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anonymous.7812's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. All of them were justified - some need to be retuned - the 300s traits, the damage of hard CC skills. There's still a LOT of outliers that weren't touched, or were barely scratched. Guard symbols, DH traps, Chrono CC+Strip interaction, Berzerker burst, Purity of Purpose.. just to name a few.
  2. I've only ever seen SoS win fights on SEA/OCX when most every other server has 10 players online. If you're looking for NA pugmanders, avoid SoS like the plague. If you're into grossly outnumbering people on SEA/OCX, and fighting a lot of doors, yeah SoS is probably fine. Not BG player btw.
  3. The current Chrono meta is getting very stale, very fast -- hopefully @"Cal Cohen.2358" has something up his sleeves in a month or 2.
  4. Durability. Have your support classes stack those. The extra healing isn't as important as high uptime on resistance and protection.
  5. > @"PrinceValentine.9320" said: > FA, has the worst guilds when it comes to open-field fights. They are one of the most boring servers to fight. Btw, I main Firebrand most of the time, but since the squad I am currently enjoying running with, has a scattered style of attacking the enemy, bunker shortbow ranger is possibly the best to bring. So you're out there dominating FA guilds on SoS with a bunker SB ranger. Are you playing late SEA/OCX/EU or something when there's 3 people playing?
  6. Yeah staff Weavers suck, please buff them! They definitely do really really low DPS and definitely need many buffs. Thanks Arenanet!
  7. I got one on one of my accounts as well. It's real - it goes to qualtrics. It was a survey asking if we knew what the combo system is, and how much we use it / like it. They're still trying to gauge whether or not to continue to support this system. They've been patching out combo traits/runes etc. Removing that system will likely just lower the skill ceiling a ton and dumb-down the game quite a bit, which is not fun at all.
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