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Posts posted by lynspottery.6529

  1. > @"Aenaos.8160" said:

    > Boss fights.

    > Although you can turn LW fights in a CC and DPS race,like high end Fractals and Raids,I'd rather if you didn't

    > and instead went for a more casual approach that would allow for lesser and not optimised builds to perform adequately.

    > Right now this is not the case.If you enter these fights with the wrong set up you will end up at best with a

    > time to kill geometrically increased,or at worst unable to complete them.

    > I understand the argument that these fights have to also appeal to the top few % of players using optimal builds,but imo this

    > has as much validity as the argument that a Raid has to be tuned towards the majority of casual players.



    I agree with this assessment. Especially since I would like to do these with all my different alts which normally do not do well in these fights because their professions/builds are not the best and seemed to have been kicked to the curb in favor of those special "few" that can actually successfully accomplish them. Right now I have only 2 professions/builds that can compete...the rest...are collecting dust.


  2. > @"Jink Bonestealer.9274" said:

    > My gripe: Attempts to complete collections are blocked by constant ambushes instead of bounties. It was neat the first time, not so much when the player never gets the bounty they need.


    Yea, exactly. Ambushes once in a while for bounties I can understand but not all the time. As I said in another posting about this issue, our guild did a bounty series for a event....on one of them, all we got was ambushes, not the bounty. I was fortunate a day or so later to happen upon the actual bounty in progress, so I jumped in so I could accomplish it since I needed it for one of my collection.


    Anet, you really need to tone down those ambushes on bounties.

  3. > @"UncrushablePigeon.8760" said:

    > Bounty 1-4: Magneton Manipulator, 4x ambush.

    > Bounty 5: Oakenscorn, ambush

    > Bounty 6: Exterminator IG-04, ok

    > Bounty 7: Magneton Manipulator, ambush


    > This is the opposite of fun.


    Agreed. Too many of the bounties our guild tried to complete last weekend fell into the category of ambushes, to the point we did not accomplish many. However, one bounty in particular was a wash (Champion Awakened Scavenger) because every single attempt at it was a bounty. Finally gave up on it leaving a lot of us unhappy with this mess. You need to dial back on the ambushes.

  4. > @"videll.9531" said:

    > Is it really that hard to push three keys on the keyboard? All you have to press is "T", "Y", then "Enter".


    Difficult if you are in a reviving stance with a mob trying to take you down again. I normally do the ty as normal while I am in the dead state so that as soon as I type it the player sees it. But when you are in a mob of folks or a zerg where you really need to get out of there quickly, you sometimes don't have that option because you are still pressing recovery skills to help get your heath back. If I slack on that even a little, I end up dead as a door-nail and I just port.


    However, this has happened more often than I like because in the process of trying to help the player helping you, and you take your time to type out the ty, more often than not that player gets downed by the same mob pounding on you.

  5. > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > I really don't mind having repeatable hearts and if a player wishes to replay them (for an award) but please do not tie access to the vendor to replaying a heart. Please end that.



    Definitely a good point. I sometimes am looking for a particular heart vendor but with the repeatable hearts, it makes it harder to just pop in to purchase what I want so I can move on to what I really want to do. I definitely am not in the mood to repeat the heart just to access the vendor....this is annoying.


    However, I do sometimes repeat some hearts because I enjoyed it.

  6. > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > @"lynspottery.6529" said:

    > > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > So instead of hitting the five keys for “/s ty” you want to be able to do it in one?

    > > >

    > > > That would increase his/her efficiency by 400%!

    > > > If a person lying on the ground, tossing scrap/stones/chickens at foes does have efficiency, that is.

    > > > Surely, that's the same person who requested a bound button to hide/unhide your helmet. We had some good laughs on the topic =)

    > > >

    > > > Trying to facetank Caudecus and all his minions at once? /helmetup

    > > > Sadly, it didn't become a meme *sigh*

    > >

    > > "Her" is the proper pronoun, but my son thinks I should wear a grandma tag. Games like these were not around when I was younger....heck the internet wasn't even around nor were cell phones. I'm a young thinking 73 year old female that my son got into gaming. I've had so much fun running my avatars all over the place and keeping my mind sharp...its inevitable that I would face a down/die situation since I tend to jump into things all the time.

