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Posts posted by Jaken.6801

  1. I am only in the first instance and I am seriously annoyed by the tone the story is using.

    We had that problem with Scarlet, that was about 4 years ago. We had that with Mordremoth, we had that with every occourance in the world.


    **Why do people don't give a kitten about what is going on?**


    There is having a lighthearted approach to desasters and there is _oh it's just a nuisance_


    We got Balthazar, a god, walking on Tyria and the overall tone is: _Yeah, it's no biggie._


    i mean, what is the situation? What is athmosphere you want to create? Kasmeer went paralyzed, our commander is annoyed and Livia didn't even care about him.

    Everyone we meet is mostly dismissive.

    Is the world that cynical? Does nobody care?

    I seriously don't know how we as the audience should feel about the situation, about the _big desaster_ and _possible doom_ you are trying to show us, if **nobody** takes it seriously.


    The Commander was way more serious with Caithe and the egg, than with many big enemies.

    **Please have the world care about what is happening.**


    I mean, you could have an instance in LA, where Balthazar Priests praise him and doom the world, with Ellen and the commander being able to comment on it. Saying that it is a problem in Tyria as well.

    There were so many ways to convey a feeling of dread, instead of a minor disturbance and look, we should go sightseeing for the priory, while we make funny jokes with Taimi, Ellen und Faren.

    Seriously, that doesn't start well.

  2. After using and adapting to the forums for a while now, I am looking for these functions in particular (some of them are part of mobile):


    * An adaptive control bar. In mobile the controlls will vanish and come back when needed (like stopping to scroll, etc.). On desktop it would be really usefull to have the top bar always be visible, even while scrolling. When I want to go to my profile, into messages and other stuff I have to scroll up quite a while, which can get annoying with the new layout (it is wider and feels longer). So having the controlls always on top would elevate that issue.

    * Add in a _quick up button_ , _quick down button_ or a combination of both that adapts to where you are on the page, so we can quickly jump down to comments or back up to the controls. This would also be a good thing to add to mobile.

  3. > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    > > Would you rather get more legendary weapons sooner or have it take longer in order to have a collection that you'll only do once?

    > >

    > > At least this way all players can make progress towards the legendary from just playing the game due to how plentiful elder wood and mithril ore drops. The same goes for the T5 mats that you need.


    > While I get your point and agree with it. At the rate of 1 legendary per LW episode for the most part, I find it hard to believe they don't have the time for collections. Especially when they implemented an improved collection system to get the leg trinket aurora, while also releasing 2 leg weapons in teh same patch. So......... I mean....... the time is there, I just think the willingness to do more collections is not.



    I am actually confused about that as well.

    Before I thought the whole process is too time consuming.

    By that I include the whole design of the general weapon, as well as the _"story"_ (most of them is just going after a certain theme)


    Right now I feel like they really went the cheap route.

    Just hand it over to the designers to make four skins , add two items for the crafting (shard of cuz) and put it into form A.

    We already get weapon akins, near legendary, in game. Several BLC weapons could be some, with aura and footprints.

    We also get several follow up collections with unique and legendary like mechanics, with several releases.

    So it shouldn't be a technical issue, right?


    Why is the second part so hard all of a sudden?

    Is it because they have to go all over the world and not only the new region(s)?

    Is finding a theme too much effort?


    I mean. Let me quickly draft one.

    * New legendary dagger. The silverwing. Wing like dagger, metal-magical aura. Does create metal feathers wings along your arm when drawn and looks cool dual wielded. Feather Footprints.

    * Based on tengu lore, so they can throw in and clarify stuff we allready know about our tengus here on Tyria. Doesn't have to be as deep, because the collections were never that. The lore is allready written and shouldn't take much of an effort. However they could take the time to actually expand on them, but that is optional.

    * Collection 1 go around the world and find places of tengu influence and get some nearby items, before going to the famous tengu smith of the story (there is one and he was in one of the pact camps, or somwhere around HoT).

    * Collection 2 is the mat/gold sink.

