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Posts posted by hugo.4705

  1. Thank for your insight @"Linken.6345" : I did some tests. The npc is a red flag icon.

    -> It doesn't require to be 5. In private mode, alone, you have acccess to that challenge npc during the whole pre escot phase. So any number of players work in private.

    -> All the game I did in Public mode, nobody ever found that challenge NPC (nor the faction one btw). (every time, bronze rank, 0/3 challenges? we are 5)



    **That screen have been taken in public mode of the gandarran dragon reponse mission. On the view, no npcs with special icons.

    On the minimap, no icons indicating their possible presence. Or making understand to players how to activate the challenges.**


    So my conclusion is that, if it is intentional, it is very disgusting. New players finish the instance to discover they aren't receiving max rewards because, somehow they missed something to activate the challenges, something, that isn't even present in the instance!


    Second exploration: I tried to spot the difference between the private and public mode. Anddddd.... there is no differences!!! So I don't see why the faction and challenges npcs aren't there in public. Also, I noticed a thing I haven't spotted before: The challenge npcs speak about "removing vigil forces, priory forces and whispers forces with a consequence of making foes strongers" and guess what, there aren't any whispers, priory or vigil npcs at all in the instance, during the pre escort tasks or during the escort!


    So I take that as a spit in the faces of players and make it feels like another rushed and unfinished content (Con added in main post). And hope to see that fixed: Having whispers,priory and vigil npcs added, and the faction npc and challenges npc added in al instances if they aren't there.

    Also btw, they should add more morale boosts tiers, the pre-escort tasks fill very fast when we are 5. Like 3 x the required objective sometimes.




    Also, Anet, there isn't another issue that confused my private group the other day, the LFG of the dragon response missions make SQUAD. But the instance, to work properly, is capped to 5 so GROUP whereas a squad can have 10 players. YOU MUST REPROGRAM THE LFG TO MAKE GROUPS FOR YOUR MISSIONS.


    Sadly, more issues than I originally saw.


  2. The title say it all, play a game in private squad instance, now play one in public squad instance. Yes, those npcs having a blue and red flag icons are missing.






    Proof the challenges are intended to be in public squad:




    "**Mission complete! Challenge Rank: Bronze (0/3 challenges)**" !!!



  3. I liked a lot the missions, well apart the HP sponges. Dialogues were nice with interesting bits in general.


    I will just point something I don't hear a lot about: The loading screens arts are so beautiful, and it makes me regret not seeing animated dialogues with the hand drawn paint background like we had in personnal story. I miss them so much.


    The story itself was cool and structured. (Expected more resistance from rata sum, they all got nuked like nothing. It clashes with the amount of npcs in metrica mission. Not enough npcs in story.)


    I can't understand why all our allies are like "jormag good. Primordius bad." after being harassed by frost legion, killing svanirs in bjora... why the free useless smodur and almorra death then? God I m from the vigil. Just want a dagger in ryland throat right now. Is that opinion of our allies or the one from ANET? They hate primordius that much and want to avoid going underground?


    So yup, as very cool overall but some questionnable moments.

  4. So, I was nicely surprised by those. Sure they are strikes, but I prefer those compared to boss only ones. But I don't say they are perfect and some details itches me:


    Firstly the pros:

    -The event chain is interesting. Some tasks to do like an heart quests, a boss to kill at the end.

    BUT please add aditionnal morale boost tiers for each task, they fill very fast and beyond when 5.


    -Abundance of Npcs, allies or foes. It is more realistic than usual. Npcs aren't just generic ones with generic names. (Example, I can save professors, genius, or assistant in metrica)

    Through, can the escorts npcs be made veterrans and be more resistant? They die every two seconds.


    -Use a good chunck of the corresponding map. Respecting their out of story versions.


    -A system of tokens, that can be exchanged with various things in eye of the north (Hope that the volcanic stormcaller weapons and recipes can be obtained that way)


    -Good length when compared with steel warband as example.


    -Nice little "story" behind it and dialogues between the allies.


