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Posts posted by Ouk.5914

  1. > @"youle.5824" said:

    > Lol i play na , and you kitten hard, scrapper is far from being poplular sidenoder in high plat xD cmon be honest about your true rating. Every descent player player knows how to counter scrapper by now. And the heal turret nerf ... man thats stupid, nerfing core engi cause holo has too much sustain... genius ,fyi heat loss on dodge is the actual reason for the crazy sustain with holos.


    You May see the same Specs In plat2-plat3. Fire Weaver/Warrior/Scrapper and Condi Mirage. Scrapper Gets played A lot more then weaver and Warriors for a side node in Na.

  2. > @"Syclantus.4621" said:

    > > @"Ouk.5914" said:

    > > > @"Syclantus.4621" said:

    > > > Not gonna lie I thought this was a meme thread when you said scrapper was no.1 side noder

    > >

    > > it's close to unkillable and super easy to pick up. If you honestly don't think it's number 1 side noder then cool.


    > A scrapper will lose node / any fight to a warrior lol. There's a reason it's basically not present in any match at P2+.


    what region you play in?


    I'm plat 2 on my alt account and P3 on my Main account. Scrapper gets played In Na in almost every level of division possible.


    Knights Amulet and Mortor Kit prevents the scrapper from dying to the warrior 1vs1. It's a stall match up and Even outside of Rank Most monthly Teams are running side node scrapper because of how good it is from holding a node/ out sustaining 1vs X on node.


    Nerfs shouldn't be based on JUST rank. It should be Based on Both Rank and Monthly tournament Comps depending on how it's doing over all. If the Spec is over performing then theirs an issue over all with it.


    Like I seriously can't believe you said it's not Present in P2+ matches lol.

  3. > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

    > What did I miss? How do you know there is a balance patch next week? Are they really implementing new balance in the middle of the season??


    Ben was on stream saying theirs going to be a balance this month. Most likely next week is what everyone believes it'll be. Official date hasn't been confirmed but it'll be this month for sure.

  4. > @"Lala.8752" said:

    > why this guy want to nerf healing turret lmao


    because the amount of healing burst you get from it has always been an issue. Let's not play dumb and act like it's balance lol.


    Most spec shouldn't have the jack of all abilities. If they can 100-0 someone, CC chain them while also keeping up a pretty high self sustain then the class isn't really balance is it? The Old saying of holo being "high risk and high reward" is completely false, It's Close to Low Risk of over heating and High Reward for spamming 1 and 2.


    Also if you can add to your comment as to why you wouldn't think it'll be a good change and what would you suggestion before you making a silly comment.

  5. From what ben said on stream that the changes are going to be "big" but he's unsure if the meta going to change.


    What I'm Expecting to see get touch on are the following Specs:


    1: Condi Mantra Mesmer - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Chaotic_Condition

    This build is just completely unfun to play against and with the amount of condi pressure it provides within such a spam makes the entire game mode a joke IMO. I'll like to see Daze Mantra Nerf and possibly Chaotic Interruption.


    2: Power Shiro Aka Rev - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Power_Shiro

    This build or this spec in general has an insane amount of Might Up time while also able to give out a insane amount of Vulnerability this is what making this class pretty OP while also able to chill and slow a foe because of Death Strike. I suggest we Lower the amount of Might and Vulnerability Rev can dash out. Holo were nerf hard a few seasons ago because of the amount of Might they were able to get. Rev should be treated the same way.


    3:Rifle Holo - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Elixir_Rifle

    Holo Are Ok in most aspects IMO however I think nerfing healing turret would probably help keep Holo in check with their insane CC and Burst. Taking away their high amount of burst sustain from healing turret can possibly keep them in check from being "OP". This Class shouldn't be high burst and High CC with also able to fully heal themselves with healing turret.


    4: Scrapper - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scrapper_-_Gyro_Bunker

    With the Current Meta being More "direct" Damage over "condi" damage. Bunker Scrapper is probably the number 1 side node dueling spec in the game at the moment. Not only does the Gyro Have close to 0 tell they also provide way to much sustain for the scrappers. With this Spec I would Suggest to nerf Bulwark Gyro and Possibly rapid regeneration.


    5: Ranger Sic Em - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Sic_%27Em_Sniper

    This soul beast spec needs to be touch on a bit. I would Like to see the overall dps on pets nerf a bit. I feel like the amount of burst coming from the pet itself is a bit high while also having to worry about the ranger main burst. Feels like theirs to much to Danger for players and very little danger for the ranger itself. I would like to see Ranger Great sword 3 Nerf by Increasing it's cooldown from 12 seconds to 18 seconds and Decrease the range from 1000 to 600. This Would Lower their survival power by a good amount IMO. All Risk when going full dps this would be a fair trade off.


    Anyway these are some of the stuff i'm hoping gets touch on by the devs for next week balance patch because if any of these go unchecked then it's gonna be a boring rank season as it already is.


  6. > @"thepolishman.2348" said:

    > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

    > > > @"thepolishman.2348" said:

    > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

    > > > > > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

    > > > > > > Theres a learning curve in every mmo. I think Gw2 atm is just very unbalanced. When youre a new guy and you come into pvp against some meta guy that really knows how to roll his build its not gonna be a fun time. If that happens a few times the guy isn't even gonna bother anymore. Its hard for new players to actually "Learn how to pvp" when they dont get the chance to do so because they insta blow up or get cc locked to death and panic button. Dueling is the only way to learn that but thats locked behind a guild arena or closed servers with a pass. Give players the ability to learn their stuff atleast in some way because it seems impossible for new players to do so. Have to join a proper guild first and then find out if the ones in there ar really proper or not to teach you what you need to know. There needs to be an easier way in pvp to test and practice for new players. Golems and npc's aren't cutting it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Don't get the chance to? Like any pvp game you need to learn, you're not expected to just go into a match and automatically win and get a pat on the back. It takes 1000's of duels per class to even garner a mastering of the mechanics , and that's against decent to good players let alone learning conquest mechanics on top of it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > We are in an age where there are so many videos deeply explaining class mechanics, matchup mechancs, what to do / what not to do in a conquest match , metabattle to get an overview of those very meta builds...