    * Collection 3 fight some tengus around the world (new enemies, placed and the ones im HoT) to show that you are worthy.

    Then you have the precourser and can do the rest of the formular. The Gifts, etc. You have to get for every other legendary.


    Sure, it would involve more people, because it would touch more areas of the game and more changes to older content (which might be the main issue I presume. They have no problem doing the same things in the new stuff).

    Then again, we have the _current events_ which also do that stuff. Adding new elements to old content. So it is possible.

    I am really curious about what the issue is.

    It can't be that the original journey of the gen1 was too shallow, because they were improving with the first gen2.


    It feels like it is just a promise they want to check of their list, like with so many other things.

    It feels really weird to play a game where foundations are set, but not improved upon. I mean, look at the festivals, the guilds, etc. All stuff that was supposed to go big, but then stopped.

  4. > @Ulion.5476 said:

    > The issue is getting legendaries out fast enough for players. It took then awhile to create the legendary collections for HoT. The first 4 legendaries had had a good progression of event related in their creation. Player want new legendaries but no one want to wait that long for a new legendary. It came down to getting legendaries out faster but having a simple collection or doing it slower while listening to complains about how legendaries are not being made fast enough. A-net just did not have enough time/people to implement legendary collections like the first HoT ones. Legendaries are a grind but the new way they are created is a compromise between generation 1 legendaries and the original HoT legendaries.


    That's why I said, I know why they changed it.

    I don't really agree that it was the right way to handle it.


    The new oney are just boring to make.

    I relly hope that no other legendary will be desireable at this point, because I rather prefer to have the elusive elonian leather at the moment, than the constant grind for three stages of the precourser.

  5. I kinda have a Wonder Woman deja vu, where Hades was just a weird guy with a mustache..

    Injustice and the Comics did him much better, than the live action.


    It seem like we got the live action Balthazar.


    really hope he is just our stepping stone.

  6. > @Alanar.9854 said:

    > I agree. I absolutely loved the collection with Nevermore and I just began Astralaria's after crafting The Shining Blade myself. It was lacking....anything interesting whatsoever. My only consolation is that it has a good bit of lore associated with it already. Wish the collections didn't have to be so time consuming to create. Legendary Weapons in HoT used to be a journey.


    I et that it is easier to implement this formular, but does it have to be so boring and a straight forward money/mat sink? It just takes the legenary out of it.

  7. Yeah, I am not as familiar with the particular voices.

    It kinda sounded like Braham, so I just thought it was some NPC.


    On the topic of Balthazars cowardness, I certainly agree, that he is _running away_ or _avoiding_ the PC and his antics, for his own goal. Why take a risk, or even a nuisance, if there is an eldar dragon to slay and power to absorb. Why care about an annoying human/char,/asura/sylvari/norn.


    As for Kralkatorrik. he will show up in some capacity, but given the current story, he might not be a target. By all means, he could be even someone who we talk to as a cliffhanger for LS4.


    Canach as a Sylvari might have a different view on gods as the other races, given his short age. He might be more aligned with Ryltock and the Charrs at this point.

    I smell some greek mythology here.

  8. So, I am taking my shot at the Shining Blade legendary, after finishing the flameseekers prophecies a few months ago.


    I am since the beginning, never had much gold and thus I was really thankful for the collections, so the Shining Blade is my first attempt at the new legendary system.


    Oh my god it is boring.

    Now I read why they changed it. I get that it is much easier to implement, while getting a material dump for hard wood and mythril.

    However did they have to do the same stuff for three consecutive levels in a row? Just with more mat requirements?


    While doing the Flameseeker Prophecies, I was at least able to do different content throughout the game, but this new system gets me only in two basic locations. HoT maps, to get the legendary pieces and any map that has Mythril or hard wood.

    For this legendary, I do nothing but farming gold or materials. It is so boring.

    Out of frustration I bought other legendary recipes, so I can do their collection.


    So please. Change something, so it isn't so boring.

    I know the collections were too much work, but now it is just too much of the same boring grind. It is not fun and by all means not legendary.


