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Posts posted by Bellbirds.1679

  1. > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > PoF brought new hair and faces for humans, but nothing (I think) for other races.


    > the thing about humans getting more faces and hairstyles is because it's easier to associate with the human race in gw2 because we and the devs are human beings. so naturally one's imagination can think of and create more designs that would work for humans than that which would work for other races in the game.


    > you can only come up with so many ideas and designs for new faces and hairstyles for asura/charr/sylvari before you run out and each new design would end up straying farther and farther from from what you can call asura/charr/sylvari-ish and fit with lore and immersion... meanwhile for every single idea/design for other races you can come up with two or three more for humans. -- not saying it's impossible just that coming up with unique and non-redundant customisation options for other races is much harder -- whereas for humans you can just google image search something up about hairstyles and the latest trends and you'll instantly get so many new results to reference with and that's not even thinking or coming up with your own design


    > norn have it lucky since they look like humans so it's easier for them in a way. can also argue that sylvari can adapt human face styles and body types too but that's about it.


    > __________________________


    > but yeah i'd love to see equal treatment for the next expansion and that every race gets something new to customise our characters with.


    I'm not sure I agree. Anthropomorphic animals have been known for decades if not centuries to be easier to make 'human' than humans. However I'd mainly like to see 'non-interesting' options added. Just long hair, medium hair, etc, etc. Basic looks. Not everyone wants a hairstyle that looks like a mushroom cloud. I think I've only ever seen that once on a player.

  2. PoF brought new hair and faces for humans, but nothing (I think) for other races. Anyone reckon we'll get something with EoD? And what would you like to see? I'd really love to see Anet fill in the the lack of 'basic' hairstyles, as in long straight, long curly, long wavy, medium lengths, short lengths, etc for all races. I currently use the straight with a strand close to the eye hairstyle on one of my charr and just imagine the rest is hidden under her coat, but would like to see an actual long version of that hairstyle.


    I would also really love to see new body types added, especially the one you see on Omahkhan cubs/just a very 'scrawny' option for Charr, for when you want to play a very physically weak magic user/a runt. I'd also love to see more muscular options for females of all races.


    In terms of faces I think it would be quite nice to receive more HD remakes of the vanilla faces and horns while still having the originals available. A lot of them are very nicely designed but you can see the age.

  3. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > It WASN'T a flashy mess. Just because some flashy items existed didn't mean they caused significant issues considering how few and far between they were.

    > The threads about aestethics of GW2 being "wrong" for one reason or another were there since day one. Some of those were about things like Moot, some were about charr in pink dresses, some were about unrealistic armor looks, some about Ranger Trenchcoat Brigade, and some about too revealing female clothing. What constitutes "compromised" aestethics varies wildly depending on whom you ask, but most of those things were present in this game from the very beginning.




    Of course! I address that these things existed to begin with in my original post. However, back then I did not need to avoid major cities and play at the lowest traffic hours in order to even attempt to avoid them.

  4. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > > > > > GW2 started off fairly similar,

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > GW2 started off with a [baseball cap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat). Just saying.

    > > > > > And [The Moot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Moot). And the [rainbow unicorn-shooting shortbow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Dreamer). You can't forget those.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > At the time these were extremely rare. I went months before I even learned they existed.

    > > > I'm quite sure i saw someone waving double moots in one of the cities even before southsun update. Although you are right - at the time people preferred to burn other people's eyes out with male charrs in pink dresses meta. TBH, i'm not sure if one is an improvement over the other.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Arguing about whether things of this type existed at launch is irrelevant.


    > But the thread is called "The aesthetic of GW2 has become compromised", suggesting that once upon a time it wasn't a flashy mess.



    It WASN'T a flashy mess. Just because some flashy items existed didn't mean they caused significant issues considering how few and far between they were. What I'm describing is how these items have become much, much more prevalent to the point of being the norm.

  5. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > > > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > > > GW2 started off fairly similar,

    > > > >

    > > > > GW2 started off with a [baseball cap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat). Just saying.

    > > > And [The Moot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Moot). And the [rainbow unicorn-shooting shortbow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Dreamer). You can't forget those.

    > > >

    > >

    > > At the time these were extremely rare. I went months before I even learned they existed.

    > I'm quite sure i saw someone waving double moots in one of the cities even before southsun update. Although you are right - at the time people preferred to burn other people's eyes out with male charrs in pink dresses meta. TBH, i'm not sure if one is an improvement over the other.




