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Posts posted by Ouk.5914

  1. Rev dps is perfectly fine if Not busted along side Holo and Ranger.


    Issue here is a simple Learn to play, If you are comparing Ranger pet dps output to rev then you have no clear discussion for anyone to take this post serious. Rev Might have shit sustain depending on what spec you are playing but if you are playing for a dps spec then you need to understand the fact that rev can 100-0 someone in an instant is major. The Fact Rev's Can teleport around to drop dps on people is major for this meta and Once the Holo Nerf, and Necro nerf coming in we'll see them back in being probably the most busted spec for spvp. Not Having Necro's around next meta is going to be such hazard for this game but we'll see what's sup with anet once they ever decided to do an actual balance patch.

  2. > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > I am interested in learning how to 5v5 play better for ATs and MAt. Learning scourge at mo. Went straight to plat with it solo but have little to no exp with a shadow fb and need allot of work there. /w if interested


    you are almost 2 years to late bud. sorry but we disbanded/stop caring for the community a while ago.


  3. > @"kraai.7265" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > Shadowpass,

    > >

    > > There is no reason to really debate with people who think that mantra mesmer is ok. I mean, after they say that its fine it means that they tossed all ability to reason out the window.

    > > I agree with what you are saying. What most people do not understand is one of the founding principles of GW2 was the abilities to make decisions based upon the opponents animations. In other words, animations to skills were suppose to be readable so you can weigh your options to make a choice. Its the reason why we don't have cast bars. When you remove that principle of being able to read animations then you get stuff like mantra mesmer. Its sad that most players do not understand this and apparently the devs no longer do either.


    > But mantras are here since the start of gw2, and most players didn't complain.. maybe because they instead learned to play and not cry on forums?...

    > I think this community can't reason, you gut mesmer's mantras, and they become the worst power class in game asap, so more condi mesmers around, and more power mesmers leaving the game, yes there are some other powerbuilds you can use, but they suck against meta builds, or are focused support.

    > I can understand when people ask for animations or casting time for mantras, but to remove them from play would be totally unfair, unless they remove tons of skills from every other spec.

    > "I think this community can't reason" also i belive before players would actually try to play a build they have trouble with, learn it's mechanics, and how to exploit their weaknesses, now i only see tons and tons of whining in forums, every challenging enemy they find instead of learning and having fun they go to the forums and cry for nerfs.

    > Thats not how a mmo is supposed to be played. Like that guy that posted a new topic called "new pvp meta: whine till a class is nerfed"


    See..........comments like this is why we shouldn't argue with these people.


    Ever heard of the Zero From Team USA? He doesn't Play Mantra, He plays his own build which a lot of others in NA play Power Mesmer during Monthly(IF you are actually good on mirage that is). The Build Is busted and is A LOT BETTER then Mantra Mesmer. THE ONLY issue with the build it doesn't completely 1 shot you and Dazes you with 0 cast. It actually takes some skills to SET UP for a spike, and Boon Strip. It also has some REALLY good sustain for 1vs1 / 5vs5 Unlike Mantra.


    Issue with this BUILD vs Mantra? IT"S HARDER TO PLAY so A LOT and I mean A LOT of mesmer mains can't play the build so they go back to Mantra because it's A LOT EASIER to land a few 1 shots / stealth yourself to recast the mantra again. Fyi mantra has always been an issue and it has always been annoying to how dumb it is to play against it/predict everything. It isn't a complain that just started but something that just got brought back because of how annoying mirages are to deal with in general.

  4. why is this still going on?


    Mesmer Main are the worse when it comes to talking about "balance" and what's "busted". The same dudes that die for that spec are the same dudes that went around for almost a year saying Condi Mirage wasn't "busted".


    stop arguing with kids that don't have any real competitive play in spvp outside of rank.

  5. No one.


    If i had to pick a player from a meta comp standpoint then i'll say Power Mirage. Conquest is ALL about Timing, setting up and Preparing yourself/team for strong 5vs5 in your favor. Running Ahead and getting jumped by 2-4 players at Mid is a horrible idea because you'll be blowing your cds within Seconds OR worse case dying in seconds.


    If your on a "bunker" spec I wouldn't even be at mid to begin with because you are better suited for duels on a node where you can hold more value for your team.


    Theirs so many ways to go about it but ya it's never good to go balls to the wall deep unless u find someone really out of position and by them self.

  6. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > Give him credit for not giving up even though it is somehow cringy that he restarts with it after his last 200 page thread ppl told him what is op and what not. All low gold ppl will happily jump on his train once again :joy:

    > >

    > > I will continue to make threads every time I get 100-0'd by bs oneshots from stealth.