    I had more enjoyment in getting mats for elonian leather (which is also back for save the queen) than doing two levels of the precourser under the new system.


    I know it is suppused to be a mat and gold dump, but please take a look at it and adjust the costs, or something.

    Give me something else to do, than just hacking away at stones and trees

  9. To be honest. Norns usually look like buff big man and woman.

    Thus having Balthazar the god of war and fire beeing buff might have him look like a Norn.


    Is _the Rock_ a Norn? He has the physique.


    However, the other argument is true. They could have gone further with it. Right now any character wearing flaming armor could be Balthazar.

    Right now his appearance and behaviour (as well as our characters reaction) doesn't strike me as someone I should fear or bow my head towards.


    Even the preview videos, where we see more of him, don't really have the impact, that it should have. Maybe because we didn't see him do something himself and we twarted his plans on several occasions allready.

    I don't know. I really hope Balthazar does bring something more to the table in PoF.

  10. Keeping up with my tradition of trying to bundle new releases into one coherend thread, I thought the launch trailer that was released today will be a good indication on what to come.

    Even though this is no Living Story Episode, so the following discussion might be way to small in scope or narrow, as the release itself might lead to way more interesting developments, I believe there is still some merrit in discussing the trailer and our first steps in the new areas.


    So, without further ado, let's see what the trailer does hold for us:


    * A voice similiar to Braham is talking to Kasmeer. Though Braham is said to make no appearance, so it might be the PC.

    * Braham, the maniac, is wandering through the desert

    * The trailer emphasizes the _we against the god of war_ on several occasions

    * We see some amazing structures

    * Lot's of filler PCs fighting against random enemies. Some Anubis and Forged. We don't seem to see any new character

    * It seems our partner will be Rytlock, Kasmeer and Canach for this trip

    * We will look for something to fight a god in the desert

    * We will fight Balthazar in some way

    * Balthazar wants to absorb the elder dragons powers

    * Balthazar wants a very powerful weapon, most likely the one that could kill a god

    * Very interesting PC cinematics. Hopefully they aren't just trailer stuff.

    * Of course we have to gather allies

    * I think we see the bonepalace at 1:33

    * Balthazar proclaiming that the gods have abandoned this world

    * Balthazar is running away?


    I have to say. It looks nice, however it had the uncomfortable problem of GW2 trailers of saying nothing with so many words. Balthazar seems pretty straight forward, even with the implications that he is _running away from us_ at some point, like his own minions (first mission). He seems to be fighting cowardly, which might still imply that he isn't actually Balthazar in the end. At least I hope so. If not they hopefully have a good payoff, because so far i am only mildly interested after LS3.


    The rest is filler and epic phrases. That could have really gone much better. Like showing off Joko, who will certainly make an appearance, or any other fraction we might recruit for our cause.

    All we saw were enemies and random fights, as well as Balthazar doing his stuff. Aside from the mcguffin weapon we might find along the way, this trailer was rather tame. HoT did bring a lot more to the table.

    Or maybe I just overlooked something.


    **Edit: With the release of PoF, I changed the title to be not misleading. We can gather all casual and simple feedback here**

  11. > @BlueEyes.6832 said:

    > Thank's for the replies, as callous as it sounds, I'm not really looking for anything other than PvP. The progression of leveling/gearing just doesn't do it for me...I've got idea's for builds I'm going to use and I'm planning on learning the controls/rotations myself but my main interest right now is just getting the gear to allow me to do it


    You go into PvP.

    You magically got all you need.

    Rest is figuring out how to do use it.


    Have fun

  12. You don't need the boost for PvP, as you get everything there.


    You basically just skipped most of your game time. Learning the game, your character and get the gold etc. To even gear up for the hard stuff.


    Raids are HoT content and require some advanced understanding of the game, gear and your class.


    While it is possible to do that stuff, I highly advice taking the long road.


    What you try to do might not reap the results you are looking for, as with guild wars 2 the end game starts partly from level one.

