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Posts posted by hugo.4705

  1. *Laugh in crash bandicoot.* Really, gw2 jumping puzzles are fun. And quite simples for most of them. I struggled with dement clocktower but it was before understanding that I do have to jump down at the middle of the jp (thought at first there was no solution to go further). I will only agree about the fact that LA jp is not very clear, but to me it s because it is too dark and don t see anything (boosted screen gamma). I don't think the puzzles are the issue but more the cameras or knowing where you are and where you are aiming for. (Through shame on myself I enjoy doing jp with my engie and its rifle jump shot to do precise jumps)

  2. ![](https://imgur.com/jCBSjRv.jpg)


    Eternal Alchemy, please give us a way to convert Black Lion chest goodies into something else or another consummable more useful! It's always the same things I obtain in those chest of black lion goods! Enough! 38 REVIVE ORBS. 12 REPAIR CANISTERS. 11 MERCHANT AND BANK EXPRESS. 3 SALAVAGE KITS. 2 TRADING POST EXPRESS. 125 FREAKING USELESS MYSTIC FORGE STONES!!!


    Since you removed the only item I was interested in from BL chests (Self style hair kit) and that my only source of goodies is those useless chests of black lion good; and assuming that there are players around here that surely have way far more quantities of those useless items; I ask you to add an Npcs to allow converting those BL items into another BL items such as this self hair kit, black lion statuettes or transmut charges as example.


    For 125 useless forge stones and 38 revive orbs I estimate I can at least receive in exchange 40 self hair kits and 30 bl statuettes hmm?? If my totally useless stuff above is converted to gems, it represents 9500 + 420 + 385 + 385 + 900 + 100 + 6250 GEMS so in total 17940 GEMS so amazingly and riduculously rich but hehe, in fact 0 right now!!! Even let's say, you want to only give me half for them, it's still 8970 GEMS, oki maybe one third? Still 5980 GEMS.


    So What I am asking to put in place is at least a system of conversion respecting the original cost of each items: (This is using gemstore price)

    Transmutation charge = 30 gems unity

    Merchant Express = 35 gems unity

    Bank Access Express = 35 gems unity

    Instant Repair Canister = 35 gems unity

    Trading Post Express = 50 gems unity

    Mystic Forge Stone = 50 gems unity

    Box o' Fun = 80 gems unity

    Black Lion Chest Key = 125 gems unity

    Revive Orb = 250 gems unity

    Self-Style Hair Kit = 250 gems unity

    Black Lion Salvage Kit = 300 hems unity




    By this chart, with 6 forge stone I have 1 self hair kit. With 5 express trading post I have 2 bl keys. With 10 transmutation charge, a salvage kit.

    This is also a fair system, it is using the prices indicated on the gemstore itself to determine how many item you can have in exhange of yours.

    About "the players gonna have ton of bl keys rapidly oh god gonna break the economy!" just false alarm. What's the matter? You have 50 keys and then what? You gonna burn them through chests to get what, 1 or 2 rare item?


    Also Honestly, getting 50 statuettes out of them (assuming one statue guaranteed or in each), it's normal, because you trade those gemstore goodies against other goodies. Those items listed above doesn't fall from sky regularly, 4 items thanks to daily reward each month, let's imagine you are extreme lucky, it is 4 times salavage kits, so 1200 gems, for keys it means 8 keys. If you have only charge it is 120 gems almost 1 key, if you have forge stone, 200 so 1 key. Pretty fair if you ask me again, not everyone gonna roll only salavage kit each time, look at my bank, mostly revive orb and mystic stones. Let's say I rolled 2 stones and 2 orbs , 600 gems, equal to 4 keys.

    WARNING: 8 keys OR ZERO, it you drop 4 transmut charges (extreme bad luck), you only have 4 transmut charges, cannot be converted into the key. In most case, players will have at least 1 keys per month from the chest of black lion good kinda guarenteed.