    > >

    > > I don't even have an issue with Death's Judgment unless it's being paired with Shadow Arts for faceroll perma stealth DJ spam. My issue with DE is the 20k Malicious Backstab build. DJ has a giant laser and sound cue so I'm mostly fine with it on the meta DA variant, though it's very annoying with quickness when it hits you for 14k.

    > >

    > > Builds that can one-shot you from stealth WITHOUT any reasonable indication, animation, or sound cue that you can dodge NEED to get deleted. They do not belong in this game.


    > You should think about what you wanna cry about before starting a thread then. You cry about Mantras but you mean stealthspam oneshot builds which have nothing to do with Mantras and are not even Mesmer only. Mantras have a sound and an animation (this mandala thing on the ground), Mantra of Distraction can be used to predict a burst, just dodge when you get dazed. GS2 has a tell even out of stealth. A mesmer with only 3 secs stealth is predictable and easy to counter. The problem starts with stacked stealth. I mean i'm on your side with the stealthspam oneshot builds including the (chasoline) core Mesmer build. It is braindead low skill carry, none reactive and unhealthy.


    Like What's hard to understand? He's complaining about Mantra And Stealth. Mantra Being OP to a degree and Stealth in general just being a really really bad mechanic for this game. Imo the only spec that should be allowed to stealth should be thief's however a shitload of specs are given ability to do so.


    OP right and I agree with him I just don't think ALL of the mantra skills are that good. ON paper it reads great but stacking a butt-load of mantra doesn't do you so well on mesmer. However Mantra of Distraction and Pain are without a doubt OP and stupidly over use for 1shot specs. Imo the CD needs to be longer in order to keep them balance. Any Good mesmer main would know not to stealth DURING A fight but stealth before entering one.

  7. > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > > @"Ouk.5914" said:

    > > Staff Thief

    > > Condi Thief

    > > Prot Holo

    > > Rifle Holo

    > > Rev

    > Idk I don’t think condi thief is that good it is already bad if they have a FB and even a decent scourge can counter. Staff thief also has glaring weakness is any situation besides 1v1s unless your playing DA which makes u lose half your 1v1 match ups. I’d say rev is still really good but at the moment I think many would agree sw/d thief is an equal replacement. Not bad suggestions I’d just say some of them are more like solo q or memes builds.




    Condi Thief shits on Rev and rifle holo at the moment especially if it's in rank versus noobs. I might be wrong but it also shits on Power Mirage and warriors. Theirs no reason to think Condi Thief isn't good for rank when almost everyone plays War,Holo and Mesmer. As for the fb comment MOST fb in rank are pure trash and of course if you see a fb in the team fights then maybe swap target to someone who's out of position (which happen all the time during a rank game anyway). Just because something is strong in rank does not mean it'll be strong for competitive game play like in a monthly comp or so. Anything that's easy to play, spam and roam is always going to be OP in rank.

  8. Staff Thief

    Condi Thief

    Prot Holo

    Rifle Holo



    best classes at the moment to carry rank games. Usually you want to farm the shit players so going Condi Thief+Rifle Holo is a good combo or going Rev+holo. Kills>Nodes farm the noobs and then make them rage quit.


    What A LOT OF try hards do is double que a necro and then swap to a burst/mobile class to carry games. This is if you really care enough about the dead game with a leader board that doesn't mean jack shit and titles that all suck ass.


    Don't put effort into rank when the reward isn't worth the effort imo. Just play something you want to get better on or have fun.

  9. I dont know how anyone who has played this game long enough would still believe that the game isn't declining as bad as it has 3 years ago? This game isn't offering anything for anyone anymore. All the hardcore Pve players are moving on, All the hardcore WvW commanders and GvG guild leaders are all moving on , and then you have all the hardcore Spvp players that are also moving on because Monthly has been stripped away for 2 months now giving them 0 reason to log in and actually group as 5 to even play spvp.


    There isn't anything for anyone to gain anything from any of the game modes unless it's a few skins and some gold? Gold and Skins can only take you so far as a hardcore that offers noting for anyone. All I requested was for some sort of competitive 5 vs 5 and Monthly was the only thing that made me log into this game. Tried the WvW game mode and Enjoy my time with it till All the good GvG guilds started disbanding due to the lack of guilds wants to fight each other/commanders quieting the game. Then we have Raiding......which isn't hard to pick up at all.


