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Posts posted by HAsAsIN.6724

  1. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > charrs have slower animation compared to the pygmy asuras. and as they say, small things move faster and sometimes can be invisible, like water vapor and charrs are like big blocks of ice in a snowy area.

    > If someone throws water vapor in your face or a big block of ice, what hurts the most?



    Do you want to be cooked or you just want a large concussion?


    This can even go metaphysical.



  2. the armor types and style are fit to what the class do when they're dealing damage. of course, in your face warriors should look sturdy with that heavy metal armor, unless the asura finally made a fabric that is 600x sturdier than the hardest metallic alloy in the lore. if yes, you can even use light cloth armor, asura engineered, and face tank everything without using elemental magic (face tank elementalists) but only sword and shield and a greatsword.

  3. > @"Zepoolpe.9217" said:

    > Oh yes .. screw in chat or post a negative comment on forum and at best you have a warning and your so-called offense post is removed very quickly but cheat, exploit and suchlikes and you can do it for ages before they react...

    > Priorities, right?


    looks like data are more offensively dangerous and hit the brain harder than executables..

  4. have you ever heard of 1/2 year suspension dealt consecutively with 1 -2 months in between because the account owner made the WvW chat like his twitter?


    coz thing is that some guys with their gung gang will bait you using concealed lexical bait and if they fail with that, will go to the point that what they say is also eligible for a suspension and you react with blunt words and the mod will focus on you by highlighting the "cuss" words and not even bothering on how did that happen and why did you say that.


    meaning they don't even weigh both sides, not bothering to read the whole log and just suspend you by word or phrase picking. and you log with your other account and them and their gung gang are still there. and you log after 3 days and yes, they're still there.


    ye. some kind of hocus pocus going on there. i don't think they are moderating properly.


    and if you fucking send them to law school with that mentality, 1/2 year tops for sure and they'll drop out.


  5. the fact that you are trying your best at least to win and you get 2-3 players that just use autoattack and not using their heal skill and if you call them out and they will tell you that they are Platinum and you wonder, what the fuck are they doing in unranked pressing 11111 and not using their heal skill? and you fucking see Whatevers of the Arena in the other team at the same fucking time?


    no such thing as Random? likely.

  6. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > War Machine was a Korean guild and they most definitely didn't bring kaining to t1. That's a downright silly claim. They transfered there to protest WvW only having 2 maps. I remember Jang Gun making that post well.


    > And not knowing who TW was, then, kinda proves my point. You weren't there. They transfered to NA to fight us.


    > Are you doing this intentionally xD



    Never heard of any Tempest Wolves in GW1. I came from GW1 so i trailed who came from there. The Guilds that i mentioned are either from GW1 or who’s the hype in game during those early times. Maybe i saw your guild in some of the gvg vids that i saw but it was not poignant in my memory. Well actually i saw tempest wolves play in tarnished coast and hang out in their zerg when kazo pulled me there and that’s like a year or 2 ago.


    About war machine, theyre from gw1 and they were big there but trailing 2nd from the last pride. Yeah, maybe youre right. But definately they got to tier two, from tier7 or 6 or 8? I forgot.



    Don’t tell me youre indo? Lelz.

  7. > @"Taylan.2187" said:

    > I really don't care about the details but apparently the server we're currently linked with has some internal drama where a player is trying to "lobby" the server into changing some rule they have on their Teamspeak server. This "lobbying" is done in the form of randomly pulling EWPs, wasting mats by building tons of trebs right there inside the supply depot, building siege on top of tactics so they're difficult to pull, and so on.


    > Apparently, none of that behavior is against the rules. Why is that so? I understand that Anet might not want to get involved in the drama among the player base, but the way some players end up behaving is just anti-social and hurts the experience of all players on the server plus the linked server, when the player only has some issue with a few key people.


    > Example of trolling:


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5R7B4lZ.jpg "")



    you just have to be precise on your clicking the appriopriate label. so you need to turn on the option to display all object names/labels.