    -Cool factions support mechanics during escort. Well apart the firemen hazmat suits for asura. Better putting a veteran classic golem per player (like you did with fern hounds with kennelmaster for sylvaris) cause even taimi sais when arriving "I brought golems with me" and nope she hasn't brought any.




    Now the cons:

    Before I start, it is mostly about the mechanics, not really the environments or the look of the instance. It is just detailed.


    It is said, suitable for 1 to 5 players. BUT excuse me, but have you tested it? Nah, it can's be done, solo: It's a pain, see follwoing points:


    -If you are solo, you don't have the time to do all the tasks before escort. Either you multiply by 2 or 3 the timer, or make the pre-escort tasks trigger the escort when they are all finished.

    I simply can't fix 10 golems, save 10 researchers, and kill 25 destroyers solo, in what, 5 mins?


    -The final boss of each mission is a fricking HP SPONGE. I'm just fed up of that, I go solo and it took me 40 mins with my holosmith! For bad rewards! Divide at least the final boss HP bar by 20 if you are alone! The private insctance should really scale to the number of players in, in term of timer, but also in term of foes healths. This is the case for solo, but also in group, the other day did brisban one, we were 5, it took an eternity to kill the destroyer crab queen at the end. Just stop already with the Horrid HP sponge foes!!!

    It just feels quite bland because no unique foe 3D model, nor big signature move. (edit: APPARENTLY HEALTH WAS A BUG, but to me, even after that fix, you still need to divide by 2 the health in public, 10 at least in alone


    -Each time we finish a public mission, splash screen displays: '0/3 challenges, bronze chest" What the kitten frick is that? There is no hint there is any challenge motes or factions npcs in the instances, and most public instance I join have already started and without motes! HAVE YOU SIMPLY FORGOT TO PUT THOSE NPCS IN PUBLIC VERSION?

    1-> Make it so the INSTANCE DOESN'T START IF THERE ISN'T 5 PLAYERS IN THE INSTANCE AND AGREEING TO START (you can use that rectangle where you bring the npc saved)




    They are present in private version.


    -The rewards.... I only got bronze, can't judge the others but only 1-2 faction tribute crystal per mission, and very bad loot of some useless low mats... After spending so much time on the final bosses? It is the sixth time I did a mission (2x each) I'm already fed up. Not rewarding, and fighting foes that are basically just a large Health bar, using foes models from 2012, doing basic attacks from 2012 ( well apart boss who have interesting fighting mechanics, but can be better using bounty ones base on ley lines).


    -Make the volcanic stormcaller weapons less rare as a loot. Tune down the smoke. Make the hue red and not pink like they are currently.


    -The challenge motes themselves (tried in solo private): In addition of having useless water asuran power suits instead of real help, destroyer buffed to the extreme and stupid timer not giving enough time. A big pain to do. https://imgur.com/a/S3AC3T4 The fun of dying again and again. Again, someone tested it or? "SUITABLE FOR 1 PLAYER" recked as dps holosmith. Cannot even complete with challenges, had enough, closed the game. Nice design Anet, really. And welp the boss with ton of life for a solo player... so basically, challenge equal group but group don't have npcs to toggle challenges on, does that make sense to you?


    -About those challenges it say that there are vigil, whispers and priory forces fighting against them to help us, asking us if we want to call them back to strenghten the foes. EXCUSE ME? THERE IS NO ORDERS NPCS IN ANY INSTANCE FIGHTING OR HELPING WITH THE ESCORT. Another thing forgotten?


    -BONUS NITPICK. So, it happens in respectively, soren draa, skrittburgh and ascalon settlement. BUT, no veteran classic golems (should I say that they are here to defend against awakened invasions, but they aren't here against primordius invasion? GOD ANET the continuity... if they are all around metrica defending against awakened, why not here....

    We are in a skritt town, skrittburg, with a skritt king, but none of them help us fight them? Putting dead corpses is an easy, bad solution.

    Haha. Somehow, you've put watchknights in brisban, but forgot rata novan golem in soren draa and skritts in brisban, you can't be serious.

    Ultra nitpick: You pass through a nightmare court camp for brisban response mission, but you don't see any nightmare courtier???

    No pirates profiting in gandarran and stealing goods in town while the others are occupied?