    To those that don't understand how big of a hit gw2 taking overall with almost all the top streamers leaving for something different then you won't understand as to why the communities are dying off and why a lot of maps/game modes are lacking players. Streamers bring in communities and players for us over all and they some what have an influence over the game especially if they have a strong fan base following. Currently we have Wooden potato , TeaPot, Jaw, Bik and a few other big gw2 streamers all just leaving the game. Some of these guys usually pull 100-500 viewers on a daily bases imagine not having any of them around anymore and having low tier streamers of gw2 with 10-20? If no one watching gw2 on twitch then how the hell are we expecting new players to come in and try the game if anet themselves don't really promote the game?


    This game is currently a sinking ship. Love the game because it has an amazing combat system, great spell system but the owners and staff of the game just have no clue on how to really make the game shine more then what it did years ago. Adding a New LW story or Expansion isn't going to fix anything. It'll give it a few months of fun then it'll die down again just how PoF ended up.

  10. Can we get more information on this? What's the point on map release if we don't have a que system yet for it or any Tournaments like we had? Can we please get some information on what's going on with the 2vs2 for sure? Is it ever coming back or was it just something you guys wanted to do for a little bit to see some numbers?


    Custom Arenas isn't all that great and the only time they really get used a lot is when Rank is completely done for a few weeks.

  11. fuck that if im going back to solo Q season i better not see any Core specs in my games that are looking to get carried. Hell fucking no lmfao, Matter fact they better change the Win/Lose Rating gain/lost if they want to Solo Q to be a thing again.


    It's already hard as fuck to carry games on a necro imagine with out a duo to help out lol or Imagine a season with no duo again and having win trading happen again lmaoooo. Duo Q safer then Solo Q for a lot of reasons my guy and the sooner you stop complaining or making these insane post with horrible suggestions you'll understand why. The game lacks good players on Na because everyone pretty much expected to either get carried or given an easier chance to win. If your saying solo Q gives you a better chance of winning then off the bat im gonna assume you just want to be placed higher on the LB in the easiest way possible.


    Want to be higher rating? Guess what you can do! Study Old Esl Games, Follow a Few good Streamers, Learn the No teleport spots, and Learn the match ups that are good and bad for you to take. Once you get At least half that done you can start learning rotations and Target focus! Those small little tips would legit help you reach high p2-p3 with no issues at all.


    But please enough with trying to make this game mode easier/a joke then what it already is. I'm tired of casuals or player unable to make some sort of effort to get better or try to compete against higher tier players. When I see some of the best players in the game in a match i try to shut them down and help carry the team to get that W instead of complaining or making insane comments as to why Match making is so "unfair".

  12. care less about the rating and LB status and More about the quality of games you are getting.


    If i'm getting a hell of a close game during a rank match up , then yes im having fun regardless if I lose or win rating.... This game has long lost it's glorious rank prestige so why should you or anyone else keep caring at this point?


    Monthly taken away till it's "fix", and Rank doesn't really do much for you.

  13. they'll never ever rebuild the rank system to what it is. At most possibly improve the match making but that's about it. Ben himself said it'll most likely never happen and We all know Anet wouldn't invest that much time anyway.....If it takes a year to properly finish 1 MAP for spvp imagine rebuilding the entire spvp ranking system? Swizz is on a 2 year mark almost and we still haven't got that or an idea when it'll come out. Then we have the 2vs2 system that was ADDED but then removed for almost no legit reason and that also has been close to a year without a single update as to why.


    Issue with Anet they have about 10+ side projects going on all at once.....and they delay everything because of the lack of employment to help finish it through. I love the game but I'm telling you expecting anything to be done in a reasonable fashion isn't ever going to happen for gw2. They rather focus on the Pve side of things to keep things "alive" before finishing anything for spvp or wvw.

  14. > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

    > > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > > > > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

    > > > > > Not sure how much this is related to the patch tho. A modest dmg nerf on rev sword cant put the class from S to C all of a sudden. And core nec aint better than scourge in an AT.

    > > > >

    > > > > 1. A modest nerf is a roughly -33% decrease in damage in optimal scenarios?

    > > > > Rev had **multiple -20% to 30% damage decreases to sword including the auto** as well as having **might uptime essentially cut in half with less stacks** and also **loss of chill and slow**

    > > > >

    > > > > That’s a big deal.

    > > > >

    > > > > 2. Rev was never S tier. It was B+ tier and myself (I still say my build is most superior in NA) and a few others made it seem S tide by just straight outplaying people.

    > > > >

    > > > > **Revenent is back where it was pre POF (season 5) and post POF where it was so weak there just was not an opportunity to outplay certain specs, match ups, scenarios**

    > > > >

    > > > > Rev was called S tier because people had gotten use to it being an auto win. Mes vs Rev for instance is such an auto-win that as somebody that has made it top 10 solo q on rev many times I wouldn’t willingly take a 1v1 vs a Gold Mes if I didn’t have to.