    > >

    > > Gaming should be a requirement for senior citizens. :3


    > Oh my GOOOOOD, how I love your attitude! I wish my grandma/mother was that cool <3

    > It's nice to have some experienced and wizened people around for a change among all those young hot-heads.


    heheheh, thanks for the accolades, but I am far from experienced. I just try my best, but with age comes some slowing down of reflexes. Those darned reflexes tend to get me into trouble more often than not. :3


    P.S. I belong to the Old Timers Guild [https://oldtimersguild.com/](https://www.oldtimersguild.com/ "https://oldtimersguild.com/")

  7. > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

    > > @"lynspottery.6529" said:

    > > It took me **_1 hour to complete the last fight...repeat, the last fight in A Kindness Repaid_**.

    > >

    > > Anet, you really need to tone down all the aoe/entire floor covered where their is really no way to dodge after two dodges....I kept getting kicked around by the Golem's attacks ...it took me an hour...do you understand? **_A single hour just on that final boss fight_** in that story segment.

    > >

    > > The mechanics are insane for a story instance >>**this is not a raid** >> but you have put a raid into this story instance and its insane. You say you want the players to enjoy the game...........this was not enjoyable. If I did not need the completion of the story, I would have not done it. I did not enjoy this story instance.


    > ACTUALLY that was ez pz and i never did raids and i'm lvl25 in frac and i'm pure PVPer still the boss was like butter to me, i used PP thief .


    I understand that there are many amazing players out there like you, however, I am not one of them. Just because some folks find them easy, does not mean other folks do. I am one of those other folks.

  8. I did notice that those single handles were necessary to point the cannon to the next platform that you needed....other wise everything else worked as she suggested. Why I would need to push the red button twice when it already says on the tool tip info that it already turns the cannon twice seemed to be off too. Anyway after I completely rebooted, which seemed to fix the connection issue I was obviously having, I managed to get this finished without further problems.

  9. Update: Apparently my game client connection was the issue. After the last failure to get the cannon to work properly (following Dulfy's guide), I completely shut down my pc and rebooted. Logged back into the game only to find my character way across the floor from where I was when I got disconnected. Ran through the cycle again making sure I actually used the levers on each platform to turn the cannon to the next one I needed, ran back to first platform and it worked.


    I never got an error message prior to the disconnect but I suspect some of my connection issues were bogging things down ...sorta like seeing your companions running in place while you continued along before a crash, only to find yourself way back where you started, not where you left off.

  10. Unfortunately, I was using Dulfy's guide. I followed the steps laid out on it exactly, the cannon fails to shoot a portal to the 4th platform period. I finally got it to shoot a portal to the 3rd platform then I got kicked out out of the game because the "game client was unable to connect to the server" error message and a totally black screen.


    This is extremely frustrating. As I said I was following Dulfy's guide....but the steps did not work the way it was written. I've even logged off several time to just reset everything but still its not working. But to add insult to injury, I get kicked from the game.

  11. I have been at this now for 1 hour and it should not take this long. I can get 2 doors activated, but the setup bugs out when I attempt the 3rd door controls....can't get past this to the 4th which would allow me into the lab. The cannon does not shoot a portal to either platform 2 or three, no matter what combination I have tried....keeps bouncing between one and 2 only.


    Then you have all these other folks coming here and disrupting what I have set, which I think is what is bugging it out. I've submitted an in-game bug report for this, but I cannot proceed to get into the lab because I cannot activate the last two door controls.


    Someone needs to fix this. Also if you check out the red portal you are supposed to use, it is too high up to reach even jumping. Then on one of my tries, I ended up with a red portal stuck on top of the blue portal I needed.


    You all need to fix this mess. I am disappointed in how big a mess this is. All I want to do is access the lab....I'm not after the achievement.

  12. It took me **_1 hour to complete the last fight...repeat, the last fight in A Kindness Repaid_**.


    Anet, you really need to tone down all the aoe/entire floor covered where there is really no way to dodge after two dodges....I kept getting kicked around by the Golem's attacks ...it took me an hour...do you understand? **_A single hour just on that final boss fight_** in that story segment.


