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Dark Red Killian.3946

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Posts posted by Dark Red Killian.3946

  1. > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

    > We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.


    > We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.


    I think many of us are very anxious about any kind of update on the progress of this. Is there anything at all you can tell us that will assure us if this is getting worked on or not?


  2. > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > > @"zOLtAm.7824" said:

    > > > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > > > > @"zOLtAm.7824" said:

    > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > > > ( I also hope to use my legendary gear across my built templates on my main with different cosmetic skins as well a separate helm on helm off/ back item)

    > > > >

    > > > > Each char will have their own skin.

    > > >

    > > > Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you can assign a different skin for every template, maybe not.

    > > >

    > > > Anet did not say anything about how skins work with the legendary armory.

    > > >

    > >

    > > They said the objective is to remove the need of use the bank for moving leg items from one char to another. Assigning a different skin for every template is not on the table, based on what they posted, so you can assume they will have the same skin (what is happening today) or each char will have their own skin (as if they have all armor items in their bags).


    > Did they actually wrote that "Assigning a different skin for every template is not on the table" or is this your assumption/speculation?


    > > I think those "legendary armory wardrobe" are too much speculation/personal wishes =/


    > I agree. Anet should give us more information about it.


    > EDIT: There is nothing wrong with writing personal wishes.


    Just my personal observations on the whole thing. If the armor keeps whatever skin it has, you run into racial armor that doesn’t work on other characters, not letting you use the legendary armor. Either one of two things should happen to fix this. You get the standard skin from the legendary armor upon putting it on your character. You then can trasmutate how you want it. Or, they implement a skin template for legendaries. I think there is much potential here. If can allow you to pick wardrobe skins per equipment template. It could work on trinkets too, so if you give the trinket a non legendary trinket “skin”, you can remove the effects of the legendary trinkets.


  3. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

    > > It can be an option. I still think next expac should introduce a secondary character companion, like a hero that you can equip with its own gear and profession. You can swap to them outside of combat to play as them. They could have Tengu, or any other playable race they want to add. You get your glamour wars for new races, anet gets profit off the outfits people buy, there you go.


    > Why would we need heroes? It's an MMO.


    Ok Heroes was a bad comparison. It would be an alternate character you are able to swap to at a push of a button, with its own stats, race, weapons, armor, etc. your main character takes a bench, and you control the alt character.



  4. Instead of removing them for unintended use of the inventory during battle, make cc consumables able to be set to the novelty button that has the “u” hotkey. Then, based on what you’re saying, this can be part of the battle, and the inventory menu does not need to be used. Also allow setting food or utilities to this action key too. This would solve everything and make your playerbase happy. Respond to post everyone if you want this, and let’s petition to make this happen

  5. It can be an option. I still think next expac should introduce a secondary character companion, like a hero that you can equip with its own gear and profession. You can swap to them outside of combat to play as them. They could have Tengu, or any other playable race they want to add. You get your glamour wars for new races, anet gets profit off the outfits people buy, there you go.

  6. It should as it is part of Living World Season 2. Would make things a whole lot easier. However the mastery points, etc are part of Central Tyria, but it doesn’t count as part of map completion. In my opinion with as much as people play it there should be its own LFG category.

  7. I did piece by piece on my main because I knew that is what I wanted to get. You get immediate benefits of changing stats and swapping out runes and infusions, which is nice even on piece by piece. It got me more excited to finish the whole set. I am working on a second different weight set, but am waiting til I have everything because I am crafting other legendaries at the moment.

  8. Heck I played Fractals for a good year or two before I finally realized these consumables were a thing! I could see the usefullness, breakbar in the new 100 cm is pretty hard to break. Couldn’t they just allow you to bind a consumable to the novelty item slot? Then you could hit “u” to use the item or click the icon in the skill bar. WHY CAN’T THEY DO THAT instead of just removing them?

  9. I am more focused on getting certain legendaries so when the armory comes out that I have my toons equipped. Although I am a little confused by mixing the Legendary Armory in with Icebrood Saga. Those masteries/achievements will likely yield some kind of Legendary item at the end of the Saga, but I don’t think it will have to do with the Armory, unless that’s how they are going to allow you to unlock it for use.

