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Konrad Curze.5130

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Posts posted by Konrad Curze.5130

  1. I wouldnt say "could"

    I would say "should"


    If they make an UW heavy expac, completly revamping UW combat is the bare minimum they should do, or it'd be a finantial suicide unless they get a kick of selling players an expac that most will hate and not bother playing after mere weeks


    That said I dont even see how a revamp would work, I dont think there's anything worth salvaging in the entire feature

  2. Its ANet being scared of WoW, nothing more, nothing less


    we got an expac announcement so people are somewhat hyped now. but the expac is a good year away from happening.

    and up until last week people were pretty down on the saga thingy and the pace and depth of new content and playerbase numbers were hurting bad.


    in a few months when the announcement is old news and the distraction is spent everyone will be back to complaining about "expac level features" and lack of content.

    and by the end of october WoW will release a new expac and as its typical sweep a huge chunk of the casual playerbase that is here.


    going to steam and ensuring a large flow of fresh blood with money might let them weather the bad times ahead until the expac hits.

  3. > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

    > > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

    > > ANet wont make new weapons. zero chance. just thinking of retroactively adding a single new type weapon, let alone several, to every set in the game would be mindboggling.

    > >

    > > neither previous expac had new weapons, and they got more time in the oven, had larger teams, and less backlog of sets to add it to.

    > >

    > > I know dreaming is free, and people get a kick out of discussing cool whatifs, but this is pretty much as unrealistic as it gets


    > No it wouldn't. It would be perfectly feasible. They wouldn't even have to add them retroactively or give them the same # of skins as older weapons to get a ton of benefit from it. Neither former xpac had them, which was a screw up and it would have been the first thing I included.


    Just because your ok with halfassing an entire system of the game and having giant gaps in the weapon selection doesnt mean the devs are ok with that too. They probably have standards and professionality, and arent happy with doing a piss poor job deliberately, unlike you.


    Look at the previous expacs. No new weapons. That's exactly what we'll get in the next one. You better start accepting that fact....or dont, keep dreaming and set yourself up for a bigger disappointment, I dont care, you do you

  4. ANet wont make new weapons. zero chance. just thinking of retroactively adding a single new type weapon, let alone several, to every set in the game would be mindboggling.


    neither previous expac had new weapons, and they got more time in the oven, had larger teams, and less backlog of sets to add it to.


    I know dreaming is free, and people get a kick out of discussing cool whatifs, but this is pretty much as unrealistic as it gets

  5. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

    > > Bleeding, the redheaded stepchild of conditions. the only one that didnt get a buff ever, and it shows. oh man, how it shows.

    > >

    > > I understand that burning is a burst condition and bleed is a longer-lasting dot. Im ok with it being different from burning, but the current difference is beyond appalling and unjustifiable.

    > > Torment can do more damage, and brings something fresh to the table, with the whole move/dont move dynamic. Even poison has more damage, and it brings a heal debuff to the table on top of its damage, pure gravy.

    > >

    > > This has led to the GW2 lottery: is your condi proffesion bleed based?

    > > no, it isnt? congratz, you won the lottery, your class is awesome and probably in high demand.

    > > is it? too bad, you suck, go cry in a corner nerd.

    > >

    > > Cut the duration of all bleed skills by 50% and increase its damage likewise across the board. This would still have bleed being worse than burning, but not by THAT much.

    > >

    > > I want to kill things with damage, not with tickles. I could swear Im seeing mobs grow a beard and die of old age, rather than off my conditions.


    > Yet condi slb is s good dps who relied on bleed and poison


    Its not a matter of dps. its a matter of usability and convenience. The dps might eventually add up the same, but outside playing whack-a-mole with damage sponge bosses that stay there for 10 minutes with a thumb up their arse, you'll notice the difference in TTK.


    and its even more noticiable in PvP.

    load someone with burning and they have a split second to hit the cleanse button or kiss the floor

    load someone with bleeding, and they can text a friend to discuss yesterday's episode of their favorite show while deciding if they cleanse now or wait until someone puts something actually menacing on them.

  6. Bleeding, the redheaded stepchild of conditions. the only one that didnt get a buff ever, and it shows. oh man, how it shows.


    I understand that burning is a "burst" condition and bleed is your typical longer-lasting dot. Im ok with it being different from burning, but the current difference is beyond appalling and unjustifiable.

    Torment can do more damage, and brings something fresh to the table, with the whole move/dont move dynamic. And we have tormenting runes to sweeten the deal, pure gravy.

    Confusion hits like a truck and brings something fresh to the table, with the cast/dont cast stuff dynamic

    Even poison has more damage, and it brings a heal debuff to the table on top of its damage.

    Bleed? yeah, its plain boring. and what else? oh, it also sucks. baaaaaaaaaad



    This has led to the GW2 lottery: is your condi proffesion bleed based?

    no, it isnt? congratz, you won the lottery, your class is awesome and probably in high demand.

    is it? too bad, you suck, go cry in a corner nerd.


    Cut the duration of all bleed skills by 50% and increase its damage likewise across the board, and maybe add something "extra". This would still have bleed being worse than burning, but not by THAT much.


    I want to kill things with damage, not with tickles. I could swear Im seeing mobs grow a beard and die of old age, rather than off my conditions.

  7. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > With over 40 characters, I have many without an ascended amulet, so that was certainly appreciated. Plus the Godless dye, which wiki said was worth 999 gold. Why, I have no idea. I have a few of the "turn everything green/orange" infusions, but this was my first decent one, so also appreciated. I have nothing to complain about in the account or individual gifts. I will miss the level boosters though.



    I also got the godless dye


    Man, its fugly. Amazing it costed that much

  8. > @"jwhite.7012" said:

    > Legendary armor should be obtainable across all three methods with the same time restrictions.

    > PvE - 6 weeks (3-4 hours /week)

    > PvP - 3 seasons of 8x3x8 (just to get the tickets) - (hundreds of hours to amass the ascended shards of glory) minmum of 19 weeks, but likely longer since it requires the additional repeatable chests.

    > WvW - Minimum of 22 weeks


    > Even after reaching the time-gates, you still have to tack on all the mats that need to be farmed. Increase the sPvP ascended shards of glory collection rates. Increase the WvW Skirmish claim tickets - at least to the point where it's relatively the same time frame as going the PvE route.


    Sure, but then make them challenging too. only get tickets if you win by at least 300 difference in plat and above, or only if you control 90% of all maps for at least 1 hour.


    pvp and wvw is welfare armor, you just have to show up, cut the time if you want, but also make it a merit, not a hand-me-down

  9. I found it incredibly long and tedious on top of extremely unchallenging (I mean, has anyone ever failed it?). If that's the level of content Anet can produce I hope the next meta is just an empty, tiny map where you run simply looting chests lying around. Lets cut to the chase here, if the only requirements to beat a meta are having a pulse and being half awake, its not worth more than a few minutes.


    Also not a fan of yet another typical boss fight where you cant see shit because the game becomes a light show straight out of an epileptic's worst nightmare when you put more than 10 people whacking something at the same location

  10. Mirage's mechanic is a cursed design problem.


    Its so ridiculously good that in order to balance it you have to neuter it completly, therefore breaking the class in half. Mirage is totally binary, either OP as fuck or UP as fuck, no inbetween. They'd have to redo it from scratch in a totally different direction, and that'll never happen.

  11. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > You could try reading threads in the 'Professions' sub-forums.



    Resume of the prof subs: all professions suck and are unarguably the worst in the game and the most in dire need of attention/buffs, while at the same time all the opponent's profs have it so much better and are all overpowered



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