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Posts posted by lynspottery.6529

  1. > @Branwen.8741 said:

    > I came to GW2 from a P2W game over four years ago, where I played with people who poured thousands of dollars into their characters just to PVP. To put it into perspective, one person in a group I played with spent upwards of 20k. The gears and upgrades this kind of money was spent on were needed to stay on top and be one of the best. One simply could not compete with the almighty dollar even with great playing skills. I wasn't going to spend that kind of money to play a game and have been so very thankful that GW2 provides a way for me to farm, craft, and sell whatever I need to make purchases I want, as well as a way to buy gems and treat myself sometimes.


    > I will support ANET when I can and purchase the little things here and there that I want, because at the end of the day, I want there to be a game with expansions and new content to play around with that do not require me to go get a second job to fund my addiction. At least these higher priced flashy skins are not necessary to have a good experience within the game.


    > Many thanks and love to ANET!



    I agree with your sentiments exactly. I've never been a fan of the p2w philosophy and I much prefer the way GW2 is setup because I will purchase things I want. I like the fact that I don't have to have anything to play the game. I have worked in-game to earn my legendary weapon Kudzu, and it was not a quick or easy journey, however, it was extremely satisfying once completed.


    If I want something gear- or weapon-wise, I can simply farm for mats and craft what I need since I have the crafting maxed out for what my characters might need. I see no problem with Anet posting items in their gem store, because not everyone wants the same thing. Besides, we can exchange in-game gold for gems anytime and still succeed where we choose.

  2. > @Umut.5471 said:

    > I don't have any health problem related to epilepsy or a similar disease. But it wasn't an enjoyable situation to watch all those flashing lights. Sometimes it was even hard to notice the damage circles on the ground. I really thought what would happen to those people with epilepsy.



    ^^this. I have sensitivity to light issues and normally I have my graphics turned down so as not to have problems, but even with my current settings, that LS4 intro instance gave me nausea. I am not looking forward to completing the rest of this story but because I like GW2 I shall........on ONE character only. Forget my alts doing those stories.


    It never ceases to amaze me how this type of game design continues, even when folks ask for an option to tone it down for themselves. Asking for a slider or a click box to opt out of those over-the-top graphic effects, would not hurt anyone if made available for those who want it. After all, most games already have color blind options so why not add this into that category as well?


    So Anet, how about it? Folks are not asking for a complete stop to these effects that your designers seem to love so much, just a way to tone them down for themselves, without affecting anyone else who does want those effects active.

  3. > @enumae.2980 said:

    > Really like the new map and the amount of activity on it. Seems to always have an event running.


    > I did find one thing I thought was silly when looking over the Volatile Magic Exchange - Season 4 Portal Tome... really, you couldn't just make a change to **_Living World Portal Tome_** and then have the ability to add the Istan portal scroll to it. Seems silly.


    I noted that it takes 1,000 volatile magics to purchase the portal tome for Istan. I got the portal tome for Amnoon just for completing the entry story to the place without purchase, so I don't understand why we have to purchase this one. I understand the gem store purchases for the temporary portals but why this?


    And I agree that the portal tome we received for Season 4 should offer the location in Istan once you discover it. Doesn't make any sense.

  4. Finally finished this late last night. Since I waited until the last patch downloaded, it appears whatever bugs I experienced were fixed. I was able to target and take out all the crystals in order to complete this instance. Was much smoother this time around and I only had a few hiccups when one of the crystals seemed to be immune to my ranged attacks, so I just ran into melee range and used my axe/torch weapons which worked fine.

  5. Yea...Rytlock and Canash do not seem to help at all. They start out helping but halfway through the first fighting, they just stopped and stood around. Rytlock actually followed me around but never engaged in any fighting...the only thing he did was rez me when I got downed a couple of times.