    I'm asking devs to consider this new system: You remove Bl keys from map completion and story steps . Each week, the players will not be able to have a bl key apart if they drop an orb or a salvage kit in that chest of black lion goods: No more need to kill a character or create a new one each week and that's the good thing, because even the player without free slot and not wanting to kill their character will be able to earn a key. Instead of that weekly key in personnal story, put a weekly key as reward of a new weekly rotating achievment: Either do X events, do x world bosses, do X meta events, participate in X activities, run X dungeons. This will revitalize those contents. This is a guaranteed weekly key, so 4 in total in one month.


    The calculation is simple: Your earn 1 key each week for doing a weekly achiev. And each week, you have that rng drop of chest of black lion good that can give you 0 or 1 key (more chance of 0). And you have 4 weeks, so apart if you drop transmut charges only, you can have a key at the end of the month by converting the 4 dropped items. It is 5 keys per month or 8 keys if you are extra lucky.


    I really want a system to get rid of those pointless items filling my bank.

  3. Really the next releases will be decisive for me. If End Of Dragons is as bas as those Champions chapters that is my signature of leaving this game that was awesome and full of life at its start. Not fault of players, many do awesome expansion concept/thesis/artworks, drawings on artstation and fanfictions better than what we have in game. I would make a book of easily 26 pages with only as theme "primiodus" "asura" "jormag" "charr" right now it is a mess, what was the purpose of LS5 if it is now to ally with our enemy that killed innocent charrs? Metal legion and almorra would be ashamed, even trahearne would kill us.

  4. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > what do some people mean they can't be farmed in pve?

    > create new character, map complete the 6 capitals (5 racials + l.a) that is 30 transmutation charges under 1 hour if you somehow fall asleep halfway


    > repeat as many times as you need



    > inbefore anyone takes the 30 over-serious, no it's not realistic.

    > then again with experience, and mounts you should go through the maps quite fast


    Not everyone has constantly 5 free character slots (taking your case of earning 30 charges), taking me, only 1 slot left not gonna sacrify my 7 toons for what, 6 charges for each? Your answer prove the system is wrong, better reworking pve to make charges easier to obtain in that gamemode. Rewards tracks on the contrary in wvw as example make you swim in charges and tomes of knowledges. I even consider 0 charges earned by characters: cause when leveling, you may want to already spend those 6 to look more decent even if you aren't 80. If you meant, killing your alt in loop just for 6 charges, it's sad, really. But it is already the case to farm bl keys, which is another bad system too btw.


    You shouldn't earn charges or keys by map complete or killing in loop each week your alt but by doing every world boss during the day or after doing a certain numbers of daily event or dungeons would be better and making more sense.

  5. I would rather see wanet deleting definitely transmutation charges. It is just annoying and infuriating to not be able to pass freely from a skins suit to another. Especially if you are Rper or enjoy heavily fashion wars, one of the main aspect of the game. Better to release wardrobe template to save look right now, I prefer paying one time 500 gems for storing 2-3 looks I can switch between freely when I want than regularly buying charges for the sake of changing my chest and pants appearance. The discussion about it is easy in another gamemodes or they have to sell them is plainly non sense, and the system alreadry proven to be faulty. We had before transmutation crystals and stone but it was about merging equipments, then we got charges that are the same but know for skin instead of armor piece. There are plenty way to monetize the game, and no doubt they can find another one if making transmutation free: Selling skill appearance, minions or turrets or pets appearance, selling extra hairs and personalization contracts and so on.

  6. -SAB world 3

    -Correctly fleshed out primordius/asura/depths of tyria episodes/living world.

    -More cultural armors for asura, sylvari, charr. Since norn got 2 complete ceremonial armor sets.

    -A form of housing or racial gh decos.

    -Exo suit_Warclaw and Exo suit_Skyscale skins

    -Old Lion arch lounge for dungeons and raids.

    -New foes and models not from 2012.

    -Primordius surviving Jormag, Sbubbles killing Primordius.

    -New faces and haircuts for asura, norn, sylvari, goatee and beards, different scars.

    -Plague Doctor/ Bioengineer elite for engineer

    -Elementalist elite with a bow.



  7. No, just no. Each expac added something different and kinda revolutionary, mount again would be a huge downfall and regression. As said above, would like housing or personnal ship to command/customize see, like zelda phantom hourglass: You travel on the sea between islets, you can customize, some naval fights... meeting other merchant on the sea...


