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Posts posted by Kelly.7019

  1. as for op's

    3) that why they sell the "what cha ma call its" from the gemstore and don't include it in the ghalls. originally they shoulda but they won't now.

    4) - rotation of decorations on all 3 axis needs to happen yesterday.

    6) anet needs to add themepark- player created content to the game. either have a portal in cap cities or from ghall that takes you to player created content- races/ tracks in their ghall, jps, w/e. bonus would be having new instanced maps players can create tracks in. clone the decs you have and apply them to these new maps or have everyone have the same set of decs to be used.

    7) can be applied when they revamp the decoration system for personal housing. Apply all these options there.

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Kelly.7019" said:

    > > I agree that probs not much will ever change. but since its been 8 years now and people are clearly getting tired of them i wouldn't mind seeing brand new festivals based on new things like maybe LW story releases? For the following year(only?) you could have celebrations in some way relating to that LW map/story content and bring renewed interest back to this map for a period of time while also not having the same boring things each year in old celebrations.


    > The issue with this is that not all players have access to those maps and giving them temp access can possibly circumvent the need for them to unlock them.


    ah tru, well tried carrying an idea from another game over. guess that scraps that. heh

    of course you could just #1 force them to buy the LW in order to play the celebration or #2 make people mad that they can't play it cause they don't own the LW. :)

    or #3 post cantha anet could entirely change their strat and make LW's mini xpacs- :) but i think people will hate that idea. i dunno just brainstorming here.


  3. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > Festivals are just a cheap way of delivering """content""". Also, since these festivals are mostly automated at this point, I would not expect any major changes to what they contain. "B..but they did mounts" - yeah sure, never say never, I just wouldn't get my hopes up too high for any substantial changes to any of the festivals.


    I agree that probs not much will ever change. but since its been 8 years now and people are clearly getting tired of them i wouldn't mind seeing brand new festivals based on new things like maybe LW story releases? For the following year(only?) you could have celebrations in some way relating to that LW map/story content and bring renewed interest back to this map for a period of time while also not having the same boring things each year in old celebrations. Or stagger this with the old celebrations one year on one year off. Or i could just keep playing Eso where that kinda thing exists and just continue to mostly ignore these "content" releases.


    I know, i know we finally got all the festivals we wanted and now people want other things. heh.

    I dunno it just feels like these things are filling the gaps till the xpac comes out. And that's not how it should feel.


    And maybe there is excitement for new players but i'm an 8 year vet and this content feels dated.


    New track for February! So i'm sticking to the idea of trying to make a new track in our guild hall each month. I like to change the hall around much like i'd redesign my room. :) I think it gets boring to see the same stuff every month but i've noticed as far as decorating in general goes some other guilds seem to decorate once and done. It makes me sad to visit other guildhalls and see that they haven't changed there designs in a year. So i try to change it up month to month and give people the opportunity to practice, practice, practice! I'm quite addicted to beetling and spend a lot of time just playing in the guild hall. Personally I think guild halls are quite under used and have a lot of potential for some amazing things!

  5. New Year, New Rollerbeetle track! The 1st Rollerbeetle track of 2021 and it's a speedsters/ drifting lovers delight! I used some of the candy cane narrow beam methods from the Krampusmas track and I enjoyed it a whole bunch! I just kinda threw this together last minute and it turned out quite well. It's a harder track most def for my guildies, but making new challenging courses is quite entertaining. As i've made over 25 tracks these past 2 years in all the guild halls finding new ways to roll through them is becoming a challenge, so maybe i'll just have to up the difficulty level. ?

  6. I hope i'm not blind, but i don't see an Obsiian Shard Eater. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian_Shard

    I have about 12 stacks of these **Obsidian Shards** sitting in my bank. 3-5 stacks are for possible future legendaries or w/e but the rest is just over kill. A shard eater would be nice, but i generally think not great rewards comes from those and these a mats are precious! ~~Maybe find a way to put them in other things for requirements/sinks for good rewards?~~ Ok well i see there are other things to use em for that i either have or don't want apparently. :) Just to be clear i've played the game since launch so I have plenty of them and storage is a problem & deleting them is a poor solution. :( I still think an eater would be nice.


    _p.s. I saw another post on this but I thought bumping a 3 year old post would put me on anet's naughty list, so tada!_

  7. Not sure i have all of them... found 5


    Embelished Wintersday Star (left)

    Wintersday Star (right)

    Wintersday Garland (straight)

    Draped Wintersday Garland (curved)

    Snowfall Drift


    The stars rotate and hover up and down a lil bit. Garland is stationary. Snowfall drift sort of like the snow machine but bigger


    Post Processing off ![](https://i.imgur.com/D8q0hRs.jpg "")


    Post Processing on low ![](https://i.imgur.com/F7Okk8t.jpg?1 "")


    closer view of the garland ![](https://i.imgur.com/q85Je9t.jpg "")


    Post Processing on low ![](https://i.imgur.com/RYpAHDw.jpg "")

    Post Processing off ![](https://i.imgur.com/PnVlp5y.jpg "")

    Texture of Snowfall Drift's pile is different (above view looking down) ![](https://i.imgur.com/pOjgXCz.jpg "")




  8. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Kelly.7019" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > It's because the episode is being piece-mealed further by content being locked behind global progression.

