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Everything posted by RainbowTurtle.3542

  1. That's not really right at all, you can't really compare a game company to a dentist or mechanic. Anet's doing things differently than other companies. It's not like you NEED to follow a formula for games to work, just look at games like Undertale. It keeps track of stuff you do, altering their files as you play. Not with updates, but with the actions you take, such as killing Toriel and resetting because you felt guilty. And the game makes it KNOWN it kept track of that. Just because ANet isn't doing one tried and true method for their LWs other than "Each episode is free if you play during it's launch" doesn't mean they don't have a plan. Sure, it might be weaker than others comparatively, but they're going to shake it up regardless. They've stated they are planning on doing more after EoD, and that EoD was not called EoD to mark the end of the game. If the DLC launches well and continues growth in the game, then it does. If it doesn't, then it doesn't. They could potentially change the way you think about combat and fighting with EoD, for better or worse. They're going to try different stuff no matter what. On another note, people had really high expectations for this episode. It's understandable to feel it's weak. But, in my opinion, they gave really all that was advertised. Sure, they made the trailer look like your standard "AMAZING EPIC 10/10 PERFECT GAMEPLAY WITH ALL THESE CRAZY MOMENTS", but to say that should make the expectation higher than the trailer made it seem is wrong. Every game company paints their game, or new mode, or whatever, in a grandiose spotlight. Anet's finally started doing that with their advertising, because it just wasn't working for them otherwise. We got Dragon Response missions. We can gain more support with allies. We all thought it'd be a progress based thing like masteries, but honestly, I don't think that would be better than the global progress. It makes you feel more like a part of Dragon's Watch than singular commanders running around. We get a few new skins because they've been doing that. We'll be getting the Dwarves and other factions soon. And hopefully, ANet finds a way to tie in this PvE factions/allies type stuff with PvP or WvW style factions stuff. Maybe EoD releases a factions type mode, and as a guild you can decide which faction to take support from, either getting different NPCs or boons to assist you during the fight.
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