    Traditionnal boats but also I'm thinking, would enjoy going to cantha not flying but by the sea with a fleet of new pact vessels (Here I too wakfu cause i liked that episode picturing a big fight between a high tech fleet and a dragon on an island S2 E23)


  8. Points 1 - 2 yes, it is surely too late, but point 3 and 4 can still be done. But not exactely like how it described here.


    For point 4, it is totally possible today, to add event in cities, and make the areas that were forgotten like polymock arena or nina stand in DR or the bane in black citadel living again by adding something. A map, take 3 month, but it has events, stories, quests, npcs ton of events and maybe mastery with it. How long will it take to add 6 events, one for each main city? I answer you: 1 week or 2.


    For point 3, they are currently adding racial armors, see bear/raven ceremonial armor, vision of khan ur, runic armor.... they can simply continue and add some for sylvari, asura and norn.


    For point 5, it is possible to add a mastery line, or an achiev like chair of the world, but that instead of chairs, ask you to document the main races around. It takes time, but see, why dis they add that chair achiev? A lot of coding, but it proves it can be done. Imagine you have a scanner you carry with you, and have to target an npc to register it inside, at the end you gain a lore book with fluff about all race? Would be a nice little thing. GW2 isn't just about farm but also the little things around an funny ambient dialogues.


    To answer Seera above, the reputation system would only happens in quests, each player have its own quest bar, it isn't because your friend near you is sabotaging everything that you lose quest progress. But for both of you it affects differently the reputation bar of the map. But I do agree, it is too late maybe to add such a system, but it cost nothing to at least bring back the personnality system that is already here, just hidden.


    DeanBB, this is just an opinion, no where I said they have to do it. Surely, sharing this post before at launch would have been better, but even so, it shouldn't be an issue about when you post something. A healthy game can realease big releases even later after launch, do you think they don't have the force, strength, manpower to do it anymore? I still believe in them. But, see it more as a list, you aren't forced to pick everything on the list, you can pick only some. But point 3 is already here, but not in the same form. Point 4? they already proven it with grothmar and bar and shooting stand events. Point 5? We have norn masteries with icebrood saga, why not a core one implying your race? It doesn't take that much to devellop a mastery. Really. Not everything take 3 months to develop.

  9. Like the title said, yup maybe the ressources would be better spent somewhere else and yes it would require work from the devs.

    Here is just a bunch of things I thought about those last days after leveling my ninth character around Tyria and doing map completions with it.


    But it needs a little intro: I really think that GW2 has several pros, like the OST, the graphics, artworks of cutscenes, concept arts, loading screens; and even If I don't like that much the story post-Zhaithan, the maps are cool. I hesitated to make a giga-post detailing each existing map and its pros / cons but I'm not gonna do it, because I think I can say everything in that post.

    What this game lacks, and it is my honest opinion, is more interaction between the player and that living world/maps: In no way, you really feel like your chosen race or character creations options matters, beyond that, you don't really feel like you are influencing your surrounding either. At a point, that to me, what would be the difference if a Skritt, a quaggan or an ooze became the pact commander instead of you? And you staying in your race city enjoying your life? So to start:


    **1- Reputation system? Affinity system?**

    For this I kinda have a clear idea: Quests and AntiQuests - The quests would stay where they are and implying/using what they are using, but for each action, a positive one and a negative one; as example in queensdale, killing wurm and stretching the plants, extinguish hay fire versus disturbing wurm, stomping on the plants, burning hay. If the quest is completed in a negative way, allies become foes, foes become allies. It would be reversible. On each map you would have in corner of your screen a bar with a cursor at center by default, going to left if you do bad actions, and right if good ones; it would influence the main "police" faction of the map: Seraph, lion's guard, peacemakers, charrs soldiers, ebon and so on seeing you as a threat or not. To be clear here, no pvp. "good" and "evil" commanders can't pvp between them, that reputation only affect npcs.