  8. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > whatever your stance is, RG did some things that few others pulled off. I don't care if they were uplevels, 20v80 is impressive.


    > See that's another thing entirely. The 5 player AoE cap was _only_ for damage early on. If you stacked a bunch of healers in one spot they were unkillable. At the time few knew that, fewer still understood the full implications of what that did to gameplay. The people that did know it at barely 2 months into the game had been in the beta. RG was so early on that most people were still waiting to unlock their elite skill and dressed in blues and yellos


    unlock their and dressed in blues and yellos? have you even heard of maturity? or fast learning? or just being epic?


    you are using your lack of experience to fucking say that, "RG went to WvW from day one and i was still grinding pve so they still suck"? do you mean that RG were all alone during the first day of Release in WvWvW maps and everyone is PvEing? i trust the videos that i watched when all the WvWvW pwning and GvGing were Youtube Televised.


    and how did Even Sacrx become Ultimate Dominator? i heard you have to pwn players to get that.


    and was he even Diamond Legend when he did that? did that title exist before even? if yes, it exists and he is not that when he got Ultimate Dominator, how?



  9. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > looks like something similar from one type here..

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Ian-Boyd-on-WvWvWing-in-Guild-Wars-2/page/1#post1963445

    > > > > > > > > > ^^ love the amoeba deflection :3

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Sadly, ppl always want to tail the dragon these days, and thus cause a yolo clash of herds of sheep instead.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > maybe there are more tips other than that. just scour the archives..

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > anyway, Sacrx.6721 of Red Guard and the first ever Ultimate Dominator in both of the server combined even commented on that thread, but not that srs. But it's notable coz Red Guard of EU server was the most epic then and top NA guilds back then was not even in their level, imho. They even transferred server at times to challenge and GvG the top NA guilds.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > and just youtube their videos (i hope there's still some) and listen how he commanded, lelz.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > They got polished up on tactics in beta and dominated before most people even finished leveling and gearing. They've been gone for 20x as long as they played... It's long since time to stop idolizing sacrx, he's using the same tactic right now to grab an early lead in Camelot Unchained but this time it's backfired lol.

    > > > > > > > Tl;dr: sacrx is king of a game that will never launch.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > compared to the most Ultimate Dominators now who got the title by going to Obsidian Sanctum, tagging hits vs the other server's blob and that blob mass suicided by jumping from high ground repeatedly and which that they obviously paid, Sacrx.6721 got his title legitly.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > and y so bitter when i just stated the facts. you doing that is like you saying that the pioneers of the internet don't matter now.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > lelz.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Having Ultimate Dominator is a mathematical eventuality.

    > > > > > I downplay his method of playing games because it's idiotic. Red Guard played the game A LOT before it launched. When it was buggy, when it was terribly balanced, when it wasn't ready for consumption... Just to get a head start. So they got to be veterans in a land filled with newbies and impressed people like you. But they were also bored and quit before the game had been live for a year and basically missed _everything_.

    > > > > > And for what? So the uninformed can toot their horns in a game they will never see again because they're off to get gud at the next half-made game.

    > > > >

    > > > > yeah i give you that. Red Guard quit prematurely. But it's not undeniable when they were in the field, they were the best and thinking otherwise, again, is sign of bitterness.

    > > > >

    > > > > they are not in the game anymore and you're still bitter? why?

    > > >

    > > > Bitter is your word.

    > > >

    > > > They won some early gvg's. They had a massive head start. They quit before the general population caught up.

    > > >

    > > > Those are three facts I throw out as a public service when I see them brought up because there's still lots of players that treat them like legends. It's been seven years since they played, enough already. They'd be the noobs if they came back now.

    > >

    > > Blah


    > Son, I was in Tempest Wolves (ranked #1na) at the time. I literally GvG'd Red Guard. I might be the only person on this board besides my wife who did.


