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Posts posted by meri.9187

  1. Sure, this mount helps you pick and choose your fights. However, for many people that I've fought (or, more aptly, not fought), this mount allows them to run away from a 1v1 engagement until they can come back with many more people. Then they're all in. So realistically, it just reinforces the same old behaviors of your average WvW players.


    I feel lame enough when I see someone do that and I have to use my own mount to disengage. All it means is no fights. If the people who complain about "gankers" are the ones running from even numbers and only coming back with a numbers advantage, they reinforce the problem many have with the addition of this mount.

  2. This may seem a bit weak on paper but in WvW both zerging and roaming it's very good. It does however need to keep applying boons if one swaps legends after consuming.


    For zerging, you can pump out over twice the boons to allies that you would without the trait (4 other allies vs 9). It also helps with boon uptime especially if you play actively and don't have that much boon duration as many zerging backline heralds will have.


    For roaming, herald already has very high damage. As soon as the herald rework happened last year and the meta PvP build ran the new Forceful Persistence, most experienced WvW rev players tried DE instead. After the bugs were mostly fixed, it has become by far the best option for solo sustain with boons like regen and prot. Even the might uptime is much better in conjunction with extra ticks of Facet of Darkness/Strength. The way the trait seems to work is that upon consume, you are immediately granted another instance of the boon, and that will continue to pulse for another couple ticks. This helps herald's self sustain massively and, if you know how to land damage, you won't miss Forceful Persistence.

  3. > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > What a ridiculous thread. I've played this game longer than you've been alive (7 years) and am only rank 1505 (gold assaulter) so I would just barely qualify for the mount? WvW has been my main game mode since release but my friends and I A. Don't blob and B. Don't PPT. Anyone who is diamond legend is abusing the game mode in some way (server hopping, EotM farming, playing disgusting zerg classes like necro or rev or siege humping) and certainly should not be considered "high rank" in my book.




    Even though OP is a troll, I wouldn't say that someone who is diamond legend is abusing the game mode. I'm an ex-zergling who quit zerging for roaming back in 2016 as a Mithril rank, and haven't stepped back into blobbing since. Of course my kill numbers have suffered but the ranks did not dry up. These days I'm rank 9.8k and looking to finish my ranks during the upcoming bonus weekend.


    Also, how does playing a revenant equal a "disgusting zerg class?" As if people can't roam on rev.

  4. If the mount's speed has anything higher than base swiftness, roaming is dead.


    If the mount's engage skill does damage or CC to a player, roaming is dead.


    Imagine running away from the 10 zerglings who were called to defend north camp, as fast as your little feet can take you, and you can't mount up because you're in combat. Sometimes, you could get away because of crafty teleports or terrain advantage to ultimately get out of combat and WP. But now you can't. Because there are 5 more people who spawned out of combat. And now they're chasing you with a mount.

  5. Imagine being so behind schedule that your next patch comes 3 weeks after a patch that already contained zero content, stretching the delay between balance patches to nearly 3 months, and that even your gemstore team, the one team that is reliable, fails to put out something new and you have to resort to putting a bunch of old garbage on sale.



  6. Is this an out-of-season April Fools' joke?


    serious edit: I've played WvW for 6 years, I'm a roamer at rank 9.8k, I've seen a lot of BS when it comes to this game mode. If this mount is imbalanced and ruins roaming any more than it already it is, at least there's a bonus week for me to get those last ranks and retire. This better be implemented well.

  7. > @"prototypedragon.1406" said:



    > I'm not meant to kill people


    Cool, then stop complaining about the fact that they're able to get away from you


    3 wet healbot noodles as a comp is the #1 way that anyone smart would want to disengage just to avoid boredom fighting that group


    actually, edit: why are you having one of your guildmates agree with you in this thread and pretend that he's never met you and has a lot of respect for your videos? lmao

  8. If your target moves out of range while casting, the skill should fail and this is by design.


    Terrain differences can cause the skill to fail and leave you in an evade with full use of your other skills. This sounds like it would be fine as autoattacks or a precision strike would deal a lot more damage, but it's more likely you waste at least half a second because you assumed your skill would, you know, work properly.


    It gets even weirder with quickness or slow. Most of the time that I have slow or quickness less than the casting time of the skill (e.g. less than 1.5 seconds of slow, or less than .375 or so seconds of quickness), by the end of the skill cast the boon/condition is gone, and the game gets very confused, often giving the full evade with full use of your other skills.