    A player considered as "evil" would earn money and xp from failing events as much as succeeding it for "good" players. You can set youself back to neutral/good, by interacting with the objects implied in the quest and selecting the good action (eg: Repair golem, killing threats of local, saving slaves). Being from a side or another would triggers hidden events for yourself on the map and others with the same affiliation: You can cause mayhem, sabotage or mischief around whereas for the opposite; you can be an even better samaritan and having to do task like save local town and important towns/outposts from big assaults.


    But, it is a matter of 331 quests and the associated objects and so, nearly impossible maybe/surely, but what can be done is re enabling the personnality system and dialogues option around the maps influencing that reputation bar. That bar then, can be linked to variables called "Allied npcs of this map" and "foes of this map" and change their affiliation. And make so the event appear to yourself or not. It wouldn't even matter regarding pact commander. Good? You are charistmatic and have something with your words and convinced those soldiers to folllow you. Evil? You are a tyran, punk or baddies but however you proven by helping killing zhaithan and risen lieutenant that peoples can follow you.






    **2- Scribing but for solo players**

    Scribing is a crafting profession, but instead of others it is non-accessible to solo players, and outside of guild halls. The lounges all serves a purpose: Having access to fractals, having access to PvP, having access to WvW, Being in HoT, being in PoF, in core tyria over vigil HQ, not far from LS3 maps, not far from LS4 maps. Only three purposes are still unused by them: Fast access to dungeons, fast access to raids and fast access to guild features.


    One of the main "con" of housing, each time someone speak about it is that it will attract only a minority of players: And that's where lounge pass enter in account, it is made to gain 1000 gems over players liking a particular sub content/specific mode or features and which want to access it rapidly. That lounge instead of other would have a scribing station. You would say, why so if no guild? Here come the idea to couple housing with that lounge pass: You have a main area with all the classic lounge services, and an asura gate teleporting you on a plot on which you can selecting between several empty houses assets and place your crafted decos in it. That plot can be instanced just like your home instance. This would require just to dissociate scribing from guild tab and making it a separate tab, usable in guild but also in that lounge. And if it is really the case, that not a lot of players are doing it, the good news, it means not a lot of instances. But still, 1000 gems per player. You can go further and add more decos with an npc in home instance, and coupling that personnal plot to it...


    It would be near lion's arch, that island under claw island, in the style of the old lion's arch, with an asura gate leading to dungeons, one to raids and one to personnal housing.






    **3- The impacts of character creation choices**

    Selecting poor human, synergetics asura, fade out because drunk norn, my father was a shaman charr... after lvl 40 it doesn't matter anymore and it is pretty sad. Even our mentor doesn't matter anymore. What about changing racial skills? Warband summon elite of charr already depend on the legion chosen, currently; only charr has an elite using your 1st biography option.

    What if for asura it is summoning a characteristic invention ? For human, a friend burglar/seraph/shining blade depending on nobility? For norn, special skill based on boosting strength/boosting armor/boosting precision? Having temporaly white stag/green knight/shield of moon defending you?


    Maybe another way would be to have hidden dialogues options associated to your story choices chosen parties, there are already hidden dialogues regarding your chosen order (vigil/whisper/priory) not sure if there is some related to your story choices apart maybe, chosen charr legion. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:NPCs_with_unique_hidden_dialogue yup essentially races or orders, some few with story choices. Dunno maybe a cultural tier 4 npc selling weapon set and armor related to that first story choice? Would require quite a lot of work too, 3 possibilities of first option on character creation x 3 armors types x 5 races, 45 choices. Or 15 if the three armor types are copy pasta like as exemple raven ceremonial armor.




    **4- The living world**

    I regret there isn't more unexpected, strange, funy, interesting, varied "community" tab achievs. Can be related to your character: Visiting taverns? Speaking to citizens? For walking certain amount of units (distance unit in this game)? Bestiaries and documenting any faction met? Why not? We already have an achiev that is sitting on chairs around the world...

    I would personally enjoy as exemple, be able to escort a dolyak from rata sum to hoelbrak, being hired in black citadel in a tavern to serve drinks or helping the garden in the grove.


    That is, events in cities. No more waiting, nina shooting available as event, polymock opened and replaced by golem arena with each player in a giant suit fighting another one or giant version of RC Chest, giant remotely controlled golems. Fights in the gladiator arena of the black citadel as a horde like event defending yourselves against waves of soldiers and veterans. A tennis like event on the frozen lake of hoelbrak, moas races happening in LA like the good old time. And to end, turning into fern hound and racing around the grove.




