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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. > @juno.1840 said:

    > Ele has a pretty good toolset for condi removal:


    > * Nearly spammable cantrip heal

    > * Earth trait for Diamond skin

    > * Water trait to remove condition when grating regeneration boon

    > * New Weaver trait to shed conditions on super-speed

    > * Fire trait to auto-casts cleansing fire cantrip

    > * Water trait to remove burning and cripple on dodge roll

    > * Numerous weapon skills that clean conditions

    > * A small number of utility skills that remove conditions


    > I'm sure I'm leaving some out, but conditions are the least of my concerns when roaming WvW as an elementalist. Now if you choose to ignore all those choices, then that's a different problem.


    > @FrownyClown.8402 said:

    > Yup, condi burst has always been a problem. In anet's mind condi removal comes from allies in the same way condi application comes from all enemies. Our condi removal as a weaver is fine in 1v1 situations tbh, but its the constant reapplication from multiple sources where its becomes inbalanced.


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYnk4CNOgdOA+4CM5iFDALIAkJ7h3n6UdsmoKMEaCA-jJxHABAcCAqvMgyPAgd2fAA


    > A build such as this has pretty good condi removal potential with unravel hexes actually removing 3 condis every time its used (assuming it works properly).


    > The only thing I would change is for sword 2 in water to pulse regen , giving 5 condi clears instead of 1. Its a simple fix that requires sword to be used and is not going to create an imbalance with traits and condi removal.


    @"FrownyClown.8402" summarise what I mean with this thread pretty clear.

    Yes ele is fine as long as we talk single condi removal, it's manageable..not exactly a walk in the park as I'd like but it's manageable at best, what I have problems is **condi burst** and lack thereafter of something that can deal with it accordingly .



  2. > @Omcrazy.4756 said:

    > > @Arheundel.6451 said:

    > > In my opinion is the lack of personal gain/loss rank that breed toxicity , knowing that your future is in the hands of somebody who potentially is there just to troll people...it's not fair, if not personal stats..then something else is required, another option would be to improve the MMR algorithm to more closely represent the actual skill level of players.

    > >

    > > P.S a 200 deviation is way to big, the max deviation should be 50

    > >


    > Each division (silver, gold, plat, etc) is 300 MMR. So Silver is 900 MMR - 1200 MMR. Gold is 1200 MMR to 1500 MMR. That means each tier within a division is 100 MMR. 200 seems pretty reasonable. As a G2 that would see me playing with G3s and G1s. As a G1 I would be playing with G2s and S3s.


    > I think you overestimate the size of the pvp population if you want to limit it to just 50MMR difference. It would be nice if it was this close but capping at 50MMR would probably make the queue last for a long time and would likely see you playing with the exact same people over and over and over.


    > Honestly, 200MMR is not as significant a different as you might think. G1 players aren't that much worse than G2 who aren't that much worse than G3, etc. The real goal is to keep bronze out of gold matches, silver out of play matches, gold out of legend matches.


    Yes you're right, I believe my estimation was completely off

  3. This class desperately needs something to manage condi bursts, I am not talking about condi application, I am talking about situations where you find yourself with 8+ conditions on you instantly.


    Currently this class has neither resistance or an utility that helps to clear a condi burst, all an ele can do atm is to fire several utilities /skill to clear the condi burst and I don't see why this should be considered fare when all other professions have the tools to deal with condi burst or have traits that reduce condi dmg ( scrapper ).


    Core ele/weaver are too weak to condis and tempest hangs by a thread thx to water overload and even here is an uphill battle. I am not asking for condi immunity , I am only asking for a fare treatment and I have few suggestions:


    1) "Ether renewal" : 1/2s cast, clears 6 condis

    2) "Cleansing fire" : clears 3 condis and grants 4s resistance CD 50s

    3) "Signet of water" : clear 12 condis as active - passive increase concentration by 108



  4. In my opinion is the lack of personal gain/loss rank that breed toxicity , knowing that your future is in the hands of somebody who potentially is there just to troll people...it's not fair, if not personal stats..then something else is required, another option would be to improve the MMR algorithm to more closely represent the actual skill level of players.