    -Who are those unfamiliar allies? Ryland? Crystal bloom? If those it's your biggest 1st april joke. Because they were expected.





    TLDR, it's still good, don't really be afraid of the big cons paragraph. It is really just a major issue of tuning. Make it so it is doable in solo-private instance by increasing start tasks timer, that the final boss isn't a big hp sponge and more interesting. And make the challenge motes existences perfectly indicated and prevent the mission from starting without being full of players and all of them agreeing to start. (No more bonus challenge reward missed), seeing those vigils crusader , whispers agents and priory arcanists. And make that reward/time invested ratio better. Those are the issues decreasing the replayability to 0 and increasing the boredom.

  5. I'm sad that will be the case op. And it isn't too late to change direction, sure chapter 1 is released soon, but I doubt that killling primordius, if planned, wouldn't occur before chapter 3 or 4 imho. I can get behind a minor threat being fastly erradicated, but here it's about an elder dragon. I know I would be disapointed if we go the way of:


    *Shows only primordius head *Use jormag breath or ice crystals or link to immobilize it *jormag kills primordius. *Jormag return to harassing us.


    I would in fact want the opposite, jormag getting a lesson and beaten by Primordius. And then our last hope is the deep sea dragon and we go in cantha to have its help. Primordius eliminated, and it's a cheap way to deny depths of tyria exploration and that will be a very bad move to me. Because it requires an expansion for it easily, or six episodes with maps.


    In any case to me tyria will either become:


    -Floor is lava


    Apart if all the dragons are slaughtered/ magic absorbed by Aurene.

  6. This is an unusual food for thought / thesis / debate post. Those last time I created a new character and redid map completion and events around all tyria, and asked myself, what are the ingredients for a good map, a core map, a living season one, an expansion one, anything. And so I came to a figure, to which I will rely almost all my explanations:




    **Firstly, for me there are 3 big notions that come in mind concerning a map:**

    -> STORY: Showing the big threat lurking at the horizon / Showing everyday life of the locals and their conflicts / Introducing a race and their culture and habitat.

    -> FACTIONS: The races implied in that map, peaceful / evil / neutral. All having a role regarding the story said above.

    -> EVENTS: What the factions are doing regarding that story. But they also increase fun within the map. It has a role in replayability.


    **Secondly, the sides of that triangle have a double meaning:**

    1-QUESTS. It refers to the heart quests on your map but also the task you are asked to do in story steps. In both case, events can happens to progress it and it follows the story of the map.

    2-ENVIRONMENT. The factions shape the surroundings and create interactions, good, neutral or bad based on story. But also the living impression and ambient dialogues.

    3-META. By definition, it involves factions, implied in events. The faction will make mini-metas (event chains) to try to extend their territories or creating interactions.


    **Thirdly, the whole is linked by ACHIEVEMENTS, which have 3 meanings:**

    -> The feeling of self-Accomplishment of finishing something and discovering what is coming after. Or simply finding an easter egg or killing the meta boss.

    -> Being rewarded for doing an event or doing a task with items or AP. With a longer event or task, a greater reward is expected. Have to be an easy task. Or lead to boredom.

    -> The fact of successfuly making the player understanding the story and goal of the map. Leading ultimately to a dragon or important threat or making the map living. Can have an impact on the will to return there later.


    _To put it in perspective, it works for any type of map, example:_

    CORE- Timberlines falls. STORY/FACTIONS: Transition between norn lands and humans (Orr) and asura (Mount maelstrom) ones. Shows their struggles and the ones of the locals (hylek/quaggan) with enemies factions (Dredge/Pirates/Kraits/Risen) It also has a key place in a greater plot involving the first big threat: Zhaithan, and so risen will have a big role. The event will show the different fronts between the peaceful and evil factions: Pact vs Risen, Quaggan vs Kraits... And the main META do involve krait and quaggans.

    HOT- Auric Bassin. STORY/FACTIONS: Important role of the exalted trying to resist to the mordrem assaults and protecting themselves. Key place again toward a bigger plot: Mordremoth.

    And so making a way toward it to end that threat. META: Revolve arround gaining their trust, defending the main city and clearing the areas of mordrem.

