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Posts posted by ChampionMasquerade.5283

  1. > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

    > > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > > > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

    > > > Saying "um, it's mostly about the footwear" when someone is asking for characters to run around in underwear or with no clothes at all is the _"I look at XXX magazines for... uh, the articles. Yeah, that's it. The well-written articles..._" line of reasoning. And similarly unbelievable.

    > >

    > > I mean... okay? The footwear was my main focus, and was mainly cause I think shoes look strange sometimes on Charr, but I brought the rest up cause I didn’t see the point in not having a toggle as long as there’s a an option for other players to switch on if they can see other players toggled clothes or not.

    > >

    > > (Side note: Accusing someone you don’t know is an adult or not of reading that kind of stuff isn’t the best use of time.)


    > I'm not accusing anyone of certain reading habits. What a said was a figure of speech, a comparison to a similar _line of reasoning_, which I can see would go over the heads of any children (if any) reading that. And someone telling me what's the best use of my time is laughable. Thanks for the chuckles.



  2. > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

    > Saying "um, it's mostly about the footwear" when someone is asking for characters to run around in underwear or with no clothes at all is the _"I look at XXX magazines for... uh, the articles. Yeah, that's it. The well-written articles..._" line of reasoning. And similarly unbelievable.


    I mean... okay? The footwear was my main focus, and was mainly cause I think shoes look strange sometimes on Charr, but I brought the rest up cause I didn’t see the point in not having a toggle as long as there’s a an option for other players to switch on if they can see other players toggled clothes or not.


    (Side note: Accusing someone you don’t know is an adult or not of reading that kind of stuff isn’t the best use of time.)

  3. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > "It's rare" in terms of item quality level. Once you obtain it, you can transmute any other helm to look like it.


    > It is a gemstore/black lion chest item, so only as "rare" in terms of hard to get as Anet makes it.


    Ah, I meant rare, as in difficult to acquire (since like you said it’s gemstone/black lionchest only)

  4. I saw a piece of headgear that looked like a big cat of some sort (not the cute ones on the gem store, an actual big cat) the coloring made it look like a puma (though I doubt it was one) with the main color being black, and the other being red. I would add a screenshot but it won't let me upload one from my computer. Does anyone know the name of this headgear?

  5. It's come to my attention that while you can hide gloves, shoulder items, backpacks, and helmets, you cannot hide chest gear, leg gear, or footwear. Considering the fact that areas such as Pearl Islet completely remove your armor, it doesn't seem like theres a reason we can't do it ourselves.


    My main issue was with footwear since I think they look weird on Charr sometimes. I then found that there are invisible footwear items that sell for over two thousand gold on the trading post.


    I propose that it be possible to hide every armor piece, and in the case of the invisible footwear item, have a scenario similar to town clothes where you can trade them for something of equal value.


    (If possible, an option to see toggled armor could be enabled if you’d prefer to see the hidden armor someone has on, and not see people possibly running around in their underwear.)

  6. Warning, Spoilers for Icebrood Saga: No Quarter


    With the reintroduction of the Charr sparring partner in No Quarter, I wanted to get mine changed since I had come to like another choice more. Of course, you can't just unkill somebody with the click of a button, so I emailed support to see if it was possible to get it changed. Sadly, it is not possible to change Personal Story decisions, as they are made at character creation.


    I want to suggest it be recoded in some way (I am aware that might not be achievable) so that you are able to change an aspect of your personal story that no longer resonates with (probably only once or only through a request since it would be silly to be able to do it constantly).

  7. Does each playable race have there own set of zones? I know Norn have the Shiverpeaks, Charr have Ascalon, and I think humans get the zones in Kryta associated with them, but the Sylvari and Asura seems to share their zones. Can you actually attribute zones to the race that is most likely to explore them when leveling up, or was that not intended?

  8. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > I've never heard of such.


    > However, if your personal fractal level is, for example, 5 and your dailies are 5, 6, 7 and 8, it makes sense to do them in that order,

    > because you progress your personal fractal level with each of the fractals.


    > Also, doing a higher tier daily, without having done the lower tier daily for the same fractal, you get the lower tier dailies done, too.