    Arguing about whether things of this type existed at launch is irrelevant. Of course a person could make a ridiculous looking character if they wanted to! As you said, take a norn or charr and slap some pink dye on them and your done, if you're really committed you'll even spend your time and resources on crafting one of the joke legendaries. However, you can't deny that this was /rare/. Rare enough that you could see it, have a chuckle and move on. But now massive glowing wings, multiple stacked infusions and a glowing greatsword is the /norm/. I see more players looking like that than I see in normal armor, and you can't escape it.

  6. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > GW2 started off fairly similar,

    > >

    > > GW2 started off with a [baseball cap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat). Just saying.

    > And [The Moot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Moot). And the [rainbow unicorn-shooting shortbow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Dreamer). You can't forget those.



    At the time these were extremely rare. I went months before I even learned they existed. And you even have the option to turn the flashy projectiles off server side, so we know it can be done.

  7. Item: Archon Coat

    Race: Charr

    Profession: Elementalist, Necromancer, Mesmer.


    The Archon Coat skin hides any glove armor, and you cannot even hide gloves to wear no gloves at all. This became the case a few months ago.



    Item: Flame Legion Coat

    Race: N/A

    Profession: Ranger, Thief, Engineer.


    Hides all glove armor and shows the Flame Legion gloves skin instead, which cannot be turned off. Began occuring at the same time as the Archon Coat bug.



    Here is a photo I found of before the bug. The character is wearing the Flame Legion coat skin and the Tier 2 Charr cultural medium gloves, which are not hidden by the coat skin:


    (Apologies for bad quality)


    I went through screenshots and found that these issues were not present on the 8th of May, 2020, but were present on the 11th of August, 2020.

    Please fix this ANET! I have been using these skins for 8 years and not being able to use them in outfits I have used practically since launch is beyond heartbreaking. The two skins affected are the only two in the game that are programmed to hide any shoulder armor, so perhaps that is related to the issue.



  8. > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > > Really the biggest mistake they made I'd say is adding glowy kitten AND making it the most prestigious things in the game)

    > > > Believe me even if the shiny item were not the most prestigious items most of people will still use them since it's what the majority of people prefer, you can already see that with all the shiny of the cash shop that are not prestigious at all but most of people use them anyway..

    > > >

    > > > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > > > I'm also not sure what you mean by there aren't 'class gears' since there's 3 armor classes which I think is enough

    > > > I speak about armor that take as a theme a class, like the weaver armors, the druid armors etc... in others mmo like ffxiv to take a game i play there is a lot of themed armors related to class... that why there is less people using flashy gears since they can find gears that suit their characters and their class. It's not the same for gw2, if you want to make a fashion for a weaver you only have a few gears that will fit the class, it's all personal flavor after all, i found one that i like (not to old school but not too over the top, a thing that fit well the weaver asthetic).

    > > >

    > > > I like colorful armors (not shiny just colorful) with a exotic models, i often go for the color scheme of the class (so my weaver is flaming dark red (in the style of my profile picture) with gears that make her look like a agile swordman) or my druid who is muscular norne carrying the team in raids (lol) my mesmer who like a purple demon (for lack of word it's fit more than the description rip) But when i can't do that i just make them look nice even if it's not class related.

    > > >

    > > > As for infusion, some of my character have them but never more than 1 (or 2 in the past for one my of char)) because it's still go well with some fashion (only a few infusion i don't like the infusion that change your skins .....).

    > >

    > > But the cash shop items ARE prestigious. They show you have money to throw at digital hats for a fictional character in a fictional world. I agree on the class armor front. THAT'S what they should be adding. What happened to kekai and their beautiful designs?


    > Really ? i play 1-2 hours by day not even farming, only playing what i like and can still do 1 legendary item every 1-1. month and buying cash items with gold conversion.

    > How is that prestigious..

    > And don't worry even if the next shiny will be really easy to get people will still use it...


    Because a lot of people who wear these are either young children to whom £8-20 is a LOT of money to spend on something like that and are yet too young to understand the MMO conventions of things like farming or people who don't actually want to play the game but just want to stand around looking shiny.

  9. > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > Really the biggest mistake they made I'd say is adding glowy kitten AND making it the most prestigious things in the game)

    > Believe me even if the shiny item were not the most prestigious items most of people will still use them since it's what the majority of people prefer, you can already see that with all the shiny of the cash shop that are not prestigious at all but most of people use them anyway..