    LS- Bjora Marches. STORY/FACTIONS: Norn lands, place of corruption, a servant of Jormag Drakkar is corrupting the surrounding and menacing the locals Kodans. The META so, will be about that threat and the locals: Defend, escort, help, protect them. Hunt, stop and erradicate the threats. And because it is norn lands, involvement of the spirits of the wild.


    Ironically, in those three examples, the ultimate goal is to make cunscious there is a dragon threat lurking in the horizon, in each, the story involves draconic minions.

    But it is important to note that sometimes it's a minor threat or only to introduce the evil groups roaming around tyria. Harathi hinterlands has the story of showing the big conflict between humans and centaurs. Metrica Province is the frictions between asura and the other factions. Gandarran for the humans versus dredges and centaurs but also pirates.

    And cities, they have the role of showing the culture of each race, the colleges for asura, the different districts of the black citadel, the corsairs melting pot of lion's arch...


    **To sum up, a bad map miss either one of the corners or side of the triangle:**


    ->It can be the ENVIRONEMENT/META that are missing; a good example is Kourna: Oh too bad, the awakened sucessfully destroyed the vine wall and you haven't stopped their cannons. So what? Yes, nothing happens. Whereas they should launch an assault on the pact encampment and the village in the north to ruin everything. The interaction isn't here, the environment isn't changed like it should have. Mini-metas (event chains) are missing.


    ->But it can also be due to a bad tuning of a meta, making it too long and feel boring and not rewarding for the time invested: Case of drizzlewood coast. The ACHIEVEMENT category, making the link in the triangle scheme isn't here. When a half is done, you leave, especially, if started from south, have to be very motivated to stay.


    ->Finally it can be the STORY itself that isn't clear, as example, bloodstone fen, I replayed that map at least 10 times with the correponding story episode to understand what it was about. Even today, the map look like a big mayhem to me, and so the aspect QUESTS seems pretty transparent to me too. Apparently, it is just caudecus wanting power. The EVENTS are also confusing and happening all around and hard to follow, but that is again, just my opinion.



    To conclude, what make a good map to me? A very pure design, not overcharged with several layers, unclear paths or dispersed events witout links.

    A thing I regret, and especially in map having two main factions fighting each others, but also one with small groups all around is the lack of interactions.

    It was a thing very present in core maps, missing in recent ones. Take metrica province: Skritt go harass Parnna to steal its asura gate pieces. The inquest of the outer complex launch a mobile bomb golem and steal golems from luminates plant. Labs are assaulted by the hyleks.... The back and forth came back with drizzlewood regarding that and it's okay. But take sandswept: Never, never, the olmakhans launch themselves on the complex to lead an assault. We do everything by ourselves. The opposite can be said, no launch of evil golems on them outside of the episode story... a thing very missing is also the environment: it doesn't suffice to put a race or another and give them some associated assets. But it also requires logical assets: Stools, Houses, Beds. More interractive talk option, ambient dialogues... And finally a short meta, 20-30 mins max with good rewards.


    **Sum up of the sum up; maps need:**

    -More interactions between the peaceful and evil factions. Taking in account any case of success/fail for any event.

    -Logical and realistic environment, living npcs means houses, stools, tables and beds. But also more ambient dialogue and dialogue option not related to the big upcoming threat.

    -A short meta, giving good loot, never longer than 30 mins. And requiring easily accessible achievements not asking to do repetitive contents like doing a thing 20 times.

    -Be sure to respect something in the style of that triangle scheme to keep a coherence.

    -Increase their replayability: Each map can be implied in an event occuring one time a week and giving better rewards than usual and titles:


    Very short example:

    Monday=Istan, giant hydra spawning and meteor rain. Weekly world boss.

    Tuesday=Sandswept, cube great prize, race all around the complex against golems.

    Wednesday=Kourna, the huge hide and seek, finding 5 NPCS hiding in the map.

    Thursday=Jahai, factions fight: Some join the branded, some join the awakened. The first faction totally eradicated lose. (Players which haven't registered to the npcs can't be hurt)

    Friday=Thunderhead, Underwater skimmer race under the ice of the south area.


