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Substance E.4852

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Posts posted by Substance E.4852

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > As someone else said this is an old bug which has now become a more significant problem. I'm not sure exactly what causes it but it seems to happen to me most often when I use the mounts engage skills, so I go straight from mounted with the pet hidden to in combat - the pet stays hidden instead of automatically reappearing like it's supposed to.


    Sloppy coding from when they made it so mounting up no longer popped us out of beast mode


    Hopefully this gets them to fix it finally but we may have to simply bite the bullet for a bit until they get around to it


    The sparse occurrence of the problem means that even if they focus on the issue, it might not be easy to find and solve

  2. remove the damage reduction in pvp and bring it back down to 45s, leave it be in wvw


    our only other stab source is a 60s "command"


    45s might not be a big deal in pvp but WvW is still CC hell and you still die instantly if you get stunlocked in red rings even with the nerfs

  3. > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > Okay, nice skin Anet. Looks appropriately intimidating and combat themed.

    > >

    > > Now do something about it being nothing but a worse raptor in pve.

    > >

    > > It's engage skill doesn't even do anything beyond the base damage that several other do on top of an additional effect like pulling in enemies or applying a barrier.

    > >

    > > There's currently no reason to use the warclaw outside of WvW other than for RP value and there's no real reason for this to be the case


    > They did this on purpose, fully explained exactly why it would be this way, and have never intended for the warclaw to be used in PvE.


    Care to link to it

  4. Okay, nice skin Anet. Looks appropriately intimidating and combat themed.


    Now do something about it being nothing but a worse raptor in pve.


    It's engage skill doesn't even do anything beyond the base damage that several other do on top of an additional effect like pulling in enemies or applying a barrier.


    There's currently no reason to use the warclaw outside of WvW other than for RP value and there's no real reason for this to be the case

  5. > @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

    > > @"Deax.1572" said:

    > > I for one can't wait for them to finally put that nail in the Soul Beast coffin so that wvw becomes less enjoyable for many and even less people play it. Losing a second pet will hurt build diversity. A useless wvw class is becoming more useless? Heck yeah! Just now i was battling a support firebrand and some spellbreaker and they couldn't kill me in a camp. Kite around and they do heck all, just wait till guards respawn and that's going to be even more so when everyone becomes even more tanky. What the hell is this game becoming, seriously. Forget small scale battles, zerging is where it's at it seems. I've seen a couple of devs pop up in wvw and none of them were on anything other than scourge, rev or guard. Sorry for sounding overly negative, but when was it the last time you read something related to gw2 and it got you excited? Last time was probably when PoF was announced.

    > > We'll see what the "balance" brings, but i'm staying pessimistic. It's the best approach these days, you're either right or pleasantly surprised. An optimist is just disappointed every time.


    > If you think that soulbeast is useless in WvW, you simply haven't got a clue how to play one properly.

    > Melee CC boon strip soulbeast absolutely wrecks people both in 1v1, small scale and in blob fights while being borderline unkillable.

    > People think soulbeast is bad in WvW cause 95% of the people either play pew or boon beast with it. Built and played right it puts many "meta" classes to shame inside zergs. It's a self sufficient monster that chews through people that don't even know what hit them.


    It's pretty much impossible to build ranger for high damage that "chews through people" and for survivability in a group setting


    The only place this works is small scale or 1v1 where our single target skills, active evades, and boon spam shine. Single target damage is worthless in a zerg, evades are only good for re positioning in long confrontations, and boonbeast stops existing when rip/corrupts are flying at you from 12 different scourges


    > @"Deax.1572" said:

    > Zergs don't want soulbeasts for a reason. I for one always thought Leader of the pack needed to give allies more than 50% of the stance, that would certainly bump up the usefulness of having a soulbeast.


    LotP needs to give at least base duration to allies and WK needs to extend the condition removal bonus to allies as well


    It's the only way we'll be even remotely appealing without major overhauls to our weapon skills or how druid works

  6. PvE is largely in a pretty decent spot for the moment


    Unless Anet suddenly refocuses like a laser beam on Raids and T4 fractals, you're not likely to ever be in a bad spot for not being in the top 5 dps builds


    We still have strikes for the time being but they're easy enough that you should be able to find people who will let you play on any class you want assuming you at least put your best effort in

  7. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > Over the last years alot of the other mmos have been gaining, and strangely enough alot of them have either paid dlc/expansions, subscriptions or a mix. It feels like subscriptions are making a strong comeback as a form of monetisation.


    Whales are moving on to the mobile scene (FATE GO has made over a billion dollars at this point) and those of that remain have had years now to see what "free/buy to play" really means in the long run and are rightfully weary of games that may just end up taking cash shop profits and spending it on more cash shop items instead of the game.


    Sub games have an incentive to keep you playing and subbed.


    Cash Shop games have an incentive to get you to buy a limited time item before it's gone.