    P.S a 200 deviation is way to big, the max deviation should be 50


  5. The following is my idea of perfect PvP system and with that said , I am not a game designer and I don't claim the following idea is any good..but I feel like doing so and maybe somebody will join me in a peaceful discussion away from the strife and gloom of the pvp forum.


    1- For starter I would reset everybody MMR to zero, all win/defeats, glory, everything except your acquired titles and trophies

    2- All amulets/runes are now categorised based on the most obvious role choice, for example : marauder amulet would be listed as Direct DPS, mender as DPS support, magi as Healing bunker and so on

    3- Game now forces a role choice on players before entering ranked : **Direct DPS, Condi DPS, DPS support, Healing Bunker, Brawler**

    4- I would keep the current reward system, I'd only add something new : **Fame**

    5- **Join Next match** system introduced, every X time, the game organise a match showing the roles available for each match

    6- Players would be able to see the roles covered for the next open match and given suggestions on what role to play

    7- Similar to a "LFG" system, the game shows in rl the number of players joining next match and the roles covered

    8- Game offers additional fame gain to those who opt to play a role deemed scarce in quantity, ex : "extra 30% rank for Condi DPS for the next 30m"

    9- Players can still opt to join a match regardless of the roles covered like a condi dpser joins a match that is still missing a healing bunker

    10- The game will first create a full ideal team and put the rest in the opposite team

    11- The players of the disadvantaged team will suffer reduced rank loss in case of defeat ( -6 instead of - 15 for ex ) and gain additional rank in case of victory ( +24 instead than +15)

    12-**Introducing "Ideal threshold", at the end of each match the stats of each players are compared with that ideal stats for the same role**, for example a Direct DPS player would have his final stats compared to the ideal threshold and will then lose/gain rank based on his personal performance during the match

    13- I'd keep the current AT system...but with a twist

    14- No duo que, pure soloq entrance only


    That was the preface and now with the main idea:


    -Introducing **Fame**, advancing to the next league gives you Fame, going down a league will detract Fame , except when going down from Silver to Bronze in which case the Fame quantity would not be reduced **but at the same time it would not go up if the player manages to crawl back to silver**

    -A 4 league system : Bronze - Silver - Gold - Platinum and everybody starts ofc in bronze league

    -In the beginning after 2 months, the first X from the Bronze league will advance to Silver league

    - After that every 2 months, the first X from a league advance to the next league, the last X will instead go down a league

    - Each league has its own AT ( same rewards, only now top 3 for daily/monthly gain additional fame)

    - Every year the top teams from the Platinum league ( based on number of monthly won ) can join the Legendary Tournament which will grant....something exceptional dunno


    I am sure I have missed something but this is my idea so far, if everything at the very least I'd love to see a system that rewards personal performance based on comparison to ideal stats, if you like my idea somehow or want to add something, feel free to post something :)

  6. > @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

    > hopefully the person that made the decision of conquest being the only/best format will get into a fatal car crash soon or something religion wise that death will show him the truth! you coulda been way more successful this a horrible format and anything they enter in otherwise seems to be made horrid on purpose/fail on purpose to try to make conquest look good. stronghold inspired by gvg but kitten sure made to be horrible in comparison which makes conquest look like a better option than it really is.




    You need to take a chill pill bro! You went way overboard with your comment!

    I hate conquest and current PvP as much as the next guy..but what you say **it's completely unacceptable**

  7. > @lLobo.7960 said:

    > > @Razor.6392 said:

    > > > @lLobo.7960 said:

    > > > D/D never went anywhere...

    > > > You can still run D/D tempest roamer with really good results.

    > > > Its just not as OP as it was before.

    > >

    > > OP? Even if that one fire trait existed, or celestial, it would at most go even against all the HoT specs.


    > That might be true.

    > But the cele d/d was something before HoT, and for that time it was OP.

    > The current d/d is completely viable on roaming scenarios, with tempest/water/arcane you pack enough condi clears and sustain to deal even with a condi thief (the mischief mesmer maybe not so much due to the huge burst of confusion) maybe not 2.



    "Viable" is a matter of perspective , you basically stack every single defensive tool in a single build then go around looking to outsustaining left and right but...every profession can do the same

  8. > @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

    > From a meta perspective:

    > Deadeye, > self explanatory, a build for PvP/WvW

    > Soulbeast, > seems to slow to produce any high numbers.

