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Posts posted by Tekoneiric.6817

  1. With Taimi running a command center of sorts from a DW Guild Hall the devs could use it to dish out the odd bit of open world content here and there. The could incorporate M.O.X. in it also. Taimi could fix it up and it could run around with other golems doing construction, defense and repairs. The Commander could occasionally pickup the odd bit of discarded Asura tech for Taimi and bring it back. Destroying a golem in the open world could give a random drop of golem parts which could be taken back for Taimi.

  2. I suggested this on the old forums.


    I would like to see player customization space (homestead) be done via the guild hall system. The mission to capture a guild hall could be imitated as helping Taimi to find a place for a new lab away from the prying eyes of Phlunt. It could morph from there into the various characters remarking that they need spaces also then the commander could suggest that it's time to find a guild hall.


    They could allow the player to transfer their home instance upgrades to the guild hall along with doing upgrades. They could run a player survey to see what type of environment they want for the guild hall.


    What kind of guild hall environment would you want for Dragon's Watch?

  3. I'd love to see capes added. I'd also like to see shield skins usable as back pieces and the option to hide stowed weapons to avoid clipping. I love a lot of the shields in the game but rarely use them. Shields on the back look way better than those wings and banner back pieces.[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_shields](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_shields "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_shields")

  4. I watched the WoodenPotatoes video on the skimmer. His skimmer wasn't taking damage on the boiling water on Draconis Mons yet when I went there mine was taking damage. I'm curious which way is the bug on this; damage or no damage? If damage then why? The skimmer is supposed to avoid damage on surfaces like that.

  5. Is anyone else finding it annoying having to switch keys to jump with between the Springer and jumping crystals? Running around the world with the Springer you use the jump key then at that one JP you have to switch to weapon 1 as the jump with the crystal. Since PoF was released I'm fumbling at it.


    I can think of two different solutions to this. Either change the jumping crystal key to the jump button or drop the mount restriction at that JP. Both Springer and the jumping crystal serve the same function.

  6. Please make it so that when you show the lists of recipes in book drops it shows you which are unlocked on your account. I have a mess load of them in my bank and it's time consuming to have to figure out which I've unlocked. When the book is entirely unlocked change the icon or something. Also please make the books themselves able to be sold on the BL store instead of having to extract then sell the individual recipe.

  7. As creative of a game as GW2 is you'd think they would use something better. It's gotten worse lately because of mounts. It's like using a piece of clear paper tape to cover a wound. A lot of times they use them to cover incomplete maps where there is only a front surface but the back doesn't exist or other objects simply don't have collision layers. While the maps look good on the surface many are as fake at the wrong angle as an old west movie set. Had the maps been done right there wouldn't have been any need to block players from areas except to block gliding/mounts to JPs and various reward spots. Those could be blocked with visible surfaces that blend in with the map. I ran into a invisible wall on an Orr map the other day. I had just got a HP and was going to glide down to the POI below and ran into an invisible wall. Map edges could be blocked with fear, weather effects and progressively dimmer lighting as the player approaches the edge.


    Invisible walls are the worse way to block players anywhere. Invisible walls was the main reason why I hated the Quake engine. Unreal rarely ever had invisible walls.. In the Unreal engine the texture layer was the collision layer. I imagine that a lot of the problem with them is the engine they use and the grueling schedule to churn out maps.


  8. > @"Omega Mayhem.7163" said:

    > There are not enough users to justify the time to create one.


    Quoting a movie: "Build it and they will come". You'd be surprised how many people want to switch off Windows but games are keeping them on it. Many of them don't want to go Mac.

  9. Best - adding gliding to the game.

    Worse - Not updating core maps to include updrafts and as many expect to leave gliding support (updrafts, gliding objectives, etc) out of PoF maps.

    Worse 2 - Invisible walls everywhere. Not only do they lack creativity but they also are put in some of the most annoying places they shouldn't be. Example: I was on a Orr map trying to glide down from a HP to a POI and got blocked by an invisible wall that was put there for no reason. Adjust the map content to block with rocks when really needed, use large creature sounds followed by fear, low lighting and weather effects (white out conditions) at the edge of maps or just dump players onto the next map. Don't use invisible walls!

  10. > @onevstheworld.2419 said:

    > Check out LFG. HP trains happen fairly regularly. Make sure you look in the VB and AB sections too as many trains start in those maps before going to TD


    I've done VB, AB and DS with ease. I blaze thru VB and AB, only the need to do the meta on DS slows me down there. TD is loaded with group challenge HPs some of which are so hard to find that players seldom frequent them and the large map view really doesn't match up with the actual paths. Both of which are easily fixed by the devs without having to change the layout of the map. They can convert the hard to get to HPs to commune points.

  11. I've been working on getting hero points on my various characters in advance of the PoF release. One of the maps I've had to hit for this is Tangled Depths. Like many others I'm not a fan of that map. While wondering around trying to get to the various hero points it seems to me that the biggest problems with the map is the full map view doesn't really seem to match up very well to the map leading people to stumble around the map. Also with so many of the hero points being group events and located in hard to find areas by the time you find them there is rarely anyone to help with them. I've camped out at various HPs for awhile without anyone coming by. Map wide requests for other players to join goes unanswered.


    I think fixing the map view to match up with the actual map and changing the more isolated HPs to be commune points rather than challenges would make the map better for players. Some of the group events ones might be fixed by using chain jumping mushrooms to place people at the HP or to somehow make the path to them more visible.

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