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Posts posted by HAsAsIN.6724

  1. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

    > > Hey all, we're aware and looking into it. I will keep you posted as I'm able!


    > I'm running out of videos, but when in doubt, roll back the classics



    if they say rollback, is it really rollback or rickrollback?

  2. > @"Marn the wanderer.4230" said:

    > Hi I received this error code today, and I don't understand why it has happened. I was just on the account yesterday, and I tried resetting my password unchecking the fields and retyping my login info. Each time I get this 58:11:5:535 error code. I submitted a ticket with my dxdiag data. I even tried reloading a new network adapter...nothing works I still get the same error code. Interestingly I can login to my Guild wars account and my wife and i could login to my account on her computer. But we tried to login to her account on my pc and the same code. I come onto the forums to see if this is some new thing and wow this has happened a few times over the years. Why? **My Build:103632**


    there's something blocking the connection. likely a software. you can even speculate that it's on A.NET side, that maybe they turned on some switches to not accept the connection from your specific hardware and is not a total isp block since you can log in your wife's computer.


    you can VPN your box producing the error # and it will go through. so it could go a lil complex by thinking that A.NET paired your hardware info + isp strings and used the generated info to prevent you from access.




    and the not-overthinking version is that something in the regular TCP channels got bork borked, either by corruption from the rolled back data because you both logged your NA and EU account on the same day.

  3. You can make the Standard ANSI Latin Character Input using Character compounding, Character Similarity and meta-FormTransformation of set symbols to represent the Cyrillic Letters.


    The alphabet system used is the Standard Russian Alphabet.




    And that's because today, 5/11/2020, is the feast of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius in the Russian Orthodox Church.


    So not only you can input (Extended) Latin, Korean and Chinese, but also Cyrillic now.



  4. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Imagine... if this is data corruption thats been going on invisible in the background since last year and now when they are trying to restore the database they realize that there is no "good" database state because that was too long ago, all the backups are deleted. So they cannot restore the servers without also resetting all EU accounts to 0.


    > **Dun dun DUUUUUUN**


    if that is so, probably that involves fonts/character encoding systems. and the "monitors" or "tracers" decided to rollback coz something was not right according to what they saw when observing the "subjects".


    you can input extended Latin/Chinese/Korean characters to the game.

  5. > @"Akari Kage.1403" said:

    > Hopefully all this day progression isn't lost. If no server lock nor in game notice happened, rollback shouldn't happen either. We can only hope Anet chooses the correct course.


    it will take more time, unless there is something in this IoT, Cloud and other post millenial technologies that can restore accounts, thus removing the rollback, and add the progress that you made to the restored accounts quickly.

  6. > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > For me there are 2 days lost for sure. I should have been able to get to 53 Crimson Assasin's tokens: 29 from the 4 weeks event (last day will count as well tomorrow) + 24 from the chest for 8 dailies. I have been at 49 now. Should have been 51 (+ the one from today and +1 from tomorrow 53 then). I lost Saturday and Sunday. I'm not sure when I did my SAB run and dailies at Saturday. Might have been afternoon or at evening only. (Usually I try afternoon but doesn't always work when I have other stuff to do as well.)


    > PvP progress history is still saved (match history and rating) - as others mentioned already.


    i lost ~40% of my rank bar,

  7. consoles have limited/[has their own] architecture compared to standard gaming computers.


    it has to be the console making the GW2 client run in it by extending its architecture, which is kinda a win to the console makers coz they can accommodate other games.


    and most likely that the console will eat the gaming pc market coz of its portabilty and ease of handling.

  8. > @"Charlie.1726" said:

    > LOL this is both tragic and comedic: I've been playing this game very actively since its release, never found anything of value in all those years. Yesterday I found my first precursor (Leaf of Kudzu) and now because of the rollback it's gone again.


    you want tragic and comedic? all accounts rolled back to August 28, 2012 and someone poured water on their servers and their backup servers after 15 minutes and all the solid state massive backup usb drives were thrown to the garbage bin coz they're put in a black plastic bag when they decided to disinfect their data offices versus COVID-19.

  9. you're not suppose to have a solo mindset if you're full Zerks with the zerg. But you can if you know how to escape after finishing low or downed targets coz within their area, expect some red circle bombing. so you need escape weapons such as GS and Sword.

  10. so last 3 weeks or month ago, i go to my twitch and decided to watch live GW2 video and I saw someone who i follow play some 2v2 on a new map.


    and i started to play recently and still the old maps are there but no 2v2.



  11. It's a fishy rollback coz the guild that i created yesterday is still there but all the items, level, etc. are "rollbacked".


    or the guildname database is separate from the massive database..


    or yeah, fishy rollback...


    (or the REAL Vikings showed up)


    and it is advisable not to play your EU accounts coz likely it will be rollbacked after and restored to this date and any data that your accounts will incur will be reset anyway.

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