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Posts posted by Jaken.6801

  1. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Even if there was a comprehensive list, most would not consult it before posting about their bug of choice. It would be like the Stickies; somewhere to point people, but less convenient. Plus, it would probably take forever to run down the list, so even more reason people wouldn't consult it first.


    A search for bugs would be cool.

    Like with tags.

    Search for revenant bugs for example.

  2. Got some QoL ideas, that would really help the forum:


    * A interactive _jump to the top_ and _jump to the bottom_ would be beneficial. Since this version has more scrolling space, getting to the comment area or back to the controlls is rather annoying.

    * Alternatively add buttons to the first post for a quick comment.

    * Another alternative would be an adaptive control panel, that pops up if you scroll down, like on mobile. It's a hassle to scroll up all the way up.

    * The Avatars need higher resulution. I am looking at Zoija right now and she is totally blurry

    * Allowing to add PC's. devices or locations as a main access to the forums, to go around the security issue.


    Some future ideas.

    This forum would have benefitted from synergy with your account. Using the API's it would have been awesome to get access to special stuff if you played the game.


    * Unlocked avatars based on story advancement, class played or rank earned. Basicly based on your game progress

    * Badges or titles that we have unlocked could be transfered

    * Guild logos could be added to the profile

    * Guilds could be managed via the forum for recruiting (like inviting into a guild from here)

    * Adding a build designer as a plug in to quickly exchange builds (like other websites do already), in the Class Forums for example.


    Overall there could be a lot of stuff you could have added by mixing the two.

  3. With the new forum we were asked to revive old topics, that we think are worth getting back.


    So why not go with one of the biggest and controversial ones (aside from mounts and Open World PvP).


    I wouldn't mind Cantha comming sooner than later. It was a great area and the story possibilites are also interesting.

    I know we are going through Elona right now, but in my opinion we should get at least some contact in that direction.


    (I know this topic became an inside joke and over five years one of the areas where many theories and sometimes funny conversations happened. So please be civil and see this a continuation and as something to lighten your mood (though if you are angry that we still don't have Cantha, you can also express that as well, as long as it is constructive and civil))

  4. > @"Beorn Raukar.4328" said:

    > It was confirmed at most that new legendary weapons will continue to come with LS4 patches. They did also say it will NOT require PoF materials, at most PoF will add additional ways to get them but you will still be able to make them even if you do not own the new expansion. It was also confirmed they have a plan for more legendary trinkets and these could possibly be tied to PoF or LS4 we do not know yet.


    Please let there be other ways to get them. I can't see much more Mithril or Elder wood... It's soo boring...

  5. Last year I was burned by their boxed versions.


    Got myself a pre-order box, because I thought it was the only one that will get released and ended up with a cheap box and a code in it. Totaly not worth it.

    They later released the game in a box and a DVD, which would have been my prefered version.


    I guess they really stopped with that and I am very sad about that development.

  6. > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

    > > @Jaken.6801 said:

    > > > @Boysenberry.1869 said:

    > > > I'm just doing little things. Farming, working on a Legendary weapon, and picking up a few old achievements.

    > >

    > > Same. Tried starting one of the new ones (save the Queen) and absolutely hate the process.

    > > I know it's a material sink, but I can't stand the repeating nature of it. It's literally the same three times in a row, just with more stuff.

    > >

    > > The old ones had at least variety and got you into other areas of the game.


    > "little things" like working on a legendary weapon ***cry*** xD


    Well, It's that I was only working at it as in getting closer. It's a little thing on the side.

    So it kinda counts as a little sidegoal.

    A big one would be going back and finish the LS2, HoT and LS3 archievments I didn't do so far.


    though I could finaly make the modrem backpack from LS2...

  7. It is kinda sad for many enemies having gemstore items, in a game that is would really benefit from a _you get what you see_ mechanic.

    I see the tengu and mordrem wielding weapons that were long available in the BLCs, which would have been some really great weapon rewards in the jungle.

    Now with the forged we see the same with Balthazars weapons.


    As for the White Mantle weapons I also agree. I don't get why they are hidden there, if we fight them in droves in the LS3 maps. They should have been a reward there and some other stuff in the raids. It would feel much more natural.

  8. I agree with all points mentioned so far.

    I mean, there was a reason they didn't went that way in the old forums. They stated that they didn't want to create that negativity and open things up in that matter.

    I don't really understand why they went in the opposite direction with this new itteration.

    It kinda feels like they just threw some things together from a modern _build your own forum_ set.

  9. > @Boysenberry.1869 said:

    > I'm just doing little things. Farming, working on a Legendary weapon, and picking up a few old achievements.


    Same. Tried starting one of the new ones (save the Queen) and absolutely hate the process.

    I know it's a material sink, but I can't stand the repeating nature of it. It's literally the same three times in a row, just with more stuff.


    The old ones had at least variety and got you into other areas of the game.