  13. > @"Tiger Fu.6524" said:

    > Aww man, thx for the answer I guess I'll be working on weaponsmith 500 and the shining blade for the next year lel


    Grind the mithryl and the wood beforehand.

    The new legendary precourser has you been doing the same thing over and over with the same materials.

    If you don't have money to burn, you should gather them beforehand.


    I for once can't see that stuff anymore.

  14. My plan is to take it slow. At least if the story pace allows it and I am not through everything in less than a week.


    I want to do the story and explore the new areas at my leisure, while learning the ropes of the new lands.


    Overall I hope to be pleasantly surprised by the end and don't have to facepalm too much in terms of story direction.


    Furthermore I am scared to hear the first "I've beaten it" one day in after release.

  15. I don't see them doing something like that again.

    I mean the recent votes we had that impacted the game were meaningless nonsense.


    * we could choose the name of a district in New LA, while we had no influence on the design, So we ended up with Lobster Arch (some boring here would have been nice)

    * we could choose a name for our new guild, which is nothing more than a game of thrones reference and got no explanation beyond that. Furthermore knowing that each country Got their own choice makes it even more meaningless.


    To be honest I am really surprised we are allowed to participate in the weapon design contest voting.

  16. > @Yol.1685 said:

    > While it would be really nice to be able to use our own pics, you know that it wouldn't take long for someone to try to use an inappropriate pic....

    > I guess Anet doesn't want the extra responsibility of vetting icons as they are uploaded. The trade-off is that Anet should add lots more pics for us to choose from.


    > @Yol.1685 said:

    > While it would be really nice to be able to use our own pics, you know that it wouldn't take long for someone to try to use an inappropriate pic....

    > I guess Anet doesn't want the extra responsibility of vetting icons as they are uploaded. The trade-off is that Anet should add lots more pics for us to choose from.


    I think a simple report that profile option would do the trick.

    Sure some might use it to troll, but then they get their own punishment.

    Otherwise I see it as something that could be regulated with the help of the community

  17. > @Mikuchan.7261 said:

    > There is a technical issue with making the currently existing armors and outfits "gender neutral" and that is that the 3d model for the armor is modeled after the character.

    > If you would put female version of an armor on a male character, it would have boobs.

    > Now I don't mind men with boobs, but it doesn't necessarily look like it makes much sense.

    > The waist would also clip massively.

    > On the other hand, putting a male armor on a female character would not have boobs, and probably not the rigging necessary to weight it for having boobs.

    > There are of course other issues as well, but this one is would be enough to, sadly, break the idea I feel.


    > Some of it can be fixed with changing rigging weights in the model, potentially even automatically, but it wouldn't change the basic shape of the model.

    > Not saying it'd be impossible, but there's a ton of armors and all of them have a male and female version for 3 races. All those have to be altered for the opposite gender.

    > Probably not where they should focus their workload.


    > For future armors it could absolutely be a thing, but for existing armors, they'd have to all be revised.


    Well, there are some heavy armor that get around the breasts, by adding a flat later on top.

  18. > @titje.2745 said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > When the players switched from guild wars to guild wars 2 they left everything behind . All their characters, their titles, the collected armors, weapons, minipets. Inventories full of platinum and items. All left behind because ANet decided they wanted to make a new guild wars and the players were willing to trust ANet and go to the new game. As a reward for years of faithful playing in guild wars, of support for the company over all those years and as a consolation prize for leaving their old accounts behind and switching to a new game they gave the vets of guild wars some mini pets, armor & weapon skins and some titles. They also promised at that time that these items would not be made available from guild wars 2. To ask ANet to make any of these items available to non gw1 players is to ask them to break a promise they made.

    > >

    > > .

    > > __________

    > > Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.

    > > ___________


    > yes this is a right answer :D thanks. i understand it now. i hope they comes another mini that is awesome :)

    > the racoon is a funny mini :D maybe because it was funny in the sims :P


    The racoon it's awesome, bit you can get something cool and similar pretty cheap.

    The red panda mini.

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