    > Spellbreaker, > Counter-class for WvW and PvP


    > TL;DR

    > Eles will always be viable in every content because someone at ArenaNet keeps them that way. Whereas other classes fall behind drastically in producing numbers.


    The word "viable" means "usable" which does not imply "fun to use"; not everybody likes to play a healer and not everybody wants to play a 11k HP full zerker build for raids, so I wonder what is left for them

  9. > @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

    > It is really great that people are voting. I do wonder why there have been no Weaver votes yet. As that is my second favourite. I am surprised no one has voted for it yet. As it looks so fun to build for and play. The double attune alone is a stand out for me. Avatar like in look and style of play. Tempest was great but Weaver look absolutely awesome!


    The questions is how good is weaver at stay alive while killing things fast enough and so far looking at the results from the stress test...I see no positive results.

    When it comes to pvp/wvw well the weaver can be summarised as " tempest with a sword, same dps, arguably more personal sustain but no support".


    **The sword leaps are 450 range when guardian is 600 and instant**

    The only gap closer ele get in 5 years aside from a 40 lightning flash and a quite visible RTL...is a teleport with animation...c'mon


    The results of the pool come with no surprise for me


  10. > @Nutshel.7264 said:

    > Ride the lightening - people couldn't stand opponents running away but somehow it is alright for thief/warrior/ranger.

    > Might stacking via evasive arcana - "no class should be able to self stack 25 might" yet we have warriors, engis and probably more doing this all the time these days.

    > Moving Bolt to the heart into gm section - we really needed that damage.


    Brother pls...no more of this, do not make me think about all this...my blood pressure is raising rapidly thinking about all the balancing process going at anet...**office politics at their best**

  11. Soulbeast : bigger DPS, resilience, good condi clear( better suited to fight rapid condi application ), aoe zerg potential ( pets finally won't insta die) , condi dmg reduction trait ( will make confusion/torment/burning specs that much less scary), resistance share, crazy boon application (live fast+ essence of speed EX), stronger pvp/wvw condi spec ( merging with iboga will give ranger access to torment and confusion on short CD)


    Druid : Heal burst support - easier to disengage - better condi burst clearing potential - less dmg - most traits are pve/raid centric - offers little/nothing to zergs in wvw - more predictable, easier to interrupt ( no dolyak stance ).


    Overall druid it's a great elite and nobody will take that away, but for me it's not ideal as soulbeast when it comes to power specs/zerg potential.


    PvP= Stance sharing will be hard to beat, add the aoe resistance ( jacaranda merge ) and you have a strong team fighter with better aoe dmg potential ( call lightning and worldly impact using a ferocious pet merge + the maul cleave with increased stats, all that can be unblockable for 4s after merge ); the soulbeast brings more cleave to the table and a quite good self condi clear. I see soulbeast as better suited for soloq play as pugs are less likely to make good use of your heals as druid ( stealth ress is good but won't work always)


    WvW= Zerg fights, hands down the soulbeast has no contest, this is what I have been asking for years ,when it comes to roaming...it's a coin toss both druid and soulbeast offer valid alternatives but in the end, soulbeast will allow me to fight **headshot + AA spammers** daredevil that much easier respect to druid, actually the only matchups I'd still use a druid would be , maybe : reaper/scourge, deadeye ( to match stealth spam ) and mirage power shatter ( to test this one )


    Only talking from a 1v1 perspective, when it comes to group play...I will stick with druid for the easy disengage ( assuming a spellbreaker doesn't manage a magestrike on me) :)


    What can I say in the end? As ranger main I love both druid and soulbeast, they complement each other well, I am a happy ranger main, I was ready to uninstall GW2 and throw it in the trash can back in 2015 when they planted the last nail in the coffin **for ele** but then decided to give ranger a try, it seemed fun to use ( started with condi settler axe/hawk beastmastery/WS), I immediately started to enjoy the 1vs1 potential of rangers ( that's what interest me the most, if not the only thing).


    Now with soulbeast....I have everything on ranger, everything I need, I can build a ranger any way I like as I don't need to worry about base HP or armor or healing power to be efficient in what I like to play. With that said, **I would have loved little bit more aoe ranged cleave on soulbeast** but we can't have it all can we now =) ?.

