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Everything posted by LuRkEr.9462

  1. PoF mobs aren't that difficult if you have the basics of dodging. There is a big difference when it comes to core tyria and then HoT and PoF. In the expansions they expected people to dodge and avoid telegraphed abilities, if you don't you get punished much harder. They also have more health so if you don't know your class well enough the fights will be much longer. I am fine with their difficulty but I don't think they should raise the difficulty at all for future expansions, its nice not to just steam roll everything.
  2. I mainly bought it to have a "complete" home instance. Its totally not worth it if actually getting it for the return.
  3. Mesmer using some minstrel gear is still a thing in raids for tanking. Outside of that and maybe WvW support build it wouldn't be used.
  4. If you looked at the rewards we aren't missing much. They really held back on community rewards for this one. (you can right click the bags and preview in the achievement panel)
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