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Posts posted by crepuscular.9047

  1. looks like someone forgot the lesson from Dragon Stand? I'm all for extended map meta, but I think any map meta (chained) needs to be capped at no longer than an hour... what happened to 'You have been playing for x hours, please take a break.' we had back in GW1?**Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992** suggests you should be having a 5-10 minutes break every 50-60 minutes... seems like all concerns for the health of players was thrown out the window with GW2

    hope everyone has bought health insurance to get prescription glasses and cataract treatments

  2. like @"Ayrilana.1396 " said, people did not do dungeons for the armors and weapons ... not to mention how actually tedious long it takesPvP and WvW reward tracks are actually so much faster to get the weapons, you can easily get 3 weapons and an armor in 6-8hourspeople farmed dungeons back in the days for the gold you get for completing a dungeon, when Anet nerfed the gold reward everyone left, only going back there if the daily is on, or if they are working on a legendary weaponnot to mention there are certain uncraftable inscriptions and insignia that can only be salvaged from dungeon weapon and armors, those cannot be salvaged from a stat selectable equipment

    > @"Guncluts.3751" said: > I really don't see why they won't add new dungeons to the expansions to acquire the expansion stats.Raids are basically the new dungeons for the expansiosn, you can buy stats selectable ascended gears with the Magnetite ShardsSame as strikes, the cut to the chase style dungeon where you go in and beat up the boss

  3. > @"Kazdaddy.6032" said:

    > Is Gw2, worth coming back to?


    that's the design philosophy of GW series, you can just jump back in any time you want and do the latest content


    My WoW account is still frozen in time in Cata, I jumped back in last year during the free access weekend, wandered around in Orgrimmar for bout 15mins and uninstalled WoW


  4. > @"Tonny.5908" said:

    > When i buy i7 9700K it would be possible to get more FPS? Is worth it?


    if you are upgrading just for GW2, not worth it


    I upgraded mine from 4770K to 8700K, without changing the GPU, which was a 980Ti, very small FPS increase from my experience, I got extra 2-3FPS at frozen maw, which is a fight where you get ridiculously low fps when shaman summons the snow storm twisters; The primary reason I upgraded was because I was running BDO and GW2 at the same time


    9700K is only a tiny bit better than 8700K, 5% according to userbenchmark when it comes to single thread, 8700K is only 9% faster than 6700K with single thread; these are just synthetic, so in real world use you probably see even less

  5. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > BDO's steam client is an example of a disaster of patching on steam, the update on steam actually downloads the entire game with every patch, bout 50GB, whereas standalone version was just 1GB> > Weird, my Steam patcher for BDO downloads just the update files and not the entire game. Not sure what you are doing wrong there but it's not the steam client's problem. Also that game is only 37 GB so you don't have the correct information. The disaster is on your computer and/or set-up not on Steam.they must have fixed it, I played BDO since western launch, I remember the forum was flooded with mass complaints from steam users about their update was re-downloading the entire game, Kaoko had to put out a statement that there was nothing they can do because the way steam's update process was different to their in-house (after all they are just a publisher, they need to get Pearl Abyss to fix it)pearl abyss must have done some compression with the remaster, I remember the game folder being ~48GB, but that was long before remaster when I quit playing

    \_Edit\_found the tweet, https://twitter.com/bdo_news/status/923168764245499905?lang=en~15GB, looks like the complaints that I remembered were overblown, but still a huge difference, about 10x more in size

  6. > @"KrHome.1920" said:> Valve demands 30% of the revenues generated by your game on steam. That's significant and could already be too much to get any profit out of the "cosmetics" monetizing system GW2 uses.exactly! people yelling out at putting GW2 on steam does not understand the financials that's involved with putting games on SteamThe fact that EA start putting their games on Steam after so many years just says one thing, players still loaths Origin that EA is having trouble getting new revenueYou either have the game available as standalone installers or / and on steam, gamers really dislike having to deal with multiple distribution platformsonly very rare cases where an in-house distribution platform have succeeded, like Blizzard because of their royal fan base, and they have a massive war chest to back it up which Anet doesn't

    secondly, Anet will need to make alterations to GW2's client how updates are appliedBDO's steam client is an example of a disaster of patching on steam, the update on steam actually downloads the entire game with every patch, bout 50GB, whereas standalone version was just 1GB

  7. I think most people just craft a core ascended gear, and convert it through the mystic forge; it's pretty much the same cost

    too troublesome to go for a receipt from RNG when there is a much easier way to get the stats


    plus most long term players most likely have lots of unused ascended boxes sitting around in bank



  8. yeah, they did change this a long time ago when they revamped the starter experience


    it's been so long ago, but I think it was back before the change it was taking longer to level, so you had to spend a lot of time doing hearts and dynamic events

    the change they made it easier to level just from doing hearts, and sectioned out the personal stories into different level tiers(?)

  9. > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > There's endless possibilities, but the new beetle skin means they're willing to add non-living mounts! So I'd definitely like to see a motorcycle/speeder bike type thing, probably also for beetle. Like the Charr bike people have been asking for. Also a hoverboard - both a mechanical hovercraft, and a literal hoverboard that floats a bit, both skimmer skins


    > speaking of machine/non-living mounts, a starwars style speeder-bike (the ones that hover) could work for raptor with the jump-dash/canyon-jumping replaced by a momentary boosting/throttle effect


    > something like this:

    > ![](https://i1.wp.com/torf.mmo-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Boosted-Classic-Speeder-Brown-Side.jpg "")



    wouldnt jackle be better? mini light speed jumps :lol:


    and the skimmer can be the X wing

  10. > @"Zacharek.1968" said:

    > The trouble is this is a completely new computer and problems started to appear after installing it. So far I played on a laptop and there were no problems. >.<


    I guess maybe it's an AMD problem then, GW2 historically always have some hiccups with AMD components even since launch

  11. seems maybe an issue with the GPU, do you have a spare GPU to test on?


    The question first thing to ask is, was the game working before? and how long have you had the game since the issue occured.

    If it is still occuring even if you fresh reinstall Windows, hardware drivers and the game, then most likely you are having a hardware failure like my PC


    in my case, things have been fine on my PC for the past 2.5 years, then my Guild Wars started crashing or doing weird things, and slowly progress to more programs over the weeks; Guild Wars 2 seems to be lucky not crashing at all for some reason

    after much self troubleshooting, it seems like my CPU may be failing; I basically replaced every single component on my PC except for the CPU and the Motherboard

    sending it back to Intel for a replacement this week

  12. I took a massive haitus just 2-3 months after launch because my PC back then was overheating and a lot of things happened in my personal life, came back to the game about 6 months before HoT launch, which meant I missed out on all the LWS1 achieves, and a lot of other legacy achieves, rather than grinding for gold i.e. SW, I invested a lot of down time between stories doing achieves, currently sitting on 34,441 / 43,643 AP; and on the way obviously burnt through tons of gold, like the gen1 legendary precusors


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/n01cSv4.png "")


    some of them I can never imagine I would ever achieve, and will never ever attempt, like Indomitable Legend 5 AP, also EoTM and activities ones where you need over 1k tickers when the map is dead


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