    I will make soulbeast work for me when it comes to zerg fights, sure it won't be the ultimate lootbag collector..but it will be fun to use respect to druid( zerg fights) for certain.



  12. > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

    > Personal biases are a different issue from time and staffing. My point is that I think that personal biases are too prevalent in balancing and a neutral control or QA person or persons need to check the decisions to offset this.


    Well said.

  13. > @DoM.8396 said:

    > > @Arheundel.6451 said:

    > > I think a better solution would be to have a specific raid balance away from the rest of the game, literally split balance.

    > >

    > > From this point on, players should suggest to split balance entirely from raid, if you want to have that trait or that skill nerfed then it should be split, as it stand ele may be high risk high reward in raids but outside of that dimension the elementalist is really lacklustre , we can all agree on the fact that outside raids, an ele going around with 11k HP would get killed instantly by anything including pve mob.

    > >


    > I don't agree, and you only have 11k HP because of the stat and trait choices you make. I've done all PvE content on my Berserker Elementalist running Fire/Air/Tempest with little to no issue - I got the Aurora trinket not that long ago. You need to know the fight ahead to survive on a Elementalist; preemptively reacting to the situation at hand in order to survive. Having big damage is only going to win fights against bad to average players in PvP/WvW, whereas knowing how to mitigate incoming deadly combos and attacks wins the fight.


    > Everyone can't be in the "meta" position in every game mode, that's just the sad reality in every game. Your distaste for raids makes it seem like you coming off very biased.


    > Also, we do have PvP and PvE split skills and such. I'm not sure if you know that based on reading what you wrote.


    > I think Elementalist has its place in all game modes just like every class and of course depending on the situation you're in within that game mode (1v1 or 3v3..etc..) Elementalist has its advantages and disadvantages.. but every profession does, and if it doesn't that usually gets changed every 3 months.


    > Back to the concern at hand, just how powerful will a Power Weaver be when PoF goes live? The anticipation is killing me!


    It may be fine to run ele in pve as I've said earlier but the class is very lacklustre in PvP/WvW where is relegated to healbot, which is both boring and unrewarding to play.


    I have joined this thread out of curiosity, I was wondering why "elemental rage" should be considered a possible issue when many other professions have a similar trait but as master or even adept in some cases. I have already posted a list of similar traits and here it is again:









  14. I think a better solution would be to have a specific raid balance away from the rest of the game, literally split balance.


    From this point on, players should suggest to split balance entirely from raid, if you want to have that trait or that skill nerfed then it should be split, as it stand ele may be high risk high reward in raids but outside of that dimension the elementalist is really lacklustre , we can all agree on the fact that outside raids, an ele going around with 11k HP would get killed instantly by anything including pve mob.


  15. > @DoM.8396 said:

    > > @Arheundel.6451 said:

    > > > @Jski.6180 said:

    > > > The loss of overload going to cut back the dmg on weaver and ele in pve more then like i hope this ferocity makes up for it sadly power dmg is very lack luster these days. Wvw it may have a real use for staff and scpter ele and the very picked aimed sword/x.

    > >

    > > We hold the same hopes..like every other player who plays wvw/pvp and some pve, players who dislike raids basically. This class has been heavily nerfed already


    > I think the loss of overloads will be hard at first but I'm confident we will fill the gap with other abilities or element switching more often like a base power elementalist would (not tempest) in order to keep the 8 second damage buff active. I am a Elementalist at heart and my biggest concern is if they add this trait and a Power Weaver blows off the charts for DPS, they will nerf us again. I'm fearful the nerfs will be done incorrectly as they have been in the past (in some areas) with Elementalist by nerfing or reworking abilities that didn't seem overpowered.


    > If Weaver causes us, as Elementalist, to do absurd Power DPS what else will they look to nerf? We won't have Air Overload anymore to "blame" and Lava Font already has it's awkward cooldown. If they go after our weapon abilities I will be very disappointed.