    Each week it changes the living season/exapnsion used. And completing those events have a chance to loot ascended hoard of armor/weapon, infusions, mystic coin (1 per day max).



    That's it, those are my reflexions on that topic. And very few modest suggestions to enhance the future maps.





  7. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" Bah Kuda? They surely already forgot that character.


    > Are you replying to the right person? I can't see any comment form me referring to Kuda or the Asura at all




    I swear I saw a kodan icon, and it was this thread and what is strange is that I don't find it anymore like it was removed or person icon changed. I'm gonna check the differents thread or my eyes bugged. But there was a comments about those.


    Edit: done, sorry Randulf, last evening saw a kodan icon and believed it was you. Have to sleep :p was vancho.

  8. Regarding OP, and I dunno it has been said in comments above; but I noticed something on https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-icebrood-saga-champions/ page.


    "During global faction mobilization events, players can pitch in to train, rally, and build trust with factions both familiar and unlikely. You’ll be rewarded for your efforts, and your allies will begin randomly appearing in Dragon Response Missions to lend their special strengths to the fight."


    -Familiar and unikey factions. Dunno anyone, but an appocalyptic cataclismic earthquake/erruptions are happening, would the bandits, the nightmare court, the sons of svanir, the inquest and the flame legion continue their machinations, laughing at us and using the situation to make even more mischiefs?


    -It says, train, rally and build trust. It either imply a kind of reputation/convincing like deldrimor HQ quest, picking NPCS like jahai bluffs north heart quest or being part of a story mission where our so great "commander" convinces everyone by playing kazoo.


    Would, the nightmare court who got assaulted by the pact in twilight arbor, the inquest from which we nuked two HQ for the story, and sons of svanir that we slaughtered in bjora and drizzlewood and core maps join us? Against, I have a big doubt, but those are the unlikely factions. Maybe even some aetherblade/toxic/molten remnants making a "link" with the aetherblades arts of EoD.


    So like OP said, surely those allies; but also maybe evil organization of tyria, or even the personnal stories factions? Grawl/Hylek/Skritt/Ogres ?

  9. Since the start worshipping Primodius. My second would be Zhaithan. Sorry but the emo instable dragon kralkotorrik, the I have a weak mind jungle dragon which one could be ended by only developping a giant flamethrower to burn the forest, and the "psst psst psst you are my pawn now" jojormag... The deep sea dragon is good third, because the only good point is the mystery but if it's power is to wash minds by summoning bubbles or rainbow fog, may become my second favorite.


    I kinda like that Primordius kicked out of their underground homes everyone and that its name instore fear like lord voldemort. About zhaithan, I think it had a very good build up: Losing your mentor on claw island, killing one of our squad due to a risen mesmer, being ambushed in a ruin, killing tonn... Was nice, because during that period, we got dragon bash to celebrate its death and then the incident to kill a captain with mai trin and launch of aetherblades and elections. Good memories.


    But Primordius first, cause I love volcanic landscapes and erruptions, lava in itself. And I like thinking of sulfurous or volcanic caves having settlements or some underground lakes / phreatic faults and tanks creating some oasis for bioluminescent species and crystal to develop. I even enjoy ashes rain as a weather condition or through photos.

    And I do think returning underground, to discover the remnants of underground race megacities can be very cool, it is easy to beat rata novus, really.

    I will only cite a small extract from "The movement of the World - Asura":


    "The dragon that dwells in the Depths threatens them above all, forcing them to abandon their ancient ways and discover new resources. For now, to keep their place, they must still maintain their neutrality among the powerful races of Tyria, but the Asura fear that sooner or later they will have to take sides—and then their tottering world may crumble back into the dark depths. "

    -> **fear that sooner or later they will have to take sides—and then their tottering world may crumble back into the dark depths.**

    And to me this time as come, their surface existence is threatened by the same dragon who pushed them out of the depths. If the surface is rampaged or if Primordius is beaten, in any case; they can return to the depths recovering what they can.