    **5- The masteries**

    What we have currently? Pact supplies and speed boost in city that's it. I speak only of applying in core tyria or cities. So fractals / legendary crafting (which are in fact more related to HoT or outside core Tyria) don't count. None are related to races, none are related to lores, none are related to any of the cities or allowing you to do something related you didn't have access to before. Maybe 3 Lines of one mastery each one for an order? Decyphing glyphs tablets and signs around, knowing more informations and ability to spy, option to rally some allies around pact camp to do events with you? Again, racial ones unlocking instances, goodies or access to hidden places?




    TLDR, Honestly, this is still the best MMORPG for me currently, but it lacks the RPG side. From common citations of this game as "Breath-taking adventure, living world - an amazing universe" to only cite a few, the interactive aspect between us, our choices and the environment isn't here. I can get that we have to follow that main Commander/dragons story, but nothing prevent us to have side stories and fun in core/cities with events or sub-quests. There as so many taverns screaming come be a bartender here, arena crying please have an epic fight against those grumpy charr soldiers here or enjoy your time at this meatober fest and norn beer fest. Those events in cities can bring some peps to a game, that start aging slowly but surely. The living world alone will not suffice. And it's a good thing EoD is coming, but there are surely players, maybe like me, who want a better Core-Experience, improved with the newly mechanics and events that game designed along the years.

  10. Add new npc like lady camilia for Eotn in guild hall to purchase extra services: Having an asura gate in guild hall, tune it to different destinations, maybe selling new themed decos bundles from time to time, crafting stations access, trading post and bank, laurel vendor... way more gh all upgrades, workshop, arena, scribing additionnal upgrades, lvl 500 scribes with racial decos with quests like chef 500.

  11. Thought of something completelyvdifferent when reading the title o_o what about:


    Guild raiding another guild guild hall? The WvW decorations would become foes shooting/attacking intruders and other become destroyable (worry not, you can t tuins other gh decos, it is just in the gh assault instance) the goal would be as example to destroy specific unique decos put by gh members on what is considered to be accessible and part of ground for the game.

  12. Each Festival isn't for everyone and it doesn't mean it's bad if there are some dudes saying it's bad. The devs but also everyone should see festivals as a whole: A festival liked in particular, all loved, only some loved, all hated... each person opinion about the subject is different. And so it is more than suggestive coming and saying "this festival is bad because I don't enjoy it" that because of thoses that some festivals development are stopped abruptly like SAB, standby of 6 years because of hate storm.


    I don't want any content cut or modified or made easier because it is considered too hard by some.

    For things that are clearly not.


    I do enjoy any festival when they are coming back apart dragon bash and lunar new year (just me but not fan of just firing fireworks and participating in challenge/stampede but I do like the rest in them). They do add new weapons skins, a new item associated to the annual achievement, new guild hall decos that are cool, and sometimes new activities: they did add celestial trials, lair of the snowmen, glitches quest, mad king beetle racing...

    SAB gonna arrive soon and I really hope to at least see 2 new zones. Maybe some goodies too, outfits or whatever. Have to check that holo raptor skin when it comes again.


    That is the strength of gw2. Don't like festivals? Then go hunting AP, farming fractals, doing some dungeons, leveling up, raid, strikes, wvw, pvp, map completion, world boss, RP, cough cough cough...



    I think it somehow lack something new, but Toyapocalyse is still very fun to fun, always put snowmens and catapult a different way and testing strategies.

    The jumping puzzle is quite fun, kinda want a extra expert path, now that I m able to farm expert.

    Choir bell is nice, but would like new songs added. Also I farm karma so prefer doing orphans or jumping puzzle in loop.

    I don't do the lair anymore, but was cool first time.