  10. > @"Underdark.3726" said:

    > So no more strike missions? pity.

    I was hoping for more Strikes and more Eye of the North rewards. An ascended set of runic armor plus a legendary set would have been great. Also another vision of the past update, ie, battle for Lion’s Arch would have been a great addition to the scrying pool! Loved that battle.


  11. I use the compact button all the time. I have invisible slots for items I don’t want compact. I salvage for materials, deposit all, then compact. This location is perfect for quickly depo and compact. The problem right now is muscle memory. You just have to get used to the new layout. If it is easy to add an option to hide, I don’t see why not, though.

  12. Think of this as episode 5, the final episode of Icebrood Saga, but divided into 4 parts, or chapters. My guess we will have a huge amount of map around eye of the north to explore and it gets built upon with each chapter? Maybe other maps of tyria get used as part of the story? Who knows.

  13. Today the 2nd to last step is shown in the Confer with Bangar achievement. Crecia appears next to Bangar, but she doesn’t say anything. I talk to Bangar, and he says something like “Just because I can speak, doesn’t mean I’ll tell you everything at once.” Then, when you click to close the dialog, he goes “Grrr”, and then Crecia doesn’t say a thing. Anyone else experience this?

  14. I had said this around the start of icebrood saga. None of those maps are joined, like Grothmar and Bjora should be. I also think the one in Fields of Ruin is a no brainer. Just make a portal there and easy to go straight to Elona. I think they did in the crystal desert with PoF and LW4 maps, so why not other areas?

  15. I have a couple for winterberries and primoridis orchard and every now and again I can go and buy an ascended trinket or backpack if I need one. I am starting to collect them all myself because I loved just going into other people’s full instance and they had a lot of cool stuff in it. The more I can gather means more unbound or volatile magic I collect daily, which I use A LOT. I want to go for completion also. And when new LW episodes come out I can be ready to buy up whatever new node comes out too.

  16. > @"Nazarick.9653" said:

    > No new chapters until next year (Nov is all about Steam), expansion coming out at some point then...don't get your hopes up.

    Novemeber is Steam release, yes, but that is even more reason to have a new content release packaged with Steam release to draw people in.


  17. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

    > > Excuse me for saying, but Strike Missions are meant to be a bridge to Raids. Requiring LI for a game mode that was meant to introduce less experienced players to step into raids just seems ridiculous. Not to mention LI’s are obtainable only through raids. In my opinion, if you want your squad to have LI, go do raids and leave people in strikes alone. Just my two cents.


    > Why do they have to leave the content alone playing their way? Why do they have to change the way they play or who they like to play with? How about you leave them alone to enjoy the game how they want to with the people they like to enjoy it with.


    > "You don't / shouldn't need LI because the content is easy enough / LI are from raids". And? People are free to set whatever requirements they want for their group and are free to enjoy the game however they see fit. Regardless of what the requirement is.


    > People who ask for LI aren't bothering anyone besides those who feel they belong in those groups.


    > What's so hard about making your own group to play how you want? If any part the answer is ever that you may not complete the content or things may be too hard for you and that's the reason for this complaint then you aren't complaining about the group's with LI blocking/bothering you..you're complaining about not being carried.


    I’ve played strikes long enough that I know each one inside out. I’ve gotten all of the runic armor sets of each weight too. I have only ever done raids a couple of times. So if I’m looking for a group in strikes, I would be penelized for not having a currency that is not even for that game mode. I can see this being a potential problem. However, not sure why this is an issue for the author as I hardly ever see groups in lfg requiring this for strikes.

  18. Excuse me for saying, but Strike Missions are meant to be a bridge to Raids. Requiring LI for a game mode that was meant to introduce less experienced players to step into raids just seems ridiculous. Not to mention LI’s are obtainable only through raids. In my opinion, if you want your squad to have LI, go do raids and leave people in strikes alone. Just my two cents.

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