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Posts posted by Tora.7214

  1. im currently using a logitech https://http2.mlstatic.com/mouse-gamer-logitech-g600-mmo-laser-negro-20-botones-gaming-D_NQ_NP_943341-MLM28486220349_102018-F.jpg . i like it because besides the 12 side buttons it as a "third" click button, or G-Shift as its called, on the far right that acts basically, as the name implies, a Shift button to all the other buttons in the mouse, so you can have double the amount of configurations with it. My current setup is (SB:side button, LT: left tilt, RT: right tilt (the mouse whell its actually 3 buttons; press, left tilt, right tilt)


    Q: skill 1

    SB1: skill 2

    SB2: skill 3

    SB3: skill 4

    E: skill 5

    LT: healing skill

    SB4: utility 1

    SB5: utility 2

    SB6: utility 3

    RT: elite

    wheel press: weapon swap


    G-Shift+ SB1to SB5: F1 to F5 skills


    SB 7 to 11 each have a mount assigned and the last remaining side button i set it to sheath and unsheath weapon


    Also congratz on getting your gaming mouse, it will be hard to get use to it at the beggining, but thats just at the beggining, once you get used to it and find a configuration you like you will never want to go back to use a normal mouse again




  2. > @"Agrotera.1254" said:

    > I didn't read all of the comments so this may have already been said.

    > >! Glint sent Aurene to learn about Ascension. Glint sent you to learn how everything started. Glint then tells you that Aurene must do something that is going to be very hard for her. She makes it clear that Aurene needs to be able to count on you to get her through it. I think that what Aurene learned is that to Ascend she has to die. Think about it, what is harder than knowing that you are going to die and doing what needs to be done anyways? That is why she needs you, to give her the strength to do what must be done, knowing that you have her back. I believe that Aurene is going to Ascend and return to help us take Kralk down once and for all.


    To add to this. It also would explained why this conversation needed to be private because, be honest, if Glint would have told the commander that Aurene needed to die. Would the commander have allowed Aurene anywhere near the battle or even carry it trough at all? No. Leaving the commander in blank about this point was necesary for the battle to go trough, weaken Kralkatoric, and do what she needed to do. The way she looked at the commander moments before Kralk awakened may have seem like her looking for ensurance to the commander (because of the way we nodded) but it might have just been because Aurene knew that now was the time and that she wanted to look at him/her one last time because she doesnt know in what state she will be once she ascends, if she comes back as a gigantic elder dragon then that very well will mark the end of her travelings with Dragon's Watch


  3. > @"yohoia.1850" said:

    > I am glad I read about the ending of the story before starting the episode. Now I can avoid getting depressed and heartbroken by skipping the story and wait until episode 6 to do 5 and 6 together (or skip 5 altogether) - when and if there is less tragic and more heroic (positive/hopeful) ending; where we kill the big bad dragon, save the world, the Commander triumphs, Aurene is restored (somehow) and we can move on to new adventures - such as CANTHA (couldn't resist).


    > I love the map and the setting and the new items/sigils etc. I really wanted to get out of the desert and snowy regions are my favourite. So, apart from the story arc and its ending, I love the episode :)


    that until the next main character snuff it, Anet should make a votation poo thread and title it "what main character you want us to kill next? vote here". Seriously your order mentor, Belinda, Eir, Trehearne, Blish, Aurene. Zojja hasnt apeared since she was released from her pod wayyyyy back on HoT so she might be dead for all we know, gosh even SNAFF appeared and the one to recieve him was Tai- omg i just remembered that Taimi its supposed to be terminal... there is another main character on death´s door right there, i just answered my own question




  4. The new dinamic camera movement was a very nice touch, i hope they keep doing it in the future.


    >! However that ending, GOSH, why does Anet love to kill out main and lovable characters?; Your order mentor, Eir, Blish, and now frigging Aurene?! I understand why Anet pushed back the release date for the episode; They didnt wanted to ruin our holydays


    >! I really hope they dont keep her dead, would be a real d*ck move after milking so much merchandise from her (i actually got all her miniatures and accesories :c) otherwise a lot of things wont make sense in the future (like the whole Crystal Champion mastery line for example) If the commander could come back from the death, and shrugh it like a walk in the park ("yes i was death, but now im not" Everyone else: "hmm, seems legit") i dont see why Aurene cant, besides, there is also a lot of "death is no permanent" foreshadowing in this episode too.


    >! Now if you excuse me, im gonna go hug my Aurene plushie and tell her everything will be okay while curling up in the nest i made for her in the previous episode :`(

  5. personally like the OP, i would like either off hand sword or greatsword for a Devil May Cry-ish Dante like gameplay with greatsword and dual pistols.