    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > I'm also not sure what you mean by there aren't 'class gears' since there's 3 armor classes which I think is enough

    > I speak about armor that take as a theme a class, like the weaver armors, the druid armors etc... in others mmo like ffxiv to take a game i play there is a lot of themed armors related to class... that why there is less people using flashy gears since they can find gears that suit their characters and their class. It's not the same for gw2, if you want to make a fashion for a weaver you only have a few gears that will fit the class, it's all personal flavor after all, i found one that i like (not to old school but not too over the top, a thing that fit well the weaver asthetic).


    > I like colorful armors (not shiny just colorful) with a exotic models, i often go for the color scheme of the class (so my weaver is flaming dark red (in the style of my profile picture) with gears that make her look like a agile swordman) or my druid who is muscular norne carrying the team in raids (lol) my mesmer who like a purple demon (for lack of word it's fit more than the description rip) But when i can't do that i just make them look nice even if it's not class related.


    > As for infusion, some of my character have them but never more than 1 (or 2 in the past for one my of char)) because it's still go well with some fashion (only a few infusion i don't like the infusion that change your skins .....).


    But the cash shop items ARE prestigious. They show you have money to throw at digital hats for a fictional character in a fictional world. I agree on the class armor front. THAT'S what they should be adding. What happened to kekai and their beautiful designs?

  10. > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > Asking for an option to turn the effect is fine, but complaining that it's aenet fault that everyone wear glowy out of lore kitten is stupid, yes they made it but it's the player that choose to wear them not areanet, and where you can understand that some prestigious items that people will want to wear them just to show of, nowday a lot of kitten that glow is not even prestigious item anymore and are easy to get, (just look at most of wings, cat ears and all others).

    > Specialy when there way more classic skins than shining one by a large marge.

    > Sorry but one of the problem that this gave have for "lore fashion related to your class or character" is that there is only generic gear that look nice or not. There is no class gears or things like that, which mean that if you're lucky you can find gears that fit your character's lore with a lot of testing (choose the right gears and colors) or just make a set of gears which go well with your character for you even if it's not lore related.


    > So it's cleary just the player that want to wear what they want, you don't like it ok but everyone is entilted to wear what they want.

    > You complain about that it's not like the old style anymore but all theses old gears and armors are still here for players that want to use them if they want.


    I'm not really sure who you're addressing with this. I did not blame Anet (although saying to 'not blame them' is somewhat silly. It IS afterall executives at Anet that decide to go this direction. Really the biggest mistake they made I'd say is adding glowy kitten AND making it the most prestigious things in the game) nor did I say people can't wear what they want. I know old gear and armour are there to be used (I use it after all) my complaint was with the flashy gear ruining the game experience for players looking for immersion, and so an option to turn the bling off would be beneficial. I'm also not sure what you mean by there aren't 'class gears' since there's 3 armor classes which I think is enough. Restricting armor by individual class rather than armor class would only cause more issues with the choices becoming even more limited.

  11. > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:


    > > That still doesn't mean there shouldn't be an option to turn it off client-side though.


    > I think their point is not that there _shouldn't_ be an option, but _most likely there won't_ be an option.


    > I've never once seen an infusion and though, "wow, now THAT isn't pure visual garbage." I haven't really seen the otter one people like so much, so I guess I should reserve judgment on that, but yeah. Not a fan of the "all flash, no substance" style that the game's aesthetic has taken.


    Oh I know there most likely won't be one, but you aren't lowering your chances by voicing an interest.

  12. > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

    > > @"Bellbirds.1679" said:

    > > @"DonArkanio.6419" But is it REALLY what people want? Nobody WANTED Minecraft, but turns out people really /WANTED/ Minecraft, once it was offered.


    > I think nobody asked for this, but once these items started showing up in the GemStore people have become willing to spend hundreds of dollars on it.

    > People like to flash and shine, it's a status. Just like a fast and loud car that everyone hates hearing outside their window.


    > ANet shouldn't have introduced these items in the first place, now it's kind their way of making money. I'd say we are likely to see the increase in quantity of this laser shining garbage. Even after watching End of the Dragons teaser I can say it's going to be an eye-burner.


    That still doesn't mean there shouldn't be an option to turn it off client-side though.

  13. > @"XxSnytchellxX.2319" said:

    > Item: Archon Helm

    > Race: Charr

    > Gender: Male

    > Class: Elementalist

    > Description: Clipping from the top of its head when using the emote /crossarms /laugh or any other emote that relates with moving its head as well as when riding a Raptor.


    > Item: Heavy Barbaric Coat

    > Race: Charr

    > Gender: Male

    > Class: Revenant

    > Description: Clipping from the lower back region when running or running and wielding a two-handed hammer, mace or axe.