  10. The new Forums are a mixed bag for me.

    For one thing, they feel like style over substance.

    They got some nice features that were missing from the old, but also introduced some questionable changes:



    * Hurray, we got a search function now



    * The new design feel much more simple, but with that it also feels empty and harder to read. The minimalistic approach with less color uses only the avatars to quickly distinctive between new posts if you scroll fast, however with the limited amount of them, they quickly become not useful again.

    * The colorsheme is very hard on the eyes for longer reading in dark enviroment. A nightmode should have been a given nowadays.

    * The forum is way easier to use on mobile devices, as the website adapts with the menues, however the same functionality is missing for desktop, which makes navigating kind of a hassle.

    * In mobile, if you choose to post a new topic, the lower menu bar is hiding the new topics title space and has to be adjusted arkwardly

    * The new forum is way to wide and without comfort and quick navigation options feels clunky to use.

    * Overall the new forum feels more designed for the mobile than the desktop market.

    * Thumbs up and down feel unneccessary, given the explanation on why you didn't use it in the old forums. Why use something clearly negative if ignoring or the exclusion of praise could do the same, like before?

    * Avatar selection is lacking and feels like a crux, instead of a usefull feature (as mentioned before), overall we need more

    * The lack of image upload function is a downgrade

    * The inclusion of bagdes feels unneccessary and gimicky

    * Hiding functions behind ranks are very consumer unfriendly. This is no game, this is a forum (see bagdes). You rob people of distinction and easy identification

    * Edit function is weird and a time limit feels restricting. I know why you would do that, but it feels forced and doesn't allow for many positive uses.



    * a quick scroll up button for desktop would be a welcoming addition

    * We need more subforums

    * Boxes in mobile are way more visibible and easier to read, than the little lines on desktop


    Overall the Forum would have benefitet from a beta stage for you to get in contact with the community on a broader scale. If you only went with internal testing or small groups (or even worse), then there are several things that could have been avoided.


    The answer to nightmode by Gaile, that they would be unable to integrate something like that, suggests that these forums are as bad as the old ones, when it comes to modification to arising needs.

    So far this forum isn't and upgrade, but a sidegrade, with a focus on more control over the users, instead of providing a really better experience (except for mobile). Speaking of mobile, it seems like the designer had it's eye on that, as the controls there are way more comfortable and don't use too much space to get to. Using A mouse is too much scrolling


    Sorry to be so negative, but this could have used some more time in the oven, as many of these things could have been adressed beforehand.

  11. > @Astraea.6075 said:

    > I agree that there are many improvements that can be made to the new forums, but I wouldn't necessarily call the change a backwards step.


    > I take the fact that we have the new forums as a sign that ANet finally have a forum platform that they can more easily adapt and modify and hopefully will be able to improve on going forward.


    > Having said that, the mobile version looks awful and is missing functionality. I had to go to the full site to be able to set my avatar for instance.


    And they apparently can't change stuff easily, as Gaile said that the nightmode, would be impossible for example,

  12. Over the years I noticed an interesting back and forth of community involvement.


    We had some promises and some very great involvement in early days, but for obvious reasons they were reined in for obvious reasons.


    Aside from the PvP area I got the feeling we are only semi involved in certain areas.

    Many things just happen, others feel lackluster.


    We had the great Ellen Kiel vs Evon contribution, which has been dumbed into meaningless name choosing.


    Lions Arch rework was played out over months only to suddenly appear to mixed responses, with our only contribution a silly name.


    Next involvement we got was another name which was just a silly game of thrones reference for our new guild that hasn't even any impact or meaning, since every country used their own choice.


    Now on the more recent news we suddenly have a new forum with years of content not pulled over (understandable) and many questionable design decisions.


    Which wouldn't be the first time. Just remember the many experiments, like in S1 the event world map thingy that went no where.


    The new forum could have certainly some input before release... As well as a lot more QA.


    However it's not like we aren't heard and not involved, but most things feel mostly based on actual events our releases and less the future or things that do actually affect us.

  13. > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > > @drkn.3429 said:

    > > The thumbs up and thumbs down system is a good indicator of what's happening within the community; not only what do people think about certain ideas, but also what kinds of reactions are more popular, and allow to ascertain why that might be.

    > >

    > > I would imagine people who only downvote others' posts without any other contributions might get banned from the forums after some time.

    > >

    > > The major difference is that downvoted posts do not disappear from the main page of a category here, whereas downvoting on Reddit casts threads into oblivion.


    > Had they started this before announcement of mounts, would we still get mounts? More likely. The thumbs up and down do nothing but grief. It would be better to have the +1 system so Anet sees what people like.


    That's what we had before. They had it in place for exactly that reason.

    We could see if someone got over a certain thresholds of upvotes.

    Giving no thumbs would be the same as being indifferent or not agreeing.


    It's weird to see them throwing things like that out.

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