    The mechanics are insane for a story instance >>**this is not a raid** >> but you have put a raid into this story instance and its insane. You say you want the players to enjoy the game...........this was not enjoyable. If I did not need the completion of the story, I would have not done it. I did not enjoy this story instance.

  13. > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > So instead of hitting the five keys for “/s ty” you want to be able to do it in one?


    > That would increase his/her efficiency by 400%!

    > If a person lying on the ground, tossing scrap/stones/chickens at foes does have efficiency, that is.

    > Surely, that's the same person who requested a bound button to hide/unhide your helmet. We had some good laughs on the topic =)


    > Trying to facetank Caudecus and all his minions at once? /helmetup

    > Sadly, it didn't become a meme *sigh*


    "Her" is the proper pronoun, but my son thinks I should wear a grandma tag. Games like these were not around when I was younger....heck the internet wasn't even around nor were cell phones. I'm a young thinking 73 year old female that my son got into gaming. I've had so much fun running my avatars all over the place and keeping my mind sharp...its inevitable that I would face a down/die situation since I tend to jump into things all the time.


    Gaming should be a requirement for senior citizens. :3

  14. > @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

    > You must die a lot. Stop dying.


    lol.............thanks for giving me a good laugh. Yea...I die, but mostly in the middle of a bounty fight (you know those that spawn tornadoes?) and sometimes a lot during wvw runs (I'm not good at pvp). But I have fun with this game combat system. Its just a nice feature to be able to say "thanks" for your help whenever I can. :3

  15. I've been curious if there is a way to incorporate the "/say ty" into a single button press on a hotkey. So many times I am in combat and get downed, another player comes by and rezes me but by the time I've managed to type it out using the normal "hit enter, type /say hit enter then type out ty to convey my thanks for the help, that player has already run off or zoned out, therefore, missing my appreciation for their action.


    Is there some way to set this simple "ty" on a single key press (macro-type message) so that I can just hit a specific hot key on my keyboard to do this action? I noticed that this emote is actually included in the wiki [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emote](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emote "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emote") so thought to ask here to see if it could be done....or even if it would be permitted.

  16. >>I have a bone to pick with Anet about the new bounties....in the new area. Why on earth do almost all the bounties turn into ambushes? Today our guild did a bounty run through the new zone. We ended up having to repeat many of the bounties because....well, they turned into Ambushes which do not give you credit for the bounties. Its really ridiculous how these have been implemented.



    Ok, we just tried to redo the Champion Awakened Scavenger for the umpteenth time today, and every single time we got an ambush. As I said before, we were doing bounties for a guild run earlier today and ended up with 3 out of 5 bounties as ambushes. One of those was this Champ Awakened Scavenger which spawned an ambush every. single. time.


    Same for tonight. We tried it twice and both times it was an ambush. This is ridiculous. .........Anet, you need to fix this.

  17. Ok, we just tried to redo the Champion Awakened Scavenger for the umpteenth time today, and every single time we got an ambush. As I said before, we were doing bounties for a guild run earlier today and ended up with 3 out of 5 bounties as ambushes. One of those was this Champ Awakened Scavenger which spawned an ambush every. single. time.


    Same for tonight. We tried it twice and both times it was an ambush. This is ridiculous. .........Anet, you need to fix this.

  18. > @"Marxx.5021" said:

    > Final boss fight makes makes GW2 mechanics meaningless. You don't need to dodge fields and you don't need to heal or avoid any attack. Just kill adds to get a special attack on main target. Better balance such a fight properly - don't spam endless fields and don't revive so that it makes sense to avoid attacks to win.


    Oh lordy, I am not looking forward to that. I do wish Anet would make those fights more balanced and actually soloable. I really do not like the constant downing and inability to avoid a good deal of aoe radicals. That just stinks.

  19. Ok, I have a bone to pick with Anet about the new bounties....in the new area. Why on earth do almost all the bounties turn into ambushes? Today our guild did a bounty run through the new zone. We ended up having to repeat many of the bounties because....well, they turned into Ambushes which do not give you credit for the bounties. Its really ridiculous how these have been implemented.


    Please fix this disparity. None of us mind having an ambush or two every once in a while, but 3 out of 5? This is a bit excessive. PLEASE FIX.