    I think I was referring to the personal fractal, so I don't have to do like, every level to get that up?

  9. When using moves such as Drake's Breath, the damage I do goes upward in a pattern such as 2000, 5000, 8000, 11000 (not the exact numbers). Is this the same hit and it did 11000 damage total, or are they all considered separate and did their own total amounts?

  10. Is there a way to go back and change parts of your personal story? I originally chose Reeva as my Charr's sparring partner, but I prefer Clawspur more at this point (the icons in the initial choice are really misleading but that's besides the point.) It's my main character, and I'm already on the Icebrood Saga. Can I change my partner through something, or would I have to restart entirely?

  11. > @"Noodle Ant.1605" said:

    > This is from pre-patch and is outdated, but how I like to describe it:

    > - Take a condi (viper) weaver build: 60% burning, 20% bleed, 20% power (just super rough figures)

    > - Hybrid (grieving) does *almost* the same dps as condi but replaces bleeding with power dmg. Has less condi dmg which is compensated a bit by extra power dmg, so you get a nice 50/50 split between burning and power


    > So (at pre-patch) you had hybrid > power and roughly the same as condi (benchwise). However, *in practice,* hybrid appears to inherit *a lot of the negative attributes* from both:

    > - Hybrid attempts to use a Weave Self opener, meaning it has a condi ramp-up. It turns out its burst is actually worse than condi (which in turn is worse than power)

    > - Hybrid uses Fresh Air in conjunction with Weave Self, which creates an incredibly awkward opening rotation that probably beats condi in terms of ‘the hardest rotation’

    > - Hybrid doesn’t take Earth (and doesn’t normally rotate into it outside of Weave Self) unlike condi, leaving it to be extremely group reliant for survivability, same as power

    > - 50/50 split means that hybrid is lackluster on any pure power/condi fight, no point when you can easily switch to the corresponding build

    > - Zerker/viper stats are much more interchangeable across other classes; the only other spec that uses grieving is condi/hybrid FB (i.e. waste of an investment)


    > With an inferior burst and nothing special to hold over the condi build, hybrid is only sought out by special snowflakes or masochists and therefore rarely recommended. With the most recent changes, I doubt its position vs power/condi has gotten any better.


    > **tl;dr: grieving is basically the ‘in between’ of zerker/viper, but it practically holds no advantage over either option.**


    Do Beserker and Viper still work for an Tempest who has issues staying alive (I either don’t get knocked down or I get knocked down really fast)

  12. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > For the open world parts you will not see their green circles or interactable objects unless you are on that story step as well. However you can swap over to their story (albeit only at the beginning of the story section they are on, so you might have to play a bit to catch up to the open world part). To be safe, complete the story section you are in -- doesn't have to be all the way to the current end of LS, just the end of one section. Then activate the story your friend is on, accept that you "may lose some progress" (you'll be fine), and proceed. When ready to return to your own story, activate the section you're on.


    > Personally I prefer to not do all that and simply accept that I can't see their open world markers. I just follow them along, killing stuff that gets in their way, until they reach the next instance. It helps that I've run most stories enough times that I have a good idea of where they need to go, and if I'm not sure and they are stuck I ask them to tell me what their UI text says they need to do next so as to jog my memory. If that fails, I bring up the Wiki walkthrough.


    How did I forgot that you could restart episodes. (Thank you)

  13. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > Personal stories are instanced content. You can join your friend, but you will be in their instance. You will not gain any progress in your own personal story. I'm not sure what your concern is about your current character?

    > >

    > > Oh, I’m not concerned, I just wanna use this character instead of making a new one (silly I know)


    > You can join their story instance no problem aslong as its not the same story step your on and you accept credit, you will not be affected in anyway.


    That I know, I’m wondering if I can join their quest outside an instance and also have the tracker there

  14. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > Personal stories are instanced content. You can join your friend, but you will be in their instance. You will not gain any progress in your own personal story. I'm not sure what your concern is about your current character?


    Oh, I’m not concerned, I just wanna use this character instead of making a new one (silly I know)

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