  8. > @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

    > > @"Frax.4562" said:

    > > Winds of Disenchantment still needs a look at, it's a welcome change that it's only 5 targets now, but it's one of the most obnoxious skill in the game with the trait enchantment collapse especially when a group has a lot of spellbreakers. A tweak to it's duration or boon removal interval would be good, with enchantment collapse trait getting a higher than 1s icd.


    > I can see why this is annoying, but isn't this the very purpose of the spec? To prevent/strip boons?




    The very purpose of Druid is to heal allies and they've never been good in a zerg


    > @"Celsith.2753" said:

    > I'm disappointed that you are caving to the crying of the masses. Players in any game mode have the tendency to want to preserve or gain play that enables them to gain the largest amount of reward with the smallest of effort, it's just human nature.


    > Which is why it is YOUR job to balance and decide what is needed, not ours.


    Yes, bringing back pirate ship because no one can push into a zerg and avoid getting stun locked and eating 5 un-nerfed CoR's to the face is deffinitly what WvW needs


    > @"Jeran.6850" said:

    > I didnt know that Armor of Earth removes all movement impairing conditions while giving you a 6 sec long, non corruptable, - 33% power and condi damage effect for all its duration , and on 30sec. cooldown too.

    > I also try my my best to not know, that Soulhbeast can right now not enhance its 6 stacks of stability by 66% for pressing yust another utility button, while weavers for a 20% duration gain, have to run an certain elite skill


    Just go play fire staff meteor spam in a zerg liek every other Ele and let rangers have the one thing they can actually do well in WvW

  9. > @"Thenme.6491" said:

    > it's just one quarter I would be concerned only if it keeps going in the same direction next quarter. I mean look at the lineage history their decline is way bigger and a quarter later they had huge revenue


    Yes but Anet needs to actually do something to trigger that uptick


    Shelving all instanced content other than Strikes, delivering dull metas like Drakkar, and dragging their feet with WvW/PvP doesn't bring people back nor give prospective new players a reason to invest their time in a game that only seems to be downsizing itself.

  10. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > Remember, damage is getting lowered across the board on players, so I imagine you'll be seeing more cats in play.


    You might see some gimmick builds if the cheetah and beastly warden combo works correctly but they still are a bit wonky when hitting a moving target


    Better off just going with birds if you want pure damage. Chaining a bird f2 right after their auto can add up to a good amount

  11. > @"AlexndrTheGreat.8310" said:

    > Soulbeast was notorious for being a 100% improvement over base ranger.


    Yes, because the Guild Wars 2 pets system is absolute garbage and it took them literally giving us a way to fuse with the pet to actually make the class good


    Reminder that pre-HoT, the only pets anyone used were spiders and canines because other types couldn't even hit a moving target with their attacks


    No one's going to play base ranger after this change because it still sucks and druid is still totally nerfed out of player vs player content and will only be worse after this update


    They will just play a handicapped soul beast like before and nothing will change. Pretty much everyone has already decided they'll just keep maining smokescale.


    Anet could have just removed Owl and Siamoth from the pvp pet selection menu and solved the "boonbeast problem" without doing some silly double edged sword nonsense

  12. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

    > > > Mesmer have blink. Slow class.

    > >

    > > It was mostly a joke but in reality, a class that can't be touched by melee while it pelts you with ranged damage is the same whether it's a mile away or 5 feet away

    > >

    > > Difference is you can just about face and run 10 feet in the opposite direction from most rangers and be out of bow range if you don't want to fight.

    > >

    > > People tend to start pew pewing the second they get into 1800 range. Take one step back and sniping from the moon stops working.


    > So the ranger is rooted in place as well?


    There are actually several skills that root the Ranger in order to use them, so yes

  13. Just gonna main canines in WvW if anet leaves their leap alone


    800 units + cripple every 10s with a knockdown secondary leap is going to be much better than 1200 units with nothing every 18s and aoe swiftness


    > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > the damage from pig maul is unchanged. A charge -> GS maul -> pig maul will still do about 15k... thats a big deal.


    that feel when Anet forgot about pig maul and it gets nuked from orbit a week after the update

  14. > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

    > Mesmer have blink. Slow class.


    It was mostly a joke but in reality, a class that can't be touched by melee while it pelts you with ranged damage is the same whether it's a mile away or 5 feet away


    Difference is you can just about face and run 10 feet in the opposite direction from most rangers and be out of bow range if you don't want to fight.


    People tend to start pew pewing the second they get into 1800 range. Take one step back and sniping from the moon stops working.

  15. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > >Gearing in EVERY other MMORPG is significantly longer and of less permanent value than GW2.

    > >

    > > Again, irrelevant because the entire purpose of engaging in pve in those games is to gear up and chase that treadmill. It's not an issue for those people because they bought the game knowing it was part of it.

    > >

    > > People didn't clog up WoW Classic's queue because they hate doing dungeons/raids for loot. You can't separate it from the content like you can in GW2 no matter how badly you want to try and make some point.