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It's an overflow of information nowadays on every aspect of the game mode itself. It's up to **_you_** though if you want to take the time to actually put the work in to learn them, that's with any game's PvP environment though.

    > > > >

    > > > > Casuals expect everything to be handed to them. Rewards, should be easy to play and force a 50% winratio!

    > > >

    > > > I mean, you're not wrong, but your line of thinking is basically why there's a low population. When you're new and get absolutely destroyed in 2 seconds, it's not fun. No casual player is going to be watching videos and getting destroyed in hundreds of matches in the hopes of improving. That's hardcore pvper type stuff.

    > > >

    > > > If you want population to improve, even a new player needs to have some chance of winning against an experienced player. It may only be a 1 in 10 chance, but there needs to at least be a chance. Imo, best way of getting there is to start by getting rid of all these bunker and insta-kill builds.

    > >

    > > Hmm that's just PvP in general in every single game though. If you want progression you need to practice and get better.... It's not rocket science it's a very straight forward process. You might lose 50 times but it's about what you take from losing those 50 games and adjust based on that and I understand some games are just beyond saving due to matchmaking at times. The problem though is a lot of people just give up hope and stop trying to learn because they think the game mode is kitten based on 50-100 matches when this should be looked at differently.. I'm not going to deny the matchmaking is bad at times and that the game mode doesn't have faults , it does but I think in this respect it's not one of them.

    > >

    > > When you're a baby and you learn to walk, you fall down what, 100+ times? Through that failure you eventually learn it through understanding mechanics and knowledge of using your legs and feet and build up a neurological connection to them until it becomes automated. What you're asking the community for is to essentially be picked up and carried over to the destination so they feel good about themselves without learning initial PvP mechanics.

    > >

    > > **_How do they learn from that?_**

    > >

    > > If we play PvE , we progress by leveling, farming and building up gold or whatever your goal is and improving your gear do you not? You get noticeable rewards for exploring and learning that content.

    > >

    > > It's the same with PvP except most of that progression in our equalized PvP combat is through mechanics, knowledge of other classes, conquest mechanics, IQ of the game in general.

    > >

    > > PvP is essentially the same as PvE you just learn strategies instead of get gear and as such it should be looked at the very same when approaching each game mode respectively. The problem is most people don't, they look at PvE as it should, but they feel PvP should be simple and straight forward like it's PvE counterpart without looking at it from a different mentality.

    > >

    > > **_That PvP is comprised of roles, rotations, matchups, class IQ_**

    > >

    > > Maybe , just maybe you're getting it mixed up like a lot of people in that **_if you don't have the mentality to want to get better, that is not a fault on the game mode _** and giving up on the game mode is generally not the answer because you most likely will do that in every PvP game and complain about every PvP game in general equally for that very reason. It's the people who understand PvP and know the stages of learning it that stick with it.


    > I don't know what to tell you dude. Again, I don't disagree with what you're saying. But if you want population to improve, you need to make it more casual friendly. Yes, that means some hand-holding. If you think population is fine with where it's at, then there's nothing to argue. If you want it to improve, making it more casual friendly is the best way to do that.


    More Casual friendly then what it already is? This is the problem with the game currently. NO ONE takes it serious because it's to CASUAL for a lot of the idiots playing it now days. Gives them 0 reason to get better hence why players stop even pvping. No one wants to come into a game and see people not try because they get rewarded for losing....

  7. Population Low as Fuck.


    Add a new Rating System that isn't so easy to abuse/ Camp rating. Remove Rewards given for players that are there just to play regardless if they win or lose, Add roles to the Q. Makes 0 sense to have 2 of the same spec in almost every game during rank match ups. 0 Need for double scrapper, Double Necro, Double Fb or Double Rev. Limit it 1 per team when match making it and if players want to swap then give them the option.


    Remove Core Classes from Rank a majority of the time these are players JUST throwing games for the others. It's a major disadvantage for the team stuck with the core spec..... Stop giving handicap match ups before the game even starts.

  8. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > The community voted to keep the ability to swap classes prematch. In addition to the reasons people stated already (fixing a bad comp, or wanting to exploit a weakness in the enemy team comp), people also sometimes like to play a different character in PvE while they wait for their match. People often have different characters for PvE and PvP, so this allows them that flexibility.


    > There are of course some negatives, as you mentioned. Bypassing the matchmaker being a big one. But I think the positives outweigh the negatives overall.


    why do we have the system reading a Core Guardian, DH, and Fb all being the same in roles? I seen Games where we'll get Core Ranger vs Enemy Soul Beast.


    Can we Do something with Class match ups? Another Example would be having 1 Necro On enemy team but then your Team having 2 necros. Stuff like this is what really kills the match making more then what it already is.

  9. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Re: the matchmaker not keeping high rated players in queue longer: The reward for getting better at the game can't be, "You don't get to play anymore."

    > Re: Duo queue - We thought about this for a long time. In the end, we decided it's just not fun to not be able to play with your friends. Additionally, removing a feature is a poor reward for getting better at the game. It also motivated all sorts of bad behavior, which I won't go into.


    this game is just fucking ass bro, If you Solo Q you have almost no chance of winning games in plat 2.


    It's legit a problem if the dev in this game can't redo the system to fix it's low population or build a better match making system that prevents these 1 sided games.

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