    > Item: Heavy Reinforced Scale Legs

    > Race: Charr

    > Gender: Male

    > Class: Warrior

    > Description: Clipping from the right leg thigh when previewing it or wearing it in general.


    > Although i understand the majority of Players won't pay much mind to this, some (though few) like me will take notice upon years of gameplay and roleplay wise, specially when we settle for a look fitting of our own Character.


    > The following examples accure upon three of my own Charr characters; Two of which had never been known of any Clipping Issues until recent releases of the newest GW2 Chapter, Icebrewed Saga.


    > For the longest time i've played and created these characters, none had ever gotten any clipping issues, which later became a pretty notable part on their whole appearance after the recent additions to the game, hence causing some body types (though mostly noticed upon Male Charr Body Types) to clip through certain pieces of armor.


    > The image provided is an example of these Clipping issues, which ruined the whole appearance after having worn it for years:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BhTHl7t.png "")


    > Please if anyone of the Dev's or model fixers can take a moment to look into this, we'd appreciate a fix for these bodies considering they never had clipping issues until recent days. I hope this gets to you ANET.


    The archon coat and flame legion coat skins are also bugged. It's really sad to watch the devs not care about skins that people have loved since launch...

  14. > @"firedragon.8953" said:

    > I hope there will be more realistic and elegant armor designs with EoD.


    > With all the shiny armor and weapons sets, it does get a bit ridiculous. At least I don't have to spend RL money or grind out achievements for much of the gaudy stuff available. So personally I don't mind, but being glowy is definitely not special in this game. If anything, staying in "regular" armor makes you stand out more. haha


    I really, REALLY hope we will actually get some substantial additions from EoD. We've gotten pretty much nothing from the past two expansions.

  15. @"ElijahFitzroy.5762" Are you actually comparing the Largos and Charr, races that have a deep lore and history and make sense being the way they are physically with non-sensical angel wings that came out of nowhere? Does that mean since birds exist irl that it would make perfect sense for humans to suddenly sprout wings? They are /completely/ out of place. And I acknowledge that GW1 has flashy items, but they are much, MUCH more few and far between, and I acknowledged this in my original post.


    And, again, I'm asking for the /option/ to hide them client-side, not have them removed. But no, random angel wings do not make sense, no matter how you spin it. The largos have manta ray fins (that look like 'wings') for underwater locomotion. The Charr are a beast race with a great deal of thought put into how they function on from an anatomical standpoint, from the two sets of ears each being suited to a different frequency to their hunch due to their necks connecting to the back of their skull which allows for bi-pedal running. Thats good design. Taking a pair of ugly (and anatomically inaccurate) wings and copy-and-pasting them onto a character is not.

  16. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > Personally I see the it from the opposite side: we wouldn't have an issue with aesthetics if people didn't dress themselves so brightly. Cat Ears and gigantic glowing wings are popular, and you can tell they are popular because everyone is wearing them.


    SUPREME branded items are popular in the real world and you see them everywhere, but are they actually good, or just wearable signs that you have way too much money to throw around?

  17. I've experienced this. Logged in on my thief to waste some time and have some fun. Joined a WvW squad and was literally harassed all my time there. They weren't even doing anything particularly intense, organised, just a regular PUG zerg squad.

  18. @"Astyrah.4015" I agree. Even the most gaudy things in FFXIV look like they fit into the world because FFXIV operates in a fictional universe where such things have always existed, with an overall more lighthearted tone in terms of art-style/aesthetic which the Final Fantasy IP has been known for for quite a long time. The Guild Wars franchise all the way from the first games to vanilla GW2 has an extremely muted, down to earth, mid-fantasy appearance, with no setup for things such as those horrid angel wings. Who made them? How do they work? How are they not extremely impractical in combat? They are an extremely lazy cash grab.

  19. @"Oxstar.7643" I agree. Angel wings, hotshorts and a glowing shorts is as much fashion as wearing an entire outfit from Gucci with no actual thought as to the actual outfit. Wouldn't wonderfully designed, immersive armour feel more prestigious anyhow, like you're actually playing a powerful individual within the fantasy world? I have had many people whisper me on characters that had immersive, fairly understated but very lovingly put together appearances to tell me how much they enjoyed them. There is definitely a considerable part of the playerbase that prefers this. All shiny wings, hotshorts and legendary skins tells me you spend too much money on and assign too much importance on appearing 'powerful' in a completely fictional world that you don't even care about from a lore/story/roleplaying perspective.

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