  13. I ask about your expeience of it, because each previous years, I always complete 100% correct notes every melody, every round; but this year, even when I play the correct notes, the game count them as incorrects! I always did like te following: Once a note is on the white line of the central platform or just before arriving on it, I used to press the associated keys and getting my notes credited. But this time it seems it doesn't work at all, so I tried to play after the note pass that white circle line and it doesn't work either, I feel like it is bugged or there is a lag, kinda infuriating, I do all the correct notes, but at the end of the round I only have half of completion bar.

  14. Some more racial-flavored character content?


    I think the gemstore is doing their best to add them in all kinds of way: chairrs/outfits, even mount skins like that mordrem hound and exo suit/ shiverpeaks sets.


    There is only three parts of the content that are underused to me:


    -Racial guild hall decorations. Most of them are currently human. I would like to be finally able to use asura, charr, sylvari and norns assets too, after 8 years, it is an overdue that should have been there since HoT.


    -More diversity of npcs appearances, and more cultural armor availables. Really, arcane councillors wear peasant clothes that even a lvl 30 player would wear when leveling. Check the wedding outfit for asura male, definitely more ministry/high ranked. There is currently 3 cultural armor tiers but 6 can be made. Also I laugh hard when looking at asura cultural weaponsmith tier 2 that is selling sylvari weapons, a joke!!


    -Housing. (Before somewhat jump in "nobody cares, will not generate money) does raid generate income? NO . Does fractals makes money for them? NO . Maybe dungeons? NO. Living world? NO apart if you missed release. WvW? NO . PVP ? NO. So yes, they can add housing, minority or not. One of their best income is the gemstore, with its rng boxes and stuffs sold. Housing would allow players to have a home, they can decorate according to any of races, using their racials assets and gizmos and furnitures. House plot would cost gem, 3 maximums, maybe sky/surface/underground. Also, they could host nodes like homes but also npcs like unlocking them in eotn and gates to different types of content purchasable for gems. Those could be coded as lounges passes, that would have scribing station and placable decos. Not everyone wants to be in a guild to use decos.




    Tldr regarding subject:


    1-I'm okay with a racial F5 for engineer. Through, what I would like before is them remaking turrets correctly, re enabling to toggle oursekves overcharges, making traits like disabling, piercing or burning ammos also affects the one shot by turrets, and some buffs for them.


    2-There is a basic clothing outfit already available for each race. Also there is the wedding outfit that changes appearance based on your sex and race.

    I think they can create "story choice outfit" that checks what story and race you took and change appearance based on that, so to make statics/synergetics/dawn/shaman/whatever.


    There is already some on gemstore like dynamics/ inquest exo suit, queensdale academy, attire outfit... and gonna disagree here: for common clothes I prefer it to be armor pieces like the recently made ceremonial bear and raven armors. So dunno, for asura.... lab genius armor.


    I dunno if they have that much arts about armors, see wiki / concept art.


    3-I kept asking about asura having asura turrets, sylvaris having plants ones, norn with barrel ones... nothing happened, nothing changed. Still have little hope.




    4-Inquest throne, legion stool, verdant chair, lounge chair, Sab chair.. we have chairs, but to me they aren't anything without table or RP. In bjora you can purchase a firecamp for karma, nice little thing.

    I like chairs, but don't really get the purpose.


    5-For racial skills... i have another option, since they are weak, useless and pitiful, why not removing them and placing another profession based skill instead? Would bring more skills for the different professions and choice, as example, laser turret? Shock turret? And then, making another thing completely different:


    You have a F6 button, transforming your skill bar into only racial skills that cannot hurt foes, but can hurt others players if they agree in return, aka like costume brawl. You can use those skills for RP or brawl and no issues of balances regarding between professions/foes. If even, that is a balance issue, give different visual but same damage for any skill. They can even sale for gems racial skill bars based on the foes and npcs in this game. We have finishers.. why not that?

  15. ![](https://imgur.com/SWDEIZ0.jpg)


    The Icebrood Saga, at least, the first part, introduced this Norn "cultural" set called -Raven ceremonial armor-.

    In addition of several other nornish skins like -Bear ceremonial armor-, otter enrichement, boreal weapons skins.




    I'm asking, modestly, can you consider adding the following armors as similar 3 weights armors pieces skins (like the two ceremonials one listed before) during an episode/chapter implying largely asura/rata sum/fighting destroyers?




