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Posts posted by Drizzt.1796

  1. > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

    > My guess would be that the main story is going to be mostly focused around the saltspray dragons somehow, and that the human empire dynamics will be more backdrop.


    > I have a feeling they're going to play off the contrast between Western myth (Tyria) generally considering dragons to be monsters to be slain, while Eastern myth (Cantha) often considers dragons to be benevolent.


    > Basically, how does the Empire of the Dragon view the Elder Dragons? As far as we know, they haven't had any confrontation with the Elder Dragons this cycle, and the human race that makes up the bulk of the population might never have.


    They are **CONSIDERABLY** close to Orr. Plus, since some dragons were corrupted by Vizier Khilerbron, who is **CORRUPTED** .

    So yeah, they had no interaction with elder dragon corruption.


  2. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > Charr and Asura are the most fitting races to play Engineer on, the only reason I edge out Charr as more fitting is because of the Engineers skills and icons.


    > Many Engi skills are pretty rough looking.. some are kind of hobbled together like wacky inventions which definitely fits more in with Charr and their.. I don't care how it looks so long as it kills stuff attitude than it does with Asuran Technology.


    > An easy example is to just look at the Turret Designs, They definitely look more like something a Charr would design rather than an Asura.. in fact i'd think if an Asura designed them they'd probably be laughed out of Rata Sum.


    > Likewise with the Scrapper Elite Spec.. running around whacking things with a giant wrench.. definitely got more Charr vibes to it than anything else :)


    > Holosmith on the other hand screems Asura so I guess based on your spec preference define your race on that :)


    Ok! Thanks, I'll probably go charr engineer. Especially since I got Fixer Upper from Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock. Thanks for commenting!

  3. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > Use this code.


    > ![](https://imgur.com/Qkzi5Gh.jpg "")


    > You can obtain it by quoting this comment, copying the link above this block of text and replacing the "https://imgur.com/Qkzi5Gh" link with whatever your screenshot link is, so long as you keep everything before the "https" and after the "Qkzi5Gh" it should work fine.


    > *Edit, picture was a bit bigger than expected, sorry about that.


    How then would we put the screenshot on igmur?

  4. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Drizzt.1796" said:

    > > Excuse me, I personally love that look and would like to know what skins are those so... what skins are those? Anyone who can identify them please comment. from headgear to the boots please.


    > Why is everyone quoting the whole post? One image to pose the question would have sufficed.


    > Anyway, the set they are wearing is:

    > * Head: **Racing Goggles (heavy)**

    > * Shoulders: **Heavy Houndskin Mantle**

    > * Chest: **Phalanx Warplate** (except in the last two screenshots, that's Legion)

    > * Arms: **Banded Gauntlets**

    > * Legs: **Legion Tassets**

    > * Feet: **Warband Boots**


    Ty. Also, what are the shoulders in the first picture? Thanks!

  5. > > @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

    > > New look for my Charr Foreign Intelligence Operator, Chimie:

    > > Had it for a few months now, but didn't think to post it.

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/NW1aXnS.png "")

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/oKTEXza.png "")

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/FNOKiNB.png "")

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/OcubolE.png "")

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/JIKZ3y5.png "")

    > >

    > >


    > > @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

    > > Haven't changed my character much since last, but here's his three current set-ups:

    > >

    > > 1.Normal Operations (Changes: 'Shiny Rifle', 'Racing Goggles')

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/9fIRKzP.png "")

    > >

    > > 2.Cold Weather Operations Kit (Features: 'Heavy Houndskin Mantle')

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/zgSxNIW.png "")

    > >

    > > 3.Air Drop Operations Kit (Features: 'Legion Jetpack')

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/MH2jdaq.png "")

    > >

    > > Should be fairly obvious what my Cold Weather Air Drop Kit looks like.



    > > @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

    > > Chimie Pepin. Iron Legion Adamant Guard (foreign intelligence/external operations).

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/X4XeFdLl.png "")

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/yeCY2OP.png?1 "")

    > > I much prefer modest clothing over excessive and obnoxious fever dream stuff.