    This skill needs a fix but dear lord don't make it like the stupid soulbeast skill, then there's no counterplay like there should be by getting out of range.


    Other thing that gets super frustrating in WvW is when the skill will target the supply depots, first aid kits, or keep/tower walls, this is just getting ridiculously annoying.

  9. Honestly I like axe and think it's nowhere near as terrible as many people are making it out to be; however, there are many ways the weapon could be improved and I'll suggest a few here. **Obviously I don't want all these changes to be put in the game**, just gonna parrot a few suggestions to put it on par with sword as a hybrid condition/power weapon and the utility offhand of rev. As with most things I suggest, even adding one of these improvements might be enough to improve the weapon significantly.


    **Frigid Blitz**: This is a worse version of Deathstrike with the only good thing being that it's unblockable.


    Make the teleport an evade frame. Might be stupid considering how many evade frames sword/shiro rev already has. However, unlike other shadowsteps, Frigid Blitz behaves in that the revenant gets affected by whatever AoEs are in its way between the revenant and where the shadowstep occurs. Considering that Deathstrike is a straight up guaranteed port forward, Frigid Blitz falls behind majorly here.


    Improve projectile speed by 100%.


    If the axe hits your target, mark the target for 3 seconds instead of automatically moving to that target. Create a flip-over skill as the second part of Frigid Blitz that allows you to teleport to your target and deal heavy damage.


    Increase the range to 1200.


    Replace slow with immobilize for 1.5 seconds on anyone the axe passes through.


    **Temporal Rift**: This skill is solid and very good for crowd control in a larger group. Needs less changes than Frigid Blitz.


    Add a boon to any **allies** standing in the rift when it expires. 2 seconds of either resistance or alacrity fit the most thematically, although resistance especially might be too rewarding. This, however, keeps with the theme of Mallyx and the condition revenant, and alacrity fits the skill's name.


    Increase damage slightly (20%).


    Increase the range to 1200.



  10. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > @ Ventus thunder, that is more or less how Glint F2 used to work, you popped it and it had protection and the other boons.


    > You didn't specify game mode but the way I use glint f2 now in WvW is in conjunction with runes (durability) or other classes boons (guardian stability for example).


    > The other way I use it is after stunbreaking from switching to jalis, then I pop f2 for stability.


    Yes, that was definitely my intention, to return it somewhat to its old functionality. Having played herald since it came out that's what I miss most, the old Glint F2. I do use Glint F2 to extend uptime on critical boons like protection whenever using Shiro F2 wouldn't benefit me. It works alright but still prefer the old one.


    > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

    > >

    > > Unless you specifically are anticipating it, it's going to be hard to dodge a 1/4 second cast time skill that can hit you from 600 range away and that you can't even block.

    > >


    > I mean If we’re going to use this logic then every damaging skill in the game should have a 3/4ths cast time or greater to appropriately allow for the average human reaction time. This is certainly no more powerful than dozens of other abilities across all 9 classes and it is honestly nice compensation for the removed equilibrium/nerfed sword 4 and all the other nerfs over the years.



    Sure, I mean, I'm not complaining that we have access to it. I'm just tired of seeing other people complain about herald and unprectability (*cough* that one delusional condi mirage on the pvp forums), when herald imo is already one of the most fair classes in the game.


    For Shiro F2 the damage is heavy, cast time fast, and the radius might be what I'd want to reduce just a tad since for EQ/sword 4 you have to at least be in melee range. Just something I figure you could reasonably hit herald with without its usability suffering, since after all, I don't think the class needs any net buff.

  11. Will comment on Glint and Shiro since I play mainly power herald.




    Glint's passive being 20% is just fine and I think it's reasonable especially with the addition of Diviner's gear. Glint's active is just an extremely watered down version of Signet of Inspiration and I'm not a big fan of it. I would rather change it to apply one instance of every Glint facet's boon. That would come out to (baseline) 4s regen, 3s fury, 3s swiftness, 12s of one stack of might, and 3s of protection. This would of course be affected by boon duration for a minimum of 28% boon duration added to those boons.


    I understand that Anet wants to make Glint's Facet of Nature more like the new Signet of Inspiration in its function; however, you have the CHOICE to take or not take Signet of Inspiration. Glint's Facet of Nature is not a build choice, if you take Glint, you must have this on your skillbar. It needs to be more flexible to be useful in a wider range of scenarios.