    > _I_ tell _you_ how it was


    i watched the Video made when Sacrx became the first Ever Ultimate Dominator and the notable NA guild can be said that played during the time when RG played is War Machine WvW team. WM got bored went to the Lowest ranked server, Kaineng and fucking carry tanked that server to the top so fast. they wanted to be the 1st place but they just got 2nd-3rd i think and they decided to transfer to Blackgate after that feat.


    but sorry, never heard of Tempest Wolves being bad ass in group fighting.


    the NA guilds that were epic when the 2nd wave of EU great was Team Aggression is Aggression, Night Shift and Everything Purple.


    so ye.

  10. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > > > > > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > > > > looks like something similar from one type here..

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Ian-Boyd-on-WvWvWing-in-Guild-Wars-2/page/1#post1963445

    > > > > > ^^ love the amoeba deflection :3

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Sadly, ppl always want to tail the dragon these days, and thus cause a yolo clash of herds of sheep instead.

    > > > >

    > > > > maybe there are more tips other than that. just scour the archives..

    > > > >

    > > > > anyway, Sacrx.6721 of Red Guard and the first ever Ultimate Dominator in both of the server combined even commented on that thread, but not that srs. But it's notable coz Red Guard of EU server was the most epic then and top NA guilds back then was not even in their level, imho. They even transferred server at times to challenge and GvG the top NA guilds.

    > > > >

    > > > > and just youtube their videos (i hope there's still some) and listen how he commanded, lelz.

    > > >

    > > > They got polished up on tactics in beta and dominated before most people even finished leveling and gearing. They've been gone for 20x as long as they played... It's long since time to stop idolizing sacrx, he's using the same tactic right now to grab an early lead in Camelot Unchained but this time it's backfired lol.

    > > > Tl;dr: sacrx is king of a game that will never launch.

    > >

    > > compared to the most Ultimate Dominators now who got the title by going to Obsidian Sanctum, tagging hits vs the other server's blob and that blob mass suicided by jumping from high ground repeatedly and which that they obviously paid, Sacrx.6721 got his title legitly.

    > >

    > > and y so bitter when i just stated the facts. you doing that is like you saying that the pioneers of the internet don't matter now.

    > >

    > > lelz.


    > Having Ultimate Dominator is a mathematical eventuality.

    > I downplay his method of playing games because it's idiotic. Red Guard played the game A LOT before it launched. When it was buggy, when it was terribly balanced, when it wasn't ready for consumption... Just to get a head start. So they got to be veterans in a land filled with newbies and impressed people like you. But they were also bored and quit before the game had been live for a year and basically missed _everything_.

    > And for what? So the uninformed can toot their horns in a game they will never see again because they're off to get gud at the next half-made game.


    yeah i give you that. Red Guard quit 'prematurely'. But it's not undeniable when they were in the field, they were the best and thinking otherwise, again, is sign of bitterness.


    they are not in the game anymore and you're still bitter? why?

  11. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > > > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > > > looks like something similar from one type here..

    > > > >

    > > > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Ian-Boyd-on-WvWvWing-in-Guild-Wars-2/page/1#post1963445

    > > > ^^ love the amoeba deflection :3

    > > >

    > > > Sadly, ppl always want to tail the dragon these days, and thus cause a yolo clash of herds of sheep instead.

    > >

    > > maybe there are more tips other than that. just scour the archives..

    > >

    > > anyway, Sacrx.6721 of Red Guard and the first ever Ultimate Dominator in both of the server combined even commented on that thread, but not that srs. But it's notable coz Red Guard of EU server was the most epic then and top NA guilds back then was not even in their level, imho. They even transferred server at times to challenge and GvG the top NA guilds.

    > >

    > > and just youtube their videos (i hope there's still some) and listen how he commanded, lelz.