    And yes, those crystals are really hard to see, not to mention find. I managed to target one but was never able to damage it...seems like this is bugged for me too. Can't speak to the rest of the fights because I could never damage the crystals in order to take out the lieutenants to progress on.


    Pretty disappointed in this as I was wanting to get through this episode tonight...but it does not look like I shall succeed.

  6. Well, I never made it past the 3 Lt mobs in fight just inside the town gate. Tried to target the crystal pillar, but it would not take damage and its no use targeting the mobs marked with green Xs because they have a reflective barrier around them, which can only be taken out by killing the crystal pillars.


    The mobs are so dense that just as soon as I kill one off 2 or 3 take its place. And to make it even more frustrating, the NPCs that are supposed to help just stand around doing nothing but rezzing you if you go down. Not a lot of help ...it would be nice if the AI for these NPCs actually worked to help instead of ignoring what's happening around them.

  7. > @Bloodstealer.5978 said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > Maybe the Dev video about Mounts, and the Jackal part specifically, would offer some answers. You can find them on Twitch or YouTube.

    > >

    > > Good luck.


    > I think that kinda qualifies what he is saying.. information is often very lacking in GW2.... its a case of "we told you some, now you have to go scour the web for the rest of the info"


    This is exactly the problem. The fact that I had to google the information just to understand what worked and what did not, makes it odd that Anet did not include some information at the get-go for these mounts. The wiki is fine once folks start populating the information, but I think Anet is lazy leaving it to the community to populate a wiki page which really should have accurate data on mechanics for mounts to begin with.

  8. > @Vavume.8065 said:

    > > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > I think a major benefit to all players with Treasure Chests would be to make it so that they ALWAYS spawn within the circle you're in, rather than spawning halfway across the map.


    > I like this idea, as someone that has around 160 treasure hunting kits with no plans to use them as they are currently, but even if they were faster to find the loot is so bad I'm still unsure if I would bother.


    I have to agree with this. I've tried using my TCs but just as I found my first chest, a mob of elites spawned right on top of it and killed me before I had a chance to loot it. I tried it again the next day with no luck in finding the chest at all. However, after my first experience of trying to find the chest within the huge circle, spending about 10 minutes just to find the darned thing, then getting killed once found before looting, has soured me on them. They just aren't worth the effort considering I solo these things most of the time.


    I've had this happen on other nodes as well and its frustrating when you solo that you have to contend with multiple elites in the same mob coming after you just because you want to harvest a tree or mine a metal node.

  9. I purchased the Halloween package and really enjoyed playing around with all the different color combinations which also seems to include particle effects. Then out of the blue earlier this week I got mail from the GW2 Black Lion Trading Company with a Windy Springer attached. I did not purchase this and the way the mail was composed it did not indicate it was a gift from another player.


    So I have no idea why I even received such a gift. But I'm not complaining....I really like this specific springer...its beautiful.

  10. > @Haishao.6851 said:

    > I went to do it with my friend who play a ranger 3 days ago and he just spammed 1 2 5 on recharge on his longbow for the entire fight like he always do and killed it in a little less than 2 minutes

    > I found out the spirit guardian now have a fear on skill 2 which works to interrupt the EoS. It's a condition so the bar isn't broken instantly like with hard CC but it's still works if you're quick enough.






    Sounds different than when I fought him on my ranger. So it did get nerffed.

  11. @TwilightSoul.9048, I actually did swap out my utility skills and did indeed end up with the ones you mention. But the skills the ball of light have are actually quite good. I know because I went back into that instance with a friend of mine to help him and was able to utilize them quite effectively to help with the interrupts. So the ball of light skills are definitely worth having available.


    I did use my Long Bow countering with my axe/torch (which I found more useful than the axe/horn). My pets of choice were the Electric Wyvern and the Rock Gazelle, both of which are worth their weight in a open world fights since they both have really good break bar capabilities. From what I can tell, I did this encounter before any changes were made to it so I am not sure what differences there are between them. I do know that there were no differences in any of my encounters....he just was a pain to go against.