  20. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @"lynspottery.6529" said:

    > > I just ran through the new map harvesting everything in sight. Especially wood and that new crystal. But was a bit put off that not every single crystal node gave you at least one pc of crystal if not 2 or 3. Instead I ended up with several pcs of magic and other things, but no crystal pcs. At least with the metal nodes you know you will receive at least one or two pcs of metal (i.e. copper=copper pc, mythril=mythril pc. etc.) but not the new crystal nodes. Very disappointed in that as I like to use my gathering buffs but those did not provide the same return in this new map as it does in the other maps.


    > It was the same way with the previous season, the only new node with guaranteed results was the winterberry (maybe the oyster too, I have not done enough harvesting there to tell). It is why the home instance nodes are so valuable in the two seasons, most of them give you 3 of that ep's material and some magic. It is why people routinely have 50 gold and 11,000 magic at the start of an ep: so they can buy the pass and the node right away then mine the node before the day ends in a few hours.


    > If the 50G each is too steep for you just hang out near the various home instances before reset and party up with someone who has a full instance (look on lfg). Mining the home nodes is highly worth it, compare 3 bloodstone rubies in a few seconds with how long it takes you to get 3 in bloodstone fen.


    I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase the portal scroll, but not the node. Currently, I only have about 35 gold total in my bank. But I did find out (after the fact) that each heart vendor sells a stack of 5 of those Difluorite Crystals that I ran around harvesting. But the gizmo I wanted cost 75 of those crystals. That gizmo is called Prototype Position Rewinder.... [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder") and that is what I was after. I managed to obtain just enough crystals to purchase it before I logged off last night....so I'm happy about that.


    My next project is to obtain enough to get the node. It will take me a while to obtain, as I currently only have 3,976 magic and a measly 35 gold.

  21. I just ran through the new map harvesting everything in sight. Especially wood and that new crystal. But was a bit put off that not every single crystal node gave you at least one pc of crystal if not 2 or 3. Instead I ended up with several pcs of magic and other things, but no crystal pcs. At least with the metal nodes you know you will receive at least one or two pcs of metal (i.e. copper=copper pc, mythril=mythril pc. etc.) but not the new crystal nodes. Very disappointed in that as I like to use my gathering buffs but those did not provide the same return in this new map as it does in the other maps.

  22. > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > Everybody seems to be happy, I am sorry, I am not. I found the story line (the part I did up to now) long and fastidious. In the dark most of the time, with mazes, and timed actions, that are 3 things I do not like generally in the game and don't manage well. Unfortunately, these 3 things did prevent me from enjoying the rest. And then I got stuck at the fight against the giant golem. I have not been able to manage it. At the top of it, it was impossible to leave it!? I had no other way than to log out... So, that's where I am stuck. And since the new area seems to be allowed first after finishing story line, I have still not seen it yet.


    > So, all in all, sorry, I cannot say much positive: Experience has been rather bad at what I did - at least for now - and at the top of it, I have no access to new area. That does not let much room for any positive feelings as of today. Now of course, that's my very personal opinion only. I am very jealous of those who achieved to pass the giant golem. :3


    I am really dreading the story after reading all the negative comments. I had a guild mate tell me yesterday that the story is better done solo....I do not fare well doing the story instances solo. But to see others comment on it, such as this one, I'm not looking forward to the story at all now. Also I am not a fan of puzzles being the "must do" in order to progress a story instance. (I admit I checked on some of the early videos for the beginning story and was appalled at the puzzle situation)

  23. Yea that sounds like what needs to be done. I was surprised to find the information on the wiki...so I just went to one of the vendors listed there and found the recipe for purchase with karma. I've bugged it in game but don't know if anything will be done about it. The recipes on the Trading post are only 49 copper each that I could see so pretty cheap.


    But this particular recipe provides similar stats as the rare veggie pizza does and is much cheaper to make or purchase if one doesn't have the recipe.

  24. How interesting: I found out yesterday that said recipe I was attempting to purchase from the BLTC is actually a recipe you purchase from Karma vendors across Tyria and the recipe is actually account bound. Which means it cannot be sold.


    So my next question is: Why is it showing up on the BLTC? Isn't there a block in place to prevent posting account bound items for sale there?


    FYI for those who are interested, here is the link to wiki page regarding this item. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recipe:_Red_Lentil_Saobosa


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