    > They got polished up on tactics in beta and dominated before most people even finished leveling and gearing. They've been gone for 20x as long as they played... It's long since time to stop idolizing sacrx, he's using the same tactic right now to grab an early lead in Camelot Unchained but this time it's backfired lol.

    > Tl;dr: sacrx is king of a game that will never launch.


    compared to the most Ultimate Dominators now who got the title by going to Obsidian Sanctum, tagging hits vs the other server's blob and that blob mass suicided by jumping from high ground repeatedly and which that they obviously paid, Sacrx.6721 got his title legitly.


    and y so bitter when i just stated the facts. you doing that is like you saying that the pioneers of the internet don't matter now.



  12. > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > > @"HAsAsIN.6724" said:

    > > looks like something similar from one type here..

    > >

    > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Ian-Boyd-on-WvWvWing-in-Guild-Wars-2/page/1#post1963445

    > ^^ love the amoeba deflection :3


    > Sadly, ppl always want to tail the dragon these days, and thus cause a yolo clash of herds of sheep instead.


    maybe there are more tips other than that. just scour the archives..


    anyway, Sacrx.6721 of Red Guard and the first ever Ultimate Dominator in both of the server combined even commented on that thread, but not that srs. But it's notable coz Red Guard of EU server was the most epic then and top NA guilds back then was not even in their level, imho. They even transferred server at times to challenge and GvG the top NA guilds.


    and just youtube their videos (i hope there's still some) and listen how he commanded, lelz.

  13. > @"Adry.7512" said:

    > Before voting please read description. This is assuming that Anet will abstain from any P2W models. There will be no P2W, but there will be more monetizing of content. This does not mean that players wont have access to anything unless they pay massive amount of money, but money will be required for big content (Ex: 10-35 dollars depending on the size of the content). Please consider the fact that GW2, while having massive amounts of content and a healthy playerbase that love the game, still manage to profit on the low-end in their quarterlies. They have been suffering on this subject for many years and it may effect the game's growth and longevity in the future. If you love the game and want it to continue to grow and provide us with content, and maybe even future games, then consider this before voting. Sometimes change can be hard and dangerous. But in this poll let us assume that the change wont be destructive and instead it will be fair and sustainable, while also abiding by the poll descriptions.


    > If you have an idea not listed, please feel free to describe it below.


    idk about pay to win but free to play accounts can get the optimal gear for wvwvw.

  14. Full Berserkers Ascended Gear/Weapon Commander Spellbreakers are extinct now i guess.


    But there is one that I remember.


    And it's the most mobile commander in WvWvW.


    That warrior can tank all the red circles and other similar in your face profession tanks with that warrior, then they spread, they go within the midliners casters, wait for the cooldown and do the Claw technic or Amoeba technic again.


    And if you do this, zerg stacking is not an option, but sometimes necessary.


    and it can even lead a (paper) tower defense with some sup arrow carts with only 1/2 of the Map Queue enemy zerg #s that is trying to assault you.


    and i'm thinking that they're extinct coz no one can play the setup properly.

  15. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > They still use DirectX 9. It's kitten hilarious. Its' 18 years old.


    yeah, hilarious such that the game is still on the high charts of epic games this year and they even have a f2p for a dx9 game in 2020.


    and all the other noob games using dx12 don't last for 1/2-1 year.

  16. one way to get more new players with f2p accounts to buy the game is for any guild to have a few low level account holders and host a low level map completion per session.


    it will also grow the roster of your guild.


    the few or even 1 low level account holder(s) is needed so to track uncomplete hearts/objectives, etc.


    of course, dress at your best when doing this.


    that means fashion wars outfit.

  17. 200++ mystic coins is a lot of gold even now in the current market. just play at your own pace, join a zerg in primetimes or learn to solo karma train ppt (level 6) WvW (and use all the reward track boosters | "do the counters for boosters still stop when you exit wvw?") @ offtimes and the clovers will just come naturally, assuming that the acquisition of the thing that you need the mystic clovers for is not that urgent.

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