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Everything posted by Bellbirds.1679

  1. @"kharmin.7683" Who ever decided that making GW2 look like every other MMO out there instead of nurturing the unique aesthetic of the world should be fired. GW2 MARKETED itself as an MMO that is DIFFERENT from all other MMOs. Betraying that and turning into a clone like the rest of MMOS will ultimately kill the game, as if it isn't fairly comatose as is.
  2. @"ugrakarma.9416" Perhaps instead of glowy uninspired tat they could add well designed armor and weapon skins instead, you know, like in GW1.
  3. @"Touchme.1097" No one is saying they aren't canon, but you must agree that they aren't exactly rich with lore, even if they do technically exist in the world. I think you're defensive because you want some flashy skins (and for the record, I have no issue with inquest/glyphic skins. This IS a world with a rich lore foundation for some degree of magitech, and these skins aren't oppresive.) but what you need to realise is no one is trying to TAKE them from you. We just want the choice to customise our game for ourselves.
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