    The first one is common, and already wore by several npcs, the second is a concept art for Gixx from the priory: Its armor looks sick, if turned into an armor, can be pretty cool, easy to distinguish the parts. The third one is a concept art for power/hazmat suit but it is made a way, i'm wondering: Why not shrinking the power suits and turning them into an armor? When looking at those three, aren't they seems to fit as light - medium - heavy armors?


    I created an asura armor using that power suit concept art:




  16. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > The Council isn't set in stone - in fact, it's common enough for members to actually _try_ to get themselves replaced on the council - so if it's been a few years since we last heard about the council, a substitution or two probably isn't surprising. Would be interesting to see just how it happened, but I could easily see the Commander just not caring, especially a non-asura commander.


    Yup, I think this is what disturb me the most, most of my characters are asura, who lived the infinity ball, the transatmospheric device in the council or the flax/rakt/haia tentatives against the council.; and so I would like to know how that new seat or substitution happened. Changing one of your council isn't one of all day thing, if it happens, every asura would receive an holo-letter on their datapad about the new councillor and its role. Especially a commander associated of that race, needing to know to who he/she must speak in case of emergency. Here nothing, he just popped. Also, he say "Don't care of your charrs things, this isn't a battlefield" and then say "Okay alliance with jormag", this new one isn't a light bulb. Since Personnal story, they try to hide the truth to citizens about dragons, and now welcoming a corrupted charr is okay...

    I just need intel and infos how it happened, just like phlunt staying in taimi lab all this time with councillors visiting it without news about them...

  17. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > A new council member is 110% expected. In fact, the only members that should be consistent is Yahk (because Inquest _want_ a seat), Flax (who _wants_ control over asuran government - that's his personal project), and the deans of the three colleges (Phlunt, Ludo, and Zudo). This leaves 3 seats to cycle through regularly: Haia's, Bleent's, and Canni's. Vark could have replaced any one of them - or even Yahk, if the Inquest felt the need to replace him.


    > It is also pretty clear this is an intentionally new NPC and new member of the Arcane Council, as he has zero similarities with any prior councillor - skin tone, skin pattern, hair color, hair pattern, face, eye color and name are _all_ different. Initially, I thought ANet had brought back another dead NPC.


    > And nothing actually says they cannot add a new seat - with new tasks - as new situations, like the rise of an Elder Dragon [right next door](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon's_Stand), arises.


    Just gonna cut the edge of destiny and mispelling parts, as to me only what is IN game matter, don't care of novels or books or stories that are around somewhere.

    I didn't count bleent, because, he isn't in the council room, but doing oozes experiment. What is my concern, is that there is NO dialogues or talk options, regarding the past events in the council, even their guide tour around rata novus isn't even mentionned! And if there is nothing, and can't buy that that easily. If they add a seat in the arcane council level, even in the normal instance, outside the story of IBS and give lore and dialogues about how he arrived here, then I'm fine; but you can't add a new character like this, without context. Regarding bleent, then here ok, I agree, since it didn't shown a lot, he may have been replaced, by the new one if it matters.

    Also, this is a personnal nitpick, but it is strange to put those 3 councillors and not even Flax which is the high councillor or Yahk, but anyway, I disliked the story.

    So yup, it doesn't matter that "changes can happens" but as long they aren't notified, there is no dialogues behind it, putting light on that affair, I'm gonna consider the council to be the same as the one seen in personnal story. That dude didn't even presented itself to the commander nor the other introduced it, I think especially of asura players, who participated in the water machine arc of arcane council, or with rakt and the arcane eye. Some light on its origin and its role will be cool.


    Even you said it, the members that should be consistent are Yahk/Flax/Phlunt/Ludo/Zudo and tell me, how many of them we saw during story? ONE. Haia, may have been eliminated due to her tentative of assassination, but then, they should have put a sentence for the new one like "I'm replacing Haia"... I will consider that Bleent stay, so that mean, 7 seats. The correct number. Even if things evolves, I don't see Anet adding a new seat model. It is maybe established to have 7 seats, but like this too, no proofs, no hints about that.