    Considering though that both elites spec so far have given damage roles to thief i think its more posible that the next elite for thief will end up being a support one

  6. 1. Sunrise, Claw of the Khan-ur

    2. Sunrise because after all these years still looks amazing

    3. not being able to use Sunrise on my revenant, wich is my corrently most used proffesion. And having chosen Claw of the Khan Ur at all, all my characters are charr, and i chosed the claw for its importance and lore to the charr, however very few of my characters use daggers atm, and the effect itsn very visible/hard to tell you are using a legendary at all. If i would have though it better i would have crafted the Shining Blade instead because it looks way more flashy and it isnt unheard of at all of Charrs wielding human made artifacts *coughcoughRytlockcough*

  7. i don´t know if this has allready been suggested, but i would like to suggest that all dungeons recieve the same treatment Arah recieved and have their story mode difficulty lowered so that they can be soloed.


    There is hardly any reason at all to do dungeons nowadays, less of all story more. And like the rest of personal story/expansion content, they shouldnt be locked behind a party. That way new players (and old ones that havent done them all) can enjoy the story mode of dungeons without the hassle of finding a party for them

  8. it reminds me a bit to the build i posted here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/60574/made-a-power-tanky-renegade-build/p1?new=1 however i went with a mix of cavalier/knight/berserker stats. the overall power its similar however the trade off its about 30% of crit damage and 2k of health in favor of 3.4k armor. it makes you quite tanky when you combine it with the protection of renegade legends or the damage reduction of Jalis and still hits hard thanks to the natural dmg amplifiers of revenant and easy 20 might stacking, dodging isnt that really much of a problem either because you still have 75% crit from fury and natural prescicion alone. over 100% when you dont dodge.


    the main downside i was able to see though testing this build in open world was stability source. the one from Darkrazor only lasting 1 second without re aply and sacrificing energy for inspiring reinforcement in jalis you eventually need to swap legend. Maybe i was just hoping too much trying to test this to solo dungeons, overall its quite posible to solo tank champs and their adds with this build, but once they stunlock you and several elites start raining down hard on you.... i was able to solo Ascalon but caudecus i just couldnt get pass the part after you leave the tunnel because every encounter from there on are groups of 4-5 elite enemies that, while they themselves were not the problem, atleast 3 of them always focus on spaming stuns/knockdowns/launches/knockbacks that a single player stability source cannot protect agaisnt

  9. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > L like your general idea of using the Revenant's crit abilities to substitute endurance related stats for Precision. I had a similar idea for PVE, which I've put up in its own thread.


    I was able to test the build today on actual real open world pve content, using a few differences while i get the most anoying pieces of the build and found out that you dont actually need to go full cavalier as i did to get extremely tanky.


    By replacing the rings and amulet with Knight stats, now you are able to have a passive 33% critical chance, when endurance is not full, 66% when is full and plain out 106% with Fury. and still having a respectable 195% ferocity and 3.4k armor with 16k hp.


    I threw myself agaisnt some hard to solo pve content to see how it went, and i found myself that it was able to quite easily solo some of the most anoying ones like the Chak egg champion and the mushroom queen in Tangled Deep by just outright tanking trough their attacks (the mushroom queen needed a bit more strategy)


    Fury and 25 might stacks were very easy to keep permanently, and with the natural damage multipliers of revenant i was actually quite surprised with the damage i was doing. throwing a couple legends in renegade stance for protection stack and then switching to jalis for the hammers 20% damage reduction makes you even more tanky.


    Ill try to throw myself latter to even harder events to see how it goes, i have the forged commander army event in mind


    If im unable to do it, and seeing as its still quite posible to keep a respectable 73% critical chance with fury alone ill try out a Herald variant with staff s/sh later. having a respectably source of regen and block on both weapons might just do the trick


    My overall goal here is to find a revenant/renegade/herald capable of tanking trough/soloing extremely hard contents like fractal 80+ and still dealing respectable damage, one of those "one man army" build as they call them. I believe this is quite posible thanks to the overall high critical % and damage modifiers that revenant have on its traits alone that allow him to chose a few defensive stats that sinergy pretty with its natural sustain and still keep a high dps without the need of going full berserker like the current "meta" builds do

  10. i havent touched necro but i´ve played a lot of stealth deadeye in sPvp and i can tell you that a good counter is using a minions build and hiding between them, their only skill with pierce is Spotter Shot/Skimirsher shot and they cannot spike you down so easily with it, summon your minion army and stay well hiding within them and you will block they line of sight for DJ or TRB

  11. > @"Lucas.3718" said:

    > I personally wish for a greatsword or a off-hand sword next.


    i saw the post tittle and i inmediatly though about these 2 before even watching your comment xD. Greatsword with dual pistols in the second set for a devil may cry-ish style of play would be awesome


    Considering how Anet likes odd class/weapon combinations though and since thief allready have 2 dps elites. We might end up getting something like warhorn/torch/focus and a support oriented spec