    Something that seemed to be in play was my in-game lag. I have been having a consistent battle with Comcast for about a year now. They still have problems with parts of their network that they can't seem to pin point and fix. The worst offender is usually several hops away from where I live. But its still a problem when you see him start to telegraph his leap and the very next second he is in your face. My friend who helped me said she wondered why I seemed to hesitate several times during this encounter, so I can only surmise it was my lag, because I definitely was careful to maintain my movement without stopping unless I was changing direction, or positioning in such a manner that I would be able to get off my barrage (which I cannot do on the move).

  12. > @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

    > It's very easy soloable but today I witnessed a bounty hunt, one of those where you have to be in a specific area otherwise the Boss will dodge all your attacks, and the majority of players did absolutely zero damage because they just stood there outside of the specified range and blew all their skills into thin air. Now I know why some people have problems with the Eater of Souls instance.

    > And I'm pretty sure no guide in the entire solar system could ever help them... (Considering Shiny Circles and Arrows on the Ground and a Buff that specificly points out the mechanic is not enough for some people...)


    I don't have a problem with mechanics on the open world bounty fights. They are clear and usually telegraphed pretty well.


    As for the Eater of Souls instance, I ended up kiting him around obstacles while throwing traps down (which really did not affect him very much), swapping my pets to tanky pets in order to get his attention (which he totally ignored). Having skills available to use are one thing, but having those same skills ignored completely makes the skills useless. Even though he telegraphed his movement it was like just as soon as the telegraph started, he was in my face or pulling me toward him (in both cases I just ran away with him hot on my heels).


    It appeared that the skills from the second player who was a glowing ball of light, worked much better than any of those I had which was frustrating.

  13. Finally got this completed, but I had to take a guild mate in with me. Even so it was difficult and, had it not been for the help from my friend, I may not have been able to complete it. I just don't understand why story instances seem to be geared toward a group effort instead of solo. Granted there are some build/professions out there that can solo these things just fine, but that does not help those of us on other builds/professions that have issues.


    If these story instances are supposed to be geared toward a group, for goodness sake at least state that in the credits so we can plan accordingly. The least Anet can do is balance the difficulty in these story instances toward the entire series of professions. Which means balancing the professions properly. I have several alts that I know can cake walk through these, however, I also have alts that I refuse to even try because I know they won't be successful. The balance is awful...even in the open pve world.


    I like playing my ranger more than any other character I have. I enjoy the challenge of using the appropriate pet setup and strategy to allow for a more fluid movement style I prefer. Therefore, I do not play many of my other characters just because they can accomplish something, but because I do not like the play style they have. I want to enjoy the play style and engagement of the character I play, not regard it as a chore.

  14. > @Phil.7369 said:

    > And please add either a Night-Mode or change the WHITE forum background to something DARK. Take example from Blizzard and WOW where they always have this brown-dark green background. I and tons of other posters can not for the love of me concentrate with this white blinding background.

    > Come on Arenanet these are standard things...



    I second this suggestion for forum background to go dark. I have light sensitivity and I end up with a headache just trying to browse the forums for a few moments. I have personal settings on my email and browser background colors but can't seem to get it to work with your forums. Please adjust the background or offer a choice for folks to choose.



  15. Interesting thread. My thought on the mount adoption licenses are similar to how I feel about the Black Lion Chests. I never purchase "chances" for anything. It always seems to be a "pig-in-a-poke" concept as far as I am concerned. I will not gamble on a chance for anything no matter the enticement. Sorry Anet, but I refuse to step up to that bar even if the ceiling was on fire.


    I liked the Halloween skin set so I purchased that because I knew exactly what I was buying. But you can forget it when it comes to rng for skins "sight unseen" type of offer. And I can't imagine wanting 30 of those skins either. I am perfectly happy with what I have and if I see anything in the future offering something I want and don't mind spending my gems for, I'll pick it up. But I am one of those folks who actually can say "nope" to these types of rng enticements.

