels like it takes an eternity to cast.

  9. Scepter is also probably the most boring weapon I could possibly imagine. I always use LB over scepter for open world just because I find it so much more fun to play. Sustained DPS is rarely an issue for any open world content so min/maxing isn't a requirement. When you step into an environment that DPS is important in like high fractals or raids then definitely just use the scepter but aside from that I always recommend choosing what you find more fun.

  10. I am enjoying Firebrand a ton right now. Especially in PvE I just love the way it plays. Tomes are a lot of fun to use. One thing I will say is I think mantras are boring and not very fun, but tomes make up for it for me. I also really enjoy axe. It could use a range increase to match the autp animation but it does decent condi DPS and I love the aesthetic of it.


    Saiyan I'm curious...what have you been running for a FB build? I have had mixed success so far with trying to do a DPS oriented Firebrand. I find that when I can unload in a crowd I can wipe out a team faster than ever, but after doing that a couple times I start getting focused and I have more trouble surviving as Firebrand than I do as DH. Have you found that you can stand up to focus fire from the enemy team or is survivability still an issue for you?

  11. This is the build I have been using:



    I mainly use this gear because I like the durability when I go into WvW. That being said, I have never felt like I lacked the damage to do anything short of raids. The AoE just melts any groups I encounter and I can solo most Champions that are tuned for groups.



    > @Holgarf.6581 said:

    > PVE, Guardian is squishy af. You either go full damage and destroy them (unless there is loads) or spend forever healing yourself and chip away at them slowly. If there's lots of enemies, you're usually screwed.


    This isn't really accurate at all imo. You can go very tanky with a burn build and still absolutely melt anything you encounter in open world PvE. As for lots of enemies being an issue I don't really understand that. Firebrand very easily clears out entire crowds with all of its AoE burn.


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