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Yellow Rainbow.6142

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Everything posted by Yellow Rainbow.6142

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said: > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said: > > > One of the primary arguments for tiers is it would allow progression. The only other time that you really see another reason used is they want to experience the nearly nonexistent story. > > That's not quite correct. Sure, this argument is way overused, but that is mainly because it is the only argument raiders are even willing to hear. Any argument that treats easy mode as something more of an independent entity, and not just a crutch for the Real Raids is immediately ignored. Often not getting even a response. > > > > It's just, as i said, this is probably one of the worst uses for the easy mode idea > > > > > Raids were developed to be the most challenging content in the game. The other 99% of the game doesn’t require any thought or skill to do. If players don’t want to do challenging content then they have other areas of the game to play. > > Sure, they were developed to be that. Doesn't mean this is the only choice. Again, look at FF XIV, where both the easier and harder modes exist side by side, with neither being more important than the other. And where existence of normal difficulty raids and trials does not diminish in any way status of savage/extreme tiers. > > > > Like i said, you are looking at this whole case way too narrowly, and thus are unable to see a bigger picture. Your desire to see current raids as the only raid content that matters colors your perception and makes you unable to see any options that do not fit that narrow viewpoint. > > > > When the game was developed, there really wasn’t any challenging content for those that wanted it. Raids was the solution to this and why they were added. Anet’s actions on adding strikes over additional difficulty modes indicates that they still prefer for raids to be the most challenging content in the game. > > Those that don’t want to play challenging content simply don’t need to play raids. The entire game doesn’t need to cater around those players as 99% of the game isn’t really a challenge. I have a friend who has a son and a daughter. Each was given a toy. The son also wanted the toy that the daughter had and got upset. This is how I’m seeing this situation. So much of this game is catered to those that don’t want to play challenging content and they got upset when they saw those that wanted challenging content get content specifically for them. I agree 100% except armor and ring is locked behind it. Make it available on regular pve and half of the problem for people goes away.
  2. Yeah it ruined it for me as well. I prolly did it about 20 times before I quit cm altogether. That lightfest, I just cant handle. It actually hurts my eyes. Oh well, I am okay though. I dont have to do everything anyway.
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