  10. @"Vancho.8750" " Bah Kuda? They surely already forgot that character. Remember that mini called "High inquisitor maut?" The last hints are from 2013-14 basic dialogue of Rata Sum: "Inquest has a pyramidal hierarchy" and "they are up to something, something big is brewing" both infiltrated whispers agents. And none of those affirmations have been confirmed in 8 years. No high inquisitor met. One of the higher ranked is Vebis in sandswept. Inquisitor, surely superior to overseer. Cuncillor Yahk may be the higher ranked. But well no news, no infos, disapointed that rata primus hasn't shown more revelations. (I don't even speak of infinity coil zone blue)


    But if a coherance would have been to go, after alpha (zhaithan×mordry), beta (zhaithanxmordryxkralkatorrik); with the kinda expected

    Subject delta (zhaithanxmordryxkramkatorrikxjormag).

    Also the technologies? They developped dominator modules to control minions (test bed zeleph), use draconic frequencies to speak with them (communication center sandswept), developping hybrids/abination using several energies (crucible of eternity and rata primus). Without saying kudu put primordius energy into the forgemen of sorrow embrace, and gave a destroyer specimen to the dredges. So technically, the inquest could right now, make an army of dragon minions under their control if they want.


    Anyway, I'm more than worried. Because introducing primordius now, and dealing with it completely in 4 episodes hmm chapters, it's not enough and ofc will be rushed. It's the dude who drove the asura out of their underground megacities, threatened the dwarves and skritts. Can it really be dealt with and eliminated like nothing in 4 releases? /doubt. I can understand the rush to transition into cantha but it doesn't justify to ruins primordius arc into oblivion.

    I've waited for primordius and worshipped its name since 2013 but it will sadly end with just erruptions around. And oh the eternal alchemy know I would hate if this is the case. Ignoring again depths of tyria? No. Not again. It requires at least underground volcanic caves map under tarnished coast, north of rata sum... in shiverpeaks...


    Instead of capture and hold events, I would enjoy another thing: A phase where you prepare yourself like jahai northeast quest, by going around the map and recruit any kind of npc for a squad of 5 to help you fight a veterran/champ that have a chance to spawn at your location after time of preparation has ended. And maybe escorts, but not npcs but siege weapons like newly developped anything, if gathered, a legendary pop kinda in the idea of chak gerent but with a giant destroyer wyvern. With random events like extinguish fire here, heal there...

    Just my opinion.

  11. Completely agree, I miss so much AFC :'( really, the devs speaking of their maps and events, the scrapped interesting first versions of thoses... :s It feels so empty now. I'm happy we have more road maps. But well, not the same. Even the questions and answers... Q&A only happens through gaming websites... Someone remember the magazine they made with taimi and the little side stories website giving infos about rytlock, caithe or canach? Yeah, that what I said, forgotten.

  12. Also there is a thing that bother me A LOT: Rata novus has been explored in HoT, one of the island commander against the mouth of mordremoth was a rata novan golem and were major allies having a line with their names. Draconis Mons have them to secure vaults, but no point for them staying here: even several of them have been kidnapped and brought to invariant enclave in sandswept after the inquest stole any artifact or data from zinn vault.

    But the most important thing, the research lab of rata novus was referencing researchs about destroyers, even having samples in vials. That research lab have been visited by ALL the councilors of rata sum even Phlunt. But SOMEHOW no news since. I mean nobody bringing back to rata sum datas and those lost technologies? Why no rata novan golems walking around rata sum? No fluorite data crystals brought back? THIS IS A BIG STORY PLOT HOLE, obvious especially now, after you decided to bring back Primordius. When I see those "veterran classic golems" in eye of the north but not in rata sum: EXPLAIN, cause mechanist ninn with them and he was in rata sum.

    Councillors know about the data and bringing golems in rata sum for examination? After all this time, no way they haven't discovered taimi lab (big dragon face drawn on the door) nor that the monitors of the main room speaking of destroyers (they are even showing a destroyer scheme with their texture). Even the worst skritt would figure by looking at the ceilling that there is another room in the back of the main one. Last record i think is PoF where you hear phlunt if you try to call in the lab. And more recently, you can see the rata novans golems helping during awakened invasions: Do they spawn from nowhere? Really?