    > >


    > >

    > > Mobilization Crystal Rewards > Rallying the Crystal Bloom? no idea how to do this still stuck at 0/5

    > > plus buying 5 things from that erikson vendor did nothing to progress anything


    > You need to exchange five of the blue crystals with the female Awakened Crystal Bloom vendor.


    thanks that worked! i guess map chat isn't too good for correct info :)

  9. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > It's because the episode is being piece-mealed further by content being locked behind global progression.




    Mobilization Crystal Rewards > Rallying the Crystal Bloom? no idea how to do this still stuck at 0/5

    plus buying 5 things from that erikson vendor did nothing to progress anything

  10. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > _assuming_ it comes after cantha, that cantha xpac doesn't have wvw alliances (zomg how dare you doubt you heathen), it costs less (20$?), they revamp all the weak stuff and add the missing skills (necro elite well, teef preparation heal etc. and maybe some new core weapons), and blah blah what have you. no not another elite spec since cantha will have one. gvg support for wvw and actual multiple working modes for pvp (one can pray).


    it's waaay too early to even think about the next xpac after cantha. _well for us anyways._ kinda feels very uneasy if that's even going to happen, but i need more info. please everyone comment below on this. :D


    **edit:** i wonder if cantha will have the gw1 dual spec thing. blending two specs into 1? So i can be that warrrior/mesmer i always wanted to be. :)

  11. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Kelly.7019" said:

    > > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > > Some people are just unhappy about the state of the current game and the direction it is going.

    > > > > Those I find are the ones who say the game is dead/dying.

    > > > >

    > > > > Most of us disagree and don't feel the same way.

    > > >

    > > > I disagree with the misguided direction the game is going, but never have I considered that the game is dying or dead.

    > >

    > > I think the vocal minority push this idea more then most the casuals that are still playing this wonderful game blissfully unware.

    > "that are still playing".


    > Although if you were to actually ask those casuals, you might find that they may have just a tiny bit more complains than you think.



    Yes! People are still playing because they enjoy the game and all that it has to offer. So they have no need to come and complain on the forums.

    Especially if you are new to the game and are hearing "this games dead" makes No sense what so ever because there is tons of stuff to do! Even when i joined the November after launch it felt like there was lots of stuff (no where as near as much stuff now). I mean for the longest time i didn't know the forums existed. I was one of those blissfully unware, satisfied players. (but ya know things change.) :D And when i saw the forums for the first time and what people were saying it was a 180 from my own experiences. I often find though that in most of my gaming communities I've been apart of it is the age of the player and & their life situations that make people leave the game not necessarily just the games content. Still though the hardcore are still here in my guild whether they really love the game or not. I think it has become more about the community then just the game itself.

  12. > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > Some people are just unhappy about the state of the current game and the direction it is going.

    > > Those I find are the ones who say the game is dead/dying.

    > >

    > > Most of us disagree and don't feel the same way.


    > I disagree with the misguided direction the game is going, but never have I considered that the game is dying or dead.


    I think the vocal minority push this idea more then most the casuals that are still playing this wonderful game blissfully unware.

  13. based on the zero responses i'm going to assume the word "Quests" have scared people away. But doesn't HoT kinda have this. [Donate gear to npcs for rep er something?] Probably not what you mean though. But i wouldn't mind some "quests" added to the game. :D Like an archeology system or something. or more to questing->Hunt down special map champion monsters in sea caves&delves adding new content to old coremaps. And for profit sake - this could be sold in gemstore as unlocking this new content through purchase of "X living world" instead of getting with core tyria.

  14. the games not dead- there's an xpac coming out! It's jsut that , that info has been a little over due in some peoples minds and they are tired of waiting and wander off to go play other games which makes it seem like the game is dying. If they don't come back then it sure might be..


    I mean i haven't played hardcore that much this year. I wandered off to ESO and love it, but its really a sub game which i dislike, but am willing to fork over my money to them to make things a lil easier storage wise :(. ~~I better not say that or someone will get ideas.~~ Still i love the rollerbeetle and scribbing and that's what is really keeping me coming back to gw2 though this game isn't **at all** investing in those things.

  15. yes pls! more weather eefects that coudl also affect how your toon walks through that environment. rain- slows you down, snow- chills you, sand storm/blizzard - limited vision. It'd be fun if snow and ran accumulated on the ground where flooding and deep snow would have a dramatic affect on the surfaces- this could be done in new more more easily i'd imagine.


    We already kind of have it in some maps but i'd like to see new ones affected more by weather or have a new map change seasons even seasons! Drytop's sand storm is wonderful! Bjora's blizzards are fun! I see it raining or snowing some times in certains maps but it doesn't do anything to your character. Maybe going to an outpost or town would be like standing next to a fire and cleanse you of harmfull effects and give you a buff for a short period of time during the "bad weather".

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