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Posts posted by ChampionMasquerade.5283

  1. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > I've spent a little while at the cultural vendors and at the bank wardrobe with a male charr. I can't find anything like that, though I have not examined every single light or medium helm, shoulders, or chest. It could be any of those. I looked at him in Grothmar so I could get a side view instead of the full frontal in the wiki and it really could be any. It is a wrapping of cloth or leather that comes up over the back of his neck, forms a high pectoral, and has two dangling bits to make the "scarf" effect.


    > Sorry, you'll have to spend your own time in the Wardrobe to rule out the possibilities. It could just be an NPC look that players can't get. (I checked the medium weights too because NPC's don't follow the same rules in what their profession can wear). It could be unique to Efram since he's a major character.


    Dang, but thank you for going through all the effort! I really appreciate it.

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > > Just to make sure I'm understanding, ToT means the trick or treat bags right?

    > Correct.


    > I apologize for leaving that out of the original post.

    > (Usually, I try to avoid assuming that anyone knows the game's jargon or abbreviations, no matter how long they have played the game.)



    No worries, thank you for telling me

  3. I was wondering if there were any all Charr guilds?


    Same question for any other race. Have there been guilds that tend to mostly have one race compared to others?


    I'm asking this more out of curiosity rather than a desire to join one.

  4. I play Elementalist, and whenever I switch attunements or use an overcharge, if I am pressing one of my movement keys, it will sometimes force me to keep moving in that direction until i press the movement key again. My keyboard is set up so I have to press fn and f4 to use an attunement. Is this an issue with my computer or is there a way to disable this?

  5. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > > > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > > Overload air > swap to fire to use burst skills (occasionally water and earth, depending on weapon and fire cooldowns) > back to air and use damaging skills > repeat. It's by far the most effective power tempest rotation. Fire overload only gives you in some burst when you want to finish your enemy without waiting ~5 seconds for air overload to be ready or when you're doing some pve group event to share might to allies.

    > >

    > > > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > > Overload air > swap to fire to use burst skills (occasionally water and earth, depending on weapon and fire cooldowns) > back to air and use damaging skills > repeat. It's by far the most effective power tempest rotation. Fire overload only gives you in some burst when you want to finish your enemy without waiting ~5 seconds for air overload to be ready or when you're doing some pve group event to share might to allies.

    > >

    > > Thank you (and based on the other asks, do you agree that I should do a mix of marauder and assassin gear and add in runes of the scholar? Should I keep some of my berserker gear in the mix too?


    > It's almost irrelevant, the difference is insignificant no matter what mix you take as long as you follow snowcrows/discretize websites for group content since you dont want to have unnecessary precision in there.


    Does Snowcrows have a section for non raid stuff, or do the raid builds work elsewhere?

  6. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > Overload air > swap to fire to use burst skills (occasionally water and earth, depending on weapon and fire cooldowns) > back to air and use damaging skills > repeat. It's by far the most effective power tempest rotation. Fire overload only gives you in some burst when you want to finish your enemy without waiting ~5 seconds for air overload to be ready or when you're doing some pve group event to share might to allies.


    > @"steki.1478" said:

    > Overload air > swap to fire to use burst skills (occasionally water and earth, depending on weapon and fire cooldowns) > back to air and use damaging skills > repeat. It's by far the most effective power tempest rotation. Fire overload only gives you in some burst when you want to finish your enemy without waiting ~5 seconds for air overload to be ready or when you're doing some pve group event to share might to allies.


    Thank you (and based on the other asks, do you agree that I should do a mix of marauder and assassin gear and add in runes of the scholar? Should I keep some of my berserker gear in the mix too?

  7. I tend to fight in fire and air Tempest most of the time (mostly fire since air never seems to work for me), and I’m wondering if Berserker gear is a good fit for that since I use it normally. (I’ve been informed that runes of the scholar work well already, so I’m mainly asking about the equipment itself.)


    (Side note, even with elemental surge, my air overload never seems to recharge in time to take advantage of fresh air.)

  8. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > > > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > > > > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > > > > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > > > > > > I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

    > > > >

    > > > > I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best

    > > >

    > > > It's not that I mind the human form, but with all the images, videos, VR stuff and games available that show lots of skin, I just don't get why "skimpy" has to be a thing everywhere.

    > >

    > > Hmm, it seems you misunderstood the intention of my post. I don't specifically want skimpy stuff, I just figure if we can already take it off anyway there might as well be a toggle

    > >


    > I got your intention, that's why I replied to the guy/gal that asked for skimpier stuff below your initial post and not you directly.

    > Your about charr-feet, that's fine by me, to each their own.


    I wouldn't say I'm into Charr feet (if that's what your implying) by any stretch. I'm just not into the shoes they get. I dislike how the back and front is open in a lot of cases, and they feel more like a thin layer of fabric rather then an actual shoe. Some manage to pull it off, but not all that many as far as light armor. (I could be misinterpreting what you said though.)

  9. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > > > > I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

    > > >

    > > > A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

    > >

    > > I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best


    > It's not that I mind the human form, but with all the images, videos, VR stuff and games available that show lots of skin, I just don't get why "skimpy" has to be a thing everywhere.


    Hmm, it seems you misunderstood the intention of my post. I don't specifically want skimpy stuff, I just figure if we can already take it off anyway there might as well be a toggle


  10. > @"Kichwas.7152" said:

    > > @"Zeesh.7286" said:

    > > Especially considering how ALL medium armors have pathetic flappy skirts for rogues. Whoever is in the design team needs to be fired. >__>


    > Chances are they're already long gone.


    > That said, the game has a huge obsession with hiding butts.


    > It's led to an extreme overpopularity of the very few armor items that show pants... There's a tiny selection of medium armor tops for females that let whatever bottom they have on show - so you can then wear your choice of either loose or tight fitting pants, and I think one extremely hard to get mini-skirt.


    > For men... it's as you say... it's like they're afraid insecure males will question their life choices if forced to stare at a man's behind while playing a video game... what other possible reason could exist for working so hard to hide men's butts...


    > It's just... bad...


    > We need more options in regular tops. Shirts to vests, fine tops with flourish to them on over to rugged peasant wear. Maybe a necklace top for men. Some harness tops (there's one or two in heavy armor). but just a bunch of tops that don't cover below the belt so that below the belt is then dictated by the bottom you pick...

    > - Most games handle this just fine, letting people choose a wide variety of 'in genre' choices... Most games don't seem to have been led by a graphic design team with male 'identity crisis' issues...

    > -



    For the Charr at least there is only one lightweight armor that is pants without some sort of covering on top. The Ascalonian Performers Pants are my savior.

  11. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > > I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.


    > A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?


    I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best

  12. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > If you got them out of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elonian_Coat_Box from doing To Kill A God, they won't salvage because story rewards can't be salvaged. Prevents people blitzing story for tradeable mats. Not that To Kill A God is quick to get to, but it's the general rule from low level story on up.


    I guess I must have got it from there. It’s strange since I remember getting it as a PvP reward

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