    My suggestion would improve the plug-and-play aspect of this skill; however, it would take away slightly from heralds who have already stacked the maximum instances of these boons. The current way it works is simply adding 2 (or 3, if traited) seconds to every boon you have, without counting as a new instance.




    My initial thought on Shiro's passive is that I'd want to normalize its power and lifesteal coefficient with Assassin's Annihilation but that would truthfully be an absolutely massive buff, especially in PvE where you can reliably have 100% uptime on the facet while you're in Shiro. However, it needs something else to make it worth keeping the passive up.


    My suggestion for this would be to add a stack of vulnerability to each hit you successfully connect while this passive is up. It would make up for the horrible trait that is Expose Defenses and help the herald get some synergy with vulnerability (both master minor and GM minor devastation traits rely on vulnerability).


    Shiro's active is fine- actually, I think it could use an increase in its cast time or a decrease in damage. It's extremely fast, attacks in an absolutely huge radius by revenant's standards, deals heavy damage, is unblockable, and strips boons. I understand the outrage behind increasing cast time of something once again after the sword 4 fiasco but this is a massive AoE skill that you don't need to aim, is unblockable, and gives a large payout to the herald and his/her group. Unless you specifically are anticipating it, it's going to be hard to dodge a 1/4 second cast time skill that can hit you from 600 range away and that you can't even block.


    I won't comment on the other stances' facets as I don't think I'm sufficiently qualified to do so. Basically my verdict is:


    * Improve the usability of the Glint Active and make it more like the old Facet of Nature everyone knows and loves.

    * Buff the Shiro passive, whether it is just numbers or the addition of something simple like a stack of vuln.

    * Shave the Shiro active slightly whether it be cast time, radius, or damage.


    As for the Core Value trait, I really don't know what I'd like to see done. Perhaps adding a CD reduction by 20% as OP said (making the CD 16s) would work in addition to deactivating the facet when you swap legends. I am, however, a fan of the True Nature cooldowns being universal and the herald having to make a tradeoff as to what legend he wants to activate the skill in.

  12. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > Stealth is an invulnerability and it can be spammed every 3 seconds, of course it needs to be reworked or revoke in WvW and PvP specially while in combat.


    > And yes, it is an INVULNERABILITY because you cannot damage the target while in stealth because you cannot see it, you can throw random attacks at an area but that does not mean you will hit the target, so if you do not hit the target, the target is invulnerable. Also, there are skills that require a target to activate, therefore, the whole stealth mechanic is an invulnerability that can be spammed and that NEEDS TO GO!





    Yikes my dude. As a herald both good thieves and mesmers are terrible matchups for me and I still don't think that being in stealth is invuln.

  13. Herald main but I spend significant time on holosmith, DH/FB and base warr/sb as well as some freshweaver, soulbeast, reaper, daredevil/base thief and whatever I feel like. Only thing I don't like playing is mesmer because I suck at mesmer and once mirage got nerfed, I could no longer autopilot my one-shot mirage mantra build. Now that it requires a tiny bit of brainpower I feel no motivation to play it when I enjoy everything else more. As for condi mirage it's the top cancer of the WvW roaming scene so I feel like I shouldn't add any more misery to peoples' lives than all the other condi mirage players already do lol.

  14. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > I used to play with this guy who would play core engi no matter the "meta" no matter what we needed him to play. He did it so he could have the psychological win at the end of the day. If he lost he would just say "of course I lost I'm playing core engi." If he won he would say "wow this guy is trash he lost to a core engi." No matter what he had a way to make himself feel like he was the underdog, that the odds were against him. Sometimes he would lose a lot one day and complain about how op everything else was. I feel like this op could've been written by him.


    Lol this is so true. I understand counters and it's why I don't get bent out of shape if I can't beat a decent condi mirage, but these people who handicap themselves just to take advantage of their raging inferiority complex are far worse than the people who play meta builds.

  15. In my opinion shield should be a purely defensive weapon oriented for PvP/WvW gamemodes. That said I think it's a lot closer to being viable than most think as I still make shield work in WvW roaming and smallscale every day without much issue. Shield should also work in a boon-oriented fashion.


    Here are a few POTENTIAL suggestions I'd have. Obviously if you implemented all of these shield would become way too strong, so please don't think I'm advocating for all of these. Perhaps one of each, or even just two out of all of them, would improve shield gameplay significantly.