    > > >

    > > > Thats why comps with double rev could stomp basically anything, It was the best performing class, and the recent nerf was well-deserved.

    > > > Wait... NA still has pvp?

    > >

    > > Double Rev was a thing in EU? That’s sad because I farmed an EU legend Rev 100-0 repeatedly when he was on NA.

    > >

    > > I assume Legend in EU is at least top 50?? So a top 50 Rev comes to NA and gets slaughtered 100-0 by NA top 10 Rev, but I assume somebody such as him was just running rampant in EU lol?

    > >

    > > You guys run meme builds.

    > >

    > > I highly doubt you guys even see half of the most Potent builds in EU. I know for a fact my Rev build is superior to all of what is being ran in EU. kitten I’d probably have you guys crying Rev is op again.

    > >


    > To be fair if he's EU and comes to NA he's going to have a higher ping than what he's used to.


    to be fair though 120ping isn't that bad? I swap to Eu and ended in p3 on holo for god knows how long. It's easier to rank up in Eu then it is Na....Na is for the hardcore players looking to lose brain cells and age faster lmfao.

  15. > @"Flandre.2870" said:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/M7B3adt.png "")

    > I'm back with an updated tier list.

    > Short info: teamfight comps suck this patch, mesmer thief warrior are all unkillable and have way better class mechanics than rest of the specs.

    > Condi thief, mirage and spb are absolutely broken and rotational comp is superior at the moment.

    > Power thief is godlike because every team has 2-4 CI mirages and having matchup into the best class in the meta makes core thief S tier.

    > Holo still ridic strong( the only class without good matchups that survives this meta)

    > Good FB is still amazing value.

    > DH back in the meta since it counters both thieves and mirages which spread like a plague this patch.

    > Core necro>Scourge

    > Weaver although it does well into m irage lacks damage output and has hard time winning anything.

    > If you want to get an idea of comps people run here is what people run during the FINALS of today's AT.

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/KIR6Ncv.png "")

    > Team of ultranumb that played standard fb/scourge/herald teamfight comp lost to a 4 mirage team that didn't even make fianls.



    It's IMPOSSIBLE to take Eu players like yourself serious at times like regardless of what gizmo you got during a weak monthly. You have Warrior that high up but condi mirage/Necro both completely shit on it. Then on top of that you claim Core necro better then scourge? In what aspect? Chain CC? Self Sustain?


    go into more detail with these selection you have and why because you got DH and New scrapper over Scrouge, Rev and Soulbeast LOL.



  16. I can't disagree with you on what you mention. I just feel Like they NEED to do more for the community that WANTS to take this game to the next level and half assing things and not providing much of anything for us kinda kills it.


    @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" you are legit the only hope for this community please, respond if you can about the post with anything at all. Please be honest with us and tell us how the future looks for this game with us trying to keep it alive?

  17. I Don't like seeing druids in my rank games....so i'm kinda happy this has happen but overall I agree this nerf was NOT needed. Actually this nerf came out of no where lmfao almost like the reaper nerf. No and I mean NO ONE has complained about reaper or druid. The only HoT spec that needed nerfs/rework was Scrapper and that was also gutted beyond believe.


    Don't be shock if the reason for this was simply because they plan on dropping a new expansion very soon.

  18. > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

    > > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

    > > > > > > > No nerfs to scourge.. kitten Anet?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Outside of adding a 1s global cooldown between shade skills I actually can't imagine any nerfs necromancer specifically needs. It's exceptionally strong in the right circumstances but also very limited in it's role and what it can do with a very specific niche. That's how every build should be.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So still FB + 2 scourge every game. This patch won’t change a thing. Except we will see more eles. And how are buffs to guardians needed?? Are they even playing this game mode. Last nail in the coffin I’m afraid.

    > > > >

    > > > > Idk. I've played 100 plat 1-2 games and while scourges and reapers on both teams aren't uncommmon Firebrands on either team feel very uncommon. People don't queue on Firebrand, even top tier PvPers, because playing Firebrand or dedicated support in general just makes you so dependent on everyone else on your team actually performing their roles. At this point Firebrand feels like an Automated Tournament only build.

    > > >

    > > > Yes, you are right. What I meant was that the meta won’t change. Also Buffing already strong classes won’t help the balance of this game..

    > >

    > > No top tier spec was specifically buffed. Firebrand+Scourge will remain strong in ranked but that's about it.

    > >


    > Except weaver which is arguably top tier for sidepoint 1v1s.


    that's not true at all, It's in a solid spot though. However CI mirage is what we should call Top Tier at the moment.


    Weaver and Warrior Loses to Ci mirage.

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