  12. Hello, i been trying to find a way to make a build that hits hard, but with a bit of armor too as to not relay purely on the revenant natural sustain. i havent tried this on open world, but i´ve had a very effective goes testing it agaisnt the commander and bosses of spvp lobby coming barely scratched, i would like to hear suggestion or what do you guys think of it


    the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlIQJAssnXNWMTqJvmR/kZzsgytZ4QZ3MYr8bmlNliNMSj3oNAOgF4vHLyjE-jRCBAB8v/QkKB/U9nuUaglyAAeAA5pHwLlYbcCA2HEAYVlqqqSKgIWaB-e


    Before explaining it i want to mention the biggest downside of it: dodging is not recommended unless extremely necesary, however there are ways to come across this limitation that ill mention bellow


    Also this build was made for open world pve in mind so its effectiveness in other game modes may vary



    The build uses mainly Cavalier stats with Durability Runes and berserker weapons, wich will be mainly only dual swords, however hammer can be taken if range is needed.



    - keeping endurance at full gives us extra 33% critical chance, this is why dodging is not adviced unless fully necesary, and Roiling mists makes our fury grant 20% extra crit chance, with the 20% we allready have from berserker weapon and acuracity sigil this means that with both full endurance and fury we still have 90% critical chance without the use of prescision food or presicion gear

    - If dodging is needed weapon swapping will gives us that endurance back thanks to energy rune and Brutal Momentum will give us Vigor each time we gain fury

    - sources of fury: DeathStrike, Endless Enmity, Invoker´s Rage

    - sources of might: Incensed Response, Notoriety, Heroic Command, Vindication


    These sources will basically make sure that you can easily keep a 100% uptime of both fury and 25 stacks of might



    - main damage source on weapon is autoattacking with sword and DeathStrike on CD, and Shackling Wave.

    - the Legends chosen for this are Kalla and Jalis, both for its offensive and defensive capabilities. On Jalis we have Vengeful hammers, and on Kalla we have Darkrazor´s Daring and Icerazor Ire. Sum to these our F2 skill Citadel Bombarment and we have a strong source of aoe damage.


    The rotation is basically just using skills as they come out of CD; Hammers on Jalis and Dark/icerazor on Kalla, Deathstrike and Citadel Bombarment on cooldown. then Orders from above to make these last two recharge faster.



    - This build gives us 3.5k armor and 17k health wich by itself allready helps a lot with surviability, besides that we have a perma uptime of protection on our time on Renegade stance thanks to the trait All for one and damage reduction on Jalis thanks to both Vengeful Hammers and Rite of the Great Dwarf

    - Stability on both stances with Inspiring Reinforcement and Darkrazor´s Daring

    - Evasion on Unrelenting Assault

    - Dodging is not recommended in order to keep Brutal Momemtum, but if needed we still have the means to recover it quickly

    - Legend swapping breaks stun thanks to Empty Vessel


    Crowd Control

    - Shackling wave

    - Darkrazor´s Daring

    - Forced Engagement



    - Condition removal on Jalis heal and 50% condition damage reduction on Kalla´s heal

    - Assassin´s Anihilation instead of Swift Termination gives life steal

    - If a burst of healing is needed, summoning both Breakrazor and Ofela in Renegade stance will top up health in an instant, this combination can also be used to tank high damage unscatched by swapping to jalis after summoning both Breakrazor and Ofela; they will stay on the field granting their effects, we will have the protection from All for One, and the damage reduction from either Hammers or Dwarf


    This build can be tested on the spvp npcs with cavalier amulet and earth rune, but it wont be as effective as with the recommended gear above.


    Let me know what you guys think :)





  13. Hello, im mainly a pve player, i like builds that are able to solo champions/many enemies at once, is there any build for revenent for something like that?


    specifically im looking for a builds that can make the revenant, if well played, solo something like the forge commander event just like these spellbreaker/firebrand/soulbeast builds did ( https://goo.gl/cWyTsD , https://goo.gl/SaottQ , https://goo.gl/6X7oZo 7:03 onward for this last one )

  14. its quite posible to solo as ranger without the need of having a pet tank you, here i am soloing the forged commander event as a boon soulbeast


    however that build is dependant of the 33% boon duration of concentration sigil to keep the important boons 100% uptime so i dont know if it will still be viable with the nerf the sigil its getting soon

  15. > @"Chasind.3128" said:

    > > @"Tora.7214" said:

    > > i´m still waiting that someday we get an update that gives Charrs the blue colored fur style of Korukhan the Blacksmith https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Korukhan_the_Blacksmith.jpg


    > you can pick it; it's one of the charcoal options just use pale greyish spots- it comes off blue


    hmm, can you be more spesific? i cant seem to find the right combination in the makeover preview npc

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