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Posts posted by Kerivek.5740

  1. If they are instantly placing large burn stacks on you to begin with that means they are blowing several (probably all) of their burn stacking abilities at once. You can avoid these pretty easily if you just pay attention to what they are doing. Zealot's Flame pretty much misses every time the target isn't immobilized unless it is cast point blank. If you have an elevation difference the ability is nearly useless. If they are using Purging Flames don't go in and out of the circle because it will continue adding stacks. Judges Intervention is the only burn stacking ability that isn't obvious. As with almost any other build with any other class, learning the animations and abilities makes them a whole hell of a lot easier to fight.

  2. This has nothing to do with the top 100. Guards are terrible at putting up cover conditions. Use your cleanses sparingly, don't just mash them whenever you see condis pop up. If you have 5 different conditions but nothing has more than a couple stacks then just tank the damage. If you learn to cleanse properly burn guards are a lot less threatening.

  3. > @Havok.6073 said:

    > Because it's a broken class that allows players with low skill all the "panic buttons" they can handle and some more. Because they are invulnerable for a long time but they can still burn you to death in the meantime. Because they cleanse, teleport, condiburst, heal, block, block, block, block, block, invulnerable , invulnerable ...you get it.

    > There have been two guardians in a team for a long time, they never went out of meta, Anet loves the crap out of them and yet, they whine about their class 24/7. Seems to work pretty well.


    A warrior complaining about people bursting while invuln? Something seems fishy here.

  4. I would agree that Glacial Heart is actually decent as it is, it just has some tough competition for trait choices. I don't see this as a bad thing. You shouldn't have an obvious must-pick for traits...ideally you should have a tough time deciding. This indicates that the traits are balanced against each other effectively.


    In regards to the downvotes...I would guess he got downvoted because he has been bouncing around making this claim for a few days now. I know I am not alone in getting tired of seeing people rush to the forums to complain every time a new spec kills them, when they should be learning what the specs strengths and weaknesses are so they can do better moving forward.


  5. I made a power GS/Sw+F Firebrand build during the test that was built on using high quickness uptime to burst people. I killed a lot of people with it in the random chaos of unranked PvP but it didn't really feel like something that I would want to bring into ranked. That being said, the bursts are really great so there may be some possibility for a viable build...but I didn't experiment with it too much.

  6. I love that you started making these threads in response to people complaining about Ventari revs lol. Classic case of trying to shift attention away from the thing you don't want nerfed by getting people riled up about a different build. Hammer Guard is in no way OP. This is meditrapper all over again where once you learn what you are looking at you will realize there is plenty of counterplay to hammer guard. I will add that I don't think Ventari needs any real nerfs either, maybe a small increase on knockback CD to make them less gimmicky, but that's all.

  7. Unless the scaling gets tweaked I think any +healing on Firebrand is going to be wasted. It just doesn't scale well enough to make it worth allocating stats to it. I think it will be best to just heal with baseline stats and instead focus on other stats for more survivability or DPS. That being said...if they make the healing scale well then I definitely think that the hybrid healing sets will be viable options.

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