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Posts posted by babazhook.6805

  1. As soon as a poster lables another build brainless, or as a cancer they are demonstrating a bias. As such it MY opinion they can not be objective on issues relating to the same.


    This no different then real life where a person lables an entire group of people as stupid and then offers suggestions for what is best for them.

  2. My single largest reason for multiple characters of the same profession is I got tired of flipping gear/traits and the like over everytime I wanted to play an alternate build. It was a pain to sort through lockers to try and find gear or to carry all the extra sets on an exisiting build so as to regear.


    It also cheaper at the end of the day for storage space even though I have max tabs for the same already.


    All of the reasons others have listed above alos play a role.

  3. The build is not OP. While it can be easier to play, I see no reason to "hate the build" just because that the case any more than I can hate a profession that is easier to play. Some people prefer the fact it easier to play. There nothing wrong with it.


    S/d power has the same in and out ports and is as frustrating to play against as is s/d condition. S/d power is much more effective. That "ease of play" is more condition hate then anything. I tried s/d condition for a spell and much like d/d condition it just not my preference so moved on. People have a choice to play it if they wish and choices can never be bad for a game. S/d power on a thief will just wreck this build with little real risk when doing so. You can peel off those conditions with ease in an Acro s/d power build making the condition build ineffective.

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