    PS / EDIT: In the second part, there is a shot in Arcan council with Taimi - Gorrik - Phlunt - Zudo.

    And it tickle me, Yahk, surely know that Gorrik is a defector for the Inquest, they have recording. And so I kinda expect a clash between councillor Yahk and Gorrik, or even a death sentence mence or punishments. Seeing that in personnal story, they menaced the commander (the snaff savant) of blowing up the whole lab to recover an artifact...

  13. I would say yes, because everytime I participated on gemstore suggestion thread I somehow got my suggestions added: Inquest exo suit - shrine guardian - exo-suit roller beetle - arcane marksman rifle - synergetics roller beetle - inquest mark II weapons. When I asked for an evil base map we got sandswept. When I asked for auris we saw it in blood keep in grothmar. I ask regularly for certain decorations, and got them: mad labyrinths walls, clocktower gear, candy platform...


    I'm still playing, because of the story, discovering new maps but also finishing my mount skins sets: I'm waiting for exo suit skyscale and exo suit warclaw. I have currently 900 gems, cause I'm waiting to buy a mount adoption select licence containing that skyscale.


    Do I feel I am part of the targetted audience? Obviously, because the most listened are pve players apparently. I still enjoy my stay, and got my 8th birthday 10 days ago. But I really hope that the 9 or 10 birthday is a special ascended cultural set or a legendary. Really, come on. 10 years... 10. Really, a tier 4 cultural set for lvl 80 players...


    Through I'm heavily disapointed by the latest outfits on the gemstore: Either it's a skimpy ninja suit, a latex suit, eye burning shing crystal outfit or aura nightmare. Dunno how many time has passed without buying one: I'm only interested by hightech/ simple/ futuristic/ mecha/ asura outfits. That's why I hame dynamics, inquest, mist stranger, queensdale academy, hexed ones and no others.


    I would really enjoy seing more gw2 outfits helmet re released as individual helmet, like the head scouter of inquest exo suit.

  14. Well mai trin escaped but we killed her and horrik in the aetherblade story dungeon. (yeah was a story before a fractal), the commander was with the inspector ellen kiel when it happened.


    Aetherblade Retreat is a story dungeon introduced in the Sky Pirates of Tyria release. It was available from June 25 to July 9, 2013.

    "Once Mai is defeated, Horrik becomes Frenzied and now you must finish him.

    Destroy the escaping Aethership:

    Once Horrik is down, he drops a Cannon Core. If the battle was won in less than 15 minutes, players have a chance to destroy the escaping Aethership. Use the new red platforms to move over to the waiting airship and use the core on the cannon up front to destroy the airship."

  15. It is written on the roadmap. BUT please don't forget to keep updating the super adventure box. Really, would really enjoy at least a zone or two this year, even if the world isn't complete. Also think to bring back keto's lab and the genie story arc, it hadn't been available since 2014.

  16. Yes it is clearly the aetherblade flag. But hey, wouldn't be that surprising: Sure, mai trin and horrik are killed, but what are the chances all the other aetherblades heard about it? Whereas some of them returned to their instincts and even forgetting where they got their airships like the corsairs of Istan in the north, some other may have continued to take care of their high tech gear and roaming around with asura shooting lasers. If some successfully escaped to istan, why not cantha, or even the northern maguuma wastes, now that balthazar is gone and joko too, they can even fly to the crystal desert. I don't remember how many airships where there during the assault of LA during LS1 but they were a lot, several stationnary over LA and many in the map around launching invasions, I remember fighting them in kessex hills or gandarran. And we destroyed what, 2 in twilight arbor and Mai trin one? Not a lot compared to the fleet. Plus all that fled through the mists and can be technically everywhere.


    And you have Auris Weirdbringer, the charr of not really known origin apart that it was present in blood keep in charr homelands. And still no trace of Rift stabilizer class III, IV and V. Where he got its aetherblade armor, and why there is a thing with the number 97.


    About the bell, clearly MMXXI, 2021 in roman numbers. Year of release confirmed? Maybe spring...


    About the others things, you have "DUTY" written on the stone arch just before dragon body joining two walls section.

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