    About your part of "A new dragon arises" it justify a new seat, just no. Asura are too confident, and even the fact that they would go for alliance with jormag doesn't make a single sense. This is because they are so self confident and thinking only of their race instead of others that they got kicked out of their undergrounds, because their former arcane council said they are enough strong to deal with it, no hints that the story wouldn't repeat itself. This is just another bad story stelling, because they just want a plot of jormag = good.

  18. No. Really, wondered what bottom we can reach, but this is the one. There is already emotes as rewards, instead of being already available since launch. Now, locking makeover behind content completion asking you to do 1000x times boring stuff? If this happens, final nail in coffin, I leave. Paying cash 10€ in my case to have more faces for other races than humans, I m in. But never getting them because of stupid meta, no way.


  19. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > I'm pretty certain you posted this before... Why again?


    Just checked, nah. Not in bugs too. I never spoke about the missing "l". Through, I may have spoke about the character itself in my episode feedback.

    90% of that post is new, and i want an answer from them.

  20. @"Cobalt Flame.8056" @"Fire Attunement.9835". The first chapter introduced that character, which has an ortographic mistake by the way (missing a "l" in councillor); we never heard about that person until now, in addition of not having any talk option from he to know more about him, it is hard to believe it is an actual councillor. Why he is here, a replacement? Already enough members were established on the wiki for each seat so apart one beeing fired I don't see how it is possible. It has the same voice as Councillor Yahk, so I am doubtful too if it is really Vark or Yahk. Saying in short, you can't introduce a new character especially councillor without context.

    Current known one: Haia - Ludo - Zudo - Phlunt - Flax - Yahk - Canni and there are 7 seats in the arcane level, not 8! And yes, professor Canni is a confirmed one.

  21. The only support you gonna get is those new cool decos each return of festivals and #eventually# a guild hall with end of dragons expac (wish for echovald forest guild hall so kurzick) (:p yes yes.... jade quarry if you want too or luxon one)

  22. And what are the proofs that utopia is coming? What it is hinting at currently is Jormag freezing everything, primordius eliminated. And no depths of tyria in sight again. About the eod trailer for me it is clearly aurene speaking to kunaverg. Thought of jormag, but its voice is different than the trailer.

    About the icebrood saga trailer, only the centaur and sinking corpses part is missing. And frankly, I don t see at all how would be the transition between jormag everywhere and centaurs...


    There is only two locations where it's centaurs lands jungle and water near it: North of harathi hinterlands and the delta/ maguuma wastes or shiverpeaks (gw1 wiki). And since it is icebrood saga trailer, I highly doubt of cantha centaur.

    There is no snow in the trailer, it is really a classic canopee/temperate. So more north to me at delta. It can be around maelstrom but again I kinda doubt.


    So would like to go underground in depths of tyria, and gonna be disapointed if we just stay in surface with 2012 destroyers models. I noticed that many destroyers is insect-looking or use some of their features: Chelicera, dart, clamps, mandibles...

    So god, just invent new destroyers already! Search arthropods and insects, copy paste picture, add rocky and lava textures on it, add some unusual organ and here you go! (EG: A caterpillar with a jellyfish head like pouch on it s back and four mantis legs)


    To return to the main subject. I re watched the trailer. And things like humans looking like sparks of light that simply disapear a second later and the sentence of it shouldn't be like this....

    I'm still convinced that the deep sea dragon on lieutenants ability is related to dreams or manipulating knowledges. Let me explain, what if, its corruption isn't killing you but is making you feel high or that you are dreaming, that you are living an alternative endless live? In reality, you look like from outside, a mindless minion like risens; but inside you are feeling normal. Also, compared to fire or ice or rotting spreading in you destroying your organs, a psychotropic gas would be non noticable but still has big impact.


    Kraits and karka were chased. We just know because of a menace in the waters. But, somehow they can't describe it? The crucible of eternity was waiting for one of those minions but somehow it never arrived? The priory can't say it's name? Feel like that thing is doing what it can to stay a mystery. Consider that, what if a giant squid is destroying the earth but, by using its ink smoke it can make forgot everyone about the fact it is here? Citizens wouldn't be a threat to it anymore, and as double bonus they are influenced/corrupted.

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