    **Envoy of Exuberance**


    Increase base healing and healing power scaling by 25% each.


    Allow it to apply double protection to the revenant if he/she casts the skill on him/herself (this already works on your allies if you cast it point-blank).


    Add another boon to it, probably regen. Could have it apply 2 seconds of resistance but that'd probably be too good.


    **Crystal Hibernation**


    Increase healing power scaling by 25%. IMO base healing is fine on this skill but you could make an argument for changing it back to its original value (nerfed Jan 2016).


    Allow it to let you move at 66% reduced speed (as if you were chilled) while channeling.


    **Hardening Persistence** (shield-oriented trait):


    In addition to its other effects, gain increased concentration (+75). Gain additional concentration (+75) when wielding a shield. *note: A reasonable 5% boon duration increase permanently and 10% in total when wielding a shield. Shouldn't be too broken given the rest of the benefits of the trait aren't EXTREMELY impactful.


    Add the old effect of Soothing Bastion to this trait: Using a Shield skill increases the duration of boons currently on allies within a 600 radius by 2 seconds. *note: This trait is much more in line with changes that have been made these days to boon-sharing skills such as Signet of Inspiration and the new, crappy Glint F2. It was never used in the past due to the absolutely awful instant proc, but could be a very valuable resource these days especially since boons have become harder to come by on revenant. This could also help herald specifically help compete for the role of boonshare.


    Anyway, these are just a few suggestions I'd have about various ways to improve the herald's shield. Some things, like changing Shield 5 to an Invuln or allowing it to reflect would make it way too good in my opinion.

  16. I think it's pretty obviously bad overall, but this isn't due to the transfers themselves, it's due to the stubbornness of the linking system and the unwillingness to go down to 3 tiers for NA, which I think is direly needed. Most anyone wants to play in T1 or T2 to avoid playing Running Simulator 2019.


    I'm not too happy about it as my home server FC is the most recent one to be bandwagoned, but at the same time I can't really blame players for wanting to leave places like SoR. It's just staring down the barrel of this happening to us as well and leaving native FC players in 12th place in a dead T4 a few months from now that will be really frustrating, as much as I would like to represent my own server.


    So, bad overall, but not the players' fault as easy as they are to blame.

  17. My answer is no and that doesn't have to do with me thinking the class is OP or the obvious fact that Herald vs Condi Mirage is quite possibly one of the worst matchups in the game. No matter what I'm playing, I don't have fun playing against core one-shot mesmer or any variant of mirage. I don't feel like it's a fun matchup whether I'm playing rev, warrior, guard, thief, engi, ele, or anything else.


    The only mesmer spec I have veritably had fun fighting in this game is power chrono. However, I feel the poll is a bit skewed, so I voted for my overall opinion, which is that mesmer is unfun to fight against, especially these days. Mirage is by design terrible to fight against due to the complete BS nature of Mirage Cloak. No matter whether I win or lose I have no fun fighting it. This goes for both PvP and WvW but obviously it's worse in WvW with the permanent disengage.

  18. I completely agree with OP. The only way to get these jewels is not only RNG with metas, but timegated when it comes to the Hidden Chest. WvW and PvP reward tracks should be an alternative way to obtain most PvE materials, and I believe these jewels should be added to the reward track as they are not a raid- or fractal-specific reward.


    Even though it may not be meta, Diviner's gear is still the most interesting new stat combination in a while and something many WvW players like myself want to try out. My suggestion would be to add two Exquisite Serpentine Jewels to the reward track in the 15th and 35th positions or something similar.


    The metas have no unique reward save for the new exotic mace and shield (it is my assumption this is how you acquire these weapons) as well as the Diviner's stat jewels and the plates (which are simply used to get more jewels). It is otherwise unlucrative- cue the old "2 greens and a blue" adage- as there are no unique infusion drops or anything else unique that will keep these metas alive for more than a month or two. In my opinion this is a poor way to design rewards and a rather annoying way of making people come back to a meta that is, frankly, lacking in almost every category.


    All you have to do is look back at AB, TD, and DS- the HoT maps- to see the formula for a well-designed map meta. Honestly, even the Death-Branded Shatterer is still doing well because people are after the Crystal Infusion. Istan is lucrative. Hey look, people still play it. Then look at the Desolation and Serpent's Ire metas. No rewards, no one plays them. Tried and true formulae of what makes a successful map meta in GW2.

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