  16. Having trouble accessing the Black Lion Trading post. All I get is an empty box devoid of any information or icons, with a yellow circle in the middle turning like its trying to connect.


    What is going on with this? Earlier in the day I kept getting disconnected from the server with error 7:11:3:191:101, now I can't access the BLT.

  17. I've lost connection to the game server 3 times in the past 1/2 hour at the same location in Brisban Wildlands. I keep getting the very same error message: 7:11:3:191:101 which, according to the wiki is Anet's problem, not mine.... and the wiki lists a bunch of code numbers, mine is among them.


    **The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again.**








  18. I am also still seeing a huge launcher window....even though I unchecked the DPI setting in game which fixed my UI size. Although I can't read anything unless I enlarge the UI size, which still brings the hotbar keys back up to large. Why can't we have text sizing separated from the UI elements for our hotbar keys. We can adjust the size of the map and the chat boxes but not the text?


    Then there is the issue of the launcher being 3/4 the size of my monitory screen. I had set all my pc settings so that I could actually read text at the size I need without making my icons larger (different settings for those). Before the patch my launcher was just fine. But ever since the patch it covers 3/4 of my screen space. What a mess.


    Update: I also went back to see about adjusting my pc settings and when I adjusted for icon sizes, everything on my screen became extremely small at the 100% setting and I could not even read any of the title texts. It did decrease the launcher size by about 1/5 of the current giant size, but in the process I can't read anything else. So I had to go back and reverse the regular settings so I could actually see things normally, but the launcher is back to it gigantic size.


    My question is this: Why can't we readjust the size of the launcher without affecting everything else in sight?

  19. > @"Jon Olson.8439" said:

    > When the app is DPI unaware, such as the 32-bit app, Windows 8+ attempts to be clever by scaling the window, blurring it. You can tell Windows to stop that behavior in the properties of the app. (i.e. right-clicking the exe, Properties)

    > Some more details can be found [here](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2900023/some-desktop-applications-may-appear-blurred-on-high-dpi-displays).


    I am running Win 10 64bit, but your launcher changed with the last patch which messed up our in-game UI because of the addition of the DPI option. How can you have a fix for the in-game UI issue and not the huge launcher size? If you have a fix for that I certainly would appreciate it. The link you provide seems to only apply to lower window operating systems.

  20. > @moonstarmac.4603 said:

    > You can also change the font size through the chat box options. However, 4k is still poorly supported by anything that ties its UI to the resolution. I play at 1440p on my system, with UHD color turned on and the game still looks great. But I guess in the end it depends on how large your display is.


    Unfortunately, small, medium, large don't really help text size very well. I tried them all and needed to set to a "pt" which does not appear to be offered. For instance, in other games, I can set my chat text to 12pt or 14pt or any sizse between .6pt or larger, but GW2 text sizes are not offering that type of setting for fonts. I do wish they would because if you have vision issues, sometimes a point size between small and medium or medium and large, works better.


    Suggestion to the devs: enable text font in point sizes instead of only the generic small, medium, large.

  21. > @Jasmine.8195 said:

    > I've tried all the tricks posted in the dozens of other threads - repair the client, append the client port to the short cut as a parameter, port forwarding for the three ports in FAQ to my now static ip.


    > The only thing that has given me a somewhat stable experience so far is I switch from high appearance to high performance when entering every story instance. I have a pretty high end PC that has no problems running this game on high appearance, but for whatever reason letting it run on high performance seems to let the instance stories play out without disconnecting me .... at least for the last 10 or so stories I've gone through so far.





    I discovered setting my pc to "performance" over "appearance" fixes a lot of things with GW2, as well as other games too. It also seems to help with running movies as well. So I always set my graphics for performance over appearances. Been doing this for the past two years with great success once I figured out it worked.

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