    > **Why would they go after other abilities and traits instead of Elements of Rage?** Well, because Elements of Rage is obviously designed with weaver in mind being some sort of either full condi or condi/power hybrid. I say obvious because you can see it in the design and weapon skills with Sword. This trait might be very valid if you're playing Weaver the way the developer hopes that we play it using this mixed stat ideology. The developer might want to keep from nerfing this trait so the exact idea of the Weaver continues to work and resort to bringing down the base abilities of Elementalist, or even other traits outside of Weaver. If this happens it makes it extremely difficult for other builds outside of Weaver to have a place in the meta across all game types.


    > Let's just finish this off with - _I'm paranoid Elementalist will be nerfed/reworked past the point of where I enjoy playing it anymore. I took a hard hit when Scepter/Warhorn got drastically dropped down in its damage output._


    Shouldn't we look at the bigger picture here?

    I mean sure if something it's out of bounds then clearly it needs balancing but..the problems arise when the balancing happens in a vacuum without any consideration about the scenario itself; the ele does possibly achieve the highest DPS during raids but at what cost?


    A cost that eles in other gamemodes cannot afford to pay and yet they will be punished, it's like stealing from the poor to give to the rich, how that makes sense?

    Raid players says ele reach 37k dps ok but they forget what ele must sacrifice all sustain to reach that dmg, let me put this in numbers:



    Raid ele sacrifice 100% sustain to reach 37k DPS

    PvP/WvW ele sacrifice 40% to reach 20k DPS

    All other professions sacrifice 40% to reach 30k DPS


    after nerf)

    Nerfed raid ele sacrifice 100% to reach 32k DPS

    Nerfed PvP/WvW ele sacrifice 40% to reach now 16k DPS

    All other professions are untouched and they still sacrifice only 40% sustain to reach 30k DPS


    Raid players celebrate and call it a perfect balance, ele players in pvp/wvw are more screwed than before, they can't afford to sacrifice as much sustain as before because other professions now do 2x their dmg and now pvp/wvw eles can only sacrifice 20% of their sustain to stay alive but now they do 10k DPS and the enemy does 3x the dmg


    I wonder why this class is not allowed to have the highest dmg in raid if they give up all sustain to do so when other professions give up not even half of their sustain to get a pretty close DPS number?


    Where are the balance principles in this game?



  16. > @Jski.6180 said:

    > The loss of overload going to cut back the dmg on weaver and ele in pve more then like i hope this ferocity makes up for it sadly power dmg is very lack luster these days. Wvw it may have a real use for staff and scpter ele and the very picked aimed sword/x.


    We hold the same hopes..like every other player who plays wvw/pvp and some pve, players who dislike raids basically. This class has been heavily nerfed already

  17. Just a few idea that would make weaver that much easier to play without making him too OP


    **1)** Unravel Hex : "Lose conditions at a rapid rate gain superspeed (3)when suffering from movement impairing conditions : Chill-Cripple-Immobilise -**Torment** and **Slow** "

    Why torment and slow are still not included among the list of movement impairing conditions?


    **2)** Unravel Hex :"Threshold: suffering from 5 conditions - all Conditions currently on you last 100% less" Split between PvP ( 60s CD ) and PvE (30s CD)


    **3)** Unravel Hex : "Threshold: suffering from 5 conditions - Gain resistance (3s) and condis cannot be reapplied on you for the next 6s" Split between PvP (45s CD) and PvE( 20s CD)


    **4)** Unravel Hex :" Dual skills remove 1 condition when you hit target, 33% chance to transfer condition to enemy on hit - 5s ICD"



  18. "Elements of rage" does indeed increase ferocity by 14% permanently, the bonus dmg come with full attunement, the numbers are completely in line with what seen on other professions








    Not at all, if we look at the traits above, they're all adept/master tier, would "Element of Rage" be nerfed, then it should be moved to adept or master tier also

  19. My theorycrafted PvP weaver builds for PvP so far, I take in consideration the fact that I will be alone most of the time, I don't expect support from allies as it's typical of soloq, with an organized team I would be ofc more daring with the amulets ( mender-sage). Mobility /tankiness and sustain are always the main points for my builds with damage coming as secondary objective as "dead dps does no dmg".


    Tanky DPS



    Super Tanky DPS



    Tanky condi



    Marauder scepter burst



    Condi Direct DPS Hybrid



    Staff version Condi direct dps hybrid


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