    > I'm not separating loot or gear from the content in GW2, you are. You do not consider gear as part of this game PVE progression, I do. That's the difference between us.


    I'm talking about other games in which you seem eager to hold up treadmills like it's some negative that the players begrudgingly accept


    It also is separate because selling everything you loot to buy gem store content or otherwise unattainably rare items is a thing and people who hate crafting so much they made anet create alternate methods to acquire ascended equipment


    Seems like you're just upset that people don't value the game content the way you do and I don;t know what to say to that other than that's beyond your control

  16. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    >Gearing in EVERY other MMORPG is significantly longer and of less permanent value than GW2.


    Again, irrelevant because the entire purpose of engaging in pve in those games is to gear up and chase that treadmill. It's not an issue for those people because they bought the game knowing it was part of it.


    People didn't clog up WoW Classic's queue because they hate doing dungeons/raids for loot. You can't separate it from the content like you can in GW2 no matter how badly you want to try and make some point.


    > your personal opinion


    It's actually a fact but w/e, going further into it will just bring the mods down on my head


    >Yes and I know how much players were complaining about having nothing to do after Episode 1 of this Living World Season. Then again complaining about having to much to do with Episode 2, yet somehow it seems having things to work towards, even if it's grind, keeps players more entertained this episode than last one. Players in this game love to complain, constantly.


    People complain in every game, get over yourself.

  17. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > FF14 has had multiple gear extensions so far, and the game is hardly 8 years old.


    What do you expect people to be doing during that time if not grinding for gear? Have you ever even played another MMO besides GW2?


    >FF14 has a subscription.


    Ya and you get your money's worth while Anet seems to only want to shunt cash into side projects


    >yes, and some of us are tired of players complaining about having nothing to do, then at the next moment ask for even the slightest of game play necessity to be removed.


    Oh yes, I'm sure people mean they want more leveling and crafting to deal with, not more actual content to play. Forget new pvp modes/support and new instanced content, gimme more reasons to click the crafting UI.


    You also realize the entire reason for even respecing after this change is for WvW change up's?


    Almost every skill tone down or change is pvp/wvw only. People complain about needing to gear up toons for WvW **precisely** because it impedes their ability to play the game and is the one game mode where you are going to be using bizarre stat combos.

  18. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > If free respeccing is a thing, why shouldnt it become a thing in pve, too? Most or all pve meta builds need changing after a) new stat introduction (see diviner stats) or b) balance changes (see power sword weaver and condi sword weaver, staff weaver is dead, chrono killed etc). Should those players not get a free respec, as well?

    > > >

    > > > How many MMORPGs do you know that throw out free respecs and free gear changing after each balance patch?

    > >

    > > FF14 lets you change your class on demand. Dragoon got nerfed? Guess I'll play Ninja now.


    > FF14 has a progressive gear grind...


    And? I fail to see the mechanical difference of grinding your ass off for skins vs stats. Getting BiS gear is so easy you're gonna end up grinding for alt classes on your toon just because you've run out of shit to do between content drops.


    > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > You can level a new class in GW2 just as much as you can level a new class in FF14. Chrono got nerfed... guess you'll play thief now.


    Assuming you have a character slot open


    And quit the "every time they come out with a patch" bullshit


    The OP is explicitly talking about the "900 skill/trait" changes patch coming soon which is unprecedented in it's scale


    So tired of this stupid "oh you want this one thing this one time? You must want it all the time for everything!" argument that the internet loves

  19. > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > so if you want to run 6s of stab once a minute.... By all means go ahead. I'm pretty sure qz will take it's place.


    Well, ya, because I actually play in zerg combat where pushing through chokes is a thing and people don't provide guardian groups for rangers


    No stab = stun locked = death


    CoR only got it's cooldown increased to 10s, you're still gonna die if you eat two of them to the face


    It also still stacks with protection and makes you immune to soft crowd control which is still very powerful powerful


    You can say we're "not as squishy anymore" but you haven't actually played against what the other classes now have and we can't cheese fights with owl like we used to anymore

  20. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > If free respeccing is a thing, why shouldnt it become a thing in pve, too? Most or all pve meta builds need changing after a) new stat introduction (see diviner stats) or b) balance changes (see power sword weaver and condi sword weaver, staff weaver is dead, chrono killed etc). Should those players not get a free respec, as well?


    > How many MMORPGs do you know that throw out free respecs and free gear changing after each balance patch?


    FF14 lets you change your class on demand. Dragoon got nerfed? Guess I'll play Ninja now.

  21. > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > From this perspective the warclaw is an amazing addition, I imagine that if one cares more about objectives and less about fights then maybe the warclaw is a negative addition to WvW

    > >

    > > There is a pretty good reason that one of the go to things to kitten about when complaining about the warclaw is how it makes it harder to ninja unguarded towers

    > >


    > Is PvDing really something to strive for... Especially when "roaming"



    You wouldn't think so but "people arrive before we can cat down the wall" seems to be a common complaint

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