    Excuse me, I personally love that look and would like to know what skins are those so... what skins are those? Anyone who can identify them please comment. from headgear to the boots please.





  6. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > I know, hence him being a false god. I just didn't know if you meant that positively like he could be a god if there were a pantheon or if you meant he was like biblical false gods, receiving undue attention



  7. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > > Woodenpotatoes is a false god.



    > Meaning he seems like a god but is surprisingly not, or that he's wrongly worshiped and praised?



    There is no god but Jesus and his Father, God.

  8. Can someone please show pictures of male charr warriors. I have recently made one. This will choose whether I boost him or not. Also, please tell me what skins they are.-(Probably implied.)

  9. > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > I don't really think there's a "best" choice for any of them. The professions are deliberately designed not to be race-specific, and when you're creating a character, you can definitely justify any combination you pick.


    > As Westenev pointed out, among NPCs there are certain trends as to which professions are common for each race. I think the most extreme of these is for Revenant, since as far as I know there are only two NPC Revenants, both charr.


    > There are a couple of norn mesmer NPCs: Vilnia Shadowing in Snowden Drifts, and (if I recall correctly) Ayla Piersdottir in one of Vigil story instances. I think there's another one somewhere else in core Tyria, but I don't remember where.


    Well, there is a revenant in the heart of the mists you spar with. It is a Sylvari.

  10. > @"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:

    > > @"Drizzt.1796" said:

    > > First of all, sylvari have leaves, asura are actually bald, (see Zojja and any asura wearing light tier 3 asura helm), Norn just have normal beards, and charr just have hair.


    > The artist drew leaves for the appearance of a beard and not hair, and several sylvari display facial-hair like features so this is not a stretch. Their entire facial and body features are made of leaves layered on top of each other like an un-bloomed cabbage, nothing suggests that this isn't a possibility for a Sylvari to grow beard-like features with broader types of leaves like the artist here depicted. A Dandelion leaf beard would be pretty neat, I think. As mentioned I feel like it is reminiscent of medieval art of the Green Man, a popular motif with leafy greens standing in for a wild beard.


    > Second...

    > **OBJECTION!**

    > Zojja may be bald but Asura are _not_ naturally bald. Zojja has eyelashes, so it's likely she shaves her head-- having one's entire egghead on full display and unobscured by hair is probably considered attractive, who knows. Flimsy lore excuseplanations aside, Zojja's almost certainly only bald because the existing hairstyles clashed with the helmet they designed for her, and that's all. If the cultural armor was designed before she was, however, then it was simply a matter of choosing to have the character be bald because the helm just _does that_ and they didn't bother altering her model to have hair with it when it will take the hair off Player characters.


    > Helmet baldness means nothing, for by that logic all humans are bald, norn are naturally clean-shaven, and charr horns are all fakes, because they come off with with a good majority of headgear (see the [Top Hat](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Top_Hat) for a prime example of completely unnecessary baldness on a human female!)

    > Only the Swaggering Hat doesn't take your hair off, because they included a hairstyle for each race as part of the hat itself. Most helms that aren't headband style like bunny ears will em-balden your character. Anet's inability to mitigate hair vs full helm clipping issues is not a valid source for lore.


    > The [concept art](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/3e/Gixx_concept_art.jpg), and even going back to Eye of the North where they were introduced, shows that Asura have always had hair, and [yes even facial hair.](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mamp)

    > Some of the reeeally old second pass concepts had them mostly bald, but since they clearly have noses now and aren't goblin troglodytes I hardly think that counts as valid representation of what we see in the game today and what was established in GW1. Them not having beards in spite of Steward Gixx (first image) and [Professor Bronk](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Biography_Bronk.png) showing clearly they could in concept art that is shown to us both at creation and as a loading screen, is a result of just being lazy and not caring enough to be consistent.


    > Also, even if they were bald (which they are not) and those were wigs, with the ability to simulate close shaved hair they would definitely be able to wear stick-on facial hair that looks real.


    > (This is all probably too much for a reply as you probably don't care, but I see the bald Asura comment a lot and feel compelled to weigh in)